Night Howls (7 page)

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Authors: Amber Lynn

BOOK: Night Howls
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Alex picks up my phone and reaches over me to put it in its spot. On his way back down, his hand strokes my face and he leans down to put an innocent kiss on my lips. “No one will ever take either of us away from you. You are stuck with us for the rest of your unnaturally long life.”

I curl in to his side and wrap my arm around his waist. “To think, there was a time I dreaded that statement coming true.”

“I am glad we could change your mind. Now, close your eyes and get some sleep. Tomorrow is another day and I am sure it will bring other headaches.”

“You know, some days I think I might actually love you, Alexander Monroe.” If things keep going like they are, I feel the days of my uncertainty on the matter are numbered.

“When you know for certain, make sure I am the first person you tell,” he says and softly sings me a lullaby that does its job of lulling me to sleep. I didn't even know he could sing. I am still learning new things every day.



Chapter 8

Losing my mind a little in the morning light


The next day dawns for me with a face full of slobber. “I thought we talked about this, Clyde. Mommy does not like being awoken to dog breath,” I say pushing him off the bed.

“He was just trying to wake you up,” Alex says laughing beside me.

“I don't see him using that method on anyone else. I think I would prefer him to just gnaw on my ankle. Those doggie breath mints don't do a thing for his chronic case of halitosis. Do you think there is a product out there that would help?” I crawl out from under my covers so I can use the little girls' room. I need to wash my face. The sulfur breath is lingering this morning.

“You could stuff little hunks of sulfur up your nose. Then you won't even notice that he stinks,” he suggests.

“I will get right on that,” I say as I flush the toilet and grab the soap. The soap isn't scented, but I am hoping it rinses off the residue. A good amount of hot water and half the bar of soap later, I feel much better.

I walk back to the bed where Alex is still lying on his stomach and climb on his back straddling him. Feeling nice, I start massaging his shoulders, digging in deep to work out the knots. For as calm as he appears on the surface, he has a good amount of tension built up.

“Now, I am sure I love you,” Alex says muffled by his pillow.

“Yeah, that is what all the boys tell me when I rub them like this,” I reply as I start chopping down his spine with the side of my hand.

“You should probably tell me who these other boys are, so I can make sure you won't be touching them again. You do recall we have a no touching policy in place for about every man alive.”

“But Sven makes the cutest noises when I massage his pecs,” I say and I am instantly shifted around so he is on top of me and we are facing each other. How he managed it, I have no clue.

“I bet I can make you forget all about Sven,” he promises as he grinds himself into me. He doesn’t push hard; it is just a gentle nudge to let me know he is happy to see me.

“Mmm. I am sure you could, but I promised myself the next time I got off that I wouldn’t be dry humping your leg.” I shift underneath him to rub his bulging boxers just slightly with my leg.

His wolf comes to the surface briefly enough for him to growl his approval. “Our clothing can be lost in mere seconds,” he adds to the growl and he bends down to bite my neck softly where Sebastian has already left his mark. After the nightmare I had last night and my depression from being away from Sebby, I am not really in the mood.

“Very tempting, I am afraid Clyde won’t wait for his breakfast and morning walk, though.”

“Walt can take care of him. I have been such a good boy lately, don’t you think I deserve a little reward?” he asks working very hard to keep himself from moving anymore. I don’t think it would take much contact for him to explode. Some days I am happy to have this kind of effect on him, but other days I don’t want the responsibility.

Being in a generous mood this evening, but not wanting to play slip and slide, I get brave and move my hand to the elastic band holding his boxers up. He did relieve some pressure for me not that long ago, the least I can do is return the favor. Slowly and carefully, I wiggle my fingers beneath the band and I am met immediately with the soft, velvety skin of his joystick. His hard enough to drill nails into a wall, joystick.

“Oh God,” he moans visibly shaking now. After getting a feel for what I am working with, I wrap my fingers around him and grip tightly. Unable to stop himself, he starts rocking back and forth causing my hand to stroke him. “You weren’t far off when you thought it won’t take me long to go over the edge. It is cliché, but I have dreamed so many times of you touching me like this,” he gets out before his pace picks up and grunting ensues.

