Newly Exposed (25 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn

BOOK: Newly Exposed
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“I need to shower,” she said breathlessly, as she stared into my eyes.

My finger continued to gently stroke the underside of her breast while I said, “I need to work out.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s right, I’m dating a fitness model now.”

“Yeah, one who needs to burn off the calories he just consumed by eating that muffin.”

Solo smiled up at me, maneuvered her hand so my jeans fell open, and she grabbed my cock.

“I know a muffin you can eat that won’t affect your calorie intake and where you can actually burn calories while eating.”

A huge smile spread across my face as she stroked me to an impossible length and her little body pressed against mine.

“I think you’re starting something you can’t finish, Solo.”

“Oh, I can finish,” she said with a wicked smile that I couldn’t possibly refuse.

“You asked for it,” I said, as I grabbed her waist and lifted her over my shoulder.

She squealed and then relaxed into my body while I brought her over to the bench that was at the foot of her bed. Her hands slid down my back and under my pants as her fingertips brushed along my skin and with a big grab, she squeezed my ass, making me moan.

“Don’t tell me you’re an ass girl?” I asked, as I set her down on the bench.

She played with my chest and looked up at me as she replied, “The minute you walked out of the changing room in a pair of briefs for the first time, I’m pretty sure I swallowed my tongue, and not because of your package, which is brilliantly yummy, but because of that ass of yours. It’s so perfect.”

My eyebrows shot up from her admission. “You really are an ass girl.”

“I didn’t think I was until you came along, now I can’t get enough of that booty of yours.”

“Is that right?” I set her down, turned and pulled down my pants with my thumb, while posing for her. “You like this old thing?”

She licked her lips and stared at my partially exposed ass. Holy shit! If I didn’t just grow an inch, then call me fucking dead, because the look she was giving me that, “I’m going to eat you right now,” look was so damn hot.

“You’re about to get fucked, you know that, right?” I asked, as I turned around.

“I thought you wouldn’t fuck me.”

“With the eye fucking you just gave me, you can bet your tiny, little ass that I will be fucking you. Straddle the bench and leave your ass hanging off the end.”

Her eyes widened from my demand, but she dutifully listened. I grabbed two scarves that were hanging off her wall and tied both her hands and her feet together so she was hugging the bench. I wanted to play with those sweet pink nipples of hers again, but I would save that for later. Right now, I needed to plow into her. She was just begging for it.

I went behind her and I could see the excitement bubbling up inside of her as her back moved up and down from her heavy breathing. I leaned over her and whispered in her ear.

“If I didn’t know any better, I would bet that you kind of like things a little kinky.”

“If you so happen to spank my ass, then so be it,” she responded with sass.

Well, fuck me.

“Oh, you’re about to be punished alright.”

“You’re so fucking corny,” she laughed.

“You know, it really boosts my ego when you call me out.”

“Anything to help a guy out.”

I smiled to myself and thought payback was a bitch, so I glided my hand down her back to the top of her ass. My fingers grazed her skin ever so slightly, squashing the easygoing mood we’d developed, and turning the heat up a notch. Her face was turned to the side, so I could read when I was pleasing her, and right now, with her eyes closed and her chest running up and down, I could tell she was turned on.

“Are you wet, Solo?”

“Yes,” she responded breathlessly.

With a little pressure, I ran my finger over the crack of her ass and down to her wet opening. The minute my fingers hit her pussy, not only did she gasp, but so did I from how wet she really was.

“Fuck, Solo. What are you doing to me?” I asked, as my fingers started to work in and out of her. Her pelvis moved with my rhythm, making her moan into the bench. Never did I think the beautiful, yet slightly geeky girl, would have a wild side. She had me by the balls.

My pace quickened and so did hers. I watched, mesmerized as her rhythm took over, and I just held my hand still as she rode my fingers while writhing against the bench. I was hard as a rock, and if I didn’t take care of business soon, I would be ruining my pants in two seconds.

I pulled away, making her cry in disapproval, but I didn’t give her much time to be mad at me, because with one quick movement, I gripped her hips, propped them up and slammed into her.

“Oh, my God!” she screamed.

My thoughts exactly, as I got lost in the warmth that sheathed me. This was exactly where I wanted to be, buried deep in Solo, claiming her as mine. From the moment I saw her, I knew I wanted her. There was no doubt about it, and now that I had her as mine, there was no way in hell I would be letting go.

I pumped feverishly into her like a mad man, not resting until I found release. Solo cried out as I found a steady rhythm, her moans only adding to the need that was raging through my body, which was overtaking all the control I had left.

“I’m going to come,” she cried out, as her pussy grabbed ahold of my cock and started convulsing around me.

“Christ,” I mumbled, as my head flew back and my hips pounded into her until my toes felt like they were floating. My balls tightened, letting me know that my release was upon me. “Ah, Fuck!”

In an instant, I shot every last ounce of passion I had for the woman in my arms until there was nothing left inside of me.

Once my thrusts slowed down and I finally caught my breath, I reached around Solo and untied her. I grabbed ahold of her body and brought her over to the bed, where I could lay next to her and allow her to cuddle into my side, a feeling I had instantly become addicted to.

I rubbed her back up and down and kissed her temple, while she rested her head against my chest. This right here was what I craved, moments where I could soak in every last inch of this woman in my arms. There wasn’t anything I didn’t like about her, even her quirky dads; she was perfection in my eyes.

