Read No Bra Required! Online

Authors: Nikki Ashton

Tags: #Humor & Entertainment, #Humor, #Love; Sex & Marriage, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

No Bra Required! (17 page)

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As Ed approached Callie, and Lucy he took the time to look
at Lucy.  She had been dead wrong about the mint coloured dress.  It
complemented her colouring beautifully, and showed off her slender legs as it
stopped just above the knee.  Ed felt the surge in his chest that he’d
felt earlier.  He couldn’t imagine his life without her now, yet it was
only four weeks, he only hoped that she felt the same way.

“Hi,” Ed said placing a hand in the small of Lucy’s
back.  “Are you two okay, do you need me to get either of you a drink?”

Callie shook her head, spraying downy feathers
everywhere.  “No, it’s okay; Elspeth and Brendan have gone to get some.”

“It’s a pity Ellen and Greg couldn’t make it,” said Lucy

“Hmm they’ve gone to a wedding over in Durham
apparently.  It’s one of Ellen’s nieces I think.  Talking of people
coming here tonight, I’ve just spotted a surprise for you.”  Ed nudged
Lucy and pointed in the direction of the garden gate.

She looked across and now her face broke into a huge
grin.  “Sarah, Ben!” she cried and started to run toward them.  “What
are you doing here?”  Lucy pulled them both into a hug.  “It’s so
great to see you both.”

“Well Ed had something to do with it,” Ben explained as he
detached himself from Lucy’s arms.  “He rang Sarah last week, and so here
we are.”

Lucy turned to Ed, who was now standing next to her and was
shaking Ben’s hand.

“Good to meet you,” Ed said.

“You too, I’ve heard quite a lot about you.”  Ben gave
a huge smile and winked at Lucy.

“Hmm, thank you Sarah.  Anything I tell you is supposed
to be between us.”

“Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself.  Anyway, lovely to
see you again Ed.”

“You too.”  Ed hugged Sarah.  “I’m really glad
that you could make it.”

“Ah thank you,” said Lucy as she kissed Ed.  “That was
such a lovely thought.”

“I knew that you were missing Sarah, so thought that it
would be an ideal opportunity for me to get to know her and Ben and for you to
spend some time together.”

“Well thank you, it’s a brilliant idea.”  Lucy smiled
and hugged Sarah again.  “I can’t believe you’re here, it’s so good to see
you Ben, I haven’t seen you since…well you know when.”  Lucy’s voice
trailed off, but the smile didn’t disappear.  She wasn’t sorry about Simon
leaving anymore, or the fact that she’d last seen Ben when he’d rushed to her
side with Sarah on the day Simon left.

“Ben, let me show you where the drinks are, and leave these
two to catch up for a few minutes.”  Ed led Ben across the garden toward a
drink laden table on the patio.

“Oh God, it’s so lovely to see you,” said Sarah hugging Lucy
tightly.  “I have to say you look amazing.”  She lowered her voice to
a whisper.  “Sex still amazing then I take it?”

Lucy smiled and shook her head.  “I’m not saying
anything, you’ll only tell Ben.  Anyway, changing the subject rapidly, how
are the boys?  I’ve really missed them.”

“They’re good, in fact, Noah has drawn you a picture. 
It’s in my overnight bag, so I’ll give it to you tomorrow.”

“Where are you staying, you could stay at Dad’s?”

“All organised, Ed rang your dad and Gerald arranged for us
to pick the spare key up from his neighbour,” Sarah replied.

“Blimey,” Lucy said.  “He’s thought of everything.”

“He certainly has. I tell you Lucy, he’s worth holding on
to, fantastic in bed and thoughtful.  What more could a girl want? 
So, what’s the news from Simon, him of the phallic shaped skull?”

Lucy started to laugh.  “Well, Simon has now agreed
that we should divorce on the grounds of his adultery.  I was willing to
go with the 'Unreasonable Behaviour', but Mr Devine didn’t think there was
enough grounds for that, so he said we should aim for adultery, and unbelievably,
Simon agreed almost straight away.  Funnily enough, the forms arrived
yesterday, so I have to fill them in and Mr Devine will send them to the court,
and to Andrew, Simon’s solicitor.”

“So, how do you feel about it all?” asked Sarah.

Lucy thought for a few seconds.  “Okay, I think. 
It was weird when they arrived, but I’ll be happy to see it all sorted. 
Once they’ve been filled in and sent to the court I’ll be able to move on

“Doesn’t the fact that you’re with the gorgeous doctor mean
that you’ve moved on anyway?”  Sarah asked.

