Night Howls (14 page)

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Authors: Amber Lynn

BOOK: Night Howls
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“But she knows I wouldn't be able to follow through. It is going to get to the point where I have to bring all my issues to you to threaten her with punishment.”

Sometimes I feel sorry for the guy. Phee really could have used a mate that was a little firmer with her, but they make the cutest couple, if two people staring all googly eyed at each other doesn't make you vomit. It took a while, but I have stopped throwing up a little in my mouth every time I see them together.

“Why don't we get started on these scenes? I have an action packed night ahead of me and haven't had enough protein this afternoon.”

My willingness to start gets everyone moving. I am glad to see I can command complete strangers just as efficiently as I do my guards.

It takes two hours, but we make it through all the non-fake sex scenes. My script changes go over well and the most retakes we had for a given scene were five. None of which were my fault.

We are down to the last scene and I am ready to be done with this. The fake sex part is probably going to be the easy part of this because we are supposed to kiss and that is a bit hard to fake, at least for the shots they want to get.

“It will be easy. We will just implant a picture of me in your head and act it out between the two of us,”
Alex says ready to help.

“Okay, we will see how it goes. You better be on your A game, wolf boy.”

“In the bedroom arena, I never bring less.”

We haven’t even done the full deed, yet, and I know that is true. He was gifted with a golden penis. That’s what he claims anyway.

Ready to get it over with, I take my spot and dive right in.

“Detective Hursh, how can I ever thank you for rescuing me?” I say stepping in close to Will working hard to pretend he is Alex. Alex makes it easy on me and replaces Will with himself in my mind. This should make things straightforward.

“I can think of a few things I wouldn’t mind receiving in payment,” Will responds running his hand up my arm. The voice is off, but I am still seeing Alex, so I don’t try to remove the hand from his body.

“I don’t usually pay my debts in the bedroom.” The line is definitely not in the original script. It just had the slutty woman jump on the detective throwing clothes off as they went. Me adding my two cents makes Will have to improvise.

“You have to feel the chemistry between us. Don’t think of it as payment, just something that is meant to happen,” he replies leaning in for an exploratory kiss. His tongue remains in his mouth, which saves it from meeting my teeth. His lips are the smoothest I have ever felt, not that I have felt many, but they make me think of him constantly putting Chap Stick on.

He leans back from the kiss and I make up my next line. “I have heard a lot about your philandering ways; maybe I don’t want to be just another notch in your bed post.”

“You say the word and the bed is yours,” he says wrapping his arms around me to bring me flush with his body. “I think I love you.” I have taken as long as he is going to allow, it seems, and he crushes a kiss to my mouth. I can hear Alex growl softly, but he continues to work to make me feel like it is him locked with me in the intimate embrace.

Will starts pushing me towards the bed in the room, refusing to release our mouths. I feel my thighs hit something solid and that is his cue to start removing clothing. My shirt is ripped from my body. I thought he was supposed to just lift it up and over my head, but he must have decided to try out his own improvisation.

I pretend to want his shirt off too and move my hands to the bottom to start the process. He stops me by slapping them away and his shirt quickly joins mine in tatters on the ground. Throughout the process, he hasn't removed his lips from my body. He has moved them to my neck where a makeup person spent a half an hour trying to cover up Sebastian's mark.

“Alex, a little more help. He is awfully handsy,”
I say when I feel hands trying to get a hold of my breasts. Good luck with that.

“I am going to describe to you what our first time is going to be like as it coordinates with what numb nuts is doing to you. Now that you are shirtless, I cannot wait to get my mouth around your nips. Your breasts are the perfect size to fit fully in my mouth, so I start by sucking the left one in whole.”
I have closed my eyes, but he must still be watching because that is exactly what I feel Will doing at this moment.
“You taste so good, a little minty. I am going to focus just on the nipple now and roll it around gently with my tongue and test its firmness with my teeth.”

