Nobody's (7 page)

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Authors: Rhea Wilde

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Nobody's
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The limo pulled up to one of several massive skyscrapers in the middle of the city. I looked through the tinted window and noticed several security guards all standing around. Men in business suits all shared genial conversations with one another. It didn’t take me very long to find him.

Thomas looked just as impeccable as he did last night. His tailored suit was black with thin pin-stripes upon it. It sat perfectly upon his broad shoulders without a single wrinkle. His hair was the same as it had been this morning and I wondered how hard he actually worked today. There was no doubt that he got something done but when you’re in the position he’s in, hard labor becomes a thing of the past.

William opened the door for him and Thomas stepped in and took a seat across from me. I smiled coyly at him and I watched his throat bob up and down as he swallowed.

“You look amazing,” he said.

“Thank you…”

He seemed almost stunned and the words came out of his mouth before he quickly became speechless. It was the exact reaction I was going for but even I was skeptical as to whether or not it was genuine. It didn’t matter though. I only needed Thomas to play along long enough for me to win a bigger piece of the financial pie that he was holding.

As Thomas got comfortable in his seat, I took the initiative by moving next to him. I placed my hand upon his lap and eagerly searched between his legs. I leaned in closer to him and kissed him softly on the stubble of his face while I whispered into his ear.

“I missed you…”

“I missed you, too, Angel. I’ve had a long day.”

“Really? Why don’t you tell me all about it?”

I was taken aback as he started to chuckle just a bit.

“I don’t want to bore you,” he said. “I’m not eager to put you to sleep so soon.”

“Well, Mr. Livingston, I’m awake now. Perhaps we should take advantage of our energy while we still can.”

I moved my lips up closer to his and kissed him passionately. I breathed into his mouth as I felt his cock through his pants. But before I could proceed any further, he pulled away from me and placed his hand upon mine.

“You look so beautiful tonight,” he whispered to me as he looked into my eyes.

“Thank you…”

My words trailed off as I stared into the deep emeralds on his face. It was like he had put me in a trance and for a moment, I lost my train of thought. I noticed he had grabbed my hand and placed it back upon my lap.

“We’ll have time for that later,” he said to me. “I’m just as eager as you are but I assure when that time comes, it will come.”

“Oh, something will definitely come tonight…”

I couldn’t turn it off. I was doing my best to remain as seductive as possible and keep Thomas in a state of constant desire. But he chuckled at my comment and leaned even farther away from me.

“We’ll be having dinner tonight,” he said. “Just the two of us.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Where are we having dinner tonight, Angel?”


“I’m asking you where are we having dinner tonight.”

“Why are you asking me? Why would—”

I stopped myself when I realized that he was asking me where to go just like he did the night before. I pondered whether or not I should test him again by picking out the most expensive restaurant in the city. But I decided not to push my luck and let Thomas make this decision for the both of us.

“Whatever you desire, Mr. Livingston. I only ask that it be an amazing experience.”

“But of course, Angel.”

He lowered the separator of the limo and instructed William where to go. I tried to initiate another bit of foreplay but I was again rebuffed. Thomas seemed intent on going as slowly as we could.

We arrived at a restaurant in the middle of the city that I had never heard of. When I stepped out of the limo, it didn’t take me long to figure out that this was a place that you had to be truly special to eat at. The architecture looked expensive and on top of that, there were expensive pieces of art adorning the walls. The wait staff looked like they were highly attentive and everybody dining here seemed like they were better than everybody else. I couldn’t figure out why that was exactly. It was like their noses were in the air, literally and figuratively.

We made our way to the back of the restaurant and sat excluded from everyone else. I had some small doubts about what William told me about Thomas’s current financial status but it wouldn’t stop me from attempting to try as get as much of a stake of it as I could.

Thomas sat across from me at the dinner table. The wait staff treated him like royalty. Expensive glasses of wine. Decadent entrees. Even the silverware looked like it had been polished to a blinding sparkle. I didn’t have to lift a finger or say a word. This was something I could definitely get used to.

