No Quarter (14 page)

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Authors: Anita Cox

BOOK: No Quarter
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The women looked at her, puzzled.

“Sure. That would be lovely.” Susan bobbed her head, her eyes wide. “You drink coffee?”

“Don’t you?”

Her face reddened. “Ignore me.”

Once outside, Nala saw most of the carnage had already been cleaned up. The group of anxious humans rested at the top of the hill, guarded by a very angry Gustav.

“What did you see?” one man asked Fawn as they approached.

Fawn cried out. “We almost killed babies! That’s what!
are the barbarians here. We need to leave these people alone. We destroyed a wedding and almost killed babies! Babies!” She slapped the man hard in the chest with both hands as she repeated the word “babies.”

“What babies?” he asked.

“Agh!” She threw her hands up and stomped to the back of the crowd. “I’m going home. We should all be ashamed of ourselves. Every last one of us!”

“Susan?” The woman clutching the bible approached.

“I just delivered two premature babies that wouldn’t have arrived tonight had we not attacked. They’re both doing okay, so far as I can tell and no thanks to us.” She shook her head. “They were very kind to us. Pete wouldn’t know anything. He passed out as soon as the woman went into labor.”

The human male she called Pete shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry. But they were nice while I was awake. And the woman whose wedding we destroyed said she forgave us. That’s all I know.”

There were several mumbles as they walked away. Nala turned to Gustav. “So you have three new children too.”

He sighed. “Yes, biting them was one thing. I’ve never turned anyone out of anger. This…is new.” Looking at the three frightened men standing in a group he shook his head. “They’re terrified of me.”

She wanted to offer words of encouragement, but, “Show them different,” was all she could muster. As soon as the words left her mouth, Gustav and his new entourage disappeared.

Colin, I want to go home.

“Not yet, we have to meet with the royals and due to Wendy’s birth, we’re all meeting in their apartment. It’s about to be cramped. Come on back.”

She sighed as she trudged back toward the school.

Chapter Eleven


“Well there’s no containing it now!” Beauregard’s voice was low, probably due to the new life inside the room, but anger bubbled in his words.

“No,” Zoltar stood, holding his daughter. “Containment is over. We need a plan to reach out to their government, to reassure them there is nothing to fear.”

Nala cleared her throat to gather attention. “I’m sorry, I know I’m not a royal, but they should be afraid. Not all of our species is like minded. Just as I suggested to the human, we have our bad apples just like they do. And I’m sure there will be attacks, just to draw attention to us.” She was exhausted and felt a little nauseous. Battling on an empty stomach didn’t seem to be setting well with her.

Grace stood, her face long. “I’m overwhelmed with joy at the birth of Wendy and Zoltar’s children. However, two dozen of our students are either dead, or have defected to the Separatists. We’ve lost some our own tonight and Xander is in really bad shape. We don’t have time for bickering or wavering. Beauregard, you are head of FOSE for now. We need a delegation and now. By daylight, I want names. We’ll get a few of our human teachers to sit with them and get them ready to meet the humans. I really think television is the way to go. I’ll reach out to a news station for an exclusive or something. We’ll schedule it so we have time to prepare. However, I strongly suggest that Ella and Theron have places on that list.”

“Me?” Ella shrieked. “Why?”

“You’ve very charming. The humans will eat you up, figuratively speaking of course. Theron, well, he’s charming and the cameras will love him. One of each species, including the Gnomes, on the list. They show a more docile side, or at least that’s how it’ll play on TV. Anyone else have anything to add?”

Colin grabbed Nala’s hand and squeezed.

“Yes,” Zoltar said. “Brittany Merrill escaped. I was called back because Wendy was in labor and I lost her.”

Grace thought for a moment. “Well, at least we have a place to start looking. Goodnight everyone.”

Colin and Nala wasted no time getting to the car.

As soon as they cleared the school’s long drive, Colin let out a gasp. “Your mind is racing. I can’t tell what you’re thinking about.”

“Everything.” It was true. She was thinking about her upcoming fight for Alpha, having a family of her own, dealing with the humans, the fact that she was an aunt, worrying about Richard and Trina, not to mention Xander.

“That explains the frenzy of thoughts and emotions I’m getting from you. How about you pick a topic and we talk.”

She looked at him, his eyes filled with worry. He desperately wanted to know what his mate was thinking and feeling. She relented. “You’re an uncle.”

His lips curved into a smile. “And you’re an aunt.”

“I want to be a mother,” she said quietly. “If I survive this, I’d very much like to discuss starting a family.”

