Night Visions (Night Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Night Visions (Night Series)
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He tightened his hold on the shirt fisted in his hand. Another punch sent blood splashing onto his wrist.

"Tell me where she is," Ian growled.

The man smirked in response. Just as Ian cocked his arm back to land another blow, arms banded around him, yanking him away.

Spinning around
, he swung his fist, hitting air as his opponent dodged the punch.

Trent locked eyes with him, his hand dropped to Ian's shoulder.

"Easy brother. Beating him to a pulp right now will not get us answers." Trent tipped his head toward the man now held by Mack. "There are better ways to get him to talk."

Ian clenched and unclenched his fists at his side. "I don't have time to waste, Trent. Not knowing what they're doing to her is ripping me apart." He struggled to control his breathing as his chest constricted in fear.

Trent squeezed his shoulder. "We'll find her. Logan has been watching the house. If that's where they've taken her, he'll be the first to know."

Ian eyed the mangled Rover, sitting at an angle in the road. The roof crushed. The windows shattered. Sam's door lay abandoned one hundred yards away. If it had been anyone else in that vehicle, they wouldn't have walked away.

Only those closest to him knew about his house and his gut churned in disbelief at the realization. Knowing a traitor lurked in his tight circle disturbed him. If it turned out to be Eve, God help her. "When I find out who betrayed us, I'll kill them."

A sound stirred in Ian's head. He held his hand up as Trent began to speak. He could have sworn he heard Sam's voice. But that would mean she had gone through the transition. He waited for the welcome sound of her voice again, even tried calling out to her, but only silence lingered. She couldn't be far. Not if she already completed the cycle.

Walking toward Trent's truck, Ian said over his shoulder, "I'm going to that house. If she's not there, someone will know where she is."

Trent ran after him, blocking his path. "You can't go in there like Dirty Harry. That shit only happens in movies. Don't you think they're waiting for us?"

"It's Sam."

Trent must have seen the desperation in Ian's eyes. Swearing under his breath, he yanked open the driver's side door and hopped in. "Well
, I'm driving then."

If there was one person Ian could count on, it was Trent. He gave one last glare toward the man who had tried to snap his neck only hours before. He would finish evening up the score with him later. The other two hired hands on the ground unconscious, already received their punishment.

"But." Trent warned as soon as Ian slid onto the seat next to him. "We're going to meet up with Logan first and formulate a plan before we crash the gates."

Just as Trent started the engine, the back door opened and closed.

"I'm going with you." Cara looked from Trent to Ian, daring them to turn her away. After all they had been through, Cara deserved to go.

"Why the hell not," Trent responded, shifting into gear. "Might as well make it a damn party."

Ian tensed, his eyes fixed on the windshield as images flashed through his head.

"Wait. I know where she is."


* * *


Sam's gasp filled the room. Her eyes struggled to focus as her body jerked forward in the chair. A voice mumbled something close by, but she couldn't make out the words. Could only concentrate on filling her lungs with air.

A warm hand settled on her arm, drawing the cold from her skin. She blinked repeatedly until the fog disappeared. Eve stared back at her, eyes drawn in a crease, lips curled down.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm not sure." She didn't feel any different. But then again, she had no idea if she should.

"Look at your leg," Eve said, pointing to Sam's calf.

Her fingers fluttered over her skin. The stitches no longer zigzagged their way down. In fact, there was hardly a mark left.

Sam turned her attention back to Eve. "Does it always work this fast?"

"Fast?" Eve stood stretching her arms over her head. "You were under for almost an hour."

"An hour?" It had only felt like minutes.

"Listen," Eve began, her eyes darting to the door as she stepped closer to Sam. "You really need to leave now." She slipped her shoulder under Sam's arm lifting her to her feet. "Before the guards find you missing."

Releasing her arm, Eve stepped away, returning to the chair Sam had just vacated.

"You're coming with me, right?" Regardless of what happened between them, Sam knew in her gut it would be the end of Eve if they found out she helped her.

"No. You're better on your own. Find your brother and go."

Adrenaline shot an icy path through Sam's body. "Jason? He's here?"

"Yes. He's been here for weeks. He's been pretty vocal
, too." A smile lifted Eve's lips. "Some of the guards are afraid to get near him. No one leaves Jason's room intact."

This information should have reassured Sam, but she remembered Ian's words the other day. He was only alive because of her. Now that she was here, Jason's life was forfeit.

Sam's hand shot out, her fingers digging into Eve's arm. "Do you know where he is?"

"No," Eve said. Her eyes fell to Sam's hand. Realizing she had a death grip on her arm, Sam unfolded her hand. Eve replaced it with her own, rubbing her bruised skin. "All I know is that he's not on this wing."

Wing? How big is this place?

It didn't matter. She had to find her brother. Isn't that what she wanted to begin with? To find Jason, no matter where he was or who had him. Now she had the chance. But the thought of leaving Eve behind weighed on her.

Kneeling in front of the chair, Sam folded her hand over Eve's. "Please come with me."

For a moment, Sam swore Eve considered the idea. A very brief moment. Then sadness filled her eyes, piercing Sam's heart.

"I can't." Eve released her hand, pushing away from the chair. She didn't stop until she made it to the door. Cracking it she peeked into the hallway. "You need to go now."

Shoving down the disappointment, Sam knew she couldn't argue with Eve any longer. She had to go. Had to find Jason. The more time she wasted, the less chance she had of escaping.

Before she stepped into the hall, she gripped Eve's arm again, this time giving it a gentle squeeze. "We'll find a way to get you." Hopefully before Dr. Kingston could do any more damage to her mind. Or her soul.