While he goes about his business, I do a little comparison. He and Sebastian are about even in the size department, as far as I can feel. I haven’t officially got a look at the beast in my hand, but I have seen them both erect in boxers, so I think that gives me a good reference point. Judging from that, Alex probably has an inch or two in length. The big difference between the two is Sebastian is uncut. When he was a wee lad, they didn’t perform circumcisions where he grew up. I like the fact that they are different in that way as well as almost everything else.

“Squeeze just a little tighter, please,” Alex whispers and I follow his direction making a tighter fist. I guess it isn’t very nice to be sitting here working to pleasure him and thinking about Sebastian, but he should know it really isn’t doing anything for me. He starts taking in deep, ragged breaths. “Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.” Before he can say it another time, his body tenses up. It sounds like he is having a religious experience. I am a little afraid to hear who he starts praying to when we actually do the full deed.

“Anyone and everyone I can think of, if it feels that good. You should probably remove your hand because I have a feeling I could keep you here all day. Even with that bit of relief, I am good to go again,” he says as he helps me remove my hand without getting any man goo on it. I have already used my allotted amount of soap for the week, so I appreciate his assistance. He, on the other hand, might need to spend a little time in the shower to get himself cleaned up. “You want to make sure I get cleaned up properly?”

“Sorry, you know that I cannot partake in a joint shower with you until me and Sebastian share one. He has been requesting one longer.”

“One of these days I will beat him to getting to experience something first,” he says giving me a quick kiss on the nose and then rolling off the bed.

“I haven't given Sebby a hand job before, so you got him there,” I let him know.

He grins and shakes his head while making his way to the bathroom. “Well, it is a start. Is the third point to our triangle okay this evening?” he asks as I hear the shower turn on.

“Feels fine to me. He is supposed to call when he is up and about, which he is. I imagine he was giving us a little time to make sure you didn’t end up with blue balls. Speak of the devil,” I say as my phone starts buzzing on the table.

“Just where have your hands been this fine night, my love?” Sebastian asks the second I connect the call. I reach out to his mind to see what exactly he has seen. What I find takes our relationship to an even weirder level.

“I am sure you don't need to know. Should I ask what your right hand was doing while you were tuning in? I do believe you have a touch of voyeur in you.”

“You are the only one that didn't get off from the experience. Maybe you should have Alex take care of that little problem for you.”

I roll out of the bed wanting to find some bacon. It currently has more appeal than Alex playing with my lady bits. “I think I have exceeded my limit for skin-on-skin contact for one day.”

In the kitchen, Clyde is sitting in front of the fridge staring at it. No one was in the living area when I walked through, which is a bit odd.

“What do you want, Clyde? Didn’t Uncle Walt come out to feed you while Mommy was distracted?” I grab a ham steak for him, put it on a plate that I take from the cupboard, and then set it on the ground. First task complete, I get to work on my bacon.

“Technically, he wouldn't have to touch you with skin,” Sebastian says bringing me back to our bizarre conversation about Sebastian trying to talk me into letting Alex, I assume, explore my southern hemisphere with his tongue.

“I am good, really. I touched him intimately and that is about all you can expect out of me today.” I flip my pieces of bacon and wish that I could find a way to cook them quicker. I love me some bacon, but it takes the longest time to cook to the perfect crispness.

“Sorry, Sebastian,” Alex says joining us. He has thrown on a pair of jeans and has a towel draped around his shoulders. “I knew better than to push her for anything else. Her mind had a giant red stop sign flashing.”

“You have trained him so well,” Sebastian tells me in response. “I will let you get on with your morning, but wanted you to know security is in place and every spell I can come up with to keep demented succubi away has been cast. She won’t be getting me anytime soon.”

“I am glad to hear that. I patiently await your return,” I tell him as I place my bacon on a paper towel to absorb some of the grease. My mind is moving on from the conversation with the mounds of bacon in front of me.

