Nightclans (5 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Nightclans
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Raven surveyed the immediate area looking at the handiwork and couldn’t help but comment,

“So did you enjoy the ride?” She winked with a knowing smile.

He looked at her realizing she knew how the mare would react,

“You knew and didn’t say anything?” Raven laughed.

“Oh Wolfy, where's the fun in life if you always know what's coming?” Right at that moment the mare chose to raise her head and let out a loud neigh as she bared her teeth. Wollfen patted her neck in appreciation and chuckled.

“It's never going to be dull being with you is it?” Raven shook her head,

“We need to get back to the encampment and pick up some people to return here, we have to collect Bradan's body and stuff.”  He nodded in agreement and they both moved off.

Back at the encampment they made their report to Ironside and he sent out a recovery party, he turned back to the two of them,

“It saddens me to hear that another of our proud boys has fallen, he will be given a proper send off tonight at a ceremony.” He paused and looked to Wollfen, “ This is something that outsiders are normally barred from seeing but I would like to have you there my friend, I consider you family.”

Wollfen felt very touched by the invitation, no outsiders were ever allowed to see any of the funeral or religious ceremonies of the Nightclans.

“I would be honored to attend Ironside, you may count me in.” He bowed his head at the leader who smiled and slapped him on the shoulder. Then he turned away and left without another word.

Wollfen looked around and saw Raven sitting inspecting the bottom of her foot.

“Are you hurt?” She shook her head, picking at something on her sole.

“No it's just a thorn I picked up out there somewhere, the tip is broken off and I can't quite get it.”

“Tougher that an orc's hide huh?” He chuckled, “Here let me.”

He bent down close and could see the offending barb, Raven leaned back watching on as he started picking at the thorn finally removing it. He gave her foot a squeeze and a rub before standing up.

“Aw don’t stop, I was enjoying the foot massage.” He grinned and took her hand.

“Let's get something to eat shall we?”

They retired for the afternoon with food in hand by the water nearby. They sat at the waters edge, both of them had their feet in it and were sloshing about.

“Are you sad about the loss of Bradan?” He watched on as she replied,

“Yes of course, but I am somewhat dulled to the shock of it all, I have seen so many fall while on duty, it's almost normal now. That's one of the reasons why I want to leave this place with you. I want to start anew somewhere else, I have realized this life is sucking at my emotions and leaving me dead inside. I don’t like it.”

He nodded quietly after she spoke, he wasn’t sure he could add to the subject. They both stared off across the water feeling the light breeze and hearing the rustle of the leaves overhead.

“Hey let's go skinny dipping.”

Without another word Raven got up and started stripping, he followed suit and they both stepped into the water, it was slightly cool but nice. The sun was warm too with only a few clouds. Finally they immersed themselves fully and paddled about for a while. It was so nice to be able to relax and enjoy. Wollfen sat at the waters edge with his upper body out of the water leaning back, Raven came up between his legs turning around and laying her back on his belly. He stroked her hair a bit looking down at her bare breasts in the sun. They were still very nice at her age, not too big for an athletic woman either. He reached down and gave her a squeeze and she batted him away.

“Don't start getting me frisky, there are too many people close by.”

He chuckled, leaned down and gave her a peck on the cheek. She turned her head and kissed him back then pushed off swimming away into the water.

He watched on as she swam about enjoying herself then she swum around the corner out of view. Wollfen lay his head back looking up at the clouds, lost in thought. How did he feel about her? Nightclan ways were certainly different to what he was used to but up to now he hadn’t had any problems with it, then again he hadn’t lived it either. He heard some splashing about nearby and decided to go look at what Raven was doing.

As he moved around the corner he saw Raven sitting out of the water on the embankment looking on as two naked young men were obviously showing off for her, one of them was on the other side sitting on the embankment leaning back and smiling as he massaged his organ into an erection. Wollfen pulled himself up beside Raven and gave her a questioning look. She realized Wollfen may be put out,

“You don’t mind me seeing other men naked do you?”

