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"Roni." Darrell interrupted her nervous chatter and remained silent
until she finally lifted her eyes to his. "Why did you let me think you
were dead all these years? Do you have any idea of what I went through?"

Roni pressed her lips together and brought her hands up to briefly cover her
face before she took the fortifying breath needed to have this conversation
with him. "Bryan said he told you –"

"I don't care what Bryan said. I want to hear it from you. I think I
deserve at least that much. Don't you?" For the first time, Darrell's
voice had a hard edge to it.

Roni nodded. "Of course, and I'll tell you everything. Come on. Let's go
and sit out on the lanai."


"I know I owe you an explanation and I promise to answer every question
you have, but I'd rather we sit there if it's okay with you. I've always found
the view of the water to be so calming and right now, I need that.

When he hesitated, she grabbed his hand and led him through the large, open
living room. Darrell vaguely noticed the high ceilings and elegant furnishings
which looked as if it could've been taken right out of the pages of an interior
design magazine. The lanai was separated by glass doors which were open to
allow that part of the structure to be an outdoor extension of the house. The
covered space was furnished just as beautifully as the house, and was perfect
for entertaining, especially with the large pool only feet away. As Darrell
looked over the tropical lushness of Roni's back yard, he could understand why
it proved to be a calming force. If he lived here, he'd never want to leave.

He turned his head and caught Roni watching him. "You have a beautiful

"Thank you. It's very...peaceful."

The silence stretched between them until Roni told Darrell to have a seat while
she got them glasses of iced tea. "Unless you would prefer something else,
maybe a beer..." When she named the brand he drank, his forehead lifted in
surprise that she still remembered. "I made sure I had some stocked just
in case you wanted it."

"Thanks. It's a little early but why the hell not." Roni smiled and
told him she'd be right back.

Darrell sat and took in the gorgeous setting of Roni’s personal piece of
paradise. He still couldn't quite believe he was here talking to her. It was as
if the years had melted away - almost like old times.

Almost...but not quite.

He was deep in his thoughts when Roni came back out and placed his beer in
front of him then sat down. He smiled his thanks before taking a long swallow.
When he brought the bottle away from his lips, he again caught Roni watching
him before she quickly took a sip of her tea.

"How's Marcus?"

"Shocked as shit."

A small smile crossed Roni's lips. "I have to say I understand. When I
looked up and saw him staring at me, I thought I was seeing things."

"Why did you run away at that point?"

Roni shook her head and hunched her shoulders in a gesture of helplessness.
"I don't know. I just panicked.  Of course, I knew he would tell you.
I called Bryan as soon as I got home."


"Darrell, please..." She placed a gentle hand on his forearm.
"Just let me tell you my way."

Darrell looked as if he wanted to protest, but instead just nodded and sat

"Thank you." Roni took a deep breath and looked out over the water.
"I talked to Bryan last night after you left his house, and to be honest
from what he said, he told you the majority of what happened. But Darrell,
please, I don't want you to blame him. He was only trying to protect me. Before
Frank died, the two of them had become good friends and were very protective of
me even then. I told them I wasn't the fragile flower they thought I was. Bryan
knew all about Frank's past and the people he used to be in bed with, so to
speak. They were very dangerous and had initially made threats against Frank's
life and mine when he first left the organization to be with me, but that
entire thing was dealt with and we were able to live our lives in peace. But
Frank remained cautious. In the back of his mind, he always held on to the fact
that something could happen."

Darrell nodded. "Of course."

"The day I was shot, Bryan had no way of knowing the people who did it
were actually after you at the time. His instincts kicked in and that's when he
and a friend came up with the idea to fake my death. They felt it was the only
way to keep me safe."

Darrell's face stiffened at the memory. "You have no idea how much I blame

“It wasn't your fault. None of us knew how disturbed Luther was to actually set
you up to be murdered like that. I know this sounds crazy, but I'm glad it
happened the way it did. I don't think I could've gone on if something had
happened to you.”

"How do you think I felt?" Darrell’s hand was on the table next to
hers. When he slowly opened it, she naturally laced their fingers together and
held his hand tight.

Their eyes were drawn together as if by magnets. Darrell was the first one to
break the connection. He picked up his beer and took another swallow before prodding
her to continue her story.

"This…friend. Bryan said he was the same person who made it clear to the
Sicilians that you and Frank weren't to be fucked with? He must be a very powerful
man to wield authority like that and have it obeyed. Not to mention being able
to make you just disappear like this without anyone being wise to what was
going on."

"Yes. He’s very powerful. He and Frank went back a long way. It's funny
because Frank told me neither of them ever really trusted anyone, but something
happened which caused them to have a deep respect for one another, and that
respect turned into a life-long friendship. He and Bryan arranged for me to be
transported to Switzerland for treatment. I was there almost two years. It was
touch and go for the longest time."

She reached up and absently rubbed a slight indentation on the side of her head
where one of the bullets had penetrated her scalp. It missed her brain by
inches and was still lodged there. The doctors felt it was too dangerous to go
in and remove it because the bullet was in a precarious spot. If it shifted
during the operation she could die or suffer permanent brain damage. Oddly
enough, they determined the safest thing was to let it be. Sometimes, Roni felt
as if she were living on borrowed time. But it also reminded her that each day
was a gift and she treated it as such.