“Oh.” He turned his head and looked her face on. “Oh!”

“Watch where you’re going!” she yelled.

His head snapped forward. “Sorry.”

“I’m worried about Xander,” she confessed. “His head was crushed by the bear.”

“Yeah, that was horrible. He still hasn’t shifted on his own to heal. The Fae are working on him and Michelle is with him.”

Her heart sank. “I am also worried about Richard and Trina, what Stephany is putting them through.”

“They have the choice to come back. It’s up to them to accept our whole pack, just as you told them.”

Lower Lycans, that’s what she’d called them. Memories of cages and shackles flooded her mind.

“And the fight to the death I have in a few short days.”

He didn’t respond this time and she could only assume it’s because the no quarter battle had his nerves on edge as well.

“So, pups, huh? I like the sound of that.” Without looking, he reached over and scooped her hand in his. “As long as they have my taste in clothes.”

A small laugh gave her the tension relief she needed, as did the warmth of her mate’s hand cradling her own.

“I’m going to have coffee with the girl that delivered Wendy’s babies.” She blurted it out for fear if she didn’t, she would fail to tell him.

His brows rose toward his hair line. “Really? Why?”

“I’m going to invite her to the battle.”

“What? Are you nuts?”

“Colin, if we willingly show her the worst, then…I don’t know. It seems like a good idea. Let her see a woman in power, fighting, literally to keep it. I’d like her to see the pack, how we are.” Taking a deep breath, she released it. “The time for secrets is over. There will be humans poking around now, like it or not. I’d rather it be at our invitation. At least that way I have some control over the situation.”

After what seemed like a lifetime of silence, his chin lifted and fell. “You know what? That’s not a bad idea. We have to inform the pack tonight anyway.”

She looked down at her shredded blood stained dress. “You know, if I keep coming home this way, they may never let me leave again.”

“I may never let you leave again…or dress up. This is getting ridiculous.”

When he pulled into the parking spot, she could see the entire pack already gathered by the fire. “No need to call a meeting then.”

Eyes widened as they approached, both of them showing signs of a battle. Colin, who usually looked very put together had no tux jacket, his shirt was untucked and his tie missing. Nala’s torn and bloody dress set the tone.

“What the fuck, man?” Jake ran over. “Are you two okay?”

“I have an announcement,” Nala called over the crowd. “A large group of humans was made aware of our presence this evening. Suffice it to say, we’ve been made. Also of note, Zoltar, the Centaur King, and Wendy, our pack, er—the Centaur Queen have had twins this evening. Both seem to be doing well. They had one boy and one girl.”

The crowd erupted into cheers but only briefly.

“Now I know the thought of humans’ knowledge of us might be unsettling and we are heading into uncharted water. Therefore, I’m taking the bold step of inviting one woman here to our land and to the no quarter battle with Mr. Kincade. She is to be treated as my guest. Anyone mistreating her will be sanctioned—heavily. Now, I need a shower, so I bid you a good night.”

She turned from her pack. “Wait!”

Kendra, one of her youngest pack mates from Scottsboro stepped to the front of the crowd. “How did the humans find out about us?”

Nala stared at the young girl, her red hair knotted in an intricate braid, green eyes wide as she waited for an answer.

“The Separatists, we think. It was an inside job, someone at the school.” Suddenly, she realized she’d dumped scary information on them with little hope or guidance. “The royals have a plan to come out on national television to show that we’re not barbarians. For now, our rules still apply. No shifting in front of humans, with the exception of the one I’ll have here. Stay in human form while in town. No fighting with them and avoid conflict when you can.” She searched her mind for the right words.

“We’re very exhausted; as I’m sure you can understand.” Colin spoke up. “Nala suggested to me in the car that we have a morning meeting tomorrow after breakfast to clear up any questions. We’ll meet in the hall then. It’ll give us all time to think.”

She was relieved to have him come to her aid. Over his shoulder, she saw the rump of a centaur. “What the hell?”

Jake stepped in her line of sight. “Extra security. We had trespassers while you were at the party. Prometheus insisted you get your rest before the fight. There will be no ambush on his watch. I approved it, acting in your absence. So just go take your shower. Get some sleep and accept that this is for the good of the pack.”

She wanted to protest. Lycans didn’t need Centaur security. But she was too tired for a fight so she slapped him on his shoulder. “Good work.”

Colin’s arm slid around her as she made her way into the house.


His tired smile met hers. “Hey.”

“Thanks for stepping in. My brain is just…I think it’s melting.” Each stair seemed like it was taller than the next as she climbed to the second level. Never in her life had she remembered feeling so exhausted.

