Norse Goddess Magic (29 page)

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Authors: Alice Karlsdóttir

Tags: #Spirituality/New Age

BOOK: Norse Goddess Magic
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All page number are refer to the print edition of this title.

Aesir, 51
Agnar, 57
agriculture, 128–29
air conditioners, 22
alcohol, 23
ale, 77–78
Alrek, King, 78
altered consciousness, 18
anger, 138–39
animals, 96
Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz, 26
archaeological digs, 25
Asgard, 52
astral projection, 18–20, 22.
See also
Asynjur, 49–50
    Eír, 102–12
    Fulla, 168–75
    Gefjon, 126–34
    Hlin, 176–83
    Saga, 113–19
attention, focusing, 30–31

baking, 77–78
Balder the Beautiful, 51, 59–60, 177
bathing, 72, 82
Bauschatz, Paul C., 80
, 117
Berchte, 63–64, 66–72, 79
birch trees, 94
black mirrors, 20
Black Peter, 66
Borgny, 58
bowl of water, 20
Bragi, 54
braiding, 88–89
breathing, 29–30
brewing, 77–78
Brigid, 72–73
Brigid's Day, 72–73
Butler, W. E., 19
butter making, 78–79

caffeine, 23
calls, 28–29
candle flame, 20
Candlemas, 73
Carnival season, 67
cattle, 71–72, 73
challenges, 41–46
chamomile, 95
channeling, 20
chanting, 25, 26–27, 30–31
Charlemagne, King, 80
cheese making, 78–79
childbirth, 58–59, 72, 76, 88–89
child care, 140–41
Christ, 72
circle-casting, 41
clothing, 29
comfort, 180
confidence, 23
conflict resolution, 7
consolation, 180
cooking, 89–90, 139–40
cosmology, 19–20
counting backward, 31
courage, 136
craftmaking, 90–91
crystals, 20

dancing, 24–25, 30–31
defender, 185–86
Demeter, 106
Die Trempe, 64
disir, 59
divination, 52, 95–96, 192
drawing down, 20
dreaming, 192–95
drink, 69
drugs, 23
drumming, 24–25, 30–31
Dumézil, Georges, 74
dumplings, 69

East, 27, 34
Eddas, 10, 54, 153
Eight Worlds, 19–20
Eír, 49, 102–12
    lore about, 102–7
    ritual, 110–12
    trance, 107–10
Eirik's Saga Rauða, 20
elder, 94–95
Elder Edda
, 49, 102, 135, 180, 192
enthusiasm, 44–45
ethical guidelines, 135–37
eye, attention and, 30

facts, 15, 45–46
fairy tales, 12–13
Fama, 120–21
family, 90
faring forth, 19–20
farming, 73
fate, 82–83
Fensalir, 36–40
fermentation, 77–78
fertility, 71–72, 75–76, 129–31
Ffraed, 72
fire, 105–6
Fjögynn, 52
flax, 65, 81–82
folk remedies, 105–7
food, 69
foresight, 82
Freyja, 13, 19, 52, 74–84, 85, 103, 130
Frigg, 4, 28
    deities associated with, 71–73
    Freyja and, 74–76, 85
    Germanic godesses associated with,
    goddess of marriage and childbirth,
    lore about, 86–96
    magical powers, 59–61
    names connected with, 51–53
    political leader, 55–58
    relationships and, 84–85
    symbols of, 73–74, 92–93
    wise counselor, 53–55
frith, 154–55
Fulla, 49–50, 168–75

