Obsession (A Bad Boy's Secret Baby)

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Authors: Nora Flite,Adair Rymer

BOOK: Obsession (A Bad Boy's Secret Baby)
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Table of Contents

OBSESSION | A Bad Boy's Secret Baby Romance

More steamy romances from Adair Rymer:

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14



OUTLAW ROAD | A Bad Boy Romance


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen




More books from Adair Rymer:

Also from Nora Flite:

A Bad Boy's Secret Baby Romance

Bestselling Author

Nora Flite


Adair Rymer


Copyright © 2016 Adair Rymer/Nora Flite

All rights reserved.

Obsession: A Bad Boy's Secret Baby is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. They are not to be construed in any way. Resemblances to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Special thanks from Adair

Danni, Alice Anne Evans(Queen of the Universe) & Ed for finding grammar in my pretty ramblings!

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More steamy romances from Adair Rymer:

Too Rough for Love

Too Wild to Ride

Too Fast for Hope

Riding for Her

Outlaw Road

Undercover Badass

Getting Mine: Stepbrother Romance

Shred: Billionaire Bad Boy Romance

Also from Nora Flite:

The Bad Boy Arrangement

My Secret Master

Last of the Bad Boys

Only Pretend

Hard Body Rock

Slow Body Rock

Flawed Body Rock

True Body Rock

Watch Me Fall

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Chapter 1



he was electricity on fire.

That was the only way to describe Kait in her cream-colored dress. Her long, straight, brown hair looked like it was woven from silk. It was perfectly done up in a layered updo that hung softly over her milky exposed shoulders. Her dark hair and light skin gave her elegant form a shock of contrast.

My eyes were drawn up from her wonderful curves, past her perfect breasts, over the soft shadows that licked her collarbone, to the face I'd seen in my mind and heart every time I laid down.

Even after all these years Kait Sutherland was still the most stunning woman I'd ever seen.

She stood beside her brother as the priest went through each part of his reading, first in English, then again in Spanish. Had this been
wedding, I never would've found the strength to show up.

Laughter reverberated through the ornate arched chambers of the cathedral when Kait's brother, Brendan placed a large joke ring on his wife-to-be's finger. Brendan was always a trickster that wore his heart on his sleeve. It didn't matter that Brendan didn't know his wife's native language, he got a laugh from her family anyways. Humor rarely needed translation.

Brendan was a great guy. If it wasn't for him I'd never have met his sister. So many memories of the time we spent together flooded back to me. There was nowhere in the world I wanted to be more than up there next to him on the most important day of his life.

He was my best friend.

And I
used to be
his best friend.

I took another step back. One more step would take me out of the church completely. Just because I wanted to be up there with him, didn't mean he wouldn't punch me in the mouth if he saw me. And after the pain I caused, a punch in the face was the least of what I deserved.

Brendan quickly placed the real ring on Mariela's finger before he got an elbow to the ribs from his sister. Kait rolled her eyes, as she always did with her brother's antics, but flashed a warm smile regardless.

Fuck, that pearly, amazing smile...

It had been forever since I'd last seen her, or heard her voice. Eight years felt like eighty. I was only twenty-five, but seeing her on that altar with those blood-orange flowers in hand, made me feel so much older.

It was like looking at a life that could've been.

Should have been.

How could I have possibly stayed away for so long?

Family, that's how. My thick eyebrows furrowed beneath the weight of old, black thoughts.

I wasn't a wedding guy, or even a relationship guy, in general. My flings rarely lasted the week. At any sign of attachment, I'd break it off immediately and move on.

I was tanned and jacked from serving abroad, and now that I was out of the Marines and my hair was longer, I was a fantasy for every girl that came my way. I was a romance book cover that married women took home with them when their husbands were away.

And that was fine by me. I never had the head for love anyways, at least not anymore. I enjoyed the meaningless sex for the distraction that it was. I'd rather be someone's favorite mistake than invest myself and get hurt when it all eventually fell apart.

