No Greater Loyalty (25 page)

Read No Greater Loyalty Online

Authors: S. K. Hardy

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: No Greater Loyalty
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"Armando..." Dom's voice was rough and gravelly with overwhelming emotion at seeing his son in the flesh for the first time.

But the moment was far from a joyous introduction. Armando's eyes were full of loathing and hostility, all of which was directed at Dominick.

"Do not call me your son. The only person who deserved to do so is dead because of you."

The depth of the boy's hatred for him hit Dominick like a physical force. He searched his mind for the right words needed to convince him that he was wrong, but years of being around Isabella, witnessing her unstable actions and fragile mindset had no doubt taken root. That, in addition to Melania brainwashing him had to have taken its toll. There was no way to change his mind in a matter of minutes, but Dominick knew he had to try.

"Don't I at least get a chance to tell my side, Armando? There's a lot you don't know."

"He knows enough, and he's right. You throw the word 'son' around as if you have the right. As my nephew said, that is a right you have not earned and do not deserve." Melania held a hand out to Armando. "Come,
mi niño
. It is time. We must hurry."

Studying Armando's features, Dominick couldn't get over the fact that he could've been looking in a mirror. Armando favored him the same as Christian. He was slim and very tall for his age, just as Dom had been growing up.  His skin tone was a slightly darker shade than Dom's own golden complexion, and he wore his coal black hair combed back in a thick, wavy ponytail.

Trying to swallow the lump in his throat, Dom grimaced when someone behind him roughly pulled at his arms as they cut the rope that had been binding him to the chair. He cautiously brought his arms forward, stretching them out in front of him. Ignoring the pain that tore through his body, he carefully stood up and looked at Armando.

Flexing his fingers to bring the circulation back after being tied up for so long, Dominick asked, "Did you know you have a little sister and brother?"

Armando turned his head away from his aunt and stared at Dominick in surprise. He didn't say anything, but Dom could see the flicker of reluctant interest in his eyes.

"Your sister's name is Sam...short for Samantha."

Armando's lips moved as he silently repeated the name. He furtively glanced at Melania before quickly looking away when she frowned in disapproval. But his curiosity had been piqued. As if unable to help himself, he asked Dominick, "How old is she?"

"Ten going on twenty," Dom replied with a twitch of his lips. "She takes after my mother. Your grandmother."

" grandmother?"

"Yes. She's deceased now. Your grandfather, too, but know they would've loved you and spoiled you terribly had they been alive and known about you."

Armando's brows furrowed, mulling over the picture Dominick was painting for him of a family he'd never known about.  As if unable to stop the flow of interest, he asked, "And brother?"

"He's almost two. Into everything. You and he look so much alike."

"I look like you, too." The second the words escaped, a stricken expression fell over Armando's face as if he suddenly remembered he was supposed to hate Dominick.

Ignoring the scowl that deepened on Melania
’s face, Dominic forged ahead. He couldn’t let the narrow opening of communication he'd managed to pry open with Armando close back up.

"Yes, you do. No matter what you were brought up to believe, if I'd been aware of your existence, nothing and no one would've been able to keep me from you." Taking a calculated risk, Dom's eyes held his son's. "You have a family who not only loves you, but want you to come home."

Armando tried to keep his face expressionless. If Dominick didn't know any better, he'd think Armando could care less, but Dominick
know better. Armando's eyes gave him away. They provided a glimpse into a soul that was hungry to be a part of everything that Dominick had just described. Yearned for it, even.

"This isn't how you should be living your life, Armando. I'm sure your other grandmother feels the same."

Frowning, Armando's face showed his confusion. "My grandmother? said she was dead."

"Not my mother, Isabella's mother. She lives in California. I tracked her down and spoke to her recently. She's never forgotten about you." Dominick's gaze slid to Melania's face and saw it reddened with anger. "You
know your mother and your aunt have different mothers, don't you?"

Javier's face twisted in disbelief at the fact that Melania was letting this continue, but before he could voice his outrage, she signaled to one of her men standing behind Dominick.

Dominick saw the gesture and turned just in time to deflect the blow coming at him with his arm. After blocking the punch, he threw a jab that landed on the man's chin.

Furious, Javier nodded to two other men who both rushed Dominick at the same time. Adrenaline coursing through his veins, Dom elbowed one attacker in the face then swung at the other and brought him down, but his injuries quickly left him winded and unsteady. His body cried out in protest, but he kept fighting. He had no other choice if he stood any chance at all of staying alive.

