All page number are refer to the print edition of this title.
Aesir, 51
Agnar, 57
agriculture, 128â29
air conditioners, 22
alcohol, 23
ale, 77â78
Alrek, King, 78
altered consciousness, 18
anger, 138â39
animals, 96
Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz, 26
archaeological digs, 25
Asgard, 52
astral projection, 18â20, 22.
See also
Asynjur, 49â50
   EÃr, 102â12
   Fulla, 168â75
   Gefjon, 126â34
   Hlin, 176â83
   Saga, 113â19
attention, focusing, 30â31
baking, 77â78
Balder the Beautiful, 51, 59â60, 177
bathing, 72, 82
Bauschatz, Paul C., 80
, 117
Berchte, 63â64, 66â72, 79
birch trees, 94
black mirrors, 20
Black Peter, 66
Borgny, 58
bowl of water, 20
Bragi, 54
braiding, 88â89
breathing, 29â30
brewing, 77â78
Brigid, 72â73
Brigid's Day, 72â73
Butler, W. E., 19
butter making, 78â79
caffeine, 23
calls, 28â29
candle flame, 20
Candlemas, 73
Carnival season, 67
cattle, 71â72, 73
challenges, 41â46
chamomile, 95
channeling, 20
chanting, 25, 26â27, 30â31
Charlemagne, King, 80
cheese making, 78â79
childbirth, 58â59, 72, 76, 88â89
child care, 140â41
Christ, 72
circle-casting, 41
clothing, 29
comfort, 180
confidence, 23
conflict resolution, 7
consolation, 180
cooking, 89â90, 139â40
cosmology, 19â20
counting backward, 31
courage, 136
craftmaking, 90â91
crystals, 20
dancing, 24â25, 30â31
defender, 185â86
Demeter, 106
Die Trempe, 64
disir, 59
divination, 52, 95â96, 192
drawing down, 20
dreaming, 192â95
drink, 69
drugs, 23
drumming, 24â25, 30â31
Dumézil, Georges, 74
dumplings, 69
East, 27, 34
Eddas, 10, 54, 153
Eight Worlds, 19â20
EÃr, 49, 102â12
   lore about, 102â7
   ritual, 110â12
   trance, 107â10
Eirik's Saga Rauða, 20
elder, 94â95
Elder Edda
, 49, 102, 135, 180, 192
enthusiasm, 44â45
ethical guidelines, 135â37
eye, attention and, 30
facts, 15, 45â46
fairy tales, 12â13
Fama, 120â21
family, 90
faring forth, 19â20
farming, 73
fate, 82â83
Fensalir, 36â40
fermentation, 77â78
fertility, 71â72, 75â76, 129â31
Ffraed, 72
fire, 105â6
Fjögynn, 52
flax, 65, 81â82
folk remedies, 105â7
food, 69
foresight, 82
Freyja, 13, 19, 52, 74â84, 85, 103, 130
Frigg, 4, 28
   deities associated with, 71â73
   Freyja and, 74â76, 85
   Germanic godesses associated with,
   goddess of marriage and childbirth,
   lore about, 86â96
   magical powers, 59â61
   names connected with, 51â53
   political leader, 55â58
   relationships and, 84â85
   symbols of, 73â74, 92â93
   wise counselor, 53â55
frith, 154â55
Fulla, 49â50, 168â75
Gefjon, 49, 126â34
Geirhild, 78
Geirrod, 57, 170
generosity, 137
, 71, 104, 156
gifts, 56, 69, 161
Gna, 50, 120â25
Góa, 73
Gode, Frau, 70â71
god-forms, 8â9
grain, 77â78
greed, 69
Grid, 53
grief, 181â82
Grimm, Jacob, 64