Lucy smiled and glanced in Ed’s direction, over by the drink
table.  “Yes, I suppose so, but I think I need to be Lucy Falmer again
before I actually believe it.”

“So have you named Jennifer in the divorce?”

“Yes, although Mr Devine told me I can’t include the ‘bitch
face’ bit of her name.”

“Ah shame, never mind.  Let’s get some drinks and enjoy
tonight and forget about them,” said Sarah hugging Lucy again.

“Great idea, and then I’ll introduce you to Nate and Ed’s

“What about the saloon girl over there?  She looks
interesting,” said Sarah.

“Oh she is.  She certainly is.”


A few hours later and the party was well and truly
underway.  Jack was enjoying himself immensely, insisting on showing
everyone his new fishing rod and his casting skills.  However, the more
beer he drank the less skilled his casting became.  The buffet was
extremely tasty and had been demolished within half an hour, with now only a
few lone sandwiches curling up on plates. 

Lucy, spotting an empty chair, took the opportunity to rest
for the first time that day.  Her feet and legs ached, but she truly
didn’t mind, it had all been worth it to help Georgina and Ed pull off a
terrific party.  She looked across at Sarah who was in deep conversation
with Callie, and Ed who was talking animatedly to Ben about music.  Lucy
was overwhelmed that Ed had thought to invite them; it was such a lovely

“Having a rest dear?”  Georgina came over and sat next
to Lucy.  “If your feet are anything like mine they’re throbbing.”

“Hmm, they are a little, but they’re not too bad.  It’s
been a great night though Georgina, Jack’s had a fantastic time, not as much as
Nate though I must say.”  Lucy laughed as she thought of Nate moving
around the party showing everyone his one and only card trick, where he was
supposed to guess which card they’d picked.

“I know, he’s loved it.  He went spark out when I took
him up to bed earlier.”  Georgina started to giggle.  “That card
trick wasn’t very good though was it?”

Lucy shook her head and joined in Georgina’s laughter.

“No, I think he named every card before he got Callie’s
right.  He was funny when he hid behind the garden shed, when Ed wanted
him to go to bed.”

“I know, he’s a little devil, but he was absolutely
shattered.”  Georgina sighed and looked over at Ed and Ben still
chatting.  “He’s had a good time too,” she said nodding toward her
son.  “He seems to like your friend Ben.”

“I know they’ve talked music and football all night.” 
Lucy’s eyes gleamed as she followed Georgina’s gaze.

Ed caught her eye and smiled, and Lucy’s stomach flipped,
and her heart beat faster.

“I’m so glad that he’s met you, Lucy, he deserves someone
who loves him.” said Georgina watching Lucy’s face.

“It wasn’t part of my plan, but yes I do. I just hope it
works out for us.  I know it’s only a few weeks, and I’m sure you’re
worried that it’s still quite soon after the end of my marriage, but I just
can’t imagine my life without him, but I don’t want scare him or put him under
any pressure this soon in the relationship.”

Georgina leaned to Lucy and taking her hand, squeezed it

“I don’t think you need to worry about anything, Lucy. 
I know my son, and I’d say he’s a smitten as you are.  Anyway, I’d think
I’d better get the cake out and get Jack to give his speech before he gets too

“Okay, do you need any help?”  Lucy asked.

“No dear, you sit there and have a well-deserved break for a
few minutes.”


“So it just leaves me to say thank you to my darling wife
for this fabulous party.  I don’t know what I’d do without you
sweetheart.”  Jack put his arm around Georgina. 

“I couldn’t have done it without Ed or Lucy,” Georgina said
once Jack had let her go.

“Well you’ve all been brilliant, so everyone I’d be grateful
if you could raise your glasses to Georgina, Ed and Lucy.”  Jack raised
his glass in cheer, followed by the rest of the party that were gathered around
to hear his speech.

As everyone broke away to continue partying Ed pulled Lucy
to him, and kissed her tenderly. 

“Thank you from me too,” he said.

“It was my pleasure; I’ve really enjoyed it, not just
tonight, but today helping your Mum.”

“I could show you my thanks in another way.”  Ed
whispered into Lucy’s ear, while he gently caressed her breasts.

Lucy was immediately aroused and groaned with
pleasure.  “We’ll have to be quick; people will notice we’ve gone

“Hmm a quickie in the downstairs loo might be quite
exciting.”  Ed caught hold of Lucy’s hand and gently pulled her across the
lawn toward the house.

Upon reaching the door into the house, Ed turned to Lucy.

“Shall we go upstairs, the loo isn’t very romantic is it?”
he asked.

