Nighttime at Willow Bay (11 page)

BOOK: Nighttime at Willow Bay
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“Naomi!”  he breathed through gritted teeth.  It took him a moment to continue. “You’re
so tight, baby.”

She grip
ped his biceps.

His head lifted and an incredulous expression came across his face.  “
The sweetest thing I’ve ever felt…”

And before she could answer, he was moving inside of her—slowly, gently, careful not to hurt her. When the pain decreased, she wrapped her ankles around his hips, and locked him in position. Her sex
clamped around him as he moved deeper, harder, working her body into an explosive climax. He felt so good, inside of her, his big body pressing her into the ground. And she felt so wild, so uninhibited. Out of control, for once in her life.

He chuckled against her neck and she smiled despite his arrogance. He was loving it.  And so was she.

In and out. He thrust again and again. Her nipples stabbed his chest. Her fingers sank into his hair. “Ryder!” Her eyes lit with golden fire. Pleasure flooded her body. And a second later, her body was exploding into a million little pieces and she was climaxing, the pleasure almost splitting her apart. Tremors ran through her, and she shook with relief and joy.

Ryder pulled out and exploded
against her thighs, his hot cum drenching them. He clenched his teeth and held her even tighter. Then he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Naomi shivered, and her hands ran down his sides.

“That was…” She licked her lips. “It was

“It was the start of many more encounters,” he finished for her, smiling widely, getting hard again. “And, darling, next time we’ll
try a ton of different positions.”

Well, damn

man was already planning for round two!

Ryder Jory was a werewolf freak. But she didn’t mind. After all, she was a little freaky herself. And he had been right…because the sex had
been marvelous. He was marvelous. Maybe they did belong together because she was really looking forward to round two.

For a moment, they lay there on top of the grassy mound,
thinking about their glorious futures together. She was on the verge sharing a hopeful vision herself, but stopped when she felt his body stiffen. A vicious curse escaped him.

“Ahhh, fuck.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry.”

“You did good.”

He made an uncomfortable sound. “Naomi, we have company.”

Her heart sank. What the fuck! Who? Another demon? So soon? She thought the centaurs were handling them. Carefully, she glanced to the side, and saw five of the biggest white dudes she’d ever seen in her life staring back at her. Naomi squealed and buried her face in Ryder’s chest.

“Who are they?” she snapped.

“My brothers.”

Relief flooded through her…and embarrassment. His brothers? So were they officially on his people’s land? Way to meet the family.

“Don’t stop on our account,” said one of them, a man who had the same arrogant voice as Ryder.

Ryder growled. “Fucking perps.
Turn around!”

“Relax, bro, we didn’t catch the show. Only just arrived,” answered another brother. “Should’ve gotten here

“Wouldn’t have made any difference,” said another brother. “Ryder fucks like a jackrabbit—quicker than the wind.”

“Turn around, you perps!”

Ryder stroked her face
, kissed her cheek gently, and whispered in her ear, “It’s okay, Naomi, it’s just my brothers. We’re safe now. No worries. ”

No worries? No worries her ass





A low warning sounded from him. “Turn around, dipshits.”

His brothers immediately turned around.

Naomi trembled as Ryder helped her into her jeans. She glanced at Ryder and saw the heated flush on his face. He was pissed. “You’re not…going to fight your brothers are you?”

“No, darling.”

“Good, cause I don’t want you to fight your brothers.”

He only grunted
, while she looked at his brothers’ backsides. “I thought you said you guys looked nothing alike.”

“We don’t.”

“You’re all…humungous.”

His brow
lowered in confusion. “We’re werewolves, Naomi. What’d you expect?”

Not humungous mountain like man who looked like they wanted to eat her alive, Naomi silently answered, as
she secured her big boobs in the hoodie. Then she pushed at his chest.

“Let me up.”

He helped her up and she continued focusing on his brother’s backsides. Ryder wasn’t the only one with a tight ass in the family.

One brother
roared, “Can we turn around now?”

“Sure,” she muttered, and all five men turned to leer at her.  He’d been right. All of the brothers looked remarkably different. Two had dark, inky black hair and dark eyes, while one of them was fairer than most with red hair and a few freckles. Another had dirty blond hair and dark chocolate eyes. And one was the darkest white
dude she’d ever seen. He almost looked Native American. They were gorgeous. And they were staring at her like they wanted some.

Naomi held still. Hell nah. She didn’t do threesomes. She was a one man woman. Didn’t they know?

Ryder stepped in front of her. “Stop staring, perps.”

“What, we can’t look, Lurch?” asked the red-haired one.

“You’re making her nervous.”

“Who is she?” the Native American one asked. The
brothers glanced repeatedly at each other and it took Naomi a moment to figure out that they were talking to each other telepathically. The night kept getting weirder…

“Okay, let’s go,” said the red-haired one,
nodding toward the woods. “If the Spades are on your ass, it’s best that we head home and regroup. There’s no time for screwing in the woods.”

Ryder walked forward and slugged
the man in the face.

Shocked, Naomi waited for the other man to return the gesture, but he only smiled and shrugged. “Guess I deserved that,” he said, adjusting his jaw.

“Yeah,” said Ryder. “You did.  Watch your fucking mouth, Uly.”

“Can we go now?” asked another brother.

Crazy, thought Naomi. The entire family was absolutely nuts! She pulled away from Ryder, wanting to ask a question that had been bothering her for the past hour. “Why
are t
hese demons so persistent, Ryder? They should’ve given up a long time ago.”