GrÃmnismál, 56â57
Grönbech, Vilhelm, 160â61
guardian, 184â90
guided meditation, 18, 32â33
Gundarsson, Kveldulf, 53
Gunnlod, 53â54
Gylfi, King, 49, 127â28
hammer shape, 26â27
harmony, 23, 157
Harner, Michael, 19
Harun al-Rashid, 80
hawks, 75
healing, 75â76
Heathenism, 3â4
Hel, 60, 106
Hera, 54
herbalism, 103
Hermod the Bold, 60
herring, 69
Hlidskjalf, 59
Hlin, 50, 176â83
Hod, 51, 60
Hofvarpnir, 50, 120
Holda, 61â63, 66â72, 79
holidays, 66â70
Holle-peter, 66
holy wells, 52
honesty, 163â64
honey, 77â78
honor, 135â37
hospitality, 91â92, 127â28, 137
Hrauthing, King, 57
Huginn, 121
Huldra, 65â66
husbandry, 73
hypnosis, 20, 28, 30
imagination, 12â13, 28â29
incense, 25, 30â31
incense smoke, 20
induction, 28â29
industriousness, 137â38
infidelity, 53â54
Ingham, Marion Frieda, 67
invocations, 15â16, 28â29
Jord, 53
joy, 9
Karlsdóttir, Alice, 36â40, 48â49,
   107â10, 117â18, 123â24, 131â33,
   141â42, 149â51, 155â56, 164â65,
   171â73, 178â82, 186â89, 195â96
Klio, 114
knowledge, 139â41
Kolbrunarskald, Thormod, 104
lakes, 72
Lauma, 82
law, 185â86
, 69â70
learning, 92
leeks, 94
legends, personification of, 114â17
lightning, 22
linen, 81â82
Lofn, 50, 145â52
Lokasenna, 52
Loki, 24â25, 51, 52, 54, 60, 130
Lombards, 55â56
love, 50, 75â76, 146â48, 153â55
loyalty, 136â37
Lucia, St., 68
lucid dreaming, 43, 194â95
luck, 136
magic, 59â61, 82, 95â96, 105, 192â95
maidens, 132â33, 146â47
marriage, 58â59, 145â48, 161â63
massage, 103
May king, 54
mead, 77â78
medicine, 102â7
Menglod, 49, 102â3
mental body, 19
Midgard, 19â20
midwifery, 72
milk, 69, 77â78
milking, 78â79
Milky Way, 61â62
Mimir, 116
mistletoe, 60
moderation, 138â39
Mother Earth, 71
Mother Holle, 200â203
mothers, 87â90
mugwort, 95
mundane world, 7
Muninn, 121
mythology, 5â9, 10â16
naming, 56, 86, 89
Naturals, 2
Nerthus, 71â72
nettle, 95
New Age, 20
Night, 109
Nine Worlds, 4, 53
nisser, 78
Njáls saga
, 83
Norns, 80â81
Norse godesses, 2â3
   EÃr, 102â12
   Fulla, 168â74
   Gefjon, 126â34
   Hlin, 176â83
   Lofn, 145â52
   Saga, 113â19
   Sjofn, 153â59
   Snotra, 135â44
   Syn, 184â90
   Var, 160â67
   Vor, 191â97
See also
Norse mythology, 10â16
North, 26, 35
oat cakes, 69
oaths, 162
Oddrúnargrátr, 58, 103
Odin, 4, 13, 19, 24â25, 26, 28, 55â58
Olga, Queen, 208â12
Ollerus, 54
open minds, 45â46
Orion's belt, 53
Orkneyinga saga
, 83, 177
pain, 24
pancake races, 67â68
paradoxes, 7
passageway, 18
pathworking, 18
peace weavers, 53
perception, 45â46
Perchtenjagd, 70
perseverance, 138
physical pain, 24
Pilnitus, 170
pitfalls, 42â44
plants, 94â96
plow processions, 129
politics, 55â58
porridge, 69
primal layers, 82â83
primary texts, 11â12
Prose Edda
, 15, 49, 53, 60, 127, 160
prosperity, 92