He wasn’t sure how to answer, the young man on the other side continued to display himself smiling at her. Wollfen wasn’t feeling right about it that was for sure. She looked at him and could see the emotions playing across his face,

“You know it's pretty normal for the men of the clan to put themselves on display for the women, they enjoy the attention and as you know they get to have their fill on a regular basis.” Wollfen shook his head watching Raven looking on with a little smile,

“Are you contemplating fucking that man?” He had decided to be blunt with her. She tilted her head back a bit as she laughed out loud,

“Oh Wolfy, don’t be such a prude. I am enjoying the show he is putting on nothing more, but you know I am a woman in her forties. I am not that attractive anymore and yes I am pleased by the attention.” She leaned across and spoke into his ear, “But I am only interested in you and yours okay?”

He felt a little bit better hearing that but he still had questions,

“So what was it like when you were younger? I mean, oh I don’t know, did you bed a lot of men then?” She looked at him seeing his concern and took it more seriously .

Looking him in the eyes she focused on him ignoring the frolicking men.

“You know how the Nightclans live, the women need to be pregnant as much as they can for the survival of the clan.”

“But don’t the women stay loyal to one man even if that man may have multiple wives?” Raven chuckled as if he was some naive teenager.

“Let me tell you about how it was for me so that you can understand. When I reached the age of maturity and could start bearing children I had just turned sixteen. I only had eyes for one strapping young lad by the name of Sloane. He was twenty three years of age and was not only an experienced ranger but good in bed too, he already had three wives and he was a virile thing. Most of the women wanted him but he and I had something special. We came together within two weeks and married a couple of weeks later. I fell pregnant with our first son a month later and bore him while I was still sixteen.

Unfortunately Sloane fell while on duty a few months after our son was born. I was heartbroken for over a year. I then matched up with another young man of eighteen, his name was Brown Bear and we fell in love too. I bore him two daughters over a space of three years and then he too fell. I was twenty one at the time and still young. I could have any man I wanted but I put it off for another year in mourning. Then I took another man but I didn’t marry him, I also didn’t fall pregnant. Over the course of the next year I was with oh maybe five other men and still nothing.

You see we didn’t know it but I was no longer able to bear children and I bedded a lot of men over the next few years to no avail.”

“Did you feel used? I mean was it like you were passed around?” Raven shook her head,

“No it wasn’t like that at all, I was friends with them first and yes I had sex with most of them but I enjoyed it too. You know I like sex a lot so it's not like I was simply laying back and getting nothing from it, it was still a mutual pleasure and mutual desire. Things did change over the years though, by the time I was in my early thirties I was an old hen. Most of the men were in their early twenties or younger and they had no interest in me, all the men I had known when I was younger had died.

Couple that with the fact I was no longer bearing children and there were plenty of nubile younger women to choose from, I got left out. That’s why I became a ranger at such a young age and for some reason I have lasted longer than most doing my job, I have been doing it for ten years and that’s almost unheard of, the average age for survival is only five to six years.” Wollfen sighed deep in thought, what a harsh life to have to live.

“So that’s what made you start bedding a woman? Raven nodded,

“Yes after five years of having no one in my bed, I was lonely and needed the touch of someone close, someone to share some affection with. I knew no man would ever have me again. I was thirty-seven when I started a relationship with an older woman and while it was a bit uncomfortable at first I also got that emotional fulfillment too, something I missed so much.”

“That explains the passion you hit me with all those years ago when we first met, it also explains too why you are done with this way of life too, I know I would hate to live in such a stressful harsh lifestyle.” Surprisingly Raven shook her head at his comment,

“No Wolfy I have no regrets, I doubt anyone has an easy life, I happen to have enjoyed much of it. It's just that I'm tired of the death and tired of waking everyday to do my work knowing that I am living on borrowed time. I just think surely there must be another way at least for me if not for the Nightclans. You can ask them, I bet you would have trouble finding anyone in the clan willing to give up this life out here.” Wollfen grunted,

“Yes there is a certain pride here, it's very different though to the lives of the people in the west.” Raven chuckled, he looked back at her as she spoke again,

“I think it's funny how the Kingdom has these ideals of monogamy and living within high walls and such, then you hear about how often the men stray, taking whores or sleeping around even though they are married to their partner.” Wollfen snorted,

“While I can agree with you on that it's not that simple, there are plenty of people who do remain faithful to each other and can make it work. I think both societies, the Kingdom's and the Nightclan's are at the end of opposite extremes.”