Darrell leaned forward, bringing his face closer to hers. "I don't care
what Bryan said. Once he found out you weren't the target and that your life
wasn’t in danger, he should've told me. When you were able to,
told me, Roni."

Roni shook her head vehemently. "Darrell, no! Can't you see? Putting your
life on hold to take care of me was not something I wanted for you. You were
young and needed to concentrate on yourself, not play nursemaid to a woman who
had the skill set of a two year old!" Tears gathered in Roni's eyes.
"I didn't want that! Bryan called me when you finally came back home. I
know he was hoping the news would somehow change my mind about letting you know
I was alive. It didn’t, but it gave me a sense of peace that you were there
with Marcus and Bryan.  I can only hope that you find it in your heart to
forgive me. Do you think you can ever do that?"

Darrell looked away from her and blinked rapidly. "Even then, alone and in
a pain I can't even imagine, you were thinking about me and making sure I was
taken care of."

"Of course. I love you, Darrell. I never stopped for one moment. And
before you say anything, I don't expect anything from you. I know you're
married and have a family, but I'd never forgive myself if I didn’t tell you
now while I have the chance."

Darrell studied her for the longest time then placed his hand behind her head
as he leaned his forehead down to touch hers and closed his eyes. For the first
time, he admitted to himself that he loved two women - two very special women.

And with such an admission, it was clear to him that he was only
with one of them.




Darrell raised his head, staring at Roni. His gray eyes reflected every emotion
he was feeling. Roni smiled. She'd always been able to read his mind and now
was no exception.

Their lips slowly moved the few inches it would take to bring about the sweet,
tender kiss they'd both wanted from the moment Roni opened the door. Her mouth
allowed his tongue to enter and gently entangle around hers before they parted.
They exchanged a look of understanding before wrapping their arms around each

Darrell released a long, slow breath then framed her face with his hands.
"You were, and will
be, someone I care about deeply. If you
ever need anything, anything at all, you know I'm only a phone call away."

Roni smiled and nodded. "Thank you."

Darrell returned the smile, and for the next couple of hours, they talked and
brought each other up to speed on their lives. Darrell pulled out his cell
phone and showed Roni picture after picture of DJ, whom she instantly fell in
love with. She complimented Jerra's beauty when she saw photos of her holding

Roni told Darrell she'd met someone about a year ago and they were in an
exclusive relationship. He was aware of the situation between her and Darrell
and had left for the day to give them privacy to talk.

Darrell touched her cheek gently as the corner of his mouth lifted. "You
really care about him. Your face lights up when you talk about him."

Roni ducked her head to hide her smile. "I do. I mean, he's not the love
of my life but he's a very sweet man and he loves me."

"I'm glad, Roni. You deserve to be happy."

"Yes. We both do."

Soon after, Darrell stood up and grabbed Roni's hand in his as they headed
inside and slowly walked to the front door. They hugged again before Darrell
went to his car and turned to her one last time. "Don't forget. I'm always
here for you. Take care of yourself, baby."

"I will. You too, as well as your beautiful family. You have what you've
always wanted, Darrell. You’re very lucky. Don't ever take that for

Darrell nodded and got in his car, waving to Roni before he pulled off and
headed to his hotel room to check out. Marcus and Aleesha had left on a flight earlier
that morning. His wasn’t supposed to leave until tomorrow, but he was going to
see if he could reschedule his flight and leave on the next thing smokin' back
to Vegas....back to his wife.

Jerra had his heart. She and DJ were his family, and his family was his life.
Roni was his past. It was true what they said, a person could never go back and
pick up where they left off; it would never be the same.

Everything happened for a reason - everything had its season. It was time to go




Hours later, while Darrell waited in the airport to catch the flight he'd
managed to reschedule, Bryan Jefferson was walking into the foyer of an
enormous mansion which was one of the largest and finest in Las Vegas. He followed
the butler down a long hallway, admiring the priceless works of art which hung
on the wall. Many were original paintings dating back to the early 1800's and
very valuable. The collection, as well as the one of a kind sculptures, would
put even the most prestigious of art galleries to shame.

Standing outside the closed door of an office, the butler knocked twice. When
the voice on the other side told them to enter, the butler opened the door for
Bryan and bowed before leaving.

The man sitting behind the large, mahogany desk was finishing up a phone call
but gestured to Bryan to fix himself a drink then have a seat.

"Are you sure you're okay? Yes, I know. At least you have a sense of
closure now. You both do. Of course, Roni....yes....he just came in....I'll
talk to you soon, sweetie."

When he hung up the phone, he settled back into the leather chair and looked at
Bryan with warm, green eyes. "Good to see you, my friend. How've you

"Fine, Angel. And yes, it has been a while."

"We need to schedule a game of golf soon. I'll give you a chance to win
back the pocket change you lost last time," Angel chuckled.

Bryan threw his head back and laughed. "You're the only person I know who
considers ten thousand dollars 'pocket change'. Tell you what. Let's double the
wager this time. I'm feeling lucky."

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