No Quarter (16 page)

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Authors: Anita Cox

BOOK: No Quarter
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“I’ll do it!” Jake jumped in front of Susan. “You go get checked out. I’ll take her home, no sweat.”

She smiled at him. “Thanks Jake.”

Pregnant. Fatigue. Nauseous. Why didn’t she see it?

Chapter Fourteen


Nala lay in bed, stroking her swollen belly. She still had two months to go but the bump in her womb reminded her daily that it was worth the wait.

“Hungry?” Colin kissed her shoulder.

“Can you believe it?”

He ran his palm over her naked belly. The baby kicked where the warmth of his touch met her skin. “He’s making sure I do!”

“Or she.”

“Or she,” he relented with a smile.

“We need to settle on a name,” she said with a raised brow.

He scooted up on the bed, sitting Indian style and stared at her stomach. “Okay, lay it on me.”

“If it’s a girl,” she said while running her hand over her baby bump, “I want to name her Gracie May.” Because of Grace, she defeated Jagger. Because of Grace, they were moving toward a time of peace. She owed everything to Grace and naming her daughter after such a strong and beautiful Lycan was just the homage she desired.

“If it’s a boy?”

“Benjamin. It’s a good, strong name.” She smiled up at him. “Benjamin Colin Baker.”

His head bobbed up and down as he stared at the little foot trying to push through Nala’s belly. “I can get behind that.”

A knock at the door caused Nala to push her shirt over her belly. “Come in.”

Jake’s head popped in around the door. “I, uh, need to see you in the conference room.”

Nala rolled off the bed and slid her feet into flip flops. “Okay, we’re coming.” She leaned back, stretching before waddling off after Jake, Colin on her heel.

When they reached the conference room, Tracy and Tom were there waiting.

“What’s up?” she asked as she quickly took a seat, edging her belly under the table.

“Tracy has a confession to make,” Tom urged. His jaw clenched as he glared at her. “Go on.”

She looked down at the table, her eyes swollen from crying. “I did something horrible, but I had the best of intentions.”

“Really?” Tom’s fist hit the table. “Those were your

“Someone had better speak now, before I have to pee, which is like every five minutes.” Nala looked at her friend, who appeared as if she’d been up all night crying.

“I’m sorry, Nala. I left those horrible notes for you.”

“Notes?” So much had happened she’d forgotten about the threatening notes.

“You looked so bored with things and I knew a little bit of a threat would keep you on your toes. So I left you those nasty notes about being Alpha…like they were some warning.” She sobbed into her hands, her fiery red hair spilling over her face.

Nala folded her hands on the table and took a deep breath. “Look at me, please.”

Her head tilted up, revealing her green eyes which were bloodshot from crying.

“Did you have any intention of physically hurting me?” She clenched her jaw as she waited for her answer.

Tracy’s mouth fell slack. “No! I couldn’t. I’ve loved you like a sister for as long as I could remember.”

“So, you betrayed my trust, but to keep me on my toes. Is that right?”

“It sounds horrible. I am horrible.”

“As your Alpha, I command you to stop bawling like a pup.” She rolled her eyes, irritated at her friend’s sobs. It wasn’t like Tracy to be a puddle of tears.

She pulled her red hair out of her face and wiped the remainder of her tears on the backs of her hands. “Yes, ma’am.”

Nala looked at Tom. “This is enough. The truth is out. Let her go on with her day.” She shifted her gaze back to Tracy. “You are forgiven. Don’t play games with me again. That’s not the relationship we have. Got it?”

She chewed her lip and gave an affirmative nod. “I promise.”

The door to the conference room crashed open as Jake ran through it.

“We’re in the middle—”

“Shut up,” Jake yelled at Tom. He grabbed the remote off the table and turned the television on. “You have to see this!”

Susan was on television, sitting in a faux white leather chair. Video feed of Nala played in the upper left corner of the screen. It was their meeting at the coffee house prior to the battle against Jackson Kincade.

“So you were invited to their compound?”
The older gentleman interviewing her had dark hair that greyed around his temples. His jaw was set as the tone of his interview grew serious.

“It wasn’t a compound. They live communally, that’s true, but it’s more like a happy family. Don’t paint them out to be the Branch Davidians. They were sweet to me. Nala, the woman you see on your screen, she invited me since I was one of the first humans to discover their race. She invited me to see how they lived, who they were.”

