Nightclans (11 page)

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Authors: Gerard Bond

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Nightclans
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The Captain approached after they had mopped up the last of the orcs, none of them had escaped. He looked down at the prostrate form that had been Aldorn.

“You didn’t tell me he was an elf.” Wollfen turned to the Captain,

“Does it matter?” The Captain shook his head,

“No I suppose it doesn’t.” A couple of soldiers on the riverbank signaled calling out,

“There are people on foot!”

They all turned and looked as some people started showing up along the rivers edge on the other side, they were about one hundred yards away but Wollfen recognized them for clan Horungar.

“That's the clan!” He cried out,  he searched those he could see, searching for Ironside and Raven, he called out,

“Where is Ironside? What has happened?” One of the clansmen raised his hands to his mouth and shouted back,

“We were about to go over the river crossing when orcs attacked! Some stood and fought as the rest retreated along here! We have no word on Ironside, he was one of those that stayed!” Wollfen digested the news, what should be done? He thought quick,

“Captain we need to mount up and get across the river by the crossing up north as fast as possible.” The Captain nodded,

“Agreed, we can fall upon the orcs from behind and save these people,” He turned and called out, “Mount up! We ride into battle once more!”

They all mounted their horses making ready, waiting for the order to pull out and just before they did a call went out across the river,

“Wolfy!” It was Raven. She had run down to the shore and was standing at the edge looking.

“Raven! Are you okay? Where is Ironside?” Wollfen sat on his horse in about a foot of water straining to hear. She cried out in anguish,

“He is dead! He fell with so many others! All you see is what is left!” Wollfen stared for a second in shock but the urgency of the situation took precedent, he moved his horse further into the water to get a bit closer making it easier to hear.

“Where are the orcs? Can you hold on until we get there?” He watched as he saw her slowly shake her head and he felt his heart constrict, she raised her hands to her mouth,

“Always remember my dear wolf, I love you.” Just as she finished a band of orcs showed up rushing at the last of the clan standing there, they turned to meet the oncoming beasts with swords raised.

“Raven!!” Again he called out as he watched her swinging her sword cutting down the nearest orcs, “Raven!” His voice broke as he saw so many more orcs rush the people fighting, most of them were cut down very quickly and Wollfen pushed his horse deeper into the water urging it on, he needed to save her, the horse started swimming but the current was too strong and his mare was being washed downstream. The Captain called out to Wollfen from the shore,

“Don't do it! The river is too strong! There are rapids ahead!” But he wasn’t hearing  anything, all Wollfen could think about was saving Raven. He willed her to keep fighting and as Raven drove back the orcs she received a blow from the rear and he saw her face turn in shock,

“NO! Raven!” But it was too late, more orcs struck and he saw her fall, all the orcs slashing at her .

He lost sight of her as he and his horse were washed out of sight, he turned and saw the rapids but he didn’t care, Raven was gone.  The horse whinnied as its legs crashed onto the submerged rocks turning them over. Wollfen slipped from the saddle and fell away, both he and the horse were  tumbled over in the rocks. He felt himself bashing into some over and over.

Finally after what seemed ages he was able to pull himself up in shallow calm water, his arms and legs hurt from the buffeting but somehow he had managed to escape any broken limbs. The horse was not so lucky and he watched as the limp form of that mottled beauty bobbed in an eddy.

Back up river the Captain gave some orders, he turned to his lieutenant,

“Take two men, go down river and see if Wollfen has survived.” The man saluted barking an order to two others and they rode off. He turned back to the scene across the river,

The orcs were standing on the waters edge barking and crying out at them, making fun of the soldiers. They couldn’t fight so the orcs taunted them. After awhile the orcs retreated back into the woods on their side of the river and disappeared. Once they were gone the Captain led his troops downstream and found his men standing by Wollfen, he was sitting on the waters edge with his head in his hands.

“I am sorry Wollfen, there was nothing that could be done.” There was no reply, “We need to move out, no telling if the orcs have crossed the river further up or not but knowing we fought some already on this side I am guessing they will be along soon enough.”

Finally Wollfen roused himself, his eyes red, he looked at the Captain with a sad face,

“I don’t give a shit.” The Captain was sympathetic but there was more pressing needs,

“I still do, Westre-snow is only a few hours ride west of here and if the orcs have it in their mind to continue down the road then what we saw here will be repeated very soon, we must prepare and take action.” Wollfen slowly stood up looking around and then focusing on the Captain,

“You are right, we need to be on our way and get warnings out, many people's lives are still at stake.”

Within moments the scouting party was moving out, Wollfen riding piggyback with one of the other soldiers as they returned to Westre-snow at a trot.

