No Turning Back (Man-Maid) (5 page)

BOOK: No Turning Back (Man-Maid)
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Marquetta followed their line of sight, and Jensen noticed her rolling her eyes. “I’ve got this, guys.” When they didn’t budge, her voice turned angry and she threw her hands in the air. “Seriously?”

After a few more seconds of icy stares, the two men disappeared into a back room. Jensen quirked a brow at Marquetta. “Family of yours?”

“My brothers,” she answered as she picked up a three-ring binder and handed it to him. “Ignore them. I do.”

“I’m guessing they’re a mite protective.” Jensen opened the black folder and saw a photo of a purple Harley Davidson with an intricate design of a woman painted across it. He flipped through page after page of photos, all showcasing Marquetta’s skill. “Damn, these are really good.”

She smiled and blushed a little. She was cute as hell and obviously took great pride in her work. “Thank you,” she said. “So, what do you have in mind for yours?”

He handed the binder to Jason. “I wanted something along the lines of a black falcon,” Jensen replied. “Maybe surrounded by flames or something like that.”

“Hm, okay.” She tucked her hands in her back pockets. “I can work up a few sketches and text them to you if you want, then we can go from there.”

Jensen tried—and failed—not to look at her breasts pressed so enticingly to her shirt.
Jesus, get a grip.
“Yeah, uh, sounds good to me. I’m not in a hurry for it to be finished, but I rode it here, if you want me to leave it.”

She leaned one curvy hip against the workbench, and Jensen wished like hell he had the right to reach out and hold her against him instead of the damn bench. “I have a few things lined up,” Marquetta said, “but I could probably get started the early part of next week.”

“Great,” he said as he glanced over at Jason. “There’s one other thing I’d like to talk to you about.”


“My brother and I are starting our own business together, and we want you to do the logo for it.” He pointed to the binder Jason held in his hands. “You clearly have an amazing talent here. The way I see it, with you on our side, Man-Maid will be a surefire success.”

“While I appreciate your confidence in my ability, Jensen, my plate is already pretty full. But I can recommend someone, if you want. There are others more than capable. You won’t be left disappointed.”


Marquetta watched in dismay as Jensen shook his head, his spine going rigid. “Nope. It’s you or we won’t have a logo. It’s that simple.”

“You can’t be serious?” She was flabbergasted. Honored, but literally at a loss. As it was, she’d be working overtime. Adding Jensen’s motorcycle design and his new business logo to her plate would certainly put her over the top.

She glared at Jensen, then turned her anger on his brother. “Don’t just stand there, talk some sense into him.”

Jason held up both hands. “I know my brother. He’s serious. Besides, I’m in complete agreement.” He waved the binder at her and said, “You’re amazing.”

Marquetta let out a heavy breath and ignored the nagging feeling she was getting in way over her head with the pair of them. “Fine, you’ve got yourself a graphic designer,” she said as she forced a cheerful grin.

Jensen’s handsome face lit up as if pleased as punch. “Now that’s the best news I’ve had all day.”

“Whoa, don’t get carried away. You still haven’t told me what this new business venture is.”

“Man-Maid is a cleaning service comprised of all men. Our tagline is, We Polish It Until It Shines.”

Her lips twitched. “Are you playing with me?”

Jensen chuckled. “Nope, I’m dead serious.”

“So, you’re planning to dish up a little sex appeal with your furniture-polishing skills?”

“That’s about the shape of it, yeah.”

“And do you have any ideas for this logo?”

“Something…a little different, I think. We want to set Man-Maid apart from your average cleaning service.”

“What my brother is trying to say is that we want to give women what they really want.” He winked, and Marquetta was struck by how alike the two brothers were. “Think Hooters, only flipped around.”

Marquetta’s mind had already begun spinning with possibilities. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but with your good looks, I imagine women are going to be lining up to hire you two,” she said with total honesty, already working things out in her head. “Today’s working women don’t have time to get out a bucket of hot, soapy water. Hiring help makes a lot of sense. As a matter of fact, I might just hire your services myself.”