The man leaned in toward her and adjusted his glasses.
“So you went to them…alone.”

“Yep, and I’m alive and well, sitting here answering your questions.”
Susan sounded angry, but she kept her face pleasant. Nala felt a smirk come across her face as pride in her new friend washed over her. Poker face wasn’t an easy skill to learn.

“This battle. It’s very bloody. In fact, she murders that man…right there. She just kills him. Don’t you think she should be arrested for that?”

Nala watched the scene play out on the screen, her final killing blow to Jackson. Blood pouring out of his body. Stephany screaming.

“It’s the way it’s been done for centuries. She’s the first female leader in a long time. He came to her property to fight to the death. It was a mutual arrangement, one which she truly wanted to avoid. They just want to live peacefully. In fact, I brought some of my new friends with me today.”
Mary, Ella, Beauregard, and Theron walked on stage. The silence was deafening.

Mary was the only creature that one could tell was unusual at first. The rest looked like models as they strolled out on stage. The announcer called for a handheld microphone and chairs to be added to the stage.

The TV cut to commercial.

“Holy shit, it’s happening.” Colin scrubbed his forehead with his hands.

Nala reached over and squeezed his hand. “I’m sure they’ve thought this through. Just watch.”

“Susan is doing a great job. Don’t you think?” Jake smiled back at Nala. She could tell he was smitten with her from Jump Street. She could only hope a human-lycan mating would work for him.

The show came back on with everyone sitting in a semi-circle. “
Jeff Jefferson coming to you live from Studio 64. I’m here with some very interesting guests that have a message.”

Ella smiled into the camera. Her flawless features and delicate skin beaming into the camera. “
We have been here the whole time, throughout the centuries, living among you humans. We, as a race of supernatural beings, have no desire to run around and start hurting you. We’re working toward a meaningful co-existence with each other, and with you, the humans of the planet. But we, like you, have bad people too. Beauregard here is going to talk to you about that now.”

The camera turned and angled up toward his massive frame. His large arms were crossed over his chest.
“We have developed our own form of government and our own policing agency headed by FOSE, or the Federation of Supernatural Entities. There is a group out there that call themselves Separatists. They are violent and virile. We are currently tracking them down. However, should any human have any threats against them from any non-human, please call the number on your screen. We will deal with them in a swift manner. While I’m on the subject, we’ve come to you peacefully. We are leaving contact information with this station for the Federal Government here in the United States, as well as law enforcement. We do understand that discovering our presence could be unsettling. We are willing and wanting to sit down with your government to hammer out the details how things will evolve from here and moving forward. Understand this…we’ve ruled ourselves for centuries and insist on being autonomous. We won’t bend. We won’t break. Leave us in peace, and we shall return in kind. There will be those who try to cause problems between humans and non-humans. We, the good people of the planet, cannot allow this. Don’t let fear push you into violence. It seems to be the way of your people, but I implore you, don’t let fear rule you. As we have indicated, we’ve always been here. Nothing has changed except that now you know…for certain. I’m done.”

The abrupt end to his speech gave Mary a chance to talk. She bounced in her chair as if she might burst if she didn’t get to say something soon.
“I just want to say that I’ve been watching a lot of your television lately and I wanted to reach out to all of the little humans. Look at me. Look at how small I am. All my people are small and we can do anything! You can do anything too. Believe in yourself.”

Theron chuckled as the camera turned to him. When he stared at it, the interviewer cleared his throat.
“Any words?”

“How do I follow that up?”

“Ha, ha, yes, that was a very nice little speech. You’re quite the looker, all of you are. Is it normal for supernaturals to have superhuman beauty?”

Theron leaned back in his chair, crossed his legs at the ankle and tucked his thumbs in his belt loops.
“That and we’re excellent lovers.”
As cliché as he could be, the Centaur winked into the camera.

“I could throw up,” Nala joked.

Colin spoke softly, his brow furrowed. “We’re officially out of hiding.” Everyone in the room looked at each other.

Nala felt Colin’s worry, which mirrored her own emotions. She could only surmise the others in the room felt the same.

“Look, FOSE is on top of it. We knew this was coming. I’m surprised it took this long.”

Tom leaned his fists on the table, edging toward her. “Did you know they were recording you in the café?”

A smile spread across her lips. “I was counting on it.”