Lucy licked her lips and looked at Ed through her
lashes.  “I never said I wanted romance, at this minute I just want you,
wherever it is I don’t care.”

“Well, I do hope that my arrival isn’t going to spoil things
for you.” 

Ed and Lucy both turned to where the voice came from as the
owner stepped out from the shadow.

As soon as Ed gasped Lucy knew who the woman was.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” asked Ed dropping Lucy’s

“That’s a lovely greeting for the mother of your son, I must

Chapter 15

Within minutes, Ed had managed to secrete Katie into the
lounge, and gathered his parents and Lucy by his side.  Lucy had protested
at first, insisting that it was a family matter, but Ed had been adamant.

“You’re my girlfriend Lucy, and I want you by my side. 
Please.”  He looked at her pleadingly

“Lucy, Ed is right, you should be there.”  Jack placed
a reassuring hand on Lucy’s shoulder. 

Ed smiled at Lucy and kissed her tenderly.  The joy
that he’d seen in Lucy’s face earlier in the night had now been replaced with a
look of fear.

“There’s nothing to worry about, I promise,” he reassured

“Come on, let’s get in there and find out why she’s here,”
said Georgina striding down the hall. 

She pushed open the door to find Katie fingering a silver
framed photograph of Nate.  Georgina walked over and took the frame from

“What do you want Katie?”  Georgina turned as she heard
the door close behind her.  Jack stood with his back against the door,
arms folded; behind his mother was Ed, clutching Lucy’s hand.

“Hello to you too Georgina,” Katie responded with a hint of
an American twang to her voice.

“Forget about any niceties Katie, like I said outside, what
the fuck are you doing here?”  Ed’s shoulders tensed as he increased his
grip on Lucy’s hand.

“Well I must say I thought you might all be a little
friendlier, but I guess not.  Jack, you’re a little quiet over there,
nothing to say.”  Katie smirked as she pushed her hair behind her

“I’ve nothing to say to you Katie, you should know
that.  Just tell Ed what he needs to know.”

Katie shrugged and turned her gaze on Lucy.

“You must be the latest girlfriend.  Not your usual
sort Ed, I always thought you were a breasts man.”

Lucy glanced at Katie’s ample chest; they looked perfect and
real; much to Lucy’s misery.

“Katie, just answer the question,” said Georgina moving into
Katie’s eye line.  “What are you doing here?”

“Well if you must know, I’ve left Luke, and I want to come
home.  I’m here for Ed and Nate.”

Ed enfolded Lucy’s hand in both of his, tightening his grip
even more so than before.  He sensed that she was about to bolt, and he
didn’t want her to.  Apart from wanting her by his side, Ed knew that she
needed reassuring that he didn’t feel the same way as Katie.

Despite this his heart beat faster, and his stomach felt as though
he’d just come off a big dipper ride. 

“You have got to be joking,” he whispered as he stared at

“Ed, I think I should go.”  Lucy’s voice was barely
audible beside him.

Ed shook his head but didn’t look at Lucy, he kept eye
contact with Katie, hoping that she would see the hate and anger in his eyes
and realise the futility of her plan.

“No, Lucy, she’s the one who should go.  She’s the one
not welcome here, not you.”

“Ed, you know you don’t mean that.” Katie took a step toward

Georgina put a hand against Katie’s shoulder to stop her.

“You heard what he said, so go.  In fact, before you do
just answer me a couple of questions.  Does Luke know you’re here, and
where are the children?”  Georgina asked.

Katie sniffed and lowered her head, a sobbing sound escaping
from her.

“Luke knows I’ve left, but he wouldn’t let me take the
children.  He’s got them.”

“More children you’ve abandoned then,” Jack said from the
back of the room.

“It’s not like that Jack,” Katie said between sobs.  “I
didn’t want to tell you this, but he’s been beating me, and I was beginning to
fear for my life.”

“Huh,” Georgina scoffed.  “I don’t remember there being
a bad atmosphere when I was over, and it was only a few weeks ago.  You’re
a liar.”

“Does this look like I’m lying?” blasted Katie as she rolled
up the sleeve on her blouse.

Her arm was dark blue and yellow, with finger marks running
through a large bruise.

“So it’s nothing to do with wanting me or Nate, you simply
want someone who will rescue you from Luke, and you thought I’d be mug
enough.”  Ed sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair.