Jason raised a hand. “I volunteer.” Jensen punched him in the arm and glared. Jason cleared his throat and said, “Uh, I meant to say I volunteer Man-Maid for the job.”

“You’re an incorrigible flirt, Jason.” She didn’t want to be charmed by the two men, but she was anyway.

He wagged his eyebrows. “Just one of my many talents.”

“I’ll bet.” She looked at Jensen and decided to razz him a little. “So, which one of you is willing to be my model?”

“Model?” Jensen asked as if horrified by the idea.

“I’m thinking a bucket and a naked man.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Who wants to be the naked man?”

Jensen clapped his brother on the back. “He does.”

Jason cursed. “Why does it have to be me? Why can’t you do it?”

Jensen rubbed his jaw. “Maybe we could talk Seth or Ames into it.”

Marquetta’s face heated as she began imagining a crew of bare-chested men all lined up and ready to pose. She decided the men had had enough teasing and said, “On second thought, how about you just text me a picture of one of you bare-chested. No full-on nudity. Jeans will do just fine. I can work off that.”

“I like that idea loads better,” Jensen groaned.

“Damn straight.” Jason clapped his hands together and grinned. “This is going to be great.”

Jensen nudged her. “You’re definitely going to be our secret weapon against the competition.”

“Uh, I appreciate your faith in my abilities, but how about you wait until I actually have something to show you two first?”

Jensen pointed to the portfolio lying on the workbench. “You forget, I already saw your art. Impressive as hell.”

His confidence in her warmed her clear to her heart. Jensen really was the sweetest man, but Marquetta had been taken in by a sweet-talker before. She was a whole lot less naïve these days. Which made her wonder what the catch was. With his tall, muscular body and dreamy smile, Jensen could have any woman he wanted. They probably drooled every time he walked into a room. So, why was he so interested in

After wrapping up a few details, Jason headed out, but Marquetta noticed Jensen hung back. “Was there something else?”

“Go out with me. Just dinner, I promise.”

“I thought we already went through this.”

He stepped close, caging her in between his body and the workbench, and spoke in a low tone. “You, Ms. Hayes, are as prickly as a damn porcupine. Not to mention the fact that you’ve nearly broken my toe.” She started to protest, but he only drove on. “Apparently, I’ve lost all the good sense God gave me, because instead of walking away, I’m still standing here, begging for your time.”

The deep timbre of his voice only served to turn her on more. That was all she needed, for Jensen to become even more lethal to her libido than he already was. Marquetta whispered, “Seems you have a way of making me do and say things that I’d not normally do.”

His mouth crooked up at the corners in the sexiest way Marquetta had ever seen. “Yeah, I know the feeling.” His bright blue eyes clouded with concern. “Do I smell? Is that why you won’t have dinner with me?”

“No, you don’t smell,” she replied, holding back a grin. “But I really don’t have time for much of a personal life right now.”

He reached out and touched her lower lip with his index finger. “No personal life, huh? Does that mean you haven’t been doing any flirting at all lately?”

Marquetta stiffened at the question. He wanted to know if she had a boyfriend. “You think I’d be letting you get this close to me right now if there was someone else in my life?”

“Just checking,” he answered. “Go out with me, Marquetta. Let me repay you for saving me.”

Marquetta thought about his offer. Honestly, what harm could it do to go out on one date with the man? It wasn’t like she was agreeing to get married, for crying out loud. It was one date. Axel’s words about moving on with her life ran through her mind. Hadn’t she put her personal life on hold long enough?

Before she could talk herself out of it, she blurted, “Yes.”

His eyes widened. “Seriously?”

“Meet me at Champagne’s, the new bar on Fourth Street. Friday night at eight.”

He stepped back and ran a hand over his head. “I’d rather pick you up.”

Just then, Jason reappeared. He shoved his brother and bit out, “Don’t argue with the woman, dumbass.”