His brows shot toward his hair line. “Very well then.”

“Look, Dr. Maryann said no more shifting until the pup is out. So I need to go for a walk. Jake, Tom, Tracy, can I count on you to spread the word throughout the pack? Everyone needs to be on their toes and on their best behavior when out in public. No one goes into town alone…at least two at a time, preferably more until we see how the humans react.” She stood from the table and ran her hands over her swollen belly.

Colin’s phone rang. He waved her on to go for her walk, apparently knowing she had to visit the lady’s room…again…before her walk.

Finally outside, she spotted him approaching. “We can talk, but you’d better be prepared for a long walk,” she warned, a smile planted on her lips. “I never imagined I’d be so restless.”

“That call was Roman,” he kissed her forehead, “and of course I’ll walk with you.”

She loved that her mate would walk with her every time. She enjoyed the walk not just to stretch her legs, but for the quiet time it gave them away from the pack.

“Xander has made a full recovery. Roman and Grace said it took a long time because he couldn’t shift to heal. Something about brain damage. Anyway, Michelle sat with him the whole time and she’s out for blood now that she can leave his side.”

“Great,” she whined. “Can’t she just let FOSE handle it?”

“Would you, if it were our child?”

“Fair point.” She stroked her belly. No, she couldn’t just let FOSE handle it either. But she was tired of the bloodshed. Grace’s plan was supposed to bring them to a time of peace.

“It will,” Colin reassured her, having read her mind.

Chapter Fifteen


Summoned to the school once again, Nala was to bring her Beta. She was nervous to go back since her first two visits had ended in such violence.

Colin, unwilling to let his very pregnant mate out of his sight, insisted on going with. Tracy, for the first time since leaving Scottsboro had been left in charge.

Beauregard entered the conference room, interrupting pregnancy updates from Nala to Wendy and Grace. Ella was on his heel nearly dancing as she entered the room. They took their seats.

“I’ll make this quick,” he said. “Stephany Kincade has retreated to Chicago for the time being. The Scottsboro pack has assured FOSE that they have no desire to issue another challenge to the Belfast pack. However, they’re still under our radar.”

“That’s good. I don’t trust them.” Nala said.

“Get to the good stuff!” Ella smacked him.

“That was the good stuff,” he scowled at her and flipped open a file. “We have a special forces division opened up and we’d like Jake to consider leading that division as Alpha of that pack.”

Nala’s heart fell to the floor. Jake had been such a great Beta and he was family. She couldn’t ask him to stay and give up the chance at being the Alpha he was meant to be. She forced herself to smile at him. “It’s a great position, Jake.”

“Yeah, but…” he looked down at the folder, then back up to Beauregard.

“There’s a hefty salary in it for you, an Alphaship, and the satisfaction of rescuing helpless shifters. Are you up for the challenge?”

Jake looked back at the Fae King, staring at the giant man. “How could I say no?” His gaze shifted to Nala. “I’m sorry.”

After she choked back the tears, she leaned forward and touched his hand. “You have my blessing, Jake. Go, be fantastic.”

Oh God. What if there is a challenge? What next?

“To the issue of a challenge, there will be no more no quarter challenges directive issued by FOSE. This was a key sticking point with the human government. They don’t take kindly to killing, unless it’s in one of their death chambers.”

“Death chambers?” Nala gulped.

Ella rolled her eyes. “When one of them does something really horrible, they have a trial by their peers. If they’re guilty, they get sentenced to death by injecting poison into their veins. But they used to be put in gas chambers or something.”

Nala swallowed hard. Did they want to do that to her for killing Jackson Kincade?

“For now, they have agreed to let us govern ourselves. This means we have to press on hard and fast with regard to the Separatists. This is why we need Jake. He’s a strong Lycan male, set to be an Alpha. He’s quick on his feet and with his mind. His own family has been a target, so he’s vested in the outcome here. That’s why we called this meeting, to offer Jake the position, and of course, to let you know about Mrs. Kincade.” Ella leaned in and grabbed Nala’s hand. “If you need any extra security until the birth of your child, let us know.”

“Thank you.” What was that? Did she know something? Was there another threat, or did she see her as a vulnerable

“It’s because we just took your beta. Relax.”
Wendy pushed her thoughts at Nala.

Beauregard slid the file to Jake. “Everything you need to know is in there. You’ll need to be in Charlotte by Monday.”