“Please, help yourself,” he said as he offered his hand out to me. “But I’d recommend you don’t fill up too much on appetizers.”

“Appetizers? That’s what all of this is? I wonder what the main course will be.”

“I’ll let that be a surprise. After all, when’s the last time you ate dinner and didn’t know what you were getting?”

He winked at me and I looked down at the table to avoid blushing back at him. I quickly turned my attention to all of the food in front of me.

“Um, what do you recommend?” I asked him as I glossed over the plates.

“Hmm, that’s a good question. Let me see. How about this?"

He pointed at the plate in front of me. I looked down at the fried morsels assembled on top of one another.

“No, I don’t think I have… What is it?”

“Why don’t you try a piece?”

He was hiding something behind his smile. I found myself nervously chuckling back at him as I stabbed a piece with my fork.

“You’re not trying to kill me now, are you, Mr. Livingston?”

“No, Angel, I’m not. The chef, on the other hand…”

He laughed at me then stared as I shoved it into my mouth. The texture was crunchy on the outside and succulent on the inside. It was like chewing on something that wasn’t quite there.

“Well? How is it?

Thomas had an enthusiastic look on his face as I struggled to figure out what exactly was in my mouth.

“It’s… interesting.”

“They might have overcooked it. I’ll make sure they know about it.”

“No,” I stopped him. “It’s not a bad thing. There’s a lot of flavor… Buttery.”

I swallowed the rest of it and figured I would take another piece. Thomas seemed more than amused but he let me continue eating.

“You’re not familiar with the taste?” he asked me again.

“No. It tastes like chicken but... different. Not like anything I've had. Usually I just end up eating at the local Chinese place down the street or some other fast food restaurant in the area.”

“I see…”

Thomas looked at me inquisitively. I accidentally spilled the details of where it was I lived even though it wasn’t really a secret. William had picked me up in the same area twice but I still felt embarrassed at even being in that part of town.

“But maybe I should ask them to start serving this,” I said. “It’s not too bad. What is it?”

“Frog legs.”


“They butcher frogs and fry the legs. They're fried in a special batter and served as appetizers. In this case, the chef might have cooked them a little too thoroughly.”

I swallowed the rest of the piece down and looked down at the unique delicacies in front of me. Thomas didn’t seem to mind that I was a little uneasy about a new experience, even though I had enjoyed it. In fact, there was a growing smile on his face shortly followed by an uncontrolled fit of laughter.

“What’s so funny?” I asked him.

“Nothing, it’s just… I’m sorry to have deceived you. I assumed you already knew what it was. My apologies, Angel.”

“There’s no need for that. It’s good… I’m just not used to it, that's all.”

Thomas nodded to me and gave me a reassuring smile to let me know that he was genuinely apologetic. I proceeded to sample the rest of the food in front of me and Thomas was more than eager to explain what it was. But he didn’t just tell me what was on the plate. He described it in more detail than was necessary. He made everything more palatable than it already was. He even shared stories about the first time he ever tried any of this food. I quickly got lost in the conversation and found myself eagerly anticipating everything next he might say.

By the time I tasted everything available, the waitress returned and placed several entrees in front of me. Cuts of steak, pieces of chicken prepared several different ways, a variety of fish. All of this along with sides of vegetables, potatoes and even more things I didn’t recognize. It was another buffet except there were only two of us.

“You don’t expect me to eat all of this, do you, Mr. Livingston?”

“No, Angel. But I do intend for you to be completely satisfied. Is it wrong of me to have everything available to you?”

“It’s not that. It’s just…”



I wasn’t sure if this was the right time to tell him. This was more food than I ate in a week and even more expensive. It all seemed so wasteful. I’d rather he didn’t order any of this food and just gave me what it cost in a dollar amount. As I struggled to answer him, Thomas looked at me and I could see the understanding in his eyes. Then he closed them and shook his head.

“I’m… I’m such a fool.”

“Mr. Livingston?”

“You’re right, Angel. This is a bit… excessive. But rest assured that none of this will go to waste.”

