Nobody's (2 page)

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Authors: Rhea Wilde

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Nobody's
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I raised my eyebrows at him and gave him an impish little grin. My fingers wrapped around his thickness. I started to stroke him softly through his pants. He started to look around nervously but nobody was paying attention. It was the middle of the night in a casino on a weekday. The bartender was too busy loathing having to work on such a night to notice.

“It would be a shame if you had to use this by yourself tonight, Brent… I could do so much more with it. Things you couldn’t imagine.”

He didn’t say anything. He just continued to look around, paranoid that someone might catch us. But I didn’t move my eyes. I locked them upon his face while I focused the rest of my attention on his pulsating thickness. When he turned his attention back to me, I opened my mouth and puckered my lips. I didn’t want him to use his imagination. He could have this if he wanted it. All he had to do was give me what I wanted.

“But if you’re not interested…”

I started to pull my hand away from him and when I did, I could feel his body beginning to plead for more.

“I guess we can’t have some fun tonight,” I said to him. “What a shame. It wouldn't have been the worst way you spent your money tonight.”

I winked at him and returned to my drink at the bar. But even though I had stopped, I knew that I had done everything I could. He was a salesman but he was in for a lesson. I was a saleswoman with a pitch that couldn’t be matched. The almost stain in his underwear was the proof of that.

“A hundred dollars? And you promise that you’ll do what I want you to do.”


I glanced over him at a second and kept a sly smile on my face. He reached into his wallet and took out some money to pay for his drink.

“I’m at the hotel across the street. Would you like to join me?”

“Why Brent, I thought you’d never ask.”

When I smiled at him, I could sense a bit of relief coming from him. He stood up from his chair and when he did, I uncrossed my legs to give him a sneak peek of the panties I wore just for him. I did it just in case he had any plans of running away. But it was unnecessary at this point. This city was a wasteland. This was the last place you would run away from an angel.


Chapter 2

Despite Brent’s encounter with a heavenly creature, the experience was forgettable on my part. Needless to say, Brent got exactly what he was promised after giving me what I wanted. Brent was all I had last night but it was still a good night for business.

That’s who I usually targeted. Out-of-towners with a lot of money to spend. I never managed to snag a regular because anybody who had the money to spend didn’t usually spend it in this part of town.

The next night, I headed back into the casino to see if I could get lucky with another man like Brent. I looked around and was met with the familiar sight that this casino usually offered. Poor men hypnotized by one-armed bandits. Guys who put their rent money on the next flip of a card or the roll of a dice.

I put on my red wig tonight and a tight black minidress. There was something about tonight that made me think I was going to run into someone special. I didn’t know what it was. It was just a feeling I had. Of course, feelings like this have left me disappointed on more than one occasion. Getting your hopes up usually leaves you in a position to have them dashed. But I threw caution to the wind and decided to leap into the arms of destiny and hope that I would catch that special man’s eye tonight.

It wasn’t happening. I sat at the bar and waited for men to approach me but despite my best efforts, they walked away after I told them that there was a fee to get behind the curtain. I walked by the blackjack tables and the craps tables, trying to show my interest to the men who were having the dice roll their way. But the casino was winning tonight and that meant there wasn’t any money to spread around.

After looking at all of my prospects and realizing that none of them had anything to offer, I sighed as I left the casino. If only men like Brent had flown in with more frequency. They were the men with the Benjamins to spare.

I wrapped my arms around myself to brace for the cold of the night. The moonlight was shining down upon the slums, illuminating everything the street lights couldn’t. The usual riffraff were going about their usual meaningless business. I exhaled a sigh and my warm breath floated up into the darkness, a subtle reminder of just how cold it was.

I noticed something in the distance as I walked along the street. The big black limousine rode through the streets. It wasn’t often you saw a car like that in this part of town. Every now and then some high-roller would stop by the casino to throw his money away but I couldn’t remember the last time it happened. Maybe this was another opportunity.

The limo started to draw closer to me in the distance. Walking away from it, I continued to look at it periodically and I noticed it was getting closer and closer to me. I closed my eyes and pictured the limo pulling right up next to me. I smiled as I imagined the door plopping open for me with stacks of money waiting to be grabbed. For a moment, it felt so real.

I opened my eyes and from the side, I could see the length of the limo’s hood beginning to extend past me. I continued to walk and make my way through the streets in the hopes that I would catch someone’s eye. Then something strange happened. The limo slowed to a crawl right next to me. I looked over at the tinted window and saw nothing but my reflection. Suddenly, the limo stopped along the sidewalk. I did the same.

I couldn’t see anything. I could only see how the black dress clinged to my body and how my wig sat perfectly upon my head. But there was a feeling stirring inside of me. Maybe it was just that blind hope that I had when the night began. Optimism often left me disappointed most of the time. It didn’t stop me from dreaming though.

As if some greater being was listening to my thoughts, slowly the window started to fall down. I could barely see the interior. And then suddenly, he came into view.

Only the upper part of his body was showing but that was more than enough. His brown hair was slicked and parted over his head into a neat trim. His jawline was sharp and without a single hair on it. And his eyes… his eyes were a deep green that seemed to stick out from the darkness of the limo he sat in. I could barely make out the navy blue suit draped over his broad shoulders but it was safe to assume that it fit him perfectly.

As I looked at him, I had to remind myself that he was the same as any other man. This was a potential client. And when I reminded myself of that, I flipped the switch and forgot about the cold of the night. I dropped my arms to my sides and gave him the seductive smile that had weakened so many men before.

His lips slowly turned into a smile and I saw the pearly whites they were hiding. Then, with a single word, he told me that he was more than just your average customer.


