No More Wasted Time (30 page)

Read No More Wasted Time Online

Authors: Beverly Preston

Tags: #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Fiction, #C429, #Extratorrents, #Kat

BOOK: No More Wasted Time
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Teddy shook his hand, inspecting his knuckles. “Damn, are
you all right?”

Tess cradled her wrist, shaking uncontrollably. “Th…Thanks.
He wouldn’t let go of me.”  

Teddy sent the next person who entered the hallway to find
the host of the party. People began gathering in the hall to see what was going
on. The guy still lay unconscious with blood spewing everywhere.

Tess saw Tom pushing his way through the crowded hall. He
looked horrified, embracing her in his arms. “Tess are you all right? What

When Tess replayed the scenario, Tom flipped out. He lunged
toward the other jerk standing in the hall, hitting him two or three times
before Teddy pulled Tom off him. “Tommy, not now. You can’t do this here.”

She thought Tom was going to kick the guy on the ground as
he lay unconscious. Tess had never seen Tom so mad. Full of rage, his dark eyes
burned black with hatred.

Teddy insisted, “Tommy, get her out of here. Take her home.
You shouldn’t be here.”

“I don’t think so, Teddy. I’m going to fucking kill that
prick when he wakes up.” Tom’s fists clenched, reeling toward the man left

Teddy stepped between the two men, grabbing Tom by the arms.
“Tommy, you need to go. She’s white as a ghost. Take her home. I’ll take care
of him.”

Tess’ hand covered her aching breast, trying to ease the
burning sensation throbbing in her nipple. Fearing she might puke right there
in the hall, she choked, holding back tears. “Take me home.”

Reaching around Teddy, Tom jabbed his finger into the second
guy’s chest. “You’re done. You and your friend. You’re fucking done. You won’t
ever work again!”

Tess turned abruptly, walking down the hall, nodding
respectfully at Teddy’s wife as she passed her by. Tom caught up to her,
clasping her by the waist. She trembled uncontrollably, still in a terrified

Tom kept saying repeatedly, “They’re done. They’ll never
fucking work here again.”

She wasn’t sure who was more upset, her or Tom. Normally
Tess wasn’t a vindictive person, but she hoped Tom would be able to carry out
his threats.

The entire ride home, Tom spewed apologetically while
holding her in his arms. “I’m so sorry, Tess. I should’ve been with you.”

“It’s not your fault. I’m just glad Teddy and his wife showed
up. Teddy h...had him on the ground fast I didn’t even see what

When they walked through the door, Tom immediately made her
an ice pack for her wrist. It was already turning purple. He wanted to have it
looked at, but she refused. It was only bruised.

Tom paced vehemently back and forth like a caged animal.

Her body was exhausted, but her mind would not rest. “I
can’t go to sleep. I’m going to take a hot bath.”

Tess soaked in the hot tub. Tom sat behind her, rubbing her
back for comfort, but she couldn’t stop shaking. As she stepped out of the tub,
Tom caught a glimpse of her red, swollen left nipple. He automatically reached
out to cup it, but she flinched fearing it would hurt if he touched it. Seeing
tears build in his eyes as rage set in again, she took his hand and gently
placed it over her nipple. “This might need an icepack, too. Definitely some
tender kisses.” She smiled affectionately, trying to ease his fury.

Tess didn’t fall asleep until morning.

Tom never did go to bed.


Tess awoke to the sound of Tom’s enraged voice. She tiptoed
into the living room and could see him angrily pacing back and forth on the
balcony, screaming into the phone. Tess watched in agony, chewing on her lip
until he hung up. Tom turned and saw her standing inside. He exhaled deeply
between pursed lips, before coming inside.

He gently reached for her wrist, inspecting it with concern.

“I’m fine, Tom.” 

“Tess, don’t give me that shit. You’re not fine. I’m sorry.
I know I’m furious. That asshole’s going to pay for laying a finger on you. I’d
like to beat the shit out of him, but I won’t stoop that low. Killing his
career will have to suffice,” Tom seethed, shaking his head. “Thank God Teddy
was there.”

“I really am okay, but I’ll admit, I hope the creep does get
what’s coming to him.” She couldn’t allow herself to think about what would’ve
happened if Teddy hadn’t been there. It scared her too much. “I hate seeing you
so angry. I mean, I understand why you’re so mad. I’m furious, too. But I don’t
like seeing you like this, Tom.”