“Oh,” I moan out making the two-letter word into a five-syllable cry of happiness.

“That's it. You love how my tongue feels. Let's get you on your back and in the bed. I don't think I can spend much more time outside of you.”
I am lowered to the bed and quick work is made out of removing my pants. I have skin colored leggings on underneath to keep my lady bits housed.

“I can never get over how beautiful you look, so I have to take a second to stop and gaze at your beauty. The second is over and my pants need off now. My penis is swelling and fluid is already trying to escape, but I won't allow it because it is all for you.”

I am starting to think I should get him set up as a phone sex operator. We could make millions off horny homemakers wanting to take a walk on the furry side.

“Sadly, this movie doesn't call for all the foreplay I would want to bestow upon you if this was the real deal. I will have to be happy with reaching down in between your legs to make sure you have enough honey flowing that taking in my girth won't be a discomfort for you. Having done my job properly, you are good to go, so I move to position myself above you and slowly start pushing myself inside of you.”

I feel Will on top of me and he must not have gotten the memo about us doing this slowly because he is thrusting his very hard shaft into my clothed lower half at an almost frantic pace.

“The boy doesn't know how this should be done. I am still working my way into you. Inch by inch I am driving you mad with excitement. You cannot wait to feel me fully wedged inside of you. Crap, it looks like Will is going to get off, literally, a lot quicker than I expected. He has no stamina, so we have to speed this up.

“I plunge in fully and give you a second, barely, to adjust before I start rocking our bodies to the motion in the ocean. Your walls are squeezing me tight and I can already feel them start to spasm.”
I concur, spasming is happening. I don't know what noises I have been making after that first moan, but I bet the sound crew is picking up some really great stuff.

“That's it, just like that. I pick up the pace even more and start drilling you into the headboard. I am afraid you are going to have a couple of bruises in the morning. Not able to hold back any longer, I lean down and allow my wolf to the surface to give me the proper teeth needed for our mating. Once they are in position, I lick your neck releasing a mild numbing agent and bite down swiftly. The power of our completed bond rips through us and we both feel the connection lock in place as our orgasms pulse through our bodies.

“And that folks, is where babies come from,”
he says completing our scene and I focus back in on the here and now to hear clapping on the set.

“That was perfect!” Gene yells walking into the cutaway bedroom to congratulate us. “If I didn't know better, I would be sure you guys were actually partaking in the act. You, missy, missed your calling if you are not doing this for a living. I think our Detective Hursh might have met his match. If this movie goes over as well as I think it will, you will be hearing from us about the next installment. I cannot believe we got all your scenes shot in just a few hours, with minimal takes. You are a natural, my dear.”

Will hasn't moved off me and is still panting heavily. It is kind of gross to think he just got off while dry humping me, but it is what it is. I push him off and climb off the bed.

“This was a onetime deal, so please lose my number. I am going to grab my clothes and then I have places I need to be. You can work with Phee on the shots you need to make sure my scars don't show up.” I am kind of hoping a tragic fire burns all evidence of me being in this movie. If I didn't need to stop The Enlightened idiots from killing another human, I would get to work on that.

The sun is hurriedly making its way past the horizon, so I follow suit in getting dressed just as fast. Within a minute, I am ready to go and we make our way back to the Suburban. When I get there, I open the back up and add a few more knives and a sawed off shotgun to my spine. It will be a little awkward driving with it, but we don't have that far to go.



Chapter 18

Mindless robot army included


The Enlightened have sectioned off an area on the north side of town for their idiotic meetings. They are believers that the werewolves should be the true leaders of this world and like to show their might by snacking on defenseless humans. I have heard it a million times before and it still makes me shake my head. I would love to see one of them take Sebastian on sometime. He could probably take a dozen of them out at once and not even break a sweat.