Marquetta grinned. “I like your brother.”

“Of course you do,” Jensen grumbled. “Champagne’s it is, then.”

“Good,” she said, unaccountably excited about their date. She took a moment to bask in the feeling. It’d been a long time since she’d been excited about anything.

There’d be time later to fantasize. Suddenly, Friday seemed too far away.

Chapter Four

Jensen noted the time on his cell phone. Eight o’clock, right on time. Christ, Friday night had seemed to take forever to arrive. The week had dragged on, and Jensen had nearly broken down and shown up at Marquetta’s shop just for an excuse to see her. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that he had it bad for her. Now to figure out a way to get her out of his system. Good luck there.

As Jensen approached the bar, the noise hit him like a sledgehammer, as did the acrid smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol. Too much perfume and too many bodies all crammed in together annoyed him. This was considered a good time? Jensen honestly didn’t see the point. He’d never gotten into the bar scene. It all just seemed pointless to him.

There was only one woman he wanted, only one blonde-haired beauty that would ever do for him. She could very well spoil him for any other woman. And therein lay the problem, because she was as stubborn as the day was long. Course, if he’d wanted a docile little thing to do as he bid, then he shouldn’t have fallen for the most stubborn, prideful woman in all of Innocence, Ohio.

When he spotted her across the room, Jensen’s mind stuttered to a halt. Like a computer, he went blank and shut down. She sat not at a table but at the bar. Propped up on a stool, like a peach ready to be plucked. She was alone, and even though men pushed and clamored for the seats on either side of her, she seemed oblivious to it all. Her dress was a thin bit of white silk. Falling barely to midthigh, it had spaghetti straps and molded to her voluptuous curves. Her legs were crossed, and he followed the lovely length of them until he ran into the sexiest pair of shoes. They weren’t fancy, merely a pair of white, three-inch heels. They were simple, which was why they were so damned appealing. Anything more would’ve been overkill. No jewelry either. Marquetta didn’t need the added decoration. She was desirable without shiny objects hanging off her. Her light hair fairly shone in the dim light, giving it a pretty, soft appearance against the white backdrop of the dress.

Regrettably, he wasn’t the only one who’d noticed her. Every damn hot-blooded male in the bar was ogling her. And, Jesus, could he really blame them? Lust surged up, threatening to boil over. Damn, she was hot. He ached just staring at her.

Jensen started toward her, then noticed a tall, dark-haired man approaching her. He stiffened as the man put his hand on Marquetta’s shoulder to gain her attention. Fury swiftly coursed through Jensen, heating his blood and nearly destroying all sense of logic. Marquetta turned, curiosity lighting her expressive eyes. The man moved close, too damned close for Jensen’s peace of mind, and whispered something in her ear. Was he asking her to dance? When Marquetta smiled up at the stranger, Jensen held his breath.

“You were at the shop earlier.”

The voice caught Jensen off guard, and his gaze darted to the left to find the owner of Hayes’s Custom Paint and Body staring at him as if he’d like to take him out back for a good old-fashioned beating. Axel had a good fifty pounds of solid muscle on Jensen. The man’s jaw went rigid, and there was no small amount of steel in his stare. He stood so close that Jensen could practically feel the intense male aggression coming off him in waves.

Jensen held out his hand and smiled. “Jensen Kershaw.”

“Axel,” he said as he took hold of his hand and gave it a firm shake before releasing him. “I’m Marquetta’s brother.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Jensen replied, unsure what the man had in mind.

He took a swig of the beer he clutched in one fist. “You here for her?”

Axel’s stare was cold and merciless. Jensen could appreciate his protectiveness, but he wouldn’t let anyone get between him and Marquetta. Not even her family. “Yep,” he answered. “That okay with you?”

“My sister is a grown woman,” he replied in a voice that could freeze hell. “She doesn’t answer to me.”

“But?” Jensen asked as he glanced over at Marquetta. Her gaze locked with his, and unless he missed his guess, she appeared awfully damn pissed.

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