“It would kill me if something bad happened to you. I’ve
waited all my life to find you, Tess. I couldn’t take it if I lost you. I
should’ve been with you. I know it’s ridiculous, but the thought of losing

“It’s not ridiculous, I understand more than you realize.
Don’t you think it’s difficult for me? You don’t have any idea how many times
I’ve almost asked you to get a physical, so I know you’re not going to have a
heart attack and die on me, too. Do you know how long it took me to let my kids
out of my sight after Richard died? Even then, I didn’t want them driving in
the same car together? Just in case…”

He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I get a
physical every year. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I need to ask you for a favor, two actually.” She paused,
cradling her wrist, willing away the throbbing pain. “This will probably be the
only time I ever ask this of you, but I need you to lie for me, Tom. I don’t
want to tell my kids about this.”

He obliged with a slight nod. “And the second favor?”

“I don’t want to dwell on this. I can’t look back anymore.”

Tom tenderly stroked her jaw with the back of his fingers.
“No looking back.”


The crisp mountain air pinched her cheeks and snow blanketed
the ground. Tess couldn’t be happier to be back in Colorado. Thanksgiving was
in two days. John, Tracy and JC would all be there the next day ready to hit
the slopes. “Are you looking forward to spending Thanksgiving and Christmas
together?” she asked him one day.

He smiled coyly. “You know I am. I don’t remember the last
time I had a real Thanksgiving dinner. I’m excited to get a tree, too.”

She stared at him in astonishment. “You don’t usually get a

“No. I might’ve gotten one once but…I don’t remember buying
it. The tree was lying on the floor in the middle of the room the next morning
when I woke up.” He chuckled.

She couldn’t envision his Christmases. This was her favorite
time of year and Tom’s worst. “I’ve always bought a tree in Vegas. I’ve never
cut one down out of the woods. We could start our own family tradition this
year. If you’d like.”

“I would love that. Another first,” he said warmly, looking
at her mouth, sliding his thumb over her bottom lip.

John flew in from Vegas the next day. Tom picked up Tracy
and JC from college while Tess made pies and a few other dishes for
Thanksgiving Day. She was happy to have everyone under one roof, and was
disappointed that Shayla couldn’t make it. She was spending the holiday with
her boyfriend’s family.

Tess’ kids had been looking forward to spending time with
their mom and Tom. He appeared to have no problem adjusting to having her kids
around and enjoyed skiing with them. That evening, everyone played pool and
watched movies. Her kids unwound from school and work.

Tess crashed early, and when Tom climbed into bed it was
after two in the morning. He snuggled up to Tess, rubbing her back until she
curled up next to him.

“Happy Thanksgiving, Tess,” he whispered in her ear.

“Happy Thanksgiving, Tom,” she murmured, falling back to
sleep with her body tangled with his.


The sun barely crested over the mountain as Tess prepped the
turkey. The scent of fall candles mixed with the fire burning in the hearth
hung in the air. John headed out to get a half a day of snowboarding in before
dinner and Tom watched football downstairs. Tess took snacks downstairs and
found Tracy and JC kicking back on the couches in their long underwear,
watching football with Tom. She grabbed Tom’s camera to take a picture of the
three of them.

“What the heck Mom, I just woke up,” JC protested.

“New memories. That’s all. No complaining, JC.” Tess smiled,
taking another picture.

Thanksgiving was never a day to be formal, not for Tess. It
was a day to enjoy her family and treasure the things in life she appreciated.
Her last Thanksgiving had been awful. She couldn’t even get out of bed. This
year, however, was a brand new beginning and she had a lot to be thankful for.

Tom had been in high spirits all day. Every time he came
upstairs, he’d comment on how good it smelled, how hungry he was, or how
beautiful Tess looked.

She pulled him into the kitchen. “Will you help me carve the
turkey? I’m not very good at it.” Richard had always done this for her in the
past and she hoped Tom would carve the turkey for her now.

“Umm. Sure. I hate to even touch it. It looks too pretty,”
he pointed out before diving in.