I hadn't been able to take my eyes off Kait the whole time. It was insane, but allowing myself to care about any of the women I fucked felt like a betrayal. I had enough long, hard cock for everyone, but only enough heart for one woman.

And that woman hated my guts.

The priest joined the bride and groom's hands and allowed Brendan to kiss his beautiful wife for the first time. The place exploded with joy around me. The cavernous church seemed to glow and sparkle with life as everyone rose to their feet, clapping and cheering.

I watched as Brendan dipped Mariela toward the crowd and kissed her again. I was a jaded, cynical, broken mess of a man, but even I was getting choked up at the overwhelming display.

What did that crazy love feel like?

Kait was her brother's groomsmaid and stood to his side of the raised platform. The rest of the wedding party waited in the wings a few steps down. It made her look all alone even though she was surrounded by people. The smile lines on her face were warm and genuine, but there was a heaviness there that went overlooked by everyone else.

Kait's dark eyes might have looked black in the low light, but I knew better. Their rich chestnut hue would forever be burned into my soul. That's how I knew that something was wrong, she had a slight sadness about her. Kait was the opposite of her brother in that regard. Where Brendan wore his emotions plainly for the world to see, Kait hid hers away.

Had someone hurt her? The thought made my eye twitch and my fists clench, anger bubbled inside me. I knew I had no right to be protective of her after how I left so long ago, but that wasn't a feeling I could ever stop. It'd be easier to try to stop breathing.

I'd spent the last eight years trying to stop caring about Kait Sutherland, and if that had worked I wouldn't be here. I loved Brendan and his wedding wasn't something I wanted to miss, but if I was being honest with myself I'd admit that I wasn't here just for him.

The happy couple came up for air and the organ started to play. The wedding was over. It was time to leave before I was spotted. This was Brendan and Mariela's day, the last thing I wanted was to make a scene. I knew I shouldn't have come at all, but I just selfishly needed to be a small part of their history.

I took the step that brought me out of the church, but before I could turn to disappear, I saw the falling flash of blood-orange. Kait's flowers had slipped from her hand, her smile faltered and her stare was that of disbelief.

As I remembered all the family, the kisses, the joy, the shouting and laughter between us, my childhood love looked directly at me. It was a moment lost to time. A moment that made the chaos in the cathedral stand still.

It was just her and I.

I was freer in a lot of ways than I'd ever been; it was why I was finally able to come back to my home town. Despite how much of a terrible idea it was to return, I knew I couldn't stand to be away from Kait one moment longer.

Even if that did rekindle a war that nearly broke our small town in half.

Tears rolled down her soft cheeks and spotted her dress. I'd have given everything I had to brush that water from her face, but now wasn't the time.

I took one last look at the most beautiful woman in the world, smiled, then left.

From my broken heart to my long hardening cock, Kait was so pretty that it made my whole body ache. Every part of me wanted her; the desire to claim her was crackling in my blood.

Like electricity on fire.

Chapter 2



y heart was in my teeth and beating like a war drum. A familiar looking form darkened the open double doors of the church's entrance. Reds and oranges stretched out from either side of him, the dying sun lit his silhouette on fire.

I refused to believe that it was who I thought it was. The one man I'd tried so desperately to forget, the one I'd hoped for and dreaded.

The form in the doorway handsomely filled out a black suit that was crisp and well-tailored. His hair was short cropped on the sides, but longer on top and styled forward. He wore light, nicely-groomed facial stubble that gave his already dark features a sense of hardened danger. The man was tall, and broad at the shoulders.

In short, whoever he was, he was gorgeous.

Mal was never that big, was he?

Despite actively trying to convince myself otherwise, my thoughts always rushed back to
. It was infuriating! To this day I don't know what that jerk did to place such a hold over me. Every relationship I'd ever had was a mess, because none of them could