“You think?” He shrugged,

“I’m not sure, I'm guessing a bit.” Raven kissed him on the cheek.

Looking back to the two men still showing off to Raven she made one last comment,

“You know,  I’m a woman in her forties and here I am sitting naked on show to those two who are showing off for me, I do like the attention because it's a big boost to my self confidence, makes me feel like I am attractive still. Heck, they look good, that guy massaging himself sure has a big rod.” Wollfen smiled, no longer feeling threatened by what was going on,

“As long as it isn’t me they are showing off to.” Raven barked a laugh,

“You never know, they may like what they are seeing.” Wollfen gave her a dark look and she giggled.

“Sorry darling, you know me, always teasing.” She leaned across and gave him a soft warm kiss before standing up, “Come on let's swim back to our clothes.” 

Just before she dove in Raven gave the men a wave and then they swam back.

Walking back through camp they saw people moving about in preparations for the ceremony, Raven talked to one offering help and was given a chore, she turned back to Wollfen,

“Well darling, I am going to go off and help here, will you be okay on your own?” He nodded in the affirmative,

“Yes hon, I am going to retire to my tent, I got a lot on my mind, find me there when you are done.” They hugged and kissed then moved off in different directions.

Back in his tent Wollfen threw his boots on the floor and fell into his cot, it was interesting what had happened today, he had gotten a new horse, seen the aftermath of the death of a young boy, fought a bunch of orcs and had a very insightful talk with Raven though while personal was a great insight into the Nightclan way of life. Then tonight he would be seeing a secret ceremony and burial of a fallen clansman. It certainly gave him a lot to think about.

Chapter Three

Ironside stood before the altar as the flickering light from the burning torches on either side cast eerie shadows on the tall trees skirting the clearing in the forest. Wollfen looked up into the starry sky as the moon cast its own glow over all, it was still full as it approached its zenith above. Raven stood next to him looking on as Ironside began the ceremony. Wollfen looked back at him and regarded the unusual clothing he was wearing, it was very strange compared to the usual garb the Nightclans wore which was a usual mix of slacks and long sleeved tunics and boots.

On his head Ironside had a bears skin head and skull with some of its fur hanging down the back, there was some sort of leather shoulder protection on one side only, a strap going under his opposite arm to hold it on. He was bare chested and wore a furred loincloth, last but not least some heavy fur boots that traveled halfway up his calves. He had a staff with a small fire burning at the top and held it forward as he began to speak, his voice bellowing out into the still night air,

“In ages past the clans walked this land taking what it needed and bleeding into the soil in return. We took furs from the animals to protect us from the cold. We ate their flesh to fill our bellies, we sharpened their bones to protect us from the dangers of the wilds.” Ironside paused looking around with a scowl before going on, “The plants and trees gave of themselves so that we may make implements to gain ascendency over all those creatures that would see us perish, animal and man alike have all tried through the ages but we have always prevailed.” Again he paused looking around scowling, “But there is a price we must all pay in return, we must all pay with our flesh, we must all pay with our lives. It has always been our way and with the gods good graces it shall always be so.”

A murmur started up as the crowd chanted quietly at first, it was no more than a sort of humming as Ironside continued on.

“Today we repay the world with another life, we repay our debts to this land, the creatures rejoice and we lament the passing of one so young.” He paused, scowled and continued, “We will not fall down in torment, we will not quake in misery nor shall will recoil in fear. For we know Bradan resides with the gods!”

There was a crescendo of chanting and then a cheer as Ironside raised his burning staff overhead. The crowd raised their arms too pumping at the night sky and they all started swaying as they continued humming. Wollfen watched on engrossed by the spectacle, no funeral was ever like this back in the Kingdom. Finally Ironside turned back to the altar and Wollfen noticed that while it was empty before, the body of Bradan now lay upon it. He hadn’t noticed it being placed there. Six young girls wearing  loincloths and leather strapping on their arms that held some feathers. They were stroking amulets hanging around their necks, using both hands. It was curious seeing them standing there almost naked, none of them were more than twenty years old. Ironside lifted his arms high into the air facing towards Bradan and beseeched the gods,

“Hear our call gods of this world! Take our bravest and strongest that you may give him a just existence in the afterlife!”

