Northern Star (39 page)

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Authors: Jodi Thomas

BOOK: Northern Star
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Hunter’s voice was low yet crystal clear. “You are alive, sir, because you are Perry’s brother. Do not challenge your luck, for I will not consider the kinship again.”

Amazement showed on Andrew’s face as his tiny sister moved fearlessly beside this blond madman and gently laid her hand on his arm.

“Hunter,” Perry whispered lovingly.

Hunter didn’t move his gaze from Andrew or lower his sword. “No one, sir, takes Perry from my side.” His eyes burned in anger. “Anyone who touches her against her will shall not live another day on this earth. Do I make myself clear?” Hunter’s voice was deadly earnest.

Andrew was obviously too frightened to speak. He nodded slowly and breathed a sigh of relief as Hunter lowered the sword.

Perry moved to help Andrew up as Hunter returned the sword to its place on the wall. “Andrew, I’m no longer a child. No man orders or owns me.” Perry hoped Hunter would heed her words also.

Andrew straightened his clothes, trying to gain back a few ounces of his self-respect. “If you stand beside such a wild man, perhaps you need no protective big brother. I will not tempt fate again by accusing you of anything.” A newfound respect echoed in his words as he addressed his sister. “Even in shock and anger I never meant to hurt you, Perry.”

“I know you didn’t, my gentle Andrew.” She smiled, her thoughts full of Hunter’s words. Though he had spoken in anger at Andrew, he told of how deeply he loved her. He might not have said the words of love, but she knew he felt them.

She moved beneath his protective arm, sliding her hand
lovingly around his back and resting her fingers at his waist. She bore no shame for being with Hunter, and she wanted Andrew to understand this. “I would’ve wished the two of you to meet under less violent circumstances,” she said, trying to ease the tension. “Hunter, my brother saved your life once. Do you think you could give him another chance?”

Hunter’s eyebrow raised. “You were the Confederate doctor in camp?” His anger was vanishing with Perry’s touch. Though Andrew paid no notice, she was slowly moving her fingers up and down Hunter’s side as they talked. He found himself hard-pressed to think of anything but her fingers sliding along his skin.

“Yes, I treated you at Perry’s request.” Andrew straightened, pulling his shoulders back.

Hunter’s anger diminished. He saw a defeated man standing before him, only tiny threads of pride holding him together. “I can’t hate a man for loving his sister, even if you were harsh in your attack. Perry speaks of you with admiration.” Hunter slowly extended his hand to Andrew. “I thank you, Dr. McLain. When I reached Philadelphia, the doctor said if it hadn’t been for your excellent care, I’d have lost my arm, if not my life.”

Perry smiled up at Hunter. She knew he was giving Andrew back a fraction of the pride the war had torn away.

“Dr. Moore tells me we could use a doctor with your skill. Will you consider staying at Three Oaks?” Hunter asked.

Gaining control of his voice, Andrew answered, “I like it here. Maybe it would be better to start somewhere new, now that the war is over.” He coughed and attempted to make the question show only casual interest. “Do you plan on staying on here?”

Hunter laughed at his question and winked at Perry. They smiled, both knowing Andrew would be hoping for a negative answer. “I would like to, but my work is in Philadelphia and Washington. I plan to visit here often,
however. I’m very concerned with the politics of this area. The election of the next governor in a few days may prove very interesting.”

Perry watched as Andrew became more relaxed when the subject turned to one of his favorites, politics. “It will be a close race between Worth and Holden. Many of the men I’ve talked to are not even going to bother to vote. They say with either man as governor, North Carolina is in for a hard time.”

“President Johnson has a special interest in this election, what with Raleigh being his birthplace and all,” Hunter said, all too aware of Perry’s stirring as she pulled from beside him and moved toward the door.

She smiled first at Andrew, then at Hunter. “Do you think you gentlemen could continue your discussion downstairs? I’d like to freshen up, then I’ll cook you both breakfast.”

Hunter bowed. “Yes, angel.” Then, turning to Andrew, he added, “I’ll show you to the kitchen, and maybe between the two of us, we can find the coffee.” He bent casually to pick up his boots as he stuffed his shirt into his pants with his free hand.