Suddenly, someone grabbed him from behind. Dom struggled to get free, but he could feel himself weakening. Growling he threw his head back as hard as he could. The man screamed and released him as blood spewed from his nose. However, before Dom could make another move, his first attacker plowed a series of brutal punches to his side. Ripples of excruciating pain shot through him as the body shots to his already damaged ribs continued to come. He tried to protect himself as best he could as the others jumped in and brought him down.

His face showing fear and shock, Armando took a step forward, but Melania grabbed his arm in a punishing grip and turned him towards her.

"You know what has to be done. I promised you that your
death would be avenged, did I not?"

Sí, Tia
, but...but is what he said true? About my grandmother?"

"We will discuss this later, Armando!" Grabbing him by the shoulders, Melania shook him hard, her eyes cold and merciless. "You are a Cruz. Do
bring shame to your name or your
Finish this!"

Blinking rapidly and lifting his chin, Armando nodded. "
Sí, Tia

With a gesture of her hand, Melania called the men off. She took the gun Javier extended to her and placed it in Armando's hand.

Armando stared at the gun for a moment then released the safety. Turning to Dominick, he raised the weapon and pointed it directly at him.

Gritting his teeth, Dominick used the last of his strength to push himself up until he stood unsteadily on his feet. His lungs burned with every breath he took, but he somehow remained upright.

Dominick stared at Armando, recognizing the fear in his son's eyes. "It's okay. This isn't your fault. It's okay."

The gun still trained on Dominick, Armando brought his other arm up and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. 

Javier's gaze narrowed when he saw the panic settling in on the boy's face. "Melania..."

"Shut up, Javier," she snapped before turning back to Armando. "Do. It.

Lips trembling, Armando's hand tightened on the butt of the gun. He locked eyes with Dominick before shaking his head and whispering, "I can't."

Dominick glared at Melania, enraged by what was happening but powerless to stop it. "Why in the fuck are you making him do this? He's just a kid!"

"It's fitting, don't you think? The sins of the father will be cleansed by the child."

"You're insane!" Dominick whispered.

Javier had had enough.
“We do not have time for this, Melania!” He made a move towards Armando to take the gun, but Dominick called Armando’s name and held his hand out.

Armando only hesitated for a split second then slid the gun across the floor to Dominick.

“No!” Melania shouted.

In one motion, Dominick picked the gun up and rolled onto his back. Firing several shots, the bullets found their marks with unerring accuracy, instantly killing two men seconds before they were able to fire their weapons.

A split second later, gunfire erupted from the doorway. Utter chaos ensued as Angel's men burst into the room and began picking off targets one by one.

Dominick rushed forward and tackled Armando to the floor, protectively covering his son's body with his own. "Stay down!"

Melania's bodyguards quickly surrounded her and returned fire while pulling her towards the back exit.

Melania called out for her nephew. "Armando, quickly! Come!

One of Melania's bodyguards sprinted back with the intention of getting to Armando, but a spray of bullets riddled his body and dropped him mid-way.

Melania's men had just reached the exit when it was thrown open. Her bodyguards along with Javier were taken out before they had time to blink, and just like that it was over. Several of Angel's men began casing the rest of the building to make sure all was clear while the others kept their gungs closely trained on Melania.

The corners of Melania
’s mouth turned up in a mocking sneer as she took in the hub of activity around her. "All of this? For me? You shouldn't have."

At that precise moment, Angel strolled into the room. The intense look he gave her was
icy and filled with dark rage. "Melania, believe me when I tell you we’re just getting started. I promise you that."





Melania’s face turned deathly pale when she saw the furious gleam burning in Angel’s eyes. Never one to show weakness she swung the heavy mass of dark curls over her shoulder and snapped her chin up.

, Angelo. I have to say I wasn't expecting to see you here getting your hands dirty,

Angel's lips twisted in a smile that didn
’t reach his eyes. "I have no idea why you’re surprised. Unlike you, my number one priority will always be to keep my family safe no matter what. I tried to tell you that, but you didn't listen. We'll address that in a moment."

A glimmer of unease flashed across Melania's face when Angel gave her a cold smile before turning to his brother.

Angel's jaw clenched tight when he saw Dominick’s face. His left eye was almost swollen shut, his lip split and bloody, and there were several cuts and abrasions marring his skin. Angel's gaze paused when he saw the way Dominick protectively wrapped his arm around his waist.

His head slowly swiveled around to stare at Melania, the message in his eyes telling her she would pay and pay dearly for doing this to his brother.

Walking up to Dominick, Angel reached out and wrapped his hand around the back of Dom’s neck. "Are you okay?"

Although it was clear to see that he was in an obvious amount of pain, Dominick nodded. "I'm good. Keisha?"

"She's fine. She and the kids are at my home. They're safe."

"Thank God," he whispered. With the next breath he took, Dom winced at the pain in his ribs. "Man, what tha
’ hell took you so long?"

