No Mercy (23 page)

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Authors: L. Divine

BOOK: No Mercy
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“No!” I scream, dropping to my knees. All of the items fall to the ground. My vision fades to black rendering me helpless against my enemy, or so I think.

“Cameron, what are you doing?” Jeremy says, falling down beside me. “I don’t believe this shit!”

Jayd, hold on to your senses!”
Maman screams into my head. “
Get in her head!

“But I can’t see her,” I say aloud. Cameron’s laughing at her evil action and praising herself for doing so well. “
How can I get in her head without looking in her eyes? It defies everything I know about my mom’s powers

That’s just it. You need to think outside the box, Jayd. You have more than your mother’s sight at your disposal. Use the other powers to get where you need to be.

Blocking out Jeremy and Cameron’s arguing, I focus on Cameron’s voice, honing in on her high-pitched laugh. She sounds like she looks: A thin, five foot seven, strawberry blonde teenaged heffa out to get me.

“Give me my doll.” I rise to my feet and focus on her murky red aura. I can’t make out her body but I can see the hatred emanating from her being—seeing the unseen is Queen Califia’s gift and I am grateful for it.

“Never!” she raises another pin to the doll and goes for my heart.

Before Cameron can stab the mini me again, I slap her to the floor causing the doll to fly out of her hands. I jump on top of her and give this chick what she’s been asking for.

“Jayd, stop! You’re going to hurt her,” Jeremy says, attempting to pull me off but now that my sight is back I’m not letting going.

“Get her off of me!” Cameron screams like she’s afraid for her life.

“You want to play with dolls, Cameron? Then let’s play.” I take out a few strands of her hair by their roots and show them to her. “Our next play date’s on me.”

“Jayd, stop,” Jeremy says, finally succeeding in rescuing his wench. “You are way out of line.”

“Her? What about me?”

Jeremy looks from me to a seemingly wounded Cameron still on the floor in shock.
“She never laid a hand on you, Jayd. What the hell is the matter with you?”

Several other students file into the hallway and see me standing over Cameron. Again, I’m deemed as the angry black girl who can’t be invited anywhere. This must be how Mickey feels wherever she goes. It is in this moment that I realize I’ll never truly fit into Jeremy’s world.

“Nothing at all, Jeremy. I can see everything clearly now.”

With all of Cameron’s shit in tow I make my way out of the crowded hall. I stuff it all in my backpack sitting on the living room floor next to a shocked Marcia and head for the front door. I’ve got bigger fish to fry. Mrs. Bennett’s demands will have to wait.



"Never doubt yourself or your power.”


Drama High, volume 11: Cold As Ice





“Jayd, what’s up girl? I’m just checking on you, making sure you got adequate transportation and shit,” Chase says into my cell. I can tell he’s trying to make me laugh but I’m not in the mood.

“I’m actually at the bus stop,” I say, still hot from my recent encounter. I don’t know what’s worse, that Cameron nearly got the best of me or that Jeremy sided with her.

“Girl, please. I told you, I got you. Consider me your personal chauffeur until your whip is back in commission.”

“Chase, I can’t ask you to do that,” I say, sitting on the covered clay bench. We’re lucky if we have a sign to post up against while waiting for the bus in either of my hoods.

“You didn’t ask, Jayd. I offered. Tell me where you’re at.”


“Thanks for picking me up, Chase,” I say, snapping the seatbelt locked. I had enough time to calm down and check my spirit notes for clues on how to dispose of Cameron and Esmeralda’s toy collections. It seems that my recent visions about mirrors, water and rocks play into solving all of our problems. I need to confer with Mama about the exact plan but I know it involves burying these things for good.

“It’s never a problem, Jayd,” Chase says, lowering the music blaring through his state-of-the-art sound system. “Besides, this is my hood. Why didn’t you call me earlier so I could come swoop you up?”

I can’t believe Chase would drive damn near thirty miles on a Saturday night to give me a ride. He’s the most genuine friend I’ve ever had and probably the best dude that I know.

“Because you’re not a taxi service, my brotha. Besides, you can’t keep coming to my rescue.”

Chase looks hurt by my words. “Whatever, Jayd. You know, for someone so outspoken most of the time you sure can be sheepish when it comes to asking for help, especially from someone who offers it with no limitations. So, Compton or Inglewood?”

“Honestly, I don’t want to go home,” I say, staring off into the distance. The ocean air is thick tonight and the full moon illuminates the sky.

“I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”

“I need to hit up Big Sur for some jade stones,” I say, recalling the burial incantation in my notes. “But I know that’s out of the question.”

“Well, Northern Cali is out but the stones aren’t,” he says, making a u-turn in the middle of Pacific Coast Highway. “There’s a cave near one of our hangout spots with all kinds of sparkly stones in it. I bet you can find what you’re looking for in there.”

“I guess I was wrong,” I say, relaxing a bit. “You are quite the knight in shining armor.”

“You know it, my lady,” Chase says winking. He turns the melodic Outkast track back up and we cruise toward the ocean.


After leaving the Ranchos Palos Verdes estates we park on Palos Verdes Drive and walk along the shore for a few minutes before reaching our destination.

“Down there,” he says, pointing at a rocky area below the bluffs. “We have to do a little hiking but nothing you can’t handle.”

“Let’s do it,” I say, zipping my sweater. If I’d known I was going to be at the beach tonight I would’ve worn a thicker one. At least I wore sneakers and Chase brought a couple of blankets just in case it gets too cold.

“I’ve got you, Jayd,” Chase says, engulfing me in his Izzy Miyake scented sweater.