Lucy felt a small sense of relief and relaxed her
shoulders.  She’d been sure that Ed would suggest she go home while he
sorted it out, but the fact that he wanted her to stay made Lucy feel a little
more secure.  However, when she looked at Katie she couldn’t believe that
Ed wouldn’t want to be with her.  Katie was beautiful, her hair was dark
and shiny, and her skin golden brown from the American sun.  Her dark and
sultry eyes looked at Ed in such a way that there was no doubt what she was
here for.  But Ed was probably right; she just wanted to use him to escape
her violent husband.

Lucy squeezed Ed’s hand and wrapped her arm around his
forearm.  “Can I have a word outside please Ed?” 

Ed nodded and led Lucy from the room.  Once in the
hallway he pulled Lucy to him and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

“I don’t believe her. I just don’t think that Luke would do
that.  He’s a lot of things but not a wife beater.” Ed shook his head.

“Look, you’ve got an awful lot that you need to sort out,
and I don’t think I should be involved.”  Lucy placed a palm against Ed’s
cheek.  “This is between you and Katie.”

“But, you should be there, you’re my girlfriend and I love
you…”  Ed’s colour changed to crimson as he realised what he’d just
said.  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, I wasn’t meant to…”

Lucy gasped and then kissed him.  “It doesn’t matter, I
love you too,” she said breathlessly.

“You do?  Honestly?”

“Honestly.”  Lucy nodded.

“I thought it was too early to tell you, I thought you’d
think I was crazy.  I know it’s not been long Luce, but I do love
you.”  Ed started to laugh as he held Lucy tightly.

“I know I felt the same, I thought you’d think I was a mad
woman, or a stalker.”

“God no, well I know you’re a mad woman, but a beautiful mad
woman.  Christ, what a mess, what am I going to do about her?”

“I honestly don’t know Ed.  You need to think about
Nate in all of this if she does want you and Nate back, and she can’t have you,
she’s at least going to want to see Nate.”

“I know, but what if it’s just a whim, and she lets him down
again?  I can’t take that risk Lucy.”  Ed moved across the hallway
and sat on the stairs.

Lucy placed herself on Ed’s knee and wrapped her arms around
his neck.

“How about I wrap everything up outside, it’s almost eleven,
so I’m sure people will be leaving soon anyway.  Once they’ve gone I’ll go
back to Dad’s with Sarah and Ben.  Then when you’ve finished with Katie I
can come back.”

Ed gazed at Lucy before kissing her passionately. 
After a few minutes, they broke away from each other, realising that now wasn’t
the time or place, Ed needed to concentrate on Katie.  Just at that moment
Jack appeared in the hallway.

“Hi Dad, what’s happening in there?”  Ed asked.

“She says she has nowhere to stay, so your mother offered
her a bed at our house, but I’m not happy about it Ed.”  Jack rubbed his
face with his hands.  “What on earth is she doing here?”

“I don’t know Dad, but I doubt Luke has been beating
her.  Lucy has suggested that she break the party up, people will be going
home soon anyway.”

Jack nodded.  “Hmm, just tell them I’m ill or something
if you don’t mind Lucy.”

Lucy smiled and got up from Ed’s knee.  “Good
idea.  I’ll tidy up outside and then go back to my dad’s house.”  She
stooped to kiss Ed.  “Ring me when she’s gone, no matter what time it is.”

“Okay baby, I will.  I just hope it doesn’t take long
to get rid of her.”

“Somehow I've got a feeling it might,” said Jack shaking his


Half an hour later, with the help of Sarah and Ben, Lucy had
tidied the garden of plastic cups and plates and empty beer cans.  Most
people had gathered something was wrong when Lucy had gone back outside. 
Jack had evidently been enjoying himself and the beer all night, so the story
of him being ill wasn’t a complete surprise to anyone.  Callie and Elspeth
wanted to help tidy up, and were a little difficult to get rid of, but Lucy had
finally managed it.

“Okay are you ready Luce?” asked Ben putting an arm around
her shoulder.

“Yes, I think so.  I just need to get my handbag from
the kitchen.”

“It’s okay,” Sarah said.  “I’ve got it here, I just
picked it up when I took Ed’s iPod back in.”

“Thanks,” said Lucy taking the bag from Sarah.  “Could
you hear anything?”

“Well there were a few raised voices, but I couldn’t hear
what they were actually saying.”

“God, I hope they don’t wake Nate up.” Lucy sighed.
 “Anyway, come on let’s go, it’s only a few minutes’ walk from here.”


By 1:00 a.m. Lucy still hadn’t heard from Ed and was getting
anxious.  Sarah and Ben had stayed up with her until midnight, but had
both been so tired from their journey they’d had to go to bed.  Lucy
wondered whether to go back to the house, despite what she’d agreed with Ed,
but decided against it.  He needed time to sort things out.  So, Lucy
decided to go up to bed, he wouldn’t call her now, it was far too late. 
Just as she turned the lamp off, Lucy heard a faint knock on the lounge window,
pulling the curtain to one side she saw Ed.