For their first Thanksgiving together as a family, they
enjoyed a delicious dinner of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes,
salad, rolls, and pumpkin pies. As they sat gathered around the dining table,
her kids shared funny or embarrassing stories from previous holidays when they
were younger.

The next morning, everyone piled into the car in search of
the perfect Christmas tree. It took a while to find the perfect big, fat,
fluffy, blue spruce, but they did. John and Tom cut the tree down while the
girls made snow angels.

Tom admitted, “I haven’t had a tree since I was your age,

“Aren’t you glad you’re with us now? We love Christmas,” JC

He smiled and put his arm around her shoulder. “Yes, I am

“Okay, this is the new Clemmins-Mathews Christmas tradition.
Every year we’re cutting a tree,” Tess declared. Her kids cheered and made a
big deal out of it.

Later that night after everyone decorated the tree, Tess
opened a bottle of wine for her and Tom. They lay on the couch with all of the
lights off except the Christmas tree lights and the fire crackling in the
fireplace. Tom ran his fingers through her hair while they listened to music. He
stood, holding out his hand, and they danced to the music. He gazed at her with
such adoration she started to blush. Tom bent down to kiss her and a flash went
off. They both squinted. “Who is that?” Tess said.

“It’s me. Go back to what you were doing. I’m just getting
even for the other morning. Oooh, it turned out nice, too,” JC giggled, setting
Tom’s camera down before trotting back down stairs.

“Another first, Tess. First Thanksgiving weekend together.
First tree,” Tom said happily. The fire burnt burned out and Tess and Tom
headed upstairs. Both were asleep in five minutes.


John left in the morning, and Tom and Tess drove the girls
back to school. The girls sang and danced in the back seat the entire ride. Tom
even sang along, smiling at Tess.

Saying their goodbyes, JC hugged Tess. “Love you, Momma,
Thanksgiving was great.” Then she hugged Tom and said, “Thanks for everything,
and taking us skiing, too. Love you.”

Tess’ heart damn near beat right out of her chest and she
tried to contain her huge smile and waterworks long enough to reply. “Love you
baby girl.”

Tracy did almost the exact same thing. “Love you. Thanks for
everything,” she said, squeezing both of them.

“Love you, too. You’re welcome.” His cheeks turned bright
red as he put his arm around Tess, watching the girls walk away.

“I knew they liked you,” she chimed matter-of-factly. “I’m
impressed, Tom. You’ve been saying those three little words a lot the last few

He chuckled, still red in the face. “I do love your kids.
They’re fun.”

It was after dark by the time they returned home.

Tess sauntered down the stairs looking for Tom. She found
him lying on a blanket in front of the fire. “I always love it when you
surprise me,” she exclaimed.

Her long brown hair fell to one side as she looked up into
his dark eyes. Tom’s hand slid down the small of her back and over her ass,
making her stand up a bit straighter onto her toes. His thumb slid over her
lips. “I’m going to keep you in bed until we leave for Greece in a few days,”
he whispered in her ear. Tess rolled her tongue around his thumb and he pressed
himself against her. “I couldn’t wait to be alone with you.”

“I love it when my kids are here, but I like it when they
leave, too.”






The house Tom rented in Greece sat alone perched on top of a
sheer cliff with dramatic views of the Aegean Sea. It was plush but not over
the top, very casual. Grey flagstone ran through the house, continuing through
to the patio surrounding the pool.

“Wow. This is beautiful.”

“Wait till you see the sunsets. They’re famous here.”

The lovely kitchen came stocked with food and wine. “Hey can
we get stuff to make martinis? We don’t even have to go anywhere! I could stay
here the whole time.”

“Everything is already here.”

Tess explored the four bedrooms, each with its own bathroom.
The hand textured white walls made the pops of cobalt blue, canary yellow and
cherry red stand out against the natural wood furnishings.

She wrapped her arms around his waist. “This place is

“Thanks,” he said with a sly grin.

She realized, “Is this your other house?”

He nodded. “Umm hmm.”

“No wonder you love it here.”


Tom and Tess explored several beautiful islands, each
blessed with unique beaches. One had pebble sand, another had golden sand, one
even had soft black sand, but the water was a beautiful azure blue no matter
where they went. They strolled through villages, stopped at cafés, and browsed
through art galleries. Locals knew Tom and would wave to him saying, “Hey

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