“What do you need these for anyway?” Chase asks, scanning the water for signs of colorful rocks. It took us some time to make it down here but I’m so glad that we did. I’ve never seen anything like this up close.

“I’m collecting the stones to bury some things my enemies created,” I say, waiting for the tide to subside before stepping into the water.

“That sounds like some deep shit right there,” Chase says, walking several feet away from the tunnel and spreading the thick blankets on the small sandy area nearby. “Speaking of deep, what happened at the study session?”

“I don’t want to go into everything, but Jeremy’s an ass and Cameron can have him,” I say, tossing a rock into the receding water. “I know he’s your boy and all but I’m through fighting for him.”

“Jeremy and Rah are both cool with me, and Jeremy will always be the homie. But personally, I think that they’re both complete imbeciles to let a queen like you slip away, especially that mark ass, bitch ass nigga Keenan—no offense.”

“None taken,” I say, genuinely smiling for the first time in hours. It’s been a long time since someone had my back like Chase does.

“I’m going to light up,” Chase says, sitting down on the blankets and pulling out a pack of cigarettes.

“I know it’s tacky to tell you what to do but seriously, you and Alia need to cut that shit out,” I say, removing my shoes and socks.

“Alia’s no longer my concern,” Chase says, switching the cigarettes for a half smoked blunt.

“What happened?”
I step into the cold water with bare feet and scan the rocks beneath the surface much like I did in one of my dreams. I turn my back to Chase as Maman’s sight brightens the water and makes the jade stones easy to see. Chase was right: there’s plenty of material here.
              “Jealousy, like always. Sometimes I think relationships are pointless. I mean, you’re friends in the beginning but the shackles lock into place and the friendship goes out the damned door.”

“Why not just be friends with chicks instead of trying to wife them up all the time?” I ask, collecting multiple stones. These should be perfect for the ritual.
              “Because friends don’t come with benefits,” he says, exhaling a large cloud of smoke in my direction.

“If they’re your true friends, that’s all the benefit you need.” I place the stones in my pockets and keep hunting. It’s better to have too many than too few. “Sex should be special, not some casual fling.”

“And therein lies the problem with chicks,” Chase says, completely faded. “Once the deed is done y’all go crazy. Why make a big a deal about the whole sex thing?”

“Because it is a big deal,” I say, collecting the last of the stones. I can’t carry any more.

“But it doesn’t have to be. I mean, you could
do it with a friend and get it over and done with. Losing your mind in love is optional, Jayd. I say control the circumstances, don’t let them control you.”

“Wise words, Mr. Carmichael,” I say, making my way to the sand. I don’t know if it’s the thick haze he’s blowing that’s sucking all of the oxygen out of the air or what but my head’s spinning. Chase catches me and lies me down on the blanket next to him. I allow his nose to gently touch mine, accepting the thrust of his tongue as it makes its way between my lips.

“Chase, what are you doing?” I ask, coming up for air.

“What I’ve wanted to do since the first day I laid eyes on you in Drama class two years ago.”

I look into his red eyes and remember that day and all of the days since then. If there’s one man I can trust, it’s him.

Before he can move in for round two I take control and return the affection.

“Okay,” he says, giggling at my advance.

“What’s so funny?” I retreat under the covers, embarrassed by my actions. What the hell was I thinking kissing Chase?

“I’m just saying,” Chase says, joining me under the blanket. “I’ve been waiting for over two years to kiss you, and a peck’s not going to do it.” He pulls me into him and looks me dead in the eye. His lips are so soft and his body, hard. I had no idea he would feel so good.

“Chase,” I murmur between kisses. “Are we doing the right thing?”

“Do you want me to stop?”

I pause and consider his question. There are no other voices or visions in my head. There are no birds singing, but the stars are aligned and there is no fear in my heart, just like Netta said it would be.

“No, I don’t.”

Chase smiles and continues kissing me until I’m completely covered by his strong body. He takes a condom out of his back pocket and places it into my hand. “Your choice, Jayd. It’s all about you tonight.”


Last night’s still a slight blur to me. I don’t feel any different but I know that I’m not virgin anymore, that’s for sure. How we ended up back at Chase’s house with his mom making us breakfast is also a mystery. But she’s too happy that I’m here and I’m cool with the buffet.

“Good morning, baby. Jayd, how are you feeling, sweetie?” she says, pouring us fresh orange juice. We both sit at the kitchen island ready to dig in.

“I’m good,” I say, taking a sip. “Tired as usual.”

“You have to take care of yourself, young lady. We need you around here,” Mrs. Carmichael says, smiling big. She’s always wanted me and her son together. “Chance, you should convince Jayd to stay here for the day and get some rest. I’m sure all of that back and forth to school must be exhausting, especially during your senior year.”

“Jayd knows mi casa es her casa,” Chase says, rubbing my thigh.

“Thanks, both of you but I’ve got to get back home,” I say, allowing his hand to stay put. “I don’t even want to think about all of the work I’ve got ahead of me today.”

“Jayd, you should never argue with an attorney unless you’re training to become one yourself,” Mrs. Carmicahel says. “I think you should consider staying here until your car gets fixed. Chase told me you’re having transportation challenges and it’s not like our house isn’t big enough. We’d love to have you and your grandmother knows you’d be in good hands.”

I consider her offer, knowing that Nigel just moved out after a pleasant stay, and shake of the crazy idea. “I have hair clients in Inglewood and I have to work in Compton during the week.”

“Jayd, think about it. I’m sure it can all be worked out.”

“I think it’s a swell idea,” Chase says, backing his mom.

I feel like I’m being ambushed.

“Chance, don’t forget to make an appointment for your deposition next week with your father’s attorney. I want this divorce done with by the end of the week.”

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