The men moved down the hall as Perry crossed to her room. She removed her wrinkled blouse and skirt, deep in thought. She began absentmindedly combing her hair as she tried to remember everything Hunter had said that morning. Finally her hair was shining and beautiful. Perry removed all but her light camisole and began washing from the cool water at her nightstand. Pulled out of her thoughts by a light tapping at her door, Perry lifted her dress in front of her and said, “Yes?”

Hunter opened the door quietly and stepped in. “Perry, I have to talk with you.”

“Not now, I’m dressing,” Perry answered firmly. Even unshaven, he was by far the best-looking man she had ever seen. His blond curls were a mass of golden disorder, and she loved the morning look of him.

He smiled as his eyes rested on her bare shoulders. “If I promise to turn my back, may we talk?”

“Your word?” Perry questioned.

“My word,” Hunter said as he slowly turned around and showed Perry only his back.

Timidly Perry lowered her clothes and began washing each, part of her body with care. She kept one eye on Hunter’s back as she bathed.

“I needed to tell you that Abram will arrive sometime today. I also must ride to Raleigh and see my grandfather’s lawyer. He left small plots of land to each of the help. I need to clear up all of his paperwork.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Perry asked as she slipped off her camisole and reached for a clean one.

“No, I don’t have time to explain, but I need to be in Raleigh for the election. I thought you might like to ride back to Three Oaks with your brother.” Hunter stopped, as if in thought, leaving Perry to wonder if he was trying to say good-bye. “I would like to call for you in three days. We have much to talk about.”

“If you like, I’ll stay here and run the house. There is much to do. I need to talk with you about what you would like done.”

“No,” Hunter answered sharply, “I don’t want you here alone. If Wade returns, this will be the first place he will come. I’d feel much better if you were at Three Oaks with Andrew.”

Perry slipped into her dress. “I’d better pack,” she said, more to herself than Hunter.

“No.” Hunter’s order surprised her. His next words told her a great deal about the way he felt. “You have everything you need at Three Oaks. Leave your things here. I want to know part of you stays.”

“All right,” she answered, knowing she was getting into his blood.

“I’ll tell Andrew you hadn’t enough time to pack,” Hunter reasoned. “I’ve already asked Hank to saddle a
horse so you can ride back with your brother after breakfast.”

Perry slipped her knife into her pocket in an action that had become habit.

“You’ll need to carry your gun also, until we are together again,” Hunter added.

Perry’s head jerked up to study Hunter’s back. “How…?” she whispered, then realized he was watching her in the mirror on the wall in front of him.

She stormed toward him. “Hunter Kirkland, you were watching me all the time.” She raised her fist to strike him.

He easily dodged her swing. “Sorry, madam, but I kept my word. My back was to you.”

“Hunter!” she squealed as she raised her fist to his chin.

“Take your best blow, lady, for I assure you the pain will be little to endure for the pleasure I’ve received.” He laughed as she fumed.

“Or if you think me unfair, I’ll let you watch me change clothes, and then we’ll be even.”

She burst into laughter at his plan of repayment for the crime.

He pulled her into his arms and lifted her off the floor.

“Will I ever get enough of you?” he whispered into her hair. “Is there enough time in eternity for me to grow tired of the look of you?”

His lips found hers, and for several minutes there was no world outside his arms.

An hour later Hunter gently lifted Perry onto her horse. Andrew watched the way his eyes held hers. His hand covered hers as he spoke to Andrew. “Take very good care of my angel, Andrew.”

Andrew thought the way they acted was improper, but he knew he would never again comment on their behavior. He felt sorry for any man who dared.

Chapter 34

As the three old oaks came into view Perry felt a sadness engulf her. The memories of Noma’s betrayal and Wade’s beating suddenly and painfully returned. The place looked much the same as it had months ago when she’d first arrived. When her horse stopped beside Andrew’s mount, she stared at the long French windows through which she’d made her escape, and all the pain of that night came back to her.

Andrew helped her from her horse, unaware of her hesitation. “I haven’t properly welcomed you back to the living.” He hugged her tightly. “When I rode to Ravenwood and found only ashes, I was disheartened. When I reached here and was told you had drowned, I thought life and this war had finally broken me. My only hope lay in the fact that they never found your body, and I remembered how strong a swimmer you were.”