psychic safety, 25â28
rams, 73
reality, 7
relational titles, 16
relaxation, inducing state of,
Rerir, King, 58â59, 88, 121
Rind, 53
ritual, mythology and, 8â9
ritual chanting, 25, 26â27
rituals, 25â28
   EÃr, 110â12
   Frigg, 96â101
   Fulla, 174â75
   Gefjon, 133â34
   Gna, 124â25
   Hlin, 182â83
   Lofn, 151â52
   Saga, 118â19
   Sjofn, 157â59
   Snotra, 143â44
   Syn, 189â90
   Var, 165â67
   Vor, 196â97
runes, 26
Ruprecht, 66
sacred history, 6â7
sacred space, 41â42
safety, 25â28, 76
Saga, 49, 113â19
Santa Claus, 66
Saxo Grammaticus, 54â55
scrying, 20
secondary texts, 11â12
Second Merseburg Charm, 49, 110, 168
second sight, 59â61
self-discipline, 138â39
self-reliance, 137â38
shamans and shamanism, 121â23,
Shrove Thursday, 67
Signy, 78
SigrdrÃfa, 103
Sigrid, Queen, 138â39
Sigurd, Jarl, 83â84, 177
silver cord, 19
Sinking Brook, 50
Sjelland, 126
Sjofn, 50, 153â59
Skáldskaparmál, 53
skills, 139â41
Skirnir, 121
sky queen, 52
Sleeping Beauty, 56, 91, 92
Sleipnir, 42
Snorri, 49, 120, 130
Snotra, 50, 135â44
social values, 8
Sokkvabekk, 50, 115â16
sources, authenticity of, 11â12
South, 27, 34
Spillelutsche, 68
spindles, 82, 93
spinning, 62, 65, 66â67, 79â84
spiritualism, 20
streams, 52
Sturluson, Snorri, 49, 120, 130
Suchenwirt, Peter, 114
symbols, 6, 20, 73â74, 92â93
Syn, 50, 184â90
Tacitus, 71, 83, 104, 156
Tannhäuser legend, 62
tapestries, 80
tarot, 20
tea, 24
temper, 138â39
Thor, 14, 69, 129
Three Spinners, The
, 204â7
thunder, 22
time of day, 23
toasts, 87
tools, 71â72
trance, 141â42
tranceworking, 198â99
   challenges of, 41â46
   deepening of, 31â33
   defining trance, 17â21
   directions for, 22â35
   emerging from, 33â35
   example of, 36â40
   focusing attention, 30â31
   inducing relaxation, 29â30
   invocation, 28â29
   preparing for, 23â24
   ritual prior to, 25â28
See also
Karlsdóttir, Alice
Tree of Life, 20
truth, 7, 137
Twelfth Night, 64, 66â70
Tyr, 85
Ull, 163
Vafthrudnir, 53
Vafþrudnismál, 53
Vanir, 19
Var, 50, 160â67
Venus, 52
Verdandi, 80â81
vet, 24â25
Viking Age, 4
Virgil, 120
Virgin Mary, 72
vitality, 76
Volsung, 58
Völsunga saga
, 58
völvas, 191â92
Vor, 50, 191â97
vows, 50, 161â63
Vries, Jan de, 109â10
Wagner, Richard, 54
wagons, 71â72
water, 52, 77â78
Way of the Shaman, The
, 19
wealth, 146
Wealtheow, 117
weather conditions, 22
weaving, 79â84, 91, 140
Weiberdonnerstag procession, 67â68
Well and the Tree, The
, 80â81
Well of Urd, 116
Wends, 65
West, 27, 34
Western tranceworking, 20â21
wet-spinning, 81
White Lady, 64â65
Wild Hunt, 70â71
wildness, 76
wisdom, 191â97
wives, 87â90
Wodan, 70â71
Woden-Wili-We, 26
women's work, 76â84
wonder, 9
yarrow, 95
yeast, 77â78
Ynglinga saga
, 127â28
Yule, 66â70, 92â93