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His attention zoomed back to her. "Huh?"

"Tonight. Okay?" She smiled because she already knew what he was
thinking. Bringing her fingers to her lips, she placed a soft kiss on them then
wiggled them at Darrell walking out.

Darrell was unaware of standing there with a smile on his face until Marcus
started laughing. "You are one whipped sonuvabitch."

Darrell looked at him and grinned, not even denying it. "That's my heart,

Marcus smiled and nodded. 'Nuff said. 




Jerra rushed to her closet and to get her shoes, trying to hurry because they
were supposed to have left ten minutes ago. Dom and Keisha didn’t live far and
normally it  wasn’t a big thing if someone was a little late, but not
tonight. It was after six now. Jerra wanted to get there have dinner, hear the
big announcement Keisha and Dom had to make, and then make their excuses. She
and her man had plans afterwards, and she was impatient to get started.

Instead of pulling her hair back in its usual bun, she'd taken the time to wash
and condition it then flat iron it after it dried, and now the thick waves fell
down like shiny silk over her shoulders. Her mocha skin glowed soft and supple.
The outfit she wore was dressier than what she would've normally worn for one
of their little get togethers, but she wanted to look extra good for Darrell.
The dress was short and had a sexy high-low handkerchief hemline which offered
flirtatious glimpses of her smooth thighs whenever she moved. The spaghetti
straps held up a bodice that showed hints of cleavage and cinched in at the
waist and the material was a stunning brown/orange/pink print. Jerra paired the
outfit with sexy heels which emphasized her shapely calf muscles, slipped on
several bangle bracelets and gold hoop earrings, and spritzed her body with one
of Darrell’s favorite scents.

Turning to the mirror to take in the final outcome, Jerra nodded. "Not

Smiling she picked up her clutch purse and hurried out the room. She was
surprised Darrell hadn’t yelled at her to hurry up the way he usually did.
"Honey, did you get DJ's suitcase? I left it by his bed. And don't forget
Mr. Giggles," she called out to him as she walked to the family room.
"You know if he doesn't have it, you'll be making a trip back to Dom and
Keisha's later on to –"

The rest of Jerra's sentence trailed off as she stepped inside the room.
Darrell was standing up, holding their son, who clutched the worn out Mr.
Giggles bear in one arm, and had DJ's suitcase in his other
hand. The picture her two handsome men made took
her breath away for a moment. Side by side, the resemblance between them caused
her to pause. Father and son always reminded her of a before and after picture,
what she imagined Darrell looked like when he was DJ’s age and the handsome man
he’d grown up to. The only major difference between them was their hair.
Darrell kept his cut low and wavy while DJ's floppy curls framed a face the
creamy color of café au lait. Jerra’s eyes ran over Darrell’s square jaw,
sensual lips, and the long, thick lashes that outlined his eyes.  

"You are such a beautiful man," she said in soft wonderment.

Darrell bowed his head, a half-smile turning up the corner of his mouth as he
remembered the last time those words were said to him not too long ago. Lifting
his eyes to look at his wife, any other woman was instantly pushed out of his
mind. Yes, he had loved another with everything in him a lifetime ago, but he'd
been a different man then. It didn't compare to what he felt for Jerra St.
James Monroe now - nothing ever would. His face relaxed as a feeling of peace
and contentment washed through him.

Jerra came and stood in front of him and ran her hand over her son's hair. They
shared a smile when they saw he was frowning in concentration as he plucked the
stuffing from a tiny hole he'd made in Mr. Giggles. "I guess I'm going to
have to sew it up - again - when he comes

Darrell laughed and kissed his son's forehead. "Hey, li'l man. Look at
Mommy. Isn’t she beautiful?"

They both turned bright gray eyes to her and smiled. DJ pointed at her and
squealed, "Mommy boodaful!"

Darrell and Jerra laughed as they each kissed him on the cheek then turned
their lips to meet. With his face still close to hers, Darrell said, "You
really do look gorgeous, baby." His voice lowered to a whisper. "I
plan on showing you better than I can tell you later."

Their eyes held for several seconds before Darrell picked up DJ's suitcase and
they headed for the door.




Once they got to the Spain's home, everyone was already there and sitting in
the living room talking and laughing. DJ quickly scrambled down from Darrell's
arms the minute he spotted Dom's daughter, Samantha.  The two of them ran
off to her room to play until it was time to eat.

After greetings and hugs were exchanged, Dom handed Jerra a glass of wine and
gave Darrell a beer. When Dom went back over to sit by Keisha on the loveseat
and curled his arm around her shoulders, Jerra noticed she didn't have a drink
in her hand.

"Where's your Moscato, Ms. Thing?" Jerra asked, mentioning Keisha's
favorite wine.

"Same thing I asked," Aleesha added.

Keisha peered up at Dom who winked at her and nodded. They looked at all of
their friends with wide smiles before Keisha delivered the news.
"Well....I'm not drinking because we're pregnant."

Silence fell over the room before complete pandemonium erupted. Jerra and
Aleesha screamed and rushed over to her. They threw their arms around her,
crying and talking at the same time while Marcus and Darrell offered their
congrats and slapped Dom on the back. After things settled down a bit, Dom
pulled Keisha to him and gave her a soft kiss.

"How far along are you?" Aleesha asked, still wiping away tears.

