No More Wasted Time (19 page)

Read No More Wasted Time Online

Authors: Beverly Preston

Tags: #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Fiction, #C429, #Extratorrents, #Kat

BOOK: No More Wasted Time
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She retreated back inside, trying her best not to tackle him
on the bed, couch, counter or anything else that looked like fair game. He
wanted to wait and she knew it would pay off nicely in the end.

Tom showed Tess around his home.

“Your place is so…”

“Bachelor pad? I don’t have much design skill.”

“I was going to say contemporary or modern. I like the clean
lines.” Dark brown leather sofas looked rich against the light gray walls and
several pieces of colorful artwork hung on the walls. “I love the artwork. The
colors add a lot of warmth.” The painting extended the full length of the sofa
it hung over. Midnight blue faded into purples, reds, oranges and yellows,
mimicking a sunset.

“Do you like art?”

“Sure. Not strange pieces, but I appreciate unique things.”
She stood in front of his fireplace, admiring the pallid mosaic gray-blue glass
tiles surrounding it. She suspected the glass tiles came from Italy.

“Tell me about your house, Tess.”

“I have a nice house, but I’d rather show it to you.”

“Would it be hard for you to have another man in your home?”
Tom asked softly as they ambled down the hall to his room.

“I’ll get past it. Is it strange for you to have me here?”

Both stretched out across his bed. “Yes, a little bit.
Truthfully though, I couldn’t wait for you to come home with me, and that’s
nothing I’ve ever wanted before.”

“I know you leave soon to start your film, and I’m not sure
what your plan is, but if it works out, can you stay with me for a couple days
when you take me home?”

He fidgeted with his fingers. “Stay with you?” His brows
creased and he cleared his throat.

Sensing his hesitation, Tess started to ramble. “If you have
the time. Plus you could meet John.”

Tom ran his tongue over his teeth, sucking air through them
as he folded his arms across his chest.

I’ve never seen him do that before. He’s freaking out.

“You don’t have to stay with me if you don’t want to.”
Caught off guard by his reaction, Tess tried to swallow her insecurities. “Tom,
I don’t want this to be weird. Our relationship should be easy for both of us.
I’m not looking to get married again, so I don’t want you to think that’s where
my head is.” She tried to be light hearted so things wouldn’t be awkward
between them. “I enjoy spending time together. You make me happy. You’re fun,
not to mention I can’t keep my hands off you.”

He may as well have stamped
to his forehead.

Tess didn’t do well with sweeping things under a rug or
hiding from reality. “Look I understand this is new for you, but please don’t
trip out because I asked you to come home with me.”

He remained silent.

“Seriously, come on, Tom. I’m here with you at your home,
and I have no idea how many women have laid in this same spot, but I really
don’t care. I’m not going to let it bother me because right now, I’m in your
bed. It shouldn’t bother you to stay with me.”

Tom sat silent as the grave, letting her rattle on while he
squirmed in his seat.

So much for Benny curing those inner demons. Apparently
they still linger

Irritated by his lack of confidence in their brand new
relationship, Tess huffed. “Look, I need our relationship to be straightforward
and uncomplicated for both of us. I don’t like drama and I don’t do well with
bullshit. If there’s something you need to say, just say it. Okay?”

She turned her back to him. “I’m taking a shower.”

As the hot water rained over her, Tess’ thoughts were
One little, ‘Will you come home with me?’ and he freaked. I
shouldn’t be surprised. This is obviously new for him, but jeeze it wasn’t as
if I asked him to move in with me.

A few minutes later, Tom stepped into the shower and wrapped
his arms around her. He stood behind her, placing affectionate kisses on her
wet shoulder and tenderly stroked her arms.

Heat and tears stung her face beneath the steamy veil of the
hot water. She turned away from him, hiding her frustration. “I’m pretty much
to blindly throw myself to the wolves lingering outside your front door with a
camera in their hands. You should be willing-”

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I panicked for a minute.
Uncomplicated. That’s how I want us to be, too. No drama.”

“No games, no bullshit. Okay?”

He turned to face her, slipping a sodden lock of hair from
her face to look into her eyes. “I promise Tess. No bullshit.”