“Mr. Livingston, you don’t have to go out of your way on my behalf. I’m here for you. There’s no need for anything more than your company.”


I felt awful that Thomas had gone to all of this trouble just for me to criticize him. I had to learn to keep these things to myself. I started to think about the last time a man had even offered to buy me dinner and I couldn’t remember it. Thomas was already unlike any man I’d ever met but the task of getting him to see me as something more than just his prostitute had different stumbling blocks from the ones I was expecting.

I did my best to bite my tongue. Occasionally, I would tell him how delicious the food was and it was true. I never had the opportunity to eat anything that was prepared by a gourmet chef. Now I was sitting in front of a man who was paying me to do it. This is the life that I had wanted. This is the man that I had been looking for. It all seemed too perfect.

Despite my expectations, Thomas didn’t bore me with talk about his business meetings. True to his word, he kept his mouth shut about the long day that he had claimed to have. Tonight, we were just two people enjoying one another’s company while we had dinner. I felt my guard slipping as he gave me his charming smile to remind me that he enjoyed having me here with him and at the end of dinner, I found myself completely relaxed and not focused on trying to impress him in one way or another.

“Did you enjoy yourself, Angel?”

“Yes, it was all wonderful, Mr. Livingston.”

“Would you like something for dessert?”


Before I finished I looked into his eyes and gave him a devilish grin. Just as I forgot what he had paid me for, the way he stared at me reminded me that he was just a man and his desires were no different. Even from across the table, I could feel the heat throbbing between his legs.

“How is the dessert here, Mr. Livingston?”

“It can be satisfying if you’re in the mood.”

“I’m in the mood, Mr. Livingston. But dessert isn’t any fun when there isn’t someone to share it with. Will you be having dessert with me, Mr. Livingston?”

“Perhaps. What do you say we get out of here and find another place to indulge this sweet tooth we have in common?”

“Lead the way, Mr. Livingston.”

As we exited the restaurant, I noticed that all of the other restaurant patrons were staring at us. It was odd. I understood why it was happening in the neighborhood that I lived in but here, it didn’t make any sense. They were all wealthy and better off. Thomas was not an exception. But they looked at me with a bit of disdain that said that I wasn’t one of them. Even with Thomas, I felt like I didn’t belong here. The feeling went away as we quickly made our exit into the limo.

Taking a seat next to Thomas, I got comfortable as he asked me where we would be heading next.

“I don’t know,” I said to him. “Do you plan on retiring early tonight?”

“Actually, you and I have a lot of business to discuss. Shall we head to The Exquisite to talk about it?”

“Yes, let’s.”

I winked at him then leaned in close to kiss him on the cheek. As the limo zoomed into the night, I could see the city falling behind us through the tinted windows. I closed my eyes to forget about everything else and moved my lips to his. I focused on providing Thomas the one pleasure I knew I could and suddenly, every other thought in my head was gone.


Chapter 7

The taste of garlic and frogs lingered in my mouth. I stood in front of the bathroom sink and washed and rinsed out the flavors as best I could. Thomas didn’t seem to mind but I assumed he was just being polite as he always was. After brushing my teeth and reapplying my lipstick, I made my way out to the living room of the suite I thought I would never see again.

There was Thomas, already relaxed and comfortable. His jacket laid across one of the sofas to the side and his tie was loose around his neck. I could see the reflection of the fireplace in his eyes as he stared at it. A glass of white wine sat in one hand and when he finally noticed me, he turned and offered me a glass of my own.

I was getting accustomed to being in Thomas’s presence. Too accustomed. Even though the nature of our relationship was obvious, as we had discussed it several times, I was growing more and more attached to how comfortable a permanent life like this might be. It could all disappear if he simply snapped his fingers. I shuddered at the thought of waking from the dream I was currently living in.

I took a seat next to Thomas and leaned in close to him. I rested my head upon the upper part of his chest and his hard pectorals served as a comfortable pillow. I closed my eyes and I could feel his heart beating. I could easily spend the rest of the night like this. It would be the easiest money I ever made.

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