“North Carolina?” Nala squeaked.
That far? That soon?

The Fae King stood from his chair, stretching his long legs. “That’s where the Special Forces are headquartered, and the call center, and FOSE. We’re splitting into two divisions—East Coast and West. We’ll divide the country in two and go from there. It’s a work in progress.”

Deciding not to question the King further, Nala only bobbed her head in understanding. “Good luck.”

“Come on,” Grace jumped out of her chair, “I have snacks waiting in our apartment.”

Colin burst into laughter. “Bribing my pregnant wife with food, eh?”

“And babies. Tiffany is watching the twins with Zoltar.” Wendy clapped her hands.

Grace walked over to Nala and winked. “Care for a lift?”

Her feet throbbed and ached always now that her belly was so swollen. “I can’t believe I’m saying this. Sure.”

Grace shifted into her massive wolf and crouched down. Colin helped her mount the Queen.

“This is awkward.”

Wendy let out a giggle. “I swear, if I couldn’t have shifted, Zoltar would have had to carry me around on his back for the whole last month. I was just so tired.”

No shifting until the baby was born…that rule was the hardest on her. Feeling vulnerable and grunting every time she put her shoes on stunk, but she could live with it. Her wolf, so elated that they were with child, lay dormant most days.

When they reached Grace’s door, she lay on the floor so Nala could dismount with Colin’s help. Feeling slightly humiliated, she just held onto his neck and let him drag her off Grace’s back. As soon as she was clear, the air around Grace shimmered as she took human form.

“Let’s eat!”

When Grace opened the door, Tiffany was chasing a wolf pup through the room and Zoltar was helping his son stand on wobbly colt legs.

“Good boy!” He was beaming.

Nala was led by Wendy to the back patio where a chaise lounge waited for her, so she could put her feet up. Jake brought a plate of fruit, cheese, and meat to her with a tall glass of tea.

“Thank you,” she said as she took the plate and glass from him. “So, are you excited?”

“Mostly, I’m worried about you.” Colin’s half-brother had the same nervous tick, running his hand through his hair.

“Don’t be. I have Colin and the whole pack to look out for me. Congratulations, Jake. This is a really big deal. I’m so proud of you.” She shook her head and forced a serious look on her face. “But who is going to harass my mate now?”

He laughed and took a seat on the chair next to her. “I guess I’m in shock. I didn’t see this coming.”

“How could you?”

“Right? Uh, there’s something I want to tell you, but I’m afraid it’ll upset you.” He leaned on his knees. “So if it does, just punch me or something. Okay?”

Every time I come to this school, something bad happens!
Despite her thoughts, she gave him a weak smile. “I’m sure I can handle it, whatever it is.”

He took a deep breath, puffed out his cheeks, and released it. “I got a glance at that file. A list of suspects was included in my packet and… Brittany Merrill, Xander’s half-sister and Jagger Merrill’s demon spawn is one of the suspected Separatists.”

Jagger Merrill will haunt me into my grave.
“Guess you’d better track her down then, huh? For me?”

“That’s just it…I think that’s why they chose me. My sister was attacked. My Alpha. The school my Queen put in motion. It’s personal for me.”

She could feel the stress rolling off of him. While this might have been a hell of a leap forward for him, it wasn’t without its cost. “That’s why you’re perfect, Jake. The outcome matters to you, not just for the sake of us integrating, but for the sake of your family. Do me a favor though?” Reaching over, she placed her hand on his forearm. “Don’t make this about revenge. Make this about justice. Your job, I mean. It’s about justice. The rest of us are okay.”

He nodded and set his jaw. “I swear.”

“Good, now, I’m going to eat this and try to get out of here before the sky falls or something.”

“Good idea. We need to get back so you can decide who will be your Beta. I’ll have to call Susan and break the news too.” He stood from his chair and headed back inside.


When he turned to her, she held his gaze for a moment. “Don’t forget that you always have a home with us…as long as I draw breath, you can be a member of our pack.” Her voice cracked at the last word. He was her brother too, not just her second-in-command. She hadn’t realized how much she’d grown to love him until the thought of him leaving hit her like a tidal wave.

“Oh, I’ll be around.” He shot her a sideways grin and stepped inside.