Tom lifted her up a bit, nudging his hard-on between her

Feeling his,
I’m sorry
searching for forgiveness
between her thighs, she said, “Not yet, remember?”

“I changed my mind.”

“I know you have something planned later, so not yet,
please. I like it when you surprise me. I’ve waited all day. I can wait a
little longer.” She grinned stepping out of the shower.

“Is this when I’m supposed to turn the water to cold?”

“Umm hmm. Let’s save
for later.” She laughed

 Tess dressed for dinner, checking herself over in the
mirror. The dark straight jeans and sheer lavender top fit flawlessly. She
loved the tan wedges with a silver buckle across the top, too. “Thanks for the

“You’re welcome. You’ll probably meet some interesting
people. There’ll be camera’s here tonight. That’s one of the reasons I want to
go out. I don’t want you to be surprised.”

Tom drove them to a well-known restaurant where they had
dinner and drinks. Tess met several of his friends, most were very nice, and a
few were slightly pretentious. She became quite bored with the ‘Holy Shit’
expression people wore on their faces when he introduced her as his girlfriend.
It made her proud to be by his side, though.

She’d had several drinks and was having a hard time staying
focused. She whispered in his ear as she gently bit his earlobe. “Tom, I can’t
wait any more. Can we go?”

“Let’s go.”

Cameras flashed like strobe lights as they left the
restaurant. Tom smiled nonchalantly, letting them get their shots as they
rushed toward the car. Tess sensed his annoyance with the paparazzi, but he hid
it so well,  no one else noticed. She tried not to look nervous until one of
them said, “So, Tommy, is this one of your date’s moms?”

Tess remained unruffled, but Tom was pissed off. His stance
turned rigid and she could feel his anger reverberating through his hand as he
squeezed her fingers. He stepped toward the guy, swearing under his breath
through gritted teeth, giving him the reaction he so badly wished to get a
photo of.

She gently tugged on Tom’s hand, smiling up at him, changing
his demeanor instantly. Tom brushed his cheek against hers, nuzzling her neck,
whispering, “Thanks.” He turned to the man who made the comment, leaning in
next to him to say something in his ear.

In the car Tess asked, “What did you say to him?”

“He’s lucky I didn’t rip his fucking head off.” He shot her
a look of remorse. “I’m sorry. They’re such assholes sometimes. That was really

“Can we let it go, Tom? I don’t want it to ruin the night.”

“I might’ve been thrown in jail if you didn’t look at me
that way.”

Tess had his shirt unbuttoned by the time they pulled in the
drive. All the lights were off inside, but the moonlight casting its reflection
on the ocean beamed in. Music echoed softly down the hall as Tom led her to his
room. Several vases of flowers were set around his room and rose pedals lay
scattered on the bed. Candles flickered in the cool ocean breeze blowing in
from the open glass door.

“Oh, my God. How did you do this? You’re going to make me

Tom reached for her fingers, taking her in his arms, slowly
dancing her around the room.

“You are really spoiling me. Thank you, I love it.” Bending
to take in the fragrant scent of red roses.

“I’ve never done this for another woman and I want you to be
comfortable here. I’m sorry about earlier.”

“Here I thought it was because you’re incredibly,
ridiculously attracted to me,” she said bashfully.

Color rose to his cheeks. “That, too.”

“Tom, just so you know, no one has ever done this for me

“It’s a first for both of us then.”

Tess kissed him hungrily, unable to get enough of the smoky
wine lingering on his breath. He swayed her, dipped her, and undressed her.
Standing in front of Tom with nothing left but heels and panties on, Tess'
heart raced as she sank to her knees. Staring down, his dark brown eyes
devoured her as she wrapped her lips around him, taking him in, craving for him
to desire her more than any other woman.

Attempting to raise Tess to her feet, Tom cautioned, “Wait.

She backed off momentarily and peered up at him as she
rolled her tongue around him. “I want to taste you.”

His hands touched the side of her face, twisting his fingers
in her hair as he gazed down watching intently, giving her what she wanted.  

Laying her back on the bed, Tom’s warm, open lips brushed
against her nipples. Slipping his thumbs into her panties, he pulled them off,
tossing them over his head. Gripping his hair between her fingers, intuitively,
she guided him down between her thighs. He ravished her body as if reading her
every thought. Relinquished all control, Tess let her arms fell behind her head
as her hair hung over the edge of the bed.