“Thank you for giving me a chance, Solo. I know it wasn’t easy for you.”

“It was easy falling for you,” she said, as she kissed my chest. “I’m just, cautious, that’s all.”

“Did you get your heart broken?” I asked, wondering why she was so against dating models.

“Yes,” she said without skipping a beat. “By a douche who I would rather not talk about; he’s in the past. I have my standards and boundaries, and then you came along and messed everything up,” she laughed.

“Oh, I’m sorry, should I leave?” I asked, pretending to get up.

“Stop,” she laughed. “Get out of this bed and you’ll get your nipples pinched.”

“Well, damn, if I knew you were into pinching nipples, I would never have gotten in bed.” I tried to get up again, but this time, she swung her leg over me and straddled my body. Her naked self looked down at me and smiled, hot fucking damn was she hot.

“You just love playing games, don’t you?”

“I’m a bit of a drama queen in that aspect; hope that’s alright,” I teased.

“Believe me, I’m used to dealing with a drama queen; you met Daddy Thad.”

I laughed and said with a high-pitched voice, “That man is fabulous.”

Solo quirked an eyebrow at me and then threw her head back and laughed a full guttural laugh. She waved her hand in front of her face and said, “For the love of God, please don’t ever do that again.”

“Are you trying to tell me I can’t pull off gay?”

“No, not at all.”

She ran her hands up my chest and cradled my face as she leaned forward. Her breasts danced across my chest, awakening my cock once again. She kissed my lips and looked into my eyes. At that moment, I knew she was mine for the taking, so I rolled her over and pinned her against the bed.

“I’m done fucking you, muffin; now I’m going to make love to you.”

Her smile lit up the room as she pulled my head down to hers. I couldn’t ask for anything else.

Chapter Twenty


“Yes, Dad. He is a Teeg Model,” I said to Daddy Thad, who just had to call me the next day to follow up on his intrusion.

“Baby girl, you know I love you, but I don’t want you to get your heart hurt again.”

“I know, Dad, and I appreciate your concern. Believe me, I had the same worry, but Adam is different. He’s not like the other guys I’ve met. He’s sweet and we have a lot in common.”

“I could tell he was a sweet guy; I just want you to be cautious.”

“I am,” I assured him. “By the way, when did you stop knocking?”

“We wanted a surprise,” he said, with mirth in his voice.

“Well, you sure as hell got one.”

“Yes, we did. I must say, honey, besides the model thing being a factor, Adam is quite the catch. We were given an eye-full, and we have to say, you’re one lucky girl.”

“Dad, please. Can you not discuss Adam’s penis with me?”

The minute I said Adam’s penis, the owner of said penis walked into the studio with his eyebrow quirked at me and that lonesome dimple sticking out. A sigh escaped me as he walked closer; he was too good to be true.

“I was just congratulating you, honey. He is quite the catch and such a charmer. Your dad and I could not stop talking about that little dimple of his. Does he really like Harrison Ford?”

Adam sat on the edge of my desk, facing me, and taking my hand in his. “Yes, Dad. He really likes Harrison Ford.”

Adam’s face beamed with amusement as he listened in on my conversation. I knew Adam and my dads got along, but by the look of how everything was transpiring, they were going to be best friends in no time, which was concerning. I didn’t need the two most important men in my life ganging up on me with someone who I could see in my near future.

“Thank God. We weren’t sure if he was just saying that. Anyway, he is a lovely boy, just be careful, and if that boy breaks your heart, tell him the gay mafia will be on his ass faster than the Millennium Falcon.”

I laughed and shook my head. “What is the gay mafia? When did that start?”

“Don’t you worry about that, baby girl. Leave the dirty work to your dads.”

“You’re ridiculous,” I said, while Adam ran his thumb over the back of my hand.

“But you love me.”

“I do. I’ll talk to you later, Dad.”

“Love you, baby girl, and tell Adam we said hi.”

Hanging up the phone and setting it on my desk, I took a deep breath and then looked up at Adam, who was looking handsome as ever.

“Hey,” I said shyly.

“Hey, muffin. You look adorable.”

I looked down at my Smurf shirt and jeans and gave him an “are you serious” look. “Nothing new here.”

He pulled me up from my chair and situated me between his legs. His hands fell to my hips and he pressed his forehead against mine.

“You’re always adorable, muffin.”

“You know you’re getting laid tonight; you don’t have to suck up to me.”

Acting shocked and pulling away he said, “How dare you think I live in sin. Not an upstanding man like me.”

“Oh, okay,” I laughed. “This coming from the man who showed me his ‘helicopter’ this morning in the shower,” I said, using air quotes.

Chuckling, he responded, “That’s hard to do. Women think it’s a swivel of the hips and you’re good to go, but it’s not that easy. It’s all about getting the right motion.”

He started moving his hips to demonstrate, but I stopped him and shook my head.

“You’re demonstration this morning was good enough.”

“You sure? I can whip it out right now…”

“Not necessary.” I got up on my tippy toes and pressed a kiss against his mouth. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in closer. I made this gorgeous man sigh, how was that even possible?

I pulled away and smiled up at him. “Hi.”

He smiled back down at me. “Hi, muffin. How much time do we have?”

The front door slammed, letting us know Zia was here, so I reluctantly pulled away and said, “None, apparently.”

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