“You have been reading the antonym part of the definition of words again. There is not a patient bone in your body.”

“Very true. I am fighting hard not to eat while I continue this conversation. Do you think we can say we love each other and talk in a couple of hours?” I ask.

“I love you, too. Enjoy,” he says and cuts the call. Smart man, realizing more words would tax my system at this moment.

I grab my plate and head towards the living room to get comfortable on a couch. I left enough bacon for Alex to grab his own and if he doesn’t want it, the fridge is full of other food he can make for himself.

“Nice of you to emerge from your bedroom,” Jake says from the couch I choose not to sit on. Walt is sitting with him.

“We weren’t in there that long. I am surprised you made yourself scarce,” I get out before my first slice of bacon meets my mouth. Nothing is said while I enjoy my treat.

“Now that Walt is here, I don’t have much choice in the matter. Your uncle doesn’t think I should hear you having intimate relations with your mates.”

I think I will have to buy Walt a new gun for his insistence. “Have I told you that you are my favorite uncle?”

“From what I gather from your father, I am your only uncle, so I don’t know how great a compliment that is.”

“If Nyx says your name and favorite in the same sentence, you better believe that is a high compliment,” Alex says finally joining us with his plate of bacon. “So, are you heading to the office today?”

“I was thinking I would go in and do some research on more varieties of demons. This is the second one we have run into in a relatively short amount of time and I want more information.”

“Who is the second one?” Jake asks lost in the conversation.

“Sebby has a succubus stalking him. Do either of you have any experience with one?”

“No, thank God. At least not that I am aware of,” Walt answers.

“I haven’t either, but I hear it can be a very interesting experience,” Jake adds his two cents.

“The controlled eagerness in your statement makes me want to immediately find a charm to keep you out from under one of their thralls. I think we are going to have to make a pit stop at SpellBinders. If a succubus were to get a hold of you, I have a feeling decades would be taken away from your life and you would never get the opportunity to grow up,” I say as I grab Alex’s plate and return them to the kitchen.

“Have you thought about asking his evilness for help in this matter?” Alex asks.

I should have, but I try not to turn to Ben for everything. “Ben, can you hear me?” I say aloud. I haven’t really summoned him before, so I am not sure what I have to do.

“You have reached Benjalarico's voicemail. He is not available at this moment in time. If you want to leave a message, tough titties. If this is my pretty little baby maker and you are ready to share a night with me, tickle your palm and I will be right there,” a computerized woman’s voice echoes through the apartment.

“I guess you will have to try him later. I don’t think we are desperate enough for you to ‘tickle your palm’.”

“I concur. Is everyone coming with me? I take it is Jonas’ turn in the sleeping cycle.” I start wandering towards my bedroom to get dressed. Without a lot of choices in my wardrobe, I quickly put my knives, guns, and clothing on.

“Yes, Jonas will be up in a couple of hours to keep an eye on you. I am going to go hit up my contacts for some anti-succubus spray. If she isn't able to get to Sebastian, she may try other methods to get to him.”

Like coming after me. If I knew how to eradicate the bitch, I would welcome the confrontation. Sadly, I don’t currently even know how to banish her ass. It is the first item on my list of things to do at the office today.

“Sounds like a plan. If you get bored, come keep me company,” I say giving him a quick kiss on my way to get Clyde’s leash.

“Thanks for my wake up gift. I will return the favor in the near future.”

“And just maybe I will let you,” I reply. Jake and Walt join me and Demon Dog in the elevator and we are off for a little walk to ParaNorm Inc.



Chapter 9

No visitors allowed


After letting Clyde water three nearby buildings, we arrive at our destination. There is a bouquet of flowers sitting outside of my door and I am not amused. If they were from Sebastian or Alex, they would be inside the building. I am not sure how they work that out, but each time they have sent flowers they were sitting on my desk waiting for me.

“Jake, do you mind grabbing those?” I ask while I fish my keys out of my pocket. I don’t even want to touch the flowers. They are dark purple roses that would greatly appeal to me if they were from the proper individual.

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