He had to be some professional. Some man who spent all of his time in business meetings talking to other people about a lot of money. He managed to ooze more charm than any man I’d spoken to in the past month and I hadn’t even said anything to him yet.

“Hello,” I replied simply.

“I was wondering if I could ask you a favor.”

“And what would that favor be, sir?”

“I’m not usually in this part of town. My driver is a little lost and he’s too embarrassed to ask for directions himself.”

“Curious,” I said as I took a step closer to the limo. “Isn’t that his job?”

“Getting lost or asking for directions?”

“Both,” I smirked at him.

He did the same back to me and the two of us shared a moment of silent laughter.

“I hope I’m not being out of line but are you familiar with this part of town?” he asked me.

“I know my way around. And I know how to get out of here.”

“I was wondering, if you would be so inclined, if you wouldn’t mind going for a drive to help us get out of here. Once my driver figures a way out, he can take you back, of course.”

He winked at me and when he did, I felt my body take another involuntary step toward him. There was something deep within in his green eyes that let me know he knew what he was doing, despite the facade he was putting on. His eyes narrowed and the corner of his mouth curved up slightly. I looked around to see if there were any police watching. I was in a black minidress talking to a man through his window. There wouldn’t be any way to explain it.

“Directions don’t come cheap. Tour guides usually cost a lot of money.”

“Ah, yes,” he nodded, continuing to smile at me. “I understand that. After all, they’re spending their time to show you around as well as demonstrating their… expertise about the places you’re going to.”

I took another step closer, intrigued by how willing he was to play the game.

“Are you willing to pay that price for a personal tour of this part of town?” I asked him.

He didn’t say anything. He only smirked back at me. I couldn’t figure out if he was deciding whether or not I was worth it so I turned on the charm. I raised my eyebrows and puckered my red lips to give him a preview of things that may come.

“Double it,” he said suddenly.


I nearly broke character and had to take a step back from what he was saying. Before I could give him an answer, he interrupted me again.

“Fine,” he said. “Triple.”

Not sure if he was serious, I looked around again to see if there were any police in plain sight. When I turned back to him, the smile on his face was gone, replaced by an intensity that made his green eyes look like smoldering emeralds.

“Triple,” I repeated him.

“Not a penny less,” he said. “I know how important a tour guide’s time is to them.”


With that, the door plopped open just like I had imagined it except there were no stacks of money waiting for me. In its place was a man dressed in a well-tailored navy blue suit sitting in his chair. He offered his hand out to me and I took it as I gingerly took a seat across from him. The door slammed shut and the limo sped off through the streets.

He reached into the small ice box next to him and started to pour two glasses of champagne.

“Would you like something to drink?” he asked me.

I simply nodded my head as I swallowed, trying to take in and interpret the man sitting in front of me. The rest of his body matched what I had seen through the window. Underneath his suit jacket, I could see the frame of a man who took care of himself. As he poured the champagne, the diamonds on his watch reflected the light coming from the roof of the limo. I thanked him as he handed me the glass and I took a sip as seductively as I could. The sparkly champagne bubbled against my lips and I licked them clean while he watched me.

“So, what’s a man like you doing in this part of town?”

“I don’t usually pay much attention when I’m in this limo,” he said as he shrugged his shoulders. “Usually I pay him to drive me around to take in the city but I think he ventured a little farther than he intended to. Not that I blame him though. I hear this part of the city has excellent tour guides.”

“The best.”

I winked at him and he took a sip of champagne to cover the smile that had formed on his face.

I was still suspicious of him. His face was youthful. Almost too youthful for him to look the way that he did. He was ravishingly good-looking but the limo, the suit and the champagne wasn’t something that you could credit to your genes. He was an heir of some kind. That had to be it because no man who looked like he did would have the money to throw away if he actually worked hard to get it.

“Your driver doesn’t seem to be lost anymore,” I said to him as we continued to speed along through the streets.

“It’s funny how that happens, isn’t it? You spend money on something and realize that you don’t need it anymore. But I promised you triple for your time and I won’t back out of that. So, how much is that exactly, Miss…”


“Ms. Angel. How appropriate. I imagine that time with an angel is valuable. But if you could, how much would triple be exactly?”

He stared at me and narrowed his eyes. It was as if he was daring me to test his limits. Something in his eyes told me that he was up to the challenge. I normally charged just one-hundred for an hour but that was pocket change to who this man was pretending to be. Now if it was time to see if he was faking it or not.

“And exactly how much time do plan on spending with me tonight?” I asked him. “Will your driver be staying up late tonight?”

“No. He’s sleeping early. But he should be ready to take you back in the morning.”

I gulped at his proposal to spend the night with him. He nonchalantly took another sip of his champagne. Even the way he held his glass had an almost regal quality to it. He had definitely played this part before.

“The entire night,” I said. “And triple. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“I’ve already overpaid for something I didn’t need in the first place, Angel. Why not splurge?”

I searched my head and tried to find the perfect number. I needed to push him as far as I could without insulting him. Something that was both reasonable and realistic but still got me as much as I felt I deserved.

“Fifteen hundred.”

I said the number he sighed a deep breath and placed the glass of champagne next to him. I feared that I had overstepped the line. He said triple and I was charging him significantly more. But I held my ground. I tried to remain as nonchalant as possible. I pretended like I threw that number around on a regular basis. Men were dying to see me and be with me. After all, I was an Angel.

Waiting for him to signal the driver to stop, I watched as he leaned toward a small compartment next to his seat. I had to stop my eyes from widening as he pulled a small stack of bills from it.

“Fifteen hundred,” he repeated.

He placed the money next to me and I stared down at the stack. I looked back up at him and was genuinely confused as to what he wanted me to do as he stared back at me.

“Do you want me to count it?” I asked him.

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