Eve's eyes brimmed with tears. "I'll be fine. Really."

Sam crossed the threshold, as the door clicked shut behind her. She tried twisting the knob, but it wouldn't move. She rested her hand against the door in farewell. Hoping it wouldn't be the last time she saw her.

Step by cautious step, she moved toward the end of the hall. Her heart raced so fast, it echoed in her ears. Just as she reached the corner
, a sound from behind caused her to spin on her heel. Voices carried from behind one of the closed doors. Before she could turn back around a hand clamped over her mouth, jamming her teeth against her lips.

Warm lips pressed against her ear. "Shh. It's me."

Her body relaxed into the arms hugging her. Jason. Thank God.

Turning in to his chest, she wrapped her arms around him, relieved that he was okay. The bear grip she'd known all her life squeezed her, stealing the breath from her lungs. Releasing her
, he pulled back, scanning her from head to toe. His jaw hardened as he bent to look her in the eye. "Did they hurt you?"

"I should be pissed at you right now," she whispered, jabbing her finger at his chest. "You'll have to wait for me to rip into you when we get the hell out of this place." She narrowed her eyes at him. "What are you doing out here?"

He glanced around the hall, double-checking their privacy before answering. "Let's just say about an hour ago, I heard you scream in my head. Nearly rattled my brain. You really need to learn how to tone it down."

Disbelief tingled through her. "You heard my voice? How is that possible?"

He dropped his head. When he raised it, his eyes were filled with regret. "I'm sorry… Damn. I have a feeling I'm going to be apologizing to you for months. Keeping something like this from you wasn't easy."

Footsteps behind them interrupted her response. Jason clutched her hand, tugging her in the opposite direction. Opening the door to her bedroom
, he pushed her inside.

Sam opened her mouth to speak, but Jason placed his finger to his lips as he pressed his ear to the door.

When the voices drifted past, he motioned her toward the window. The sun was making its final appearance. Clouds hovered in the sky, masking the silvery moon. Pointing toward the trees at the perimeter he said, "You need to run straight for those trees. Don't stop no matter what. Once you get past the corner of the house, you'll be out in the open."

"Okay, let's go." She stepped forward, waiting for him to join her, but he didn't. When she cocked a brow, his eyes trailed off. "What are you doing
, Jason?"

"I have to finish something."

She wanted to argue with him on why he couldn't when realization dawned on her. "You could have left any time you wanted." That would explain how he was able to find her so easily. She should have known a locked door wouldn't stop him. "Why didn't you let Ian know where you were? They've been looking everywhere for you."

Jason rubbed the back of his neck and blew out his breath. "Because this is something I had to do on my own. And I knew if I told Ian where I was, he would insist on helping me."

Anger boiled in her heart as she watched him walk to the window. "There have been so many lies, Jason and look where we are now because of them."

"I couldn't predict the future
, Sam." His shoulders slumped as he leaned against the windowpane. "All I could do was protect you."

Lifting the window, a cool breeze blew past him, erasing the astringent smell that was common in all of the rooms. Rubbing her hands up her arms, she couldn't contain the shiver that swept through her body. Whispers spun through her head, shouting a warning.

"Something's not right, Jason."

"We don't have a choice. You have to go now."

She ignored him, turning to face the door instead. She needed to listen to the voices. "Maybe I should stay. Scott promised he wouldn't hurt me." She had to figure out his involvement in all of this. Had to find out if all those years of friendship were a lie.

"He might not, but his father will." She gazed over her shoulder to see the haunted look in Jason's eyes. "I've seen him do some cruel things. All in the name of

"Are you talking about Dr. Kingston?"

Confusion scrunched Jason's face. "How do you know Dr. Kingston? I thought Scott never spoke of his father."

She didn't. Nor did she want to anytime soon. Waving away his question, she gripped the door handle. "I have to get Eve."

"Whoa, wait!" Jason crossed the room, blocking her exit. "Who's Eve?"

"It's a long story." If she told her brother the truth, he would kill Eve himself.

His hand folded over hers, prying her fingers from the knob. "I'll find your friend. Don't worry. You need to find Ian. It's best if you shift. You'll be faster in your spirit form if you do."

Eyes wide with fear, she shook her head. "I have no idea how to do that." The thought of shifting hadn't crossed her mind after she connected with her wolf form.

He reached out, gripping both of her hands in his. "I know this is a lot being thrown at you. You can do this. Close your eyes and envision yourself in your spirit form. Let it guide you."

She did as instructed, focusing on nothing but the gray wolf.

"You need to relax, Sam. Stop fighting it."

Easier said than done. But I guess he's had time to perfect this.

Inhaling a deep breath, Sam slowly released it. Opening her eyes she found herself eye level with her brother's waist.

How did she end up on her knees? Had she passed out?

Dropping her eyes to the floor, she found two paws. She lifted one, then the other.

Trotting to the mirror across the room, the gray wolf's reflection stared back at her. She tipped her head from side to side.

This is crazy.

I know you'll get used to it.

It doesn't…
she spun toward him, her thick tail collided with a side table. Pausing, she looked over her shoulder, mesmerized by the steady swish of her tail.

Jason cleared his throat, drawing her back to their internal conversation.

How can you hear my thoughts?

Approaching her, he crossed his arms over his chest
It's part of the package, sis. It's how I was able to find you after you made the change.

So what? Anyone can hear what I'm thinking?

He snorted, kneeling beside her.
Only others like us. But it's similar to a phone. You have to accept the call.

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