No Quarter (2 page)

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Authors: Anita Cox

BOOK: No Quarter
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Chapter Two


Nala finished the paperwork on the newest pack arrival, a new pup. The FOSE, or Federation of Supernatural Entities, had created a registry to track and manage the supernaturals so there wouldn’t be any more lost souls among them. It was a great idea, but it came with forms she had to fill out on her computer. Then the pack Alpha and the pack doctor both had to scan their thumb print along with the baby’s foot.

She put the registry number into the scanner and headed downstairs. She looked around until she found Tracy folding laundry. The woman’s hair was so bright red it reminded Nala of fire. “Want to take a walk with me? I have to go register the new pup before going into town with Colin.”

Tracy nodded and tossed the last towel into the basket. “Absolutely.”

Neither of them spoke a word until they were outside and away from the others. Even though the two packs had merged, they still felt a little on the outside and felt more comfortable speaking alone.

“Want to tell me what’s eating you?” Tracy asked as she nudged Nala with her shoulder.

She should have confided in her mate…or her Beta. But the tension between them would only worsen if she threw concern in the mix. “There was a note left in my room.”

Tracy glanced at her before turning her attention back to the path. “A note?”

After a deep breath, she nodded. “The threatening kind.”

“Well I’m not surprised. We figured this would happen. Lycan men don’t like women in charge. What does Colin say?” Tracy tucked her hands in her pockets as their pace slowed to a stroll.

“I haven’t told him yet. It could be nothing. Right? Just a jealous youngster who thought they were in line for the throne?” She knew that wasn’t the case. Her worst case scenario was about to unfold.

A small grin spread across her friend’s lips. Was that her friend finding solace that she still trusted her more than her own mate or her second in command?

Tracy tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Anything else bothering you?”

Oh God yes…Do I tell her?
“My heat is coming. Two weeks tops, if I’m lucky.” Her face burned hot, embarrassed about the personal nature of her problem. “Emotionally, I’m not sure I’m ready.”

“For pups?” Tracy furrowed her brow.

Nala looked at her fiery red hair bounce and sway as she walked. “Oh, no. Not…well, no not yet. I mean to be intimate.”

“Are you fucking mental?” Tracy stopped walking. She crossed her arms over her chest.

She turned to face her. “That’s not the supportive speech I was expecting from
of all people.”

“Nala! Do you realize you’re the only member form our old pack to even have a date much less a mate. They all tiptoe around us like we’re lepers. Hell, we’d all like to have a little consensual sex now that we’re able. And you have a hot mate and you
want to have sex with him?”

Her shoulders fell. “We haven’t…you don’t understand. We haven’t gotten there yet.”

“Why the hell not?”

She felt her jaw fall slack. “What do you mean? Because of what we went through. Because, he’s been in mourning. Because we’re both a hot mess. Because it was an arranged marriage.” Her friend’s reaction was a betrayal. She wanted comfort. She wanted understanding. Hell, even some advice would help. Tracy’s shock and seeming jealousy didn’t bode well.

“Nala, honey… we’re all a mess. Us—them, we just have to move forward. If we don’t, Jagger wins. He destroyed us. We can’t let that happen. What happened to the kick-ass-take-charge Alpha we all adore? Because this,” she wagged her finger up and down toward Nala, “this is lame. This is weak. It’s
sex life. It’s
marriage. Take charge of it.” After shaking her head, she put her hands on her hips. “I followed you into battle. I watched two of my sisters get murdered and
followed you into battle. If you can’t take charge of your own life, how are you supposed to take charge of the rest
of us?
” Her voice pitched at the end, accentuating her level of exacerbation.

Feeling her nails digging into her palms, she measured up her closest confidant. Her words may have been cold, but that’s why she adored Tracy—the woman never held back. She always said exactly what she was thinking.

“It’s possible I forgot how to have a healthy relationship.” After a large sigh, she stomped off toward the doctor’s quarters. “I’ll figure it out. Thanks for the pep talk.”

“Anytime!” Tracy yelled out from behind her.

If she didn’t feel pathetic before her little chat, she certainly did after. The thought of her pack sisters’ envy hadn’t crossed her mind.

Maryann, the doctor, greeted her at the door. “So nice to see you, Nala.”

She forced a smile on her face, though she suspected Maryann could sense her tension. “Came to greet our newest arrival.”

“Right this way,” she held her arm out toward the hall.

Nala stepped in then allowed her to lead. The pack’s medical building was no bigger than a good sized doctor’s office with two birthing suites, a triage room and one surgical area, which was rarely used. When she entered the birthing suite she found two weepy parents cooing over their new bundle of joy. “Congratulations. He’s a fine young specimen.”

Reaching into the blanket to find the infant’s foot she stared at the little toes that peeked out. They were tiny, no bigger than pencil erasers. She fought the urge to smooch on the top of the chubby little foot. With the softest of pressure she pushed the scanner against the tiny little foot and then tucked it back into the blanket.

The parents thanked her. She stood for a moment as she absorbed the love in the room. The mother, tired from childbirth didn’t let that slow down her affection toward her new little package. The father beamed at them both with alligator tears threatening to spill over his cheeks. The squeezing sensation in her chest made it harder to breathe.

She tried to imagine herself in that moment, staring down at her own pup with the same loving adoration. It seemed like a far off fairy tale she may never experience. Hell, she couldn’t even bring herself to mate with her own husband.

Michelle, a fellow Scottsboro pack member had fed her milk thistle for so long, trying to delay her heats so Jagger would not force a mating on her, that she’d gone three years without one. Even in those three years, she hadn’t forgotten how intense the desire was. But she was feeling that familiar edge that comes before a heat and knew it was approaching.