Gefjon, 49, 126–34
Geirhild, 78
Geirrod, 57, 170
generosity, 137
, 71, 104, 156
gifts, 56, 69, 161
Gna, 50, 120–25
Góa, 73
Gode, Frau, 70–71
god-forms, 8–9
grain, 77–78
greed, 69
Grid, 53
grief, 181–82
Grimm, Jacob, 64
Grímnismál, 56–57
Grönbech, Vilhelm, 160–61
guardian, 184–90
guided meditation, 18, 32–33
Gundarsson, Kveldulf, 53
Gunnlod, 53–54
Gylfi, King, 49, 127–28

hammer shape, 26–27
harmony, 23, 157
Harner, Michael, 19
Harun al-Rashid, 80
hawks, 75
healing, 75–76
Heathenism, 3–4
Hel, 60, 106
Hera, 54
herbalism, 103
Hermod the Bold, 60
herring, 69
Hlidskjalf, 59
Hlin, 50, 176–83
Hod, 51, 60
Hofvarpnir, 50, 120
Holda, 61–63, 66–72, 79
holidays, 66–70
Holle-peter, 66
holy wells, 52
honesty, 163–64
honey, 77–78
honor, 135–37
hospitality, 91–92, 127–28, 137
Hrauthing, King, 57
Huginn, 121
Huldra, 65–66
husbandry, 73
hypnosis, 20, 28, 30

imagination, 12–13, 28–29
incense, 25, 30–31
incense smoke, 20
induction, 28–29
industriousness, 137–38
infidelity, 53–54
Ingham, Marion Frieda, 67
invocations, 15–16, 28–29

Jord, 53
joy, 9

Karlsdóttir, Alice, 36–40, 48–49,
    107–10, 117–18, 123–24, 131–33,
    141–42, 149–51, 155–56, 164–65,
    171–73, 178–82, 186–89, 195–96
Klio, 114
knowledge, 139–41
Kolbrunarskald, Thormod, 104

lakes, 72
Lauma, 82
law, 185–86
, 69–70
learning, 92
leeks, 94
legends, personification of, 114–17
lightning, 22
linen, 81–82
Lofn, 50, 145–52
Lokasenna, 52
Loki, 24–25, 51, 52, 54, 60, 130
Lombards, 55–56
love, 50, 75–76, 146–48, 153–55
loyalty, 136–37
Lucia, St., 68
lucid dreaming, 43, 194–95
luck, 136

magic, 59–61, 82, 95–96, 105, 192–95
maidens, 132–33, 146–47
marriage, 58–59, 145–48, 161–63
massage, 103
May king, 54
mead, 77–78
medicine, 102–7
Menglod, 49, 102–3
mental body, 19
Midgard, 19–20
midwifery, 72
milk, 69, 77–78
milking, 78–79
Milky Way, 61–62
Mimir, 116
mistletoe, 60
moderation, 138–39
Mother Earth, 71
Mother Holle, 200–203
mothers, 87–90
mugwort, 95
mundane world, 7
Muninn, 121
mythology, 5–9, 10–16

naming, 56, 86, 89
Naturals, 2
Nerthus, 71–72
nettle, 95
New Age, 20
Night, 109
Nine Worlds, 4, 53
nisser, 78
Njáls saga
, 83
Norns, 80–81
Norse godesses, 2–3
    Eír, 102–12
    Fulla, 168–74
    Gefjon, 126–34
    Hlin, 176–83
    Lofn, 145–52
    Saga, 113–19
    Sjofn, 153–59
    Snotra, 135–44
    Syn, 184–90
    Var, 160–67
    Vor, 191–97
See also
Norse mythology, 10–16
North, 26, 35

oat cakes, 69
oaths, 162
Oddrúnargrátr, 58, 103
Odin, 4, 13, 19, 24–25, 26, 28, 55–58
Olga, Queen, 208–12
Ollerus, 54
open minds, 45–46
Orion's belt, 53
Orkneyinga saga
, 83, 177

pain, 24
pancake races, 67–68
paradoxes, 7
passageway, 18
pathworking, 18
peace weavers, 53
perception, 45–46
Perchtenjagd, 70
perseverance, 138
physical pain, 24
Pilnitus, 170
pitfalls, 42–44
plants, 94–96
plow processions, 129
politics, 55–58
porridge, 69
primal layers, 82–83
primary texts, 11–12
Prose Edda
, 15, 49, 53, 60, 127, 160
prosperity, 92
psychic safety, 25–28