The following day saw Wollfen heading back to Gevalia deep in thought, he had a lot to report to Lord Cazzara and a lot to think about, what he was going to do now? So many things jumbled around in his head and he was hurting too. He didn’t show it but he felt guilty for Raven, he felt so helpless, watching her die after she called out her love for him. It had stuck home so hard. For the rest of the trip to Gevalia Wollfen paid no heed to anything other than eating and sleeping. When he finally got back to the castle they had sent him away to bathe.

Finally he had gotten in to see Lord Cazzara and made his written report, the Lord had given his commiserations after thanking him for the work done, he had even offered monetary compensation for his time and effort but Wollfen wouldn’t hear of it. He had simply left after giving his thanks. Wollfen had then ridden on to the east taking up a spot on the deserted beach where he and Raven had spent such a wonderful time together.

What had been the point of it all? He didn’t even get a chance to bury her, who knows if the orcs fed off of her. His stomach turned at the thought. He looked out over the water watching the surf break on shore, the memories playing on his mind.

'Wolf?' He looked around but no one was there. 'Yes you hear me Wolf.' Aldorn? How is it possible? 'I am alive wolf, but only just.'

'I thought you dead.' When they had left to go back to Westre-snow days before they couldn’t find his body, they had all assumed he had been dragged off by orcs.

'I am weak but alive. You never questioned why I was hanging around lately waiting for you.' Aldorn was right, in hindsight Wollfen should have asked more questions. 'You need to listen carefully old friend, Lord Vincent has a message for you.' He focused  all of a sudden hearing that name,

'Go on, you have my full attention.'

“You need to put together a group of people, a group of leaders to deal with the oncoming crisis in the nation.'

'The orcs?' Wollfen was wondering.

'No, something far far worse, the land will be sorely tested in years to come, what you have experienced and seen recently will be nothing by comparison. Wars shall rage and peoples shall be vanquished, nothing is certain. Only you can combat it, only you have the ability and the power. You need to practice your magics once more, practice and train for a day will come soon when you will face far more than you have ever done. It is why you are here.'

'What is it that I face?' Wollfen was getting a little confused by the suggestions, why didn’t he just say?'

'I don’t know, all I know is you must be prepared, what is to come will be far far bigger in scope and far more important than anything you have fought before, it is something that is eating at the Kingdom from within, I cannot tell you any more. Take care my friend and good bye.'

'Wait! I don’t understand? Can't you tell me more?'

But there was nothing but silence, Aldorn was gone again. He closed his eyes looking for the elf's beacon but there was nothing. He sighed in frustration, typical, always vague always not knowing exactly what was meant or what was wanted. He spent his life muddling along trying to do things that he thought was right but never knowing for sure.

He looked up and out over the horizon pondering the message he had been given, he got the impression he had a few years. Seemed like a lot but if he was to put together a bunch of people to take on some great unknown he knew it would take time.  Something so big it could consume the land? He realized that whatever darkness was gathering it had to be of such large proportions that the normal men of the Kingdom had no chance of standing in the way. It made sense, he hated having to serve his good conscience, so much easier to live a life of self indulgence taking what you want and being content.

Again he sighed and looked out over the ocean one last time, he doubted there would be time to do any of this very soon. The gods had called and he would need to do his duty. He stood up, bowed his head and whispered,

“I serve thee Lord Vincent of the Divine.”

More from the Author


I hope you enjoyed reading Nightclans as much as I enjoyed writing it.  This book gave me the inspiration to write another prequel to the Epic Fantasy “Angels Blood”. That book is called “Wolfe Pack” and at 99c won't break the bank.


Please read “Wolfe Pack”


Wollfen has heard the call; prepare, your time has come. The Kingdom faces its greatest danger yet. Can he find those with just the right qualities to excel in the face of overwhelming odds?

He can only hope so, this latest challenge to build and train a team without knowing just what he will face is a test like no other he has ever confronted. All he can do is put his trust in the gods and hope that he is worthy of their confidence in him.

Outrock, a border town is under siege from a ruthless enemy, Wollfen gathers around him a select group to challenge the forces bent on it's capture and subjugation. Will he and his team shine in their greatest test before the oncoming storm?

There is no time to relax, no time for love, no time for peace. Whatever is coming fills him with an apprehension he has never felt before.

Join Wollfen in his next exciting adventure as he attempts to pull together his Wolf Pack in the hope of saving the nation he loves.

This latest installment is the sequel to my free ebook "Nightclans" and leads directly into the epic saga "Angels Blood" now available.


As an indie author I rely on all my readers to help me continue to write and sell my books. If it pleases you I would be very grateful if you could post a review of my book on the purchase site. Thanking you in advance and I hope you continue to enjoy reading my books,

best regards,


Gerard Bond


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