She was desperate for that burning physical desire to breed to be far from her first time making love with her mate. She wanted the romance, more than she was willing to admit, but had kept Colin at arm’s length.

Backing out of the room, she quickly made her way out of the building and on the path toward the main house. Without haste, she made her way through the house, so as not to interact with anyone, fearful that her emotions would get the best of her. After plugging the scanner into her computer, she grabbed her bag and headed out to the parking lot to meet with Colin.

As her feet crunched against the gravel parking area, she tried to force her shoulders to relax. Colin was leaning against a Honda Civic, staring off into the woods. His gaze changed, moving to the direction of her approach. He pushed his weight off the car and opened the passenger door.

“Ready for our date?” His eyes turned to slits as he smiled.

“Thank you, Colin.” He was always a gentleman, a quality she had a difficult time becoming accustomed to. She took a deep breath after he closed her door.
Relax. Stay calm. You’re already married.

He climbed in and started the car. “Are you ready for lunch?”

She shrugged. “Not yet, really. But I am ready to get out of here for a while.”

Driving the car down the winding drive he didn’t say much until they had hit the main road. “You know, we can hit a few shops before we grab lunch. There’s a really decent Bistro in town.”

“That sounds great. As far as the clothes shopping goes, I don’t need anything fancy, just some day to day items.” She cleared her throat. “You know, jeans, shorts, shirts…things like that. I don’t really know the stores around here.”

Glancing quickly toward her, then away, he bobbed his head. “You strike me as someone who would appreciate Kohl’s or something along those lines.”

She felt her left brow shoot toward her hairline. “What does that mean, exactly?”

“It means you don’t want to look too fancy. You dress so you can defend yourself at all times. Shoes, boots, jeans…those are your staple items. I don’t think we need a Macy’s for that.” His right eyebrow lifted toward his hairline. “Though I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t eager to see you dressed up for a party.”

She laughed and wagged her finger at him. “You have. We’ve been together for two weddings, one of them our own.”

Shrugging, he gave a soft chuckle. “Like I said, I’m eager to see you dressed up for a party. You look ravishing in a dress.”

His compliment caused heat to graze her cheeks. He found her ravishing…that was a great sign.

The couple made small talk about parties until they reached the store. After locking the car, he reached in his pocket and answered his cell phone. Whatever had been said had caused him to stop walking.

“Is everything okay?”

She watched as his smile faded and his brows creased together.

“But you want to talk in person? What’s happened?” He was rubbing his forehead, something he often did when stressed. “Wendy, I’m your brother, that’s why. I don’t understand why you have to see me in person if it’s not…” He stopped speaking, took a deep breath, and let it out. He pulled the phone away from his face. “Would you like to accompany me to the school to have dinner with my sister tonight?”

She gave him an affirmative nod. Whatever was going on with his sister had him stressed. She could feel it rolling off of him. So she would most certainly go with him to have a meal and get to the bottom of things. Besides, there was very little going on in Belfast.

“See you at six.” He shoved the phone back in his pocket. “I’m very sorry about the interruption.”

They began walking toward the store once again. “Something up with your sister?”

“Yes, and of course she’s being cryptic and won’t tell me anything over the phone but still expects me not to worry. How am I
supposed to worry? It isn’t like she calls me regularly.” Shaking his head, he opened the door for her.

“Well, Colin, it’s our job as women to drive you barking mad.” She forced a smile and entered the store.

He hadn’t misled her. She discovered he actually had very good taste in women’s clothing, even casual wear. When a pair of pants didn’t fit her well, he never made mention of them being unflattering or making her rear look too big. Instead, he would offer something such as, ‘those aren’t good enough for you,’ or, ‘try these on.’ Everything else earned compliments. It had been quite the ego boost. After an hour of picking out jeans that complimented her shape while affording her full range of motion, flattering shorts and tops, they were paying for her purchase.

When they arrived at the bistro, Nala addressed the hostess right away. “Can we sit off to the side,” she paused, “for a little privacy?” If she were going to have a serious discussion with her mate, she didn’t want the world to be privy to it.

“Certainly. Right this way.” She slid her fingers under two menus and scooped them up, then led them to the far side of the restaurant, took their drink orders, and scurried away.

As soon as she was out of ear shot, Colin leaned in on his elbows. “Tired of having everyone hear and see everything we do and say?”

His baby blue button down shirt complimented his blue eyes and tanned skin. The brilliant white teeth glistened at her. “Yes, well, if we’re ever going to get privacy outside of the bedroom, this might be the only way.”

“I have to say,” he said while shaking out his napkin, “I don’t mind whisking you away.”

The waitress returned with their beverages and took their food orders.

“Okay, now that we’re alone…” she took a deep breath, “there’s something rather…uncomfortable we need to discuss.” She tried to find the courage, the right words, so that it didn’t sound like a business arrangement. After years living under Jagger’s regime, she’d grown quite adapt to not displaying fear and panic. She used every skill she had to remain still and calm while her insides felt like they were melting.

“Well this sounds interesting. Continue.” His smile appeared to be forced, possibly for her benefit. He took a slow sip of his tea while playfully wagging his brows. She didn’t mind. The fact that he tried to keep it light actually made her feel a bit better.

“We have both been taking things…very slow—out of respect for each other mostly. We were both trying to heal from very different but equally horrifying ordeals.” Smoothing her hands on her pants she forced herself to look up at him.

The smile was gone and a serious look now took residence on his face. He was nearly expressionless with his mouth open slightly and his eyes open and focused. Did she scare him already?

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