He looked down, lifted an ornate jug and then started pouring some sort of liquid over Bradan's body, it was only then Wollfen noticed that  Bradan was also in a loincloth. The six girls leaned forward and begun rubbing the body all over, coating him in the liquid. They didn’t stop but kept rubbing and caressing for awhile. Finally they did stop and four of the girls changed position, two at one end and two at the other. Wollfen saw that Bradan was on a stretcher, the four girls lifted him up to shoulder height and started moving towards the crowd.

The people parted down the middle as the stretcher approached and the crowd mingled around the edges. They all began reaching out and rubbing their hands on Bradan as he went past. Wollfen looked at Raven questioningly wondering at the significance and she spoke up quietly,

“They will all feel the coldness of his dead body and know that he has passed but also this last touch is what they will carry with them, it helps to remember him in the years ahead. They will also smell the oil too so they now have three senses with which to remember him by.” Wollfen nodded in new understanding, it certainly was a curious act but he could see why it was done.

Ironside took up position behind the procession holding the staff up high in front of him as they moved along slowly. The crowd were all touching and as the stretcher moved past Wollfen and Raven both reached out and placed a hand on the body, he had never done anything like this before and it became clear he would never forget it. The girls carried the body to the other end of the clearing to a waiting funeral pyre and they maneuvered the body over the top with the help of some others. Finally Ironside once more stood before Bradan facing the crowd. The six girls all faced inwards standing around the pyre.

“Now is the time to pay our dues, now is the time to give back for all we have taken, look upon us gods of this world! We give back to you!”

Then Ironside turned and lowered his staff to the base of the pyre and it caught quickly, the fire traveled up and touched Bradan's body. Wollfen noticed that the oil was flammable  and very quickly every inch of his body was covered in small flames, it was an unusual sight seeing his entire body alight even before the pyre itself was burning properly. The six naked girls stood back and knelt on the ground bowing their heads, surely they would be getting hot?

After a couple of minutes he saw they we all sweating, their faces and bare breasts gleaming with wetness in the fire light. Finally the entire pyre was well alight and the girls stood up retreating some more, then sitting down cross legged stared into the fire. There they would stay for the rest of the night, paying observance to Bradan passing over to the afterlife.

Raven took Wollfen's hand and led him away, she leaned to his ear and spoke quietly,

“We must all depart  and leave the vigil to the six girls, we leave them alone out of respect.” Wollfen nodded quietly and they returned to the encampment.

The two of them sat down by a fire there and Wollfen stared for awhile before speaking,

“You know because the ceremonies of the Nightclans are all so secret I was half expecting there to be sacrifices or at least some blood being drank or something, but in all honesty what I saw wasn’t bad at all.” Raven nodded,

“You sound like a typical Kingdom dweller when you talk like that, all those people out west think we are some sort of heathen that will burn for all eternity in the afterlife the way they carry on.” He chuckled at her observation,

“You aren’t wrong there, those people for the most part fear you and even hate you for simply existing. It's sad really.”

Raven was more pragmatic about it,

“I doubt that hate and judgment is unique to the Kingdom, I haven’t traveled the world but I would believe you would find it everywhere no matter what lifestyle you felt was right for you.” Wollfen couldn’t help but agree,

“That’s actually a very insightful view Raven, you have hit the nail right on the head.”

They sat there quietly watching the camp fire burning and meditating, he always found watching the flames flicker and dance could clear his mind after awhile. Raven stretched wriggling her toes and looking up at the moon far above. She snuggled into him and grunted with a little pleasure. Wollfen slid his arm around her and squeezed enjoying the cuddle. It was a simple thing but all of a sudden he realized he missed it.  He could get used to having a woman in his life again and Raven was someone he got along very well with. He did care for her deeply but the shadow of his dead wife still hung over him. Would he ever get past it? It had already been so many years.

He nuzzled her neck a little and whispered into her ear,

“Lets go back to the tent, I want to make slow love to you.”

Raven smiled and turned her head, she looked deep into his eyes and saw his desire. She recognized that it wasn’t lust but him wanting to show her his feelings and desires for her. She leaned up to his mouth and gently kissed him, he kissed back, their soft lips intertwining and lingering. They pulled away from each other and stood up. Hand in hand they retreated back to their tent and would not be seen again till next morning.