I pull up outside the building that is rumored to house their leader. By the number of people the Collective has sent to this address that never returned, I think the rumor is probably a fact. The leader is a dickhead named Sean Walker and I should have killed him years ago. Sadly, his name never came up on my target list. Since the assassins sent in never returned from their assignments, I have to believe he either killed them or they were converted.

I hurry out of the vehicle and up to the front door with the guards right behind me. Alex has been voicing his opinion on us just showing up like this and I have been tuning him out. This first meeting is just to have a little chat with the guy and see if he would be willing to turn over the guilty wolves. They are probably just some brainwashed kids, but I refuse to leave empty handed. He has the choice of them or him.

I pound on the door with all of my strength. The building gently shakes under my force. I am still tickled that I can cause that kind of vibration with my size. The door swings open the second my fist is removed. If I didn’t know better, I would think we were expected.

“Slaughter, he has been waiting for you,” a big burly guard-like man says opening the door wide for us to enter. It is nice they knew I was coming. The man isn't as big as Walt, but he is close. He is dressed in standard guard chic, a brilliant black on black ensemble.

We follow him down a hall filled with ornate vases and famous paintings. I wonder if Sebastian has seen this place, he is big on artsy stuff. We stop, allowing the guard to throw open some ornate double doors. He motions us to enter the room. Is he nuts?

Not knowing what is beyond the doors, I slip the shotgun around so it is pointing in front of me. You can never be too safe around these psychos.

“That won't be necessary, my princess,” Sean Walker says from a throne perched on a bedazzled dais, and he calls me a princess. The dude thinks he is a king. It looks like he had a little too much fun one weekend with his arts and crafts project. There are way too many sparkles going on in this room. I step in closer and fight the desire to shield my eyes. I think someone is out to blind me after Hilda’s pastels and this. I may have to take to wearing sunglasses at all times.

“I think a gun is always necessary when one is dealing with you. Why have you set your recruits on the trail of the movie people?”

“Right down to business, I hear that is one of your best traits,” he says standing and making his way down to ground level to join us commoners. He is, thankfully, just dressed in a black t-shirt and matching cargo pants. You almost would expect him to have a crown and a robe. Maybe even a staff he could bang around on the ground while he orders his servants about.

“I hear people talk way too much about me. Are you going to hand the two over or are we going to have a fight about this?” I still have my shotgun trained on him. It won’t be leaving its target until we are safely back in the vehicle and down the road a ways. It may be hard to drive with it out, but I cannot trust Sean to not do something stupid.

“What kind of leader would I be if I did something like that? I hear you get furry now, you should join us and take your rightful place as my queen.” In a second, Alex is on him and Sean falls to the ground after taking a fist to the face. “Or maybe not. I heard you and Monroe were a couple, but I also have heard rumblings about you and deYork. Can't make up your mind?” he asks lifting himself up from the ground. I give Alex a mental high five for the move as he retakes his place next to me.

I don't get why my relationships interest everybody so much. Yeah, it is a little odd that I have two men in my life, but I still think they should just mind their own business.

“I will not be joining you and that is all you need to worry about. If you won't hand over the kids, I am going to need you to come with me.” I am sure it ain’t happening, but I have to say it nevertheless.

He laughs at my words. Again, not something I don't get every day. “I don't think you brought enough people to take me out of here by force and I will not come with you willingly.”

“I have only seen you and your butler. Are you hiding a mouse in your pocket that should frighten me?” I ask narrowing my eyes at him.

“No mouse, but there is more than just me and a single guard here,” he says and walks over to hit a button on the wall by the throne. Curtains that were blending in to the background begin to rise and reveal and auditorium full of his little minions.

Looks like he is playing for a full court tonight. Against this many people, I would prefer to be in a more open space. There are way too many places they could hide that I am not aware of.

“You have twenty-four hours. Either turn them or yourself over by then or your little puppets aren't going to mean anything when I kill your ass,” I say and start backing my guys out of the room. Clyde is a little hesitant because he wants to play with all the other puppies, but I get him moving.

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