rams, 73
reality, 7
relational titles, 16
relaxation, inducing state of,
Rerir, King, 58–59, 88, 121
Rind, 53
ritual, mythology and, 8–9
ritual chanting, 25, 26–27
rituals, 25–28
    Eír, 110–12
    Frigg, 96–101
    Fulla, 174–75
    Gefjon, 133–34
    Gna, 124–25
    Hlin, 182–83
    Lofn, 151–52
    Saga, 118–19
    Sjofn, 157–59
    Snotra, 143–44
    Syn, 189–90
    Var, 165–67
    Vor, 196–97
runes, 26
Ruprecht, 66

sacred history, 6–7
sacred space, 41–42
safety, 25–28, 76
Saga, 49, 113–19
Santa Claus, 66
Saxo Grammaticus, 54–55
scrying, 20
secondary texts, 11–12
Second Merseburg Charm, 49, 110, 168
second sight, 59–61
self-discipline, 138–39
self-reliance, 137–38
shamans and shamanism, 121–23,
Shrove Thursday, 67
Signy, 78
Sigrdrífa, 103
Sigrid, Queen, 138–39
Sigurd, Jarl, 83–84, 177
silver cord, 19
Sinking Brook, 50
Sjelland, 126
Sjofn, 50, 153–59
Skáldskaparmál, 53
skills, 139–41
Skirnir, 121
sky queen, 52
Sleeping Beauty, 56, 91, 92
Sleipnir, 42
Snorri, 49, 120, 130
Snotra, 50, 135–44
social values, 8
Sokkvabekk, 50, 115–16
sources, authenticity of, 11–12
South, 27, 34
Spillelutsche, 68
spindles, 82, 93
spinning, 62, 65, 66–67, 79–84
spiritualism, 20
streams, 52
Sturluson, Snorri, 49, 120, 130
Suchenwirt, Peter, 114
symbols, 6, 20, 73–74, 92–93
Syn, 50, 184–90

Tacitus, 71, 83, 104, 156
Tannhäuser legend, 62
tapestries, 80
tarot, 20
tea, 24
temper, 138–39
Thor, 14, 69, 129
Three Spinners, The
, 204–7
thunder, 22
time of day, 23
toasts, 87
tools, 71–72
trance, 141–42
tranceworking, 198–99
    challenges of, 41–46
    deepening of, 31–33
    defining trance, 17–21
    directions for, 22–35
    emerging from, 33–35
    example of, 36–40
    focusing attention, 30–31
    inducing relaxation, 29–30
    invocation, 28–29
    preparing for, 23–24
    ritual prior to, 25–28
See also
Karlsdóttir, Alice
Tree of Life, 20
truth, 7, 137
Twelfth Night, 64, 66–70
Tyr, 85

Ull, 163

Vafthrudnir, 53
Vafþrudnismál, 53
Vanir, 19
Var, 50, 160–67
Venus, 52
Verdandi, 80–81
vet, 24–25
Viking Age, 4
Virgil, 120
Virgin Mary, 72
vitality, 76
Volsung, 58
Völsunga saga
, 58
völvas, 191–92
Vor, 50, 191–97
vows, 50, 161–63
Vries, Jan de, 109–10

Wagner, Richard, 54
wagons, 71–72
water, 52, 77–78
Way of the Shaman, The
, 19
wealth, 146
Wealtheow, 117
weather conditions, 22
weaving, 79–84, 91, 140
Weiberdonnerstag procession, 67–68
Well and the Tree, The
, 80–81
Well of Urd, 116
Wends, 65
West, 27, 34
Western tranceworking, 20–21
wet-spinning, 81
White Lady, 64–65
Wild Hunt, 70–71
wildness, 76
wisdom, 191–97
wives, 87–90
Wodan, 70–71
Woden-Wili-We, 26
women's work, 76–84
wonder, 9

yarrow, 95
yeast, 77–78
Ynglinga saga
, 127–28
Yule, 66–70, 92–93




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