Tess couldn’t hear the music. She could only hear what she
thought was a voice sounding somewhat like her own, moaning loudly as waves of
pleasure overcame her.






Tess rolled over in bed, reaching for Tom, but found only
his pillow. Dangling her feet over the edge of the bed, she smiled softly,
glancing at rose petals scattered over the floor.

Ambling down the hallway, she recognized voices talking in
the living room.

“It’s about time you woke up. Rough night?” Lisa chimed

Tess tried to keep a straight face. “No, actually I had a
lovely evening.”

“Are you excited about the premier or are you nervous?”

“Both,” she admitted, grateful to see Lisa.

“There’s coffee in the kitchen. Shayla brought by a basket
of fruit and bagels.”

As she helped herself to breakfast, it dawned on her that
Shayla fixed the room last night.

“Go throw something comfortable on. You have a date with me
today. Oh, and I have something for you.” Lisa handed her several magazines.

Tess tossed the magazines on the coffee table. She didn’t
want to fall into the trap of caring about what complete strangers thought of

“You’re in those magazines. I thought you’d like to see

“I’m not sure if I want to look. The pictures don’t bother
me, but I’m not interested in what they have to say.”

“I looked through them, there’s nothing bad,” Tom reassured

“What are we doing today?” Tess asked Lisa.

“We’re having a girl’s day.”

Lisa took Tess to several shops. This time a driver and a
bodyguard went with them everywhere to make sure Lisa wasn’t hassled.

“Do you have any idea what you’d like to wear?” Lisa asked
enthusiastically, almost as if she hoped Tess would let her pick the dress out
for her.

“I have no idea. I’m assuming it has to be a dress, but it
doesn’t have to be long, does it?”

“You don’t have to wear a dress at all, but I would. You two
are the next biggest news second to the actual premier.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s a big deal for the two of you. Most of the time, Tommy
comes to these things alone, and if he does bring someone, it’s for publicity.
You two are the buzz right now. He’s been calling you his girlfriend since he
got into town.”

Tess’ stomach fluttered with flickers of excitement and
apprehension. “I know you’re dying to help me find the perfect dress, and I
would be very appreciative if you would. I want to look amazing.”

“Yay! Thanks, Tess, I knew you’d let me help. Believe me,
when I’m through with you, they won’t even notice Tommy. I know you’re not big
on attention, but you’re under the spotlight, Tess. You might as well shine.”

“Hopefully that light isn’t shining too brightly when I fall
on my face,” she mumbled.

Lisa took Tess to a posh dress boutique. She tried on a
dozen dresses, finally finding the perfect, strapless, royal blue dress. It was
stunning with pleats at the top, making the silky fabric flow to one side of
her waist, molding to her curves like a glove.

They stopped at a café, enjoying lunch outside on a patio.
Tess felt like a goldfish sitting in a fish bowl. Leaving the café, several
paparazzi called Lisa’s name, asking for her picture. Tess recognized a
photographer from the airport. He approached Tess, calling her by name, asking
nicely if he could take a photo. Masking her surprise, she stopped and smiled.

“You handled that well!” Lisa nonchalantly took her hand,
guiding her into another boutique.

“That was the same guy from the airport. Tom was friendly to
him, and I think he called him Joey. Hopefully I didn’t look like an idiot.
Should I have stopped?”

“You did great. You’re very photogenic. You need a strapless
bra for your dress, don’t you?”


They were trying on lingerie when Lisa entered Tess'
dressing area, which resembled a dressing room suite. “So, Tess, I thought I
should give you some pointers. If you don’t mind.”

“Please do, I’ll take all the advice I can get.”

“There will be dozens of movie stars coming out to support
Benny’s film, so you’re going to see a lot of familiar faces. You don’t seem
too hung up on that, but you still might get overwhelmed. Tommy will know
everyone there. People adore him, so be yourself and stick next to him.
Whatever you do, don’t drink too much. If you’re going to drink, have water in
between. I don’t want to be your hair holder while you’re wrapped over a

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