She turned to stare at the grass, absentmindedly chewing on an apple slice. When she killed Jagger, felt the life drain from his body, she felt a sense of relief, a sense of freedom. No longer would she be a slave, or so she thought. The memory of her life in Scottsboro haunted her and her Scottsboro pack mates. None of them had courted in the time they’d been at Belfast. They’d looked to her and she’d been strong, yet…none of them were mated.

The damage Jagger left in his wake was foul. She didn’t know how to help them move forward and realized they couldn’t, not yet. Not so long as he was haunting them through his children, through those that would seek to minimize others.

‘Lower Lycans.’

She had a wrong to right and there was no time like the present.

“I’m coming with you,” Grace said as she stepped outside.

“God, I’d ask you to stay out of my head, but right now, I need help getting out of this chair!” Nala held her hand out. Grace used it to heave her to her feet.

“It will be you and I. Colin can’t go.”

“Good luck telling him that.” Nala laughed. “I’m surprised he’s not out here checking my pulse already.”

Grace used her royal powers to order Colin home, which severely pissed him off. “You can’t do that!”

“I can and I did. Nala and I have some business to attend to. Take Jake home. Don’t tell anyone about Jake’s new position until Nala returns home to talk to her candidate. We’ll see you there.”

“Sorry, Bro,” Roman laughed, “she has spoken.” He shrugged.

As soon as their car left, Wendy summoned Theron. When he entered the room, she smiled at him like she was handing him a gift. “Go with Grace and Nala. If anyone gets in the way, or puts up a fuss, take care of it.”

He slapped his hands together. “With pleasure.” His gaze twitched in Tiffany’s direction.

Tiffany blushed.

Nala noticed.


* * * *


When they pulled into the drive to the Scottsboro property, Grace grabbed Nala’s hand and held it. “Breathe.”

Nala took a deep breath.

“Jagger’s not here.”

“No, he isn’t.”

“It’s just dirt and trees.” Grace squeezed her hand. “You’re a badass Alpha who happens to be very pregnant with your mate’s child. You have a royal with you and a Centaur that’s got a lot of pent up aggression.”

Confused, Nala looked back at Theron. “What’s that about?”

He groaned. “Celibacy until I get the balls to date the woman of my dreams.”

She snickered. “Just ask Tiffany out. She’s dying for you to.”

“I know, but every time I open my mouth to talk to her, I vomit words that don’t make sense. Word vomit. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me.” He shook his head and fisted his hands. It was a nice distraction from Nala who hadn’t realized they’d pulled up to the cottage…

Theron got out of the car first, and opened the door for Nala, offering her a helpful hand out of the seat.

“Stephany left,” a young woman said.

“I’m not here for her,” Nala announced holding her head high. “I’d very much like to see Richard and Trina.”

A man in a suit exited the cottage. His black hair slicked back, hands in his pockets. “They’re not here.”

Grace’s eyes blazed purple. “Now why would you lie to your queen?” When his mouth gaped, she growled. “Go get them.”

He nodded to the young woman they spoke to first. She shifted and ran toward the back of the property. Turning back toward them, he walked slowly. “So, you’re the woman who killed my Beta?”

“Yes, he challenged me. I had no choice as he called no quarter.” She could feel the heat coming off Theron as he stepped closer to her.

“My new Beta tells me it was a fair fight, one-on-one.”

“What’s your point?” Grace crossed her arms over her chest.

His shoulders rose and fell. “That’s impressive. I don’t know many females that have the sort of fight in them.”

Richard and Trina came into view. Trina’s hair was a matted mess and looked like it hadn’t been washed in weeks. Her clothes were also dirty and torn. Richard looked slightly better, clean at least.

“I’ve come to check on you,” Nala called. As they walked closer, she noticed the dark circles under Trina’s eyes. Her fears seemed to have been founded.

“We’re fine,” Richard said, grabbing Trina’s arm.

Nala waddled forward, narrowing her eyes at him. “She doesn’t look fine. She looks horrible. Why aren’t you bathed? What’s going on?”

“Lower Lycans don’t get the same amenities…” Thomas spoke.

“Excuse me?” Grace leered at him. “What the fuck is a Lower Lycan?”

He rolled his eyes. “Lower class. Poor. They have to work for what they want.”

“That’s it!” Nala screamed. “Come home this instant. This is quite enough. You can’t tell me this is how you want to live.” Her palms grew sweaty and her heart raced. This is exactly what she fought against.

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