Night Howls (10 page)

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Authors: Amber Lynn

BOOK: Night Howls
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“I am pretty sure that is what I said. Sebastian has a succubus after him and you can imagine who will be standing by his side during any confrontation. Sebby claims he has things taken care of, but I want to ensure he is doing everything in his power to protect him and his guards.” Technically, I am sure he already is and I want the information for my wolves, but she doesn’t need to know that.

“Succubi suck,” she says and walks around the counter to start gathering ingredients. We might actually agree on something. It is a miracle. “They are relatively easy to protect against, though. How many charms do you think you will need?”

I really only want ones for Alex, Jake, Jonas, and Walt, but asking for a measly four seems lame. “Can I get about two dozen? I want to make sure all the usual suspects are protected, but the guys manning the doors should probably be included.”

“Good idea. It will only take me a few minutes to prepare these. Why don’t you guys look around and I will be back soon,” she replies disappearing into thin air.

“I am fine with you guys looking around, but don’t touch anything. The stuff she has in these bottles will probably turn you into a duck,” I say as I start leading Clyde around the room.

Looking at Hilda’s potions always makes me laugh. She has an entire section dedicated to love potions. They come in about fifty different flavors, ranging from cherry to seaweed, and there are different strengths available. There is the schoolboy crush level up to the cannot breathe without you level. I bet some people found out the hard way that one really means the person cannot breathe unless you are in the room with them.

I can never figure out why witches don’t advertise a fall out of love potion. That one, I would buy in vats. You never know when you need to get rid of a nuisance. I have found many instances in the last couple of months where it would have come in handy. Examples include, but are not limited to, Tommy, Ryan, and Ben. Will might be making his way onto that list.

“Do people really buy this junk?” Walt says leaning close to a shelf reaching his hand out.

I hurry over and smack it away. “I told you not to touch anything. Yes, people get desperate enough to come in here and deal with Crazy Witch. I am sure everything does what it claims to do, but with Hilda's sense of humor, you probably get a little more than what you asked for. Sure, this will cure that acne, but it will also make your boobs swell kinds of things.”

“And there is no way to know what those side effects would be prior to taking it?” he asks still glancing at the rows of potions.

“It would be illegal for her not to put a warning on the bottle. The law doesn't say the warning has to be in English or what font size it needs to be. If someone files a complaint, all she has to do is bring out her magnifying glass and a translator.”

“That seems wrong,” he says and walks away.

“Yeah, well, that is Hilda for you.” I walk over to take a look at the crystals. Some of them are really cool looking, but who knows what, if anything, they will do. Unlike the potions, these are not required to have a warning label. Hilda gets around it by not guaranteeing they will do what is claimed. They still will do what they say, and they will have some nasty side effects, but no amount of searching them will tell you what those side effects are.

“I am supposed to warn you that you are going to feel very betrayed in the near future,” Hilda says reappearing next to me. I am used to her tactics, so I don’t bother to act surprised.

“Any word on where this betrayal will come from?” I ask spinning to glare at her. I get hints and messages like this all the time from people close to me. Another secret betrayal is nothing new. I have a traitor living in one of the rooms in my apartment for God’s sake.

“No. The Great Spirit just wants it to not come as a surprise. Maybe if you showed him more esteem, you would get a more detailed message.”

“I was born with a knife sticking out of my back, so any new ones I pick up along the way aren’t a big surprise. Do you have my charms ready?”

“Of course. Free of charge,” she says handing them over. Hilda, me, and free don’t belong in a sentence together, so I change my look to one questioning her motives. “I will get my payment in the near future. Before the year is out anyway.” Done with her part of the conversation, she transforms the room back into the pastel vomit I first saw.

With what I came for in hand, it wasn’t really necessary. It isn’t like I was going to hang around for a cup of tea. I drag Clyde out of the shop as fast as I can. I am past ready to get home. Maybe reading lines with Alex will cheer me up. I know, doubtful, right?