"Always something smart to say," Angel grunted under his breath, but the relief in his voice was unmistakable. "If you had died on me, I would
’ve kicked your ass, you know that, right?"

The two of them laughed, exchanging a meaningful look that said everything they didn't put into words. Angel glanced over at Armando standing several feet behind Dominick and became utterly still.

"Shit," he whispered in a hushed tone.

Dominick turned to look at his son. He already knew what Angel was thinking. "I know, right?"

Angel switched his gaze to Dom for a moment before directing it back to his nephew. He was momentarily taken back into time when Dom was Armando’s age. A wave of regret washed over him when he remembered how his brother had been sent to prison at sixteen when he took the blame for drugs found in his possession that had belonged to Angel. It was something Angel knew he’d never come to terms with, no matter how many years passed.

"He really looks exactly like you did at his age," he said after a moment.

Angel moved past Dom to stand in front of the boy, who stared back with a wary, distrustful expression. Without realizing it, Armando’s eyes sought out Dom for reassurance.

"Armando, this is my brother. Your Uncle Angelo," Dominick told him.

Still guarded, Armando eyed Angel with renewed interest, but he quickly glanced at Melania before staring down at the floor.

Angel and Dominick's eyes met. Again, a nonverbal communication passed between them as their thoughts mirrored one another's. It was clear Armando was torn between his loyalty to his aunt and curiosity about them.

Holding back a heavy sigh, Angel drew the boy's stiff body to him and hugged him tightly. He knew it would take time for Armando to open up and embrace them as his family, but he vowed to do everything in his power to work with Dominick and make it as easy as possible for him.

Patting Armando once on the back, Angel said to Dom, "My physician is waiting to..."

But Dom shook his head to cut him off, "No, I'm fine. I want to see, Keisha first."

"I'll have somebody take you home
my doctor checks you out."

Dominick frowned. "Angel..."

"Nick, frankly you look like hell. Keisha doesn't need to see you this way, it'll only upset her. Let me have my doctor look at you, clean up your bruises, and wrap your ribs. Then I promise, someone will take you straight to my home to see your wife."

Dominick looked as if he wanted to argue, but knew Angel was right. He didn
’t want to upset Keisha any more than necessary, and seeing him in the state he was in would surely do that.

Turning to Armando, Dominick saw the indecision warring on his face and easily read his thoughts. He knew this couldn't be easy, but the only other alternative for the child was Melania, and that was not an option. Armando was coming with him.

He placed a hand on Armando's shoulder and asked in a gentle voice, "Ready?"

Armando looked up at Dom, his eyes dark, watery pools of anguish. Dom's heart ached for him. He should never even have been put in this position.

"Can...can I say goodbye to my aunt?"

Dom hesitated. His instincts told him to whisk Armando away as far as possible from the toxicity of Melania
’s presence, but he was also aware of the fact that his son had a connection with this woman. No matter what, she was his family.

Dominick glanced at his brother, but Angel was steadily looking at Melania. Standing behind Armando with one hand clasped over the other in front of him, the stare he directed towards Melania was dark and threatening. It was best Armando made a clean break. Angel wanted Melania to administer the cut.

Melania's expression was defiant. She had no intention of pushing her nephew away and making it easy for them. She and Angel engaged in a standoff of wills, but Angelo had no intention of being the loser.

"Your mother sends her regards, Melania." He paused to let that bit of information sink in before adding, "In fact, your entire family does."

He'd played his trump card and they both knew it. Melania turned motionless, her mind racing. There was no way he could've gotten to her family. No way at all. They were heavily guarded by her men for this very reason.
For a moment, Melania stood unsure if what he was implying was true or a ploy to get her to back down.

However, as soon as the thought crossed her mind, she immediately dismissed it. Although she'd admonished Javier about taking the potential threat Dominick represented too lightly, there was nothing "potentially" threatening when it came to Angelo LaCroix. He was one of the most dangerous men she'd ever met, and she'd met plenty. He didn't waste his breath on empty threats. He dealt in action, and when he delivered, it was always in the most brutal of ways in order to deliver a message and prove a point.

For the first time, Melania felt a prickling of unease. If Angelo mentioned her family, it was cause for concern. Her eyes went to her beloved nephew. No matter how much it went against everything she believed in, she couldn't sacrifice her entire family.

When Armando took several tentative steps towards her, Melania shook her head and addressed him in rapid fire Spanish.
"There's no need for a drawn out goodbye. You've made your choice. You side with these people whom you've never met before over the familia you've known your entire life?"