She didn’t think anyone would answer, but then the dark haired man took a step toward her. He was leaner
than Ryder, more solemn. “Maybe because your blood smells like cake, babe,” he muttered. “What are you?”

“She’s no one,” muttered Ryder, shoving the man’s chest. “Back off
, Quincy.”

“Don’t smell like no one to me,” growled Quincy,
pushing back. “Smells different.”

Oh great, thought Naomi. Here we go with the smells again.

“We can discuss this later,” announced Uly, the red head. “We need to move.”

Naomi stepped in the mix. “Yeah, I’ll explain my heritage later, guys.”

Ryder froze
, turning to gap at her. “What heritage? You’re human, right?”

of the men glared at her.

“It’s nothing,” she said smiling, hoping to defuse their temper.
The situation seemed to be unraveling by the moment. “It’s just that my auntie warned me about this place. For years now, she’s been going on and on about me having some magic blood. It’s really ridiculous. I’m as human as they come.”

“Not likely,” hissed Quincy. “You smell too good to be human.”

Naomi straightened her shoulders.  She bit back the need to tell him to keep his sniffing to himself. Instead, she turned and studied Ryder.  He looked so….upset and confused. Like she’d pulled the wool over his eyes.

All this time, I thought you were human…but you being supernatural makes perfect sense. Think about it—great, great gran came to you, dark woods don’t frighten you, Willow Bay creatures don’t mind helping you. What type of magic did your aunt mention?” he demanded, crowding her space.  “What do you know for sure?”

“I don’t know

“Tell me, Naomi.”

“I told you, I’m not sure!” She paused. Why was he questioning her? Why the hostility? Panicked, she scrambled to find a reasonable answer.  “Okay, so, when I was little, I used to get visions. I used to know what was going to happen before it happened but these visions sort of fizzled away throughout the years.”

“Like the vision you had earlier?” he whispered, finally putting two and two together.
“The one you told me to forget about.”


“Well, what did you see?”

She lowered her gaze. She couldn’t tell him. She just couldn’t.  “Nothing.”

His voice chilled her. “Tell me, Naomi. I have to know. Keeping secrets from me won’t work.”

She ran her hands down her arms. She was so cold.

“Baby,” said Ryder softly, “you can trust me…you should know that by now.”

Could she? He looked so angry. Like she had purposefully deceived him. She didn’t know what she’d do if he
didn’t believe her. She relied on him.

trust you,” she finally exclaimed. She glared at his brothers. “It’s them I don’t trust.”

Ignore them.”

“Well, tell them to stop staring
, Ryder; it’s freaking me out.”

“Stop staring
, dipshits.”

The brothers stopped staring.

Naomi rolled her eyes. “Ryder, your brothers don’t trust me.”

“Naomi, what did you see earlier?”

Unable to meet his gaze, she looked into the woods. “I saw…a bunch of men attack you. I saw…your death.”

He stood there a moment without saying a word
, his pale beautiful eyes growing hard.

“She’s lying,” responded Quincy, coming up behind him, an arrogant look across his handsome face.

“I am not!”

“She’s probably some infiltrator. Probably sent to murder us in our sleep. It’s a scheme. Been
done before.”

Anger soared through her. A scheme
? Hell, she didn’t even know the damn men! Why on Earth would she scheme? She just wanted to go home!

“I’m telling the truth!”

Pleadingly, she looked at Ryder. He
to believe her.

“How come you didn’t tell me sooner, darling?” he asked, running his hands through his hair.

Because I didn’t want to believe it, she silently answered. Because I wanted to believe my predications were wrong. Naomi growled miserably. “I don’t know.”

“One thing for sure, she’s a seer,” whispered a new brother, one with dark, haunting eyes, who approached them quietly. Naomi shivered. There was something strange about the man. He seemed more beastly than the others.  The way he moved, talked, it was as though his
beast was rattling against a cage, begging to be let out. She wondered what type of wolf he shifted into. She suspected it was huge.

Even so, Naomi didn’t buckle before him. She raised her chin and flashed a steely gaze.

“Seers are always attracted to Willow Bay,” the man said.  “That explains why the demon boys are after her. Seer blood provides the highest high.”

“Are you sure, Keden?” asked Ryder.

“I’m sure. Great, great gran wouldn’t have come to her if she meant Jorys harm.”

“A seer,” continued
Ryder, his voice cold and flat. “Can’t believe it. C’mon, let’s get out of here.”

But some of his brothers wouldn’t let up.

“For fuck’s sake, Ry, we have to know for sure.”

, great gran came to her. That’s proof enough.”

Naomi sucked in a shock breath. This was getting out of hand. Hurt, she ran to the edge of the clearing just before Ryder snatched her from behind.

“Where’d you think you’re going?”

Naomi had had enough. She turned and pounded his chest with all her might. She barely made a dent. The
man/werewolf was that impenetrable. But she didn’t stop. Ryder’s reaction to her news hurt. All she was trying to do was save his stupid life! Couldn’t he see that she needed his support? Couldn’t she see that having sex meant something to her? That she was starting to have deeper feelings for him?

She spiraled into a rage.

“Don’t touch me. You don’t want to touch a
” she mocked.  “I don’t need
your help.  Who do you think you are speaking to me like that in front of your brothers?” Malcolm came to mind and she gave Ryder another good smack for measure. “If you ever speak to me like that again…let’s just say it won’t be good.”

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