Chapter 12

Learning my lines


The ride back to base is full of mindless chatter. I force both of the guys to wear the charm necklaces that Hilda provided. Jake was mildly hesitant, but I gave him a look that told him he better put it on or face my wrath. He got with the program after that. One of these days, he will finally realize he should just do what I tell him.

“You don’t think Clyde will need one, do you?” I ask curious on whether or not succubi have any effect on Hellhounds. I still have about zero knowledge on what exactly a Hellhound can do or what I am supposed to do with one following me around.

“I doubt it. Hellhounds are only loyal to their master, at least that is what I hear,” Walt responds. “You might want to think about wearing one yourself, though.”

I had already thought of the idea and decided it wasn’t necessary. “If our bond means she doesn’t have an effect on Sebastian, I doubt she will do anything for me.”

“I don’t see why you won’t let me give her a try,” Jake says proving the speech I thought he made last night that sounded so grown-up was hogwash.

“Quit being an idiot. Read up on the thing before you make a comment like that. She kills her partners.” It shouldn’t take anything more than that knowledge for someone with half a brain to run the other way.

“But not until she gives them the best night of their lives. Some would say that it was a good way to go,” he replies and is lucky that I can tell he is joking.

“We really need to find you a shrink. You are going to be fine staying in tonight, right? I don't want a repeat of last night's little tantrum,” I say pulling into my spot. Jake running around alone with the Collective after him and a succubus looming in the shadows is not what I need tonight.

“Even I am not that dumb. The Collective pretty much has a warrant out for me. For the next couple of days, I am glued to your side. You are the only person, probably in the whole world, that scares them enough to back off like they did today,” he says climbing out of the car while it is still running. What a little eager beaver. I turn the key and open my door.

“It works out well for me that they want me alive,” I reply grabbing Clyde. “I am sure one of these days I will piss them off enough to change their minds.” I am just surprised that day hasn’t already arrived.

“Let's not wish for that day too soon,” Walt says. We get in the elevator and are quickly whisked up to the penthouse.

Alex is waiting for us in the foyer. “Hey beautiful, I hear you got something for me.” Aww, he is in his dorky lovey dovey mood. As odd as it sounds, I prefer his jackass mood. Sebby has the market on the mushy side of my brain.

“I have a green one with your name on it,” I say digging the charm out of my package and handing it to him. “I really hope Hilda isn't playing a joke on me and that she did actually do something to these necklaces.” She would probably find it hilarious if a succubus ate all of my guards, well, all except Marcus.

“I am hoping that even though we aren't fully mated, I would have the same reaction Sebastian does when he is in her presence. Other females don't tend to cause a reaction, so this demon shouldn't be any different.”

“I am not taking any chances. You wear it or I cause you bodily harm.” He puts on the necklace ending the dispute. Good boy, maybe later you can have a cookie, I think to myself.

“So, what is this movie about? If I am going to be reading lines with you, I want to know my motivation,” Alex says and guides me into the living area. I take off Clyde's leash and settle in with my two copies of the script.

“How should I know? I have only read a few lines and I improvised half the words.”

“From what Stacy told me, when her mouth wasn't otherwise occupied, the movie is about some chick that has a stalker and ends up getting kidnapped. The detective working the case gets personally involved and fighting ensues,” Jake says as he grabs one of the scripts from me.

“Any idea on how personal the detective gets?” Alex asks grabbing the stack of papers from Jake and then takes his seat next to me.

“I don't think it is wise for me to divulge the information. You will find out as you read the script, which you should probably start doing. I have a feeling Nyx is going to have to do a lot of rewriting.”

I start flipping through my copy and I have to agree. I don't know if they had to dumb things down for Beach Bimbo Betty or what, but this is bad. I am basically playing an airhead and somehow this airhead is a marine biologist. No wonder the movies in the series are doing badly, if they actually think people are going to buy that. Any logical person would be questioning how this woman made it through college. Judging by the lines I see, she was spending a lot of quality time with the professors after class. Too bad no books were actually opened during those meetings.