Sarah and James came out of the house shouting like sinners on the last night of a revival. When Sarah calmed down enough to speak, she mumbled between sobs, “We kept your room just as it was. Noma made us. Said there was so much sorrow in that room, nobody was ever goin’ in there again.”

“You’ve seen Noma?”

Andrew nodded. “She came by a few weeks ago. She
works near town for a Union officer named Williams.” His tone lowered as Wade’s name flavored his voice with disgust. “Seems he was real nice to Noma after you ‘died,’ and Noma went to work for him. I invited her to come back here, but she said she couldn’t stay at the place with you gone. I’ll ride over and tell her you’re back.”

“No,” Perry answered, wishing she had time to tell Andrew all that had happened. “Wait a few days.” The last thing she wanted was Wade’s entire household knowing where she was. There would be time enough to tell Noma after Hunter returned from Raleigh.

Andrew watched her, reading her sadness. “Come on inside. You must be tired. We can talk at dinner.”

She was thankful he allowed her the afternoon alone. When she joined him in the newly decorated dining room, Perry felt she was finally ready to face his questions.

But to her surprise they didn’t dine alone. An attractive widow, Victoria, whose husband had been Andrew’s friend during the war, joined them. She was warm, and her voice was soft and friendly. She’d been helping Andrew redecorate the house and mend the wounds of war. As they talked, Perry watched her eyes and knew she would someday erase Andrew’s scars of war with strokes of love.

When they moved from the dining room to the newly painted study, the thunder of horses silenced all conversation. Andrew patted Victoria’s arm and excused himself. Perry moved to build a fire to warm the study. Her brother often had late visitors before the war. It usually meant someone was hurt and in need of a doctor. With the cold night his visitors would welcome a fire.

*   *   *

Just as Hunter lifted his hand to knock, Andrew opened the door. “Andrew”—Hunter’s voice blew into the hall, along with the cold night air—“I know it’s late, but I must see Perry.”

Andrew stepped aside and held the door wide. He could see just beyond the porch that a huge black man waited
holding the reins of their horses. Andrew indicated the study door. It never occurred to him to deny Hunter’s request. In truth, Andrew knew Hunter was stating his plans and not asking permission. Despite Hunter’s temper, Andrew liked him and had decided, after a day’s thought, that the Yankee was probably an equal match for his headstrong sister.

Hunter stormed into the study and stopped in mid-stride as he watched the vision before him. Perry was kneeling beside the fireplace trying to add more logs. Her dress was a dark wine red, which made her skin seem even more lovely. Her hair streamed down her back in long waves the color of midnight. He wondered, as he moved closer, how she could grow more beautiful each time he saw her.

He was almost across the room before she looked up. “Angel,” he whispered as he pulled her into his arms. His lips met hers as his name formed on her mouth. He held her close to his body, as if they had been separated for a long time. Her softness molded into his hard frame as his mouth whispered of his need. His hands moved over the velvet of her dress in hungry urgency.

After some time she pulled away slightly. “What are you doing here so late?”

“Trying to make love to you,” Hunter answered as his hands roamed her back in caressing strokes.

“No.” Perry laughed. “What has brought you?”

He released her long enough to throw his hat and heavy coat aside. “When I see you, I forget all else but my need to hold you.” He reached for her, but she darted from his touch.

“Hunter, this is my brother’s house.”

He moved toward her slowly. “I’m aware of that fact. Why else would I be restraining myself?” A devilish twinkle danced in his gray eyes.

“You’re a lost cause.” Perry moved away, loving the way he followed.

“Agreed, lady, completely lost,” he whispered before
sobering to his duty. “I came to warn you of something. Abram arrived this afternoon and reported Wade may have reached North Carolina ahead of him. He said several people along the road reported having seen a man of Wade’s description, traveling fast.”

“Wade’s here?” she whispered as she unconsciously slipped her hand into her pocket and encircled her knife.

“I’ve spent the past few hours looking for him but with no luck.” Hunter walked to the window, as if searching the darkness. “He has a house between here and town, but he isn’t there.”

Hunter turned suddenly to face Perry. His voice was cold with determination. “I must go to Raleigh tonight. It’s very important. I’ve come to tell you to stay inside and be careful. Go nowhere until I return.”

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