Lucy rushed to the front door and swung it open, dragging Ed
into her arms.

“Oh God, I was so worried.  I didn’t think you were
going to call me.  What’s happened?”

Ed kissed her.  “I think I need a strong drink and a
sit down.”

A few minutes later Lucy passed Ed a large brandy and sat
next to him on the sofa.

“Well, what’s happened, what did she say?”

“Not much more than when you were there.  Luke had been
hitting her apparently, so she left, and he wouldn’t let her take the
children.  She says she has some money of her own, enough to get here and
to live on for a couple of weeks, but that’s all.  Apparently Luke has
frozen the bank account.”  Ed yawned and rubbed his eyes.  “I’m
knackered; can I stay here tonight please?”

“Of course you can, but why?  Who’s with Nate?” 
Lucy took the glass of brandy from Ed and placed it on the coffee table.

“Dad is, he refused to spend a night under the same roof as
Katie, so he’s stayed at mine with Nate, and Katie has gone home with
Mum.  When Katie went to the loo we agreed to say Nate was staying at a
friend’s house, I couldn’t risk her going upstairs and waking him.”

Lucy stroked Ed’s tired face.  “Bloody hell, what a
nightmare.  Are you going to let her see Nate while she’s here?”

No, no way
.”  Ed shook his head
vehemently.  “He finishes school for the summer on Friday, and Mum and Dad
were going to take him to their cottage in Wales at some point, so Dad is going
to take him tomorrow instead, for whatever length of time it takes to get rid
of Katie.  Mum will join them once Katie’s gone.”

“God, it’s all a bit sudden, they don’t have anything

“Mum is sorting it all out.  It’ll be fine, I
promise.  Anyway, are you okay, this hasn’t upset you has it?”  Ed
pulled Lucy onto his knee.

“No, I’m fine, just shocked really, but probably not as
shocked as you,” Lucy replied.

Ed blew out a deep breath.  “That’s an understatement
Luce, it’s bloody floored me, I just never thought she’d ever come back, well I
hoped she wouldn’t.”

“How did you feel seeing her after all these years?” she
asked, feeling slightly apprehensive.

Ed considered his answer for a few seconds.  “I felt
fucking angry because she thought it would be that easy to come back and
because she ruined Dad’s party. I hate that she doesn’t seem to care about her
son or, for that matter, her other kids that’s she’s also abandoned. 
She’s a selfish bitch.”  After a few moments, a smile appeared on Ed’s
face.  “Plus, I hate that she stopped our romantic liaison in the toilet.”
he said, attempting to lighten the mood.

“I know.” Lucy grinned as her fingers caressed Ed’s
neck.  “But the fact I got to hear that you love me, more than made up for

“I’m sorry it came out like that, I would have much
preferred to have told you in different circumstances, in bed for instance.” 
Ed kissed along Lucy’s jaw-line and nibbled at her ear.  “You know, it’s
funny, but I’m not feeling that tired anymore.”

Lucy felt Ed’s excitement growing and responded to his
kisses, a bubbling sensation starting between her legs.

“Tell me now then,” she whispered as she unbuttoned his

“Christ I love you,” he groaned as he unzipped the back of
her dress and pulled it down to her waist to reveal her bare breasts.

“How much?”  Lucy wriggled on his knee, pulling her
dress down over her legs before tossing it onto the floor.

“So much it hurts, now you tell me.”  Ed pulled off his
shirt and moaned as Lucy unbuttoned his jeans and slid her hand inside.

“I love you, and now I’m going to show you how much,” she
whispered in his ear.

“Oh my God, I love it when you show me.” 


The next morning Lucy and Ed finally woke to the sound of
Sarah and Ben, pottering about in the kitchen downstairs.

“Hmm, morning,” Lucy yawned and stretched her arms, smiling
at Ed lying next to her.  “You didn’t sleep much last night did you?” she

Ed shook his head and rubbed his eyes.  “Not a lot, too
much to think about.  I’m sorry, did I keep you awake?”  Ed kissed
Lucy’s nose.

“No, I couldn’t sleep either.  Last time I looked the
clock said it was just before six.”

“Well you got a couple of hours at least, it’s just gone
eight now.  I’d better get up and go and see Nate, before Dad and he
leave.”  Ed lowered his legs out of the bed and reached for his discarded
jeans from the night before.

BOOK: No Bra Required!
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