“You are really good at improvisation,” Alex suggests as he skims his copy. “Let's start reading through it. We can all give you advice on what you should really say.”

“We will probably have to read it over a couple of times and I cannot believe I am going to say it, but we need to do more than just say the lines. We will need to see if I can even act.”

“This should be fun. Is Jonas awake yet? He won't want to miss this,” Jake says a little too enthusiastically for my liking.

“With you making all of that noise, how could I not be?” Jonas asks coming out of his room. His hair is wet, so I assume a shower was in his not so distant past.

“You need to grab one of the necklaces from the bag over there,” I say pointing as if he couldn't figure out which one I speak of.

“I am not really in to jewelry.”

“It is either the necklace or death,” I say fixing him with one of my death scowls. Jonas doesn't tend to be difficult, so it may be a first time for him to be on the receiving end of this particular look.

“How did they convince you to be in the movie? I am pretty sure I would have heard if Hell froze over,” he says putting on his necklace and then heading to the kitchen.

“The Collective is after Jake because his girlfriend turned up looking like a chew toy, a very dead chew toy. At least that is the story. I haven't seen the body and I imagine Frank has it under lock and key, so I won't be seeing it anytime soon.”

“She has been given two days to find the real killer or they are going to attempt to take Jake in,” Walt adds.

“Fun,” Jonas says returning with his breakfast. “I imagine without a body you are a little behind the eight ball.”

“A body would be helpful. Since I am lacking one, I am working undercover. Tomorrow I will get a closer look at the girl's trailer and the scene of the crime. I didn't want to be seen snooping around on my first day as an actress on set. I don't want to tip anyone off.”

“Don't take offense, Princess, but you undercover as an actress is something I have to see.” I am just happy the other half of my guards are away at the moment. I am sure they will hear stories later and judging by the gleam in Jonas' eyes there will probably be a videotape surfacing at some point.

“You should hand over your phone now,” I tell him.

“Not happening. I hear these days they are paying good money for dirt on you.”

“You are lucky I like you, Jonas. I know you wouldn't sell me out.”

“Of course not, but I may need to get something to keep as blackmail for later. If you ever start acting like you are going to do something stupid, I can just threaten to roll the videotape. It might keep you in line.”

I doubt it and will have to commandeer his phone some time to see what other blackmail worthy things he has on it. “Can we get started on these lines? I am expecting a call from Sebastian sometime soon and I need to get some sleep so I am at my best tomorrow.”

“Sure. Let's start at the first scene,” Alex says turning on the couch to face me.

I flip to the scene I started to read through with Will and we begin. I find that reading with Alex and acting things out isn't as horrible as I expected. Yes, I have to pretty much make everything up as I go and even correct some erroneous statements, but it isn't that bad.

When we get to the final scene and I read the directions of what we are supposed to be doing, I stop. “Why are you taking my shirt off?” I ask and start turning through the script.

“You had to see this coming,” Alex replies. I look up at him and see him grinning from ear to ear.

“There is no way I am doing a sex scene with Will,” I say as I feel my whole body shiver. “Gross.”

“You won't actually be naked or anything. It will just be a few kisses and some noises.”

“And you, the person who has a strict rule about who is allowed to even touch me, is okay with me kissing this other guy?” I ask not believing it for a second.

“Hell no. I am sure you will find a way out of it. I will be on the set for that scene and you better believe there isn't a chance in Hell that his pencil dick is touching any part of your body, even through a dozen layers of clothing.” That's more like it.

“I guess we are done then. They are going to have to figure out an alternative last scene or get a body double. I think the improvements we made on my parts will make the movie a blockbuster.”

“You aren't too bad at this acting stuff,” Jake says. During the reading, the guys sat back, barely breathing, so I guess we did okay. “They might want to talk to Alex about taking over for Will. The chemistry you two have is amazing.”

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