The following day Ironside and Wollfen were talking about the recent events, it seemed like the orc menace was getting worse fast,

“You were attacked in an entirely different area Wollfen there's no reason to believe that the incidents were connected.” Wollfen disagreed,

“Don't forget I also had a run in with a couple of orcs before I arrived here for the wedding ceremony, that’s a total of three attacks in three days by over a dozen orcs. It  doesn’t matter how you look at it, that’s a lot even by Nightclan standards.” Ironside grunted in response thinking about it.

Wollfen was right, it didn’t look good at all, but what could they do? The clan couldn’t go anywhere new and couldn’t call on other Nightclans to help. He knew they were having similar problems.

“I don’t like not having any answers we have always managed to deal with whatever was thrown at us before.”

Wollfen felt Ironside was holding something back. He usually was an open book and while talking he was only going over things already discussed before.

“What is it? There’s something you aren’t telling me,” Wollfen fixed him with a stare, pushing him a little to go on. “Something is troubling you greatly my friend.”

Ironside sighed and looked around the encampment studying all his clans people. Finally he turned back to Wollfen who was patiently waiting.

“I fear for the future of this clan, I believe our time is coming to an end.”

Ironside stopped and let out a big breath, it had been hard to put voice to his fears and hearing himself say it out loud somehow made it all too real. There was silence now between the two of them and Ironside continued to study his people watching them go about their normal camp life. Finally he once again turned back,

“May I ask something of you Wollfen?” He nodded for Ironside to go on, “You have plenty of contacts in the Kingdom and you can move freely between there and the clans. So let me lay it all on the line for you. There may come a time in the near future when the Clan is on the verge of collapse,” Again he paused before going on, “Would you rescue the children and any of the young adults if that comes to pass? Could you find safe haven for them in the west?”

Wollfen was taken aback by the request, this talk seemed a bit extreme especially coming from such a proud Nightclan warrior but he understood where he was coming from.

“I'm not sure there would be much I could do, the Kingdom folk have no empathy for any Nightclan people.” Ironside gripped Wollfen's forearm on the table and looked him directly in the eye,

“I know it's a lot to ask, but I must do whatever I can to help save who I can no matter what it means for the Nightclan way of life.”

Again Wollfen hesitated, if you had told him Ironside had decided to start wearing dresses and makeup he could not have been more shocked. For a Nightclan leader to ask what Ironside was suggesting, it was tantamount to spitting in  the eyes of the gods. Nightclan people were too proud to ever admit defeat. It brought home to him just how serious a situation the Nightclans were facing. Finally he slowly nodded before replying,

“I will do whatever I can my friend, I will not let you down. Let me give it some thought and I will get back to you later today with some ideas on how to handle that. “

“Thank you Wollfen, it means a lot to me to know you will do something.”

Wollfen stood, left the bench and went off to find Raven. He knew she wasn’t due to go out on patrol yet and wanted to talk to her about what could be done.

He walked around the encampment for about ten minutes before finally coming across her talking to Elith. He stood back and discreetly waited until they were done. It turned out to be a long wait and he could hear terse words being exchanged. Then Elith arose and stalked off, he walked over and sat down next to Raven who was deep in thought. He didn’t say anything but waited until she was ready to speak.

Looking up finally she gave a small smile to him and shrugged,

“I do still care about her but she can be a royal pain in the ass though, she can make me angry, I almost gave her a smack in the mouth.” Wollfen chuckled knowing that was a very true statement, Raven wasn’t one to hold back normally.

“You did well to keep your composure Raven. Are things sorted with her?” She shook her head in response,

“Not likely, she still thinks I am being crazy and why would I want a man now that I have been with a woman. You see she never liked men ever.  She doesn’t want to accept I’m not like that.”

“That’s tough isn’t it? Obviously she isn’t being convinced by you and me being together huh?”

“No, anyway enough talk of this crap how did your talk with Ironside go? Are things sorted?”

Raven's face changed to one of curiosity and hope. Wollfen on the other hand turned more serious at the question. He looked her in the eye,

“I had a long talk with Ironside and heard some things that have left me very troubled, I won't speak of them right now but I will fill you in later, I came to ask you some important questions.” Raven was curious and motioned for him to go on, “Would you be up for a trip to the west into the Kingdom lands? I envisage being away over a week.”

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