"Only about a month." Keisha looked to be still in a state of shock.
"I mean, I don't know how this happened..." She paused and smiled
when everyone ribbed her that she knew
how it happened. "I
didn't mean it like that!" she laughed. "But I took the pill
FAITHFULLY..." she emphasized, cutting a glance towards her husband. “We
were going to wait until next year to try for a baby, but...I guess fate had
other plans."

Male arrogance lit up Dom's face. "Fate? Fate didn't have a damn thing to
do with it. Your man is just virile like that."

The women rolled their eyes while the men laughed and gave high fives.

" Keisha continued. "It wasn't planned but we
couldn't be happier." Keisha looked at her girls. "I'm gonna be a
Mommy! Can you believe it?!" The tears started flowing between them again
as they walked to the kitchen to help Keisha bring the food to the table,
talking about babies, names and genders.

Dinner was an upbeat affair, but it always was when the six of them got
together.      Throughout the meal, Darrell had been
casting furtive glances full of scorching heat at Jerra the entire night. She
was fully aware of it each time he did so, and couldn't wait to get back home
to have every inch of him covering her and filling her to maximum capacity. She
was so ready. They stared at each other for several long minutes before Jerra
hopped up from the table and started stacking their plates to take into the
kitchen. It was time to bring the evening to a close. She would help clear the
table, but after that, she and Darrell were leaving. The others looked at her
curiously, no doubt wondering the reason for her hasty actions.

Keisha frowned, "Jerra, just leave it. Dom and I will get it later."

"Oh, no. It's no problem. Really. guys just go on and relax.
It won't take but a minute."

Aleesha stood up as well. "Here, let me help you..."

But Darrell stood up and took the plate out of her hand. "I got it,
Leesh." His eyes slid to Jerra's. Everyone's eyes attention shifted
between Darrell and Jerra.

Aleesha arched her brow and slowly sat down. " I was

As they resumed their conversation, Darrell followed Jerra into the kitchen.
The unmistakable sexual tension around them was explosive. Jerra placed the
plates into the dishwasher then turned to take the ones Darrell had in his
hand. "Thank you."

"No problem." Darrell stood close behind her as she bent over. He
tilted his head to the side and looked at the generous amount of thigh the
short dress exposed and licked his lips.

"Can you reach me those glasses right...there...?”

The words dwindled to a stop when she caught him eyeing her ass like it was the
tender piece of mouthwatering steak they'd had for dinner. It had practically
melted in their mouths; Jerra could guarantee she would be melting in his as
soon as they got home.

Darrell took his time and let his eyes slowly inch up her body, pausing to
watch her tongue slip out and wet her lips. Without breaking the visual
connection, he reached behind him to pick up the glass.

"This what you want?"

Jerra bit her lip as her eyes dropped to the front of his pants. "Uh




Darrell's eyes deepened to a hue a shade lighter than the thunderous clouds
outside. Without saying a word, he grabbed Jerra's hand and pulled her behind
him, heading to the set of French doors that led outside. Jerra frowned when
she realized he intended to go out in the pouring rain.

"Darrell...honey." When he kept walking and reached for the doorknob,
Jerra leaned back and tried to pull away. "Darrell, it’s raining!"

He snatched a quick glance at her over his shoulder, his eyes smoldering with need.
"Do you really wanna wait until we get home, cause I don't.”

Apparently, Jerra took a moment too long to answer in his mind because before
she had a chance to formulate a reply, Darrell strode out into the rain with
her firmly in tow. Jerra’s breath hitched in a quick gasp as the drops poured
down. She let out a little cry and brought her hand up to shield her face. The
first thing that came to her mind was the carefully set up surprise she'd
planned for him at their house. The second thought was for her hair...her
dress...her  make-up!

"What are you doing?!!" she screamed, but with her hand firmly in
his, all she could do was follow him until he got to the side of the house.
"Oh my God, you're crazy! We only live a few...

Darrell's mouth effectively silenced  the rest of her rampage. The kiss
took Jerra by surprise, but her arms wasted no time wrapping around Darrell's
neck as his body pressed into hers and pushed her back against the hard surface
of the house. Her mouth opened underneath his to return the kiss with an
eagerness she didn’t even try to hide.

Darrell all but growled as their tongues fought briefly before she gave in. She
moaned as he reached around and cupped the back of her head, ravaging her soft
lips with his before kissing the side of her face and sensitive curve of her
neck. When Jerra guided his mouth back to hers, Darrell chuckled before
obliging her request. All signs of amusement instantly disappeared when his
hands slid over her ass and pulled up her dress to discover she wasn't wearing
any panties. He lifted his head in surprise.

“Damn,” he whispered hoarsely.

Jerra pushed a string of wet hair out of her face impatiently and brought her hands
to the front of his shirt, ripping it open in two quick yanks. Darrell hurried
and tore the soaked material off, flinging it to the ground. Jerra ran her
hands over the hard barrier of his chest and continued the path to his ripped

“You are so sexy," she said in a hushed tone.

Darrell watched as her mouth glided over his nipples, licking droplets of water
off his skin. He closed his eyes briefly then pushed her hair away from her
face, kissing her hungrily. Ignoring his grunt of protest, she pulled away and
brought her mouth back to his body, taking little nibbling bites as she
traveled downwards. The tip of her tongue traced the separated indentions of
his abdominal muscles while her hand covered the bulging fullness that filled out
the front of his jeans. Jerra’s fingers caressed and squeezed his length
through the worn material.

“Shit…” Darrell ran his fingers through her wet hair before grasping the thick
strands tightly and tugging her head back to look up at him. “You drivin' me
crazy, you know that?"

“I need to feel you inside of me."

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