The stricken look on Armando's face went straight to Dom's heart. He took a step towards his son to shield him from the pain he was experiencing, but Angel grabbed his arm and held him back. Dom swallowed a curse and stayed put as Armando pleaded with Melania.

I...I just couldn't do what you asked."

Melania's gazed raked scathingly over him.
"You are not a Cruz. A Cruz would not betray those he claimed to love. I'm ashamed to call you my nephew. Just go."

"But Tia-"


"Dominick." Angel gestured for them to leave.

Dominick glowered at Melania, wishing he could stay to see this through to the end, but the sooner he got Armando out of there, the better.

As his eyes met hers, he sent her one last message which told her he hoped she rotted in hell.





















Angel waited until they were gone then nodded to his men. Melania watched as they brought over two chairs and placed them so that they faced each other. Shifting her attention to a young man in his early twenties who was setting up a sophisticated computer system at a nearby table, she frowned.

"What's all this, Angelo?"

Angel sat down in one of the chairs. Crossing one leg over the other, he indicated for Melania to do the same in the one that had been place opposite his.

Huffing impatiently, Melania replied sarcastically, "I'll stand, thank you."

Angel said nothing, but Carlo, who was behind Melania grabbed a fist full of her hair and twisted it painfully tight before yanking her head backwards. Melania's hands clawed at his to get free. She screamed every obscenity imaginable while trying to dislodge the fingers that felt like they were yanking the strands from her scalp.

Carlo forcefully guided her to the chair and roughly sat her down in it. He released her hair in an intentional movement that pushed her head forward. Massaging her throbbing scalp, Melania gave Carlo a heated glare, calling him a son of a whore in her native tongue. Carlo only shrugged and smirked at the insult.

Cutting her eyes back to the computer on the table, Melania watched as a system of codes were typed in. "What is he doing?" she asked Angel.

"You'll see soon enough."

"If you are going to kill me, let's get it over with. If not, then release me."

"Make no mistake about it, you will
be walking out of here tonight. Let's be clear on that."

Melania gave a nonchalant shrug. She had expected as much, but death was a circumstance she did not fear. She always knew she would die young. If this was her time, so be it. Besides, if the situation were reversed, she would do the same thing.

"Whatever the case, I'm in no mood to watch a fucking movie, so let's get on with the business at hand, shall we Angelo?"

"Patience, Melania. That's always been one of your problems, sweetheart, you act on emotion without thinking about the consequences. I think you'll find what I have to show you very interesting, but while we're getting everything set up, let's address the issue of just how much you've fucked up today."

Melania crossed her legs and relaxed back in the chair in a casual pose. "Okay. Let's."

"You got a lot of balls, you know that? My first thought was that surely you'd lost your mind by kidnapping my brother. And then you put your got damn hands on him like that?" Angel leaned forward, eyebrows raised in disbelief. "You have no idea how close I came to blowing your fucking head off when I walked in and saw him."

"You should be proud. He handled himself well against my men."

"Tell me, did you not believe me when I told you I would fuck your world up if I ever laid eyes on you again?"

Splaying her hands out to her side, Melania hunched one shoulder. "Of course I did, Angelo, but I think we both know the ball had been put into play the minute you left my hotel room. That is all part of the excitement, part of the little game we play, you and I. I love the way you beast out when provoked. I’ve always found it extremely sexy."

Angel laughed. "I forgot what a sick little bitch you can be."

"No sicker than you."

Angel inclined his head in agreement. "True. That's why I thought we understood each other, thought we'd shared a 'come to Jesus' moment, if you will, when we had that discussion in your hotel room.
” His eyes crinkled at the corners as if they were having a friendly conversation “I see I was wrong."

Angel glanced at the young man typing away at the computer. "How much longer before the video feed is ready, Demetri?"

"Almost got it, Boss. Give me five more minutes."

"Make it three," Angel demanded.

Demetri nodded, accustomed to his employer's brusque manner. Demetri Stevens had been with Angel for almost four years now. Graduating from high school at eleven and entering MIT at twelve, everyone from CEO's of Fortune 500 companies, to NASA and the federal government, had courted him to come work for them upon graduation. Angel had set up a meeting with him one day, and by the end of the night, Demetri had signed on to work exclusively for him. With the money Angel paid him, if he retired tomorrow, he would do so an extremely wealthy young man.

Angel returned his attention back to Melania. "I have to say I'm very disappointed in you."

"And I have to say you've forgotten the type of woman I am. I answer to no man and cower before none."

"I wouldn't quite agree with that. I seem to remember you rather like being made to cower and brought to heel.
” Angel's gaze crawled over Melania's body, his eyes caressing her curves, effortlessly stoking the fire he knew burned deep within her core. "It just takes the right man with the right touch to get you there."

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