Nillium Neems (17 page)

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Authors: Francisco J Ruiz

Tags: #thriller, #conspiracy, #ghost story, #crazy, #schizophrenia, #asylum, #insanity and madness, #psychiatric ward

BOOK: Nillium Neems
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As I sat there in the attic, waiting for the
Bogey Men to go away, I took the opportunity to study what junk we
might have that could possibly sell.

An old mattress, too small for me now, some
cheapo writing desk, boxes and boxes of who knew what, and a deep
blue-colored shelf. It was the shelf that interested me, for I
didn’t remember ever seeing it.

Realizing the Bogey Men had disappeared, I
wandered over to inspect this little blue shelf, which seemed
remarkably dust free considering the other items in the attic. Four
items sat on the shelf.

The first was a big, thick, leather-bound
Bible. I plucked that one off right away. It would be nice to have
a proper Bible as opposed to the little pocket one that I always
carried with me when we went to church.

The second item on the shelf was a Nickel
Pocket Watch, with a poem on the back. I twisted the little turn
screw, and it started ticking away. That too I kept, stuffing it in
a pocket.

The third item on this shelf, was a worn and
beaten old Cap, a Charlie Brown one with Snoopy on it. My hands
shook as I picked it up, and I’m really not sure why. I’d never
seen it before. It was as if my hands knew what it was without any
input at all from my brain. I placed it on my head and felt that’s
where it belonged.

And the fourth, last, and
most intriguing item was a small Journal.
Journal, that you have just
read. I didn’t want to believe it myself, not until I’d read it
through to the end. It was as if reading this opened a floodgate in
my mind, gushing forth all those forgotten memories, of another
time, another life.

For it was real. Believe me, I did research
(after I got done panicking). I got on Dad’s computer in his office
and Googled Atrium Psychiatric Ward. It was a place in Pennsylvania
that burned down twelve years ago. Remember, I am twelve years old.
The ruins of the Ward were closed and condemned. Countless bones
were found there, creating a media-storm.

All kinds of dark rumors began to circulate
as to what had gone on within those walls, but only one person
living now knows the truth. Me. The Savior of Atrium Psychiatric

For my bravery there, it seems I was granted
a shot at a normal life. Born again to start over, a normal kid in
a normal place. Sunny San Diego California. I’ve always been a bit
weird growing up, seemed to know a little more about life than I
should, and now I know why.

I doubt I can ever be normal, but hey, maybe
I can try. Memories of Atrium haunt me in my dreams, and that place
will always be a part of me. I heard the ruins are soon to be
plowed over to make a shopping mall. It won’t succeed. Atrium is
forsaken ground now, not to be trifled with.

Well, my Bookish Friend, I had best draw
this to a close. I hear Mom calling to me from downstairs, anxious
to start the yard sale. Guess I have to get ready for another day
of life. A life lived outside the walls of Atrium, lived as an
ordinary, twelve year old kid.

It won’t last forever. That, somehow, I know
within the Atrium of my own heart. All of my friends, Mousy,
Siegfried, Jeremy... I expect I will see them again someday. I feel
there are tasks left for me yet, unfinished business with the
Tormentors. Memories intact, from another life.


Yes, someday. Not today, not tomorrow, but
soon enough. Until that time, my Bookish Friend,


Nillium Amelia Neems, Out!


Author's Note


Enjoyed this book? Look for the upcoming
part 2 in the series 'Nillium Neems and the Internet Killer'.


Keep up to date with everything Nillium
Neems related at:




Facebook: Francisco J Ruiz





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