When they reached their room, she headed straight for the bathroom, stripping and stepping into the hot shower. While the thought of lingering in the hot water tempted her, exhaustion won over and she made quick work of getting clean and stepping out.

Wrapped in a towel, she stepped out of the bathroom and found Colin sitting at the edge of the bed. “I’ll be out in five or less. Try not to pass out on me.”

After shedding the towel, she climbed under the sheets and stared at the ceiling. Her heat had never come. Seeing the twin babies made her ache for a family of her own, but what responsible mother would sit as Alpha? Who could balance the position of Alpha with the demands of motherhood? It mattered not as it seemed Jagger’s damage may last her a lifetime. She’d taken strong measures to ensure she didn’t sire his children and for that, she may never have any of her own.

Colin deserved a family. He’d been robbed of one already.

“Stop!” he said from the bathroom door. Water ran from his hair down his naked body as he hadn’t bothered drying off. “You’re killing yourself in there. We don’t know anything about your heat. Just because it didn’t come yet, doesn’t mean it never will. We’ll have Dr. Maryann check on you when you’re ready. But fuck, Nala! What’s the difference between an Alpha mother and an Alpha father?” He snatched his towel off the rack and dried his hair as he made his way toward the bed.

“I’m sorry. What?”

“You wondered what kind of mother you would be. You’d be the same strong leader as any Alpha with a family. You shouldn’t accept challenges while pregnant, but that’s not a big deal. Many Alpha’s have let their Beta fight on their behalf. That’s the way it has been since the beginning. You may be a woman, but you’re under the same rules as the rest. You don’t have an extra burden because you’re a woman.”

She sat speechless as she watched him dry off. His tone oozed lecture, but his words were…empowering.

“Colin, I…I forget we’re connected. I’m sorry.”

“You forget because I close you out. I’m going to stop doing that. I’m going to let all of my fears and concerns flood in for you so you can see. You can feel me here for you.”

Her heart raced. The overwhelming fatigue had fled as her gaze traveled the beautiful form of her mate. He was strong, toned, and his skin had a sun kissed glow.

“Have I told you, how much I love you?” Her lips tightened in a smirk. “How wonderful it is to have a mate who isn’t intimated by me?” She sucked in her bottom lip as he crawled onto the bed.

“Intimidated? Not at all. Worried, sometimes. Frustrated—always!” His fingers wrapped around the top of the sheet and he flipped it back, exposing her naked body. “I have to fight the urge to keep you in this bed twenty-four seven.”

She giggled as he dove in toward her neck, playfully biting at her collar bone. “I think you need a distraction,” he said before nipping at her ear lobe.

“Oh yes, distract me. Please,” she gasped out.

The walls he had up came crashing down and she could feel his raw emotions. He was in awe of her, of her strength, and frustrated by her concerns. More than anything, he was completely smitten with her. If his thoughts and emotions didn’t tell her, the firmness of his erect shaft certainly did.

His lips trailed down her collar bone to her right breast, as he kissed his way around the circumference before gently licking at her erect nipple. Gooseflesh formed where his lips met her skin. A drop of cold water fell from his wet hair onto her stomach, causing her to flinch.

His gaze met hers as a devilish grin spread across his lips. Ducking his head, he edged back until his lips landed between her legs. Parting her with this tongue, he caressed her bud, which was quick to harden under his attention. Warmth pooled low in her belly and she fisted his damp hair, pulling his mouth harder against her pussy.

He hummed while teasing her clit with his tongue, sending tingles of pleasure to her core. She bucked her hips, grinding into his mouth. She released his hair to clutch the sheets, giving her what little leverage they had to offer.

His hands ran up her thighs then he tucked them under her ass, squeezing the cheeks, and holding her firmly in place as he brought her to her crest. A pleasurable ache crept from her belly to her breasts, making them full and heavy. She cupped them as she cried out in orgasm.

After a few light kisses to her inner thigh, he scooted up next to her, gently rolling her to the side. He grazed her entrance with the head of his cock, gathering her juices on the tip before gliding in, rocketing her orgasm once again.

His deep guttural moan had an effect on her. She pushed back against his cock, sending it deeper inside her, releasing a gasp of her own. Her mate, filled her inside. His hand slid down the length of her torso, over her hip and pulled a thigh over his hip, then trailed back up, massaging her sensitive, orgasm wracked clit as he thrust and retreated, again and again.

Orgasmic tremors rocked her as he fucked and teased her. Turning her head far as she could, she screamed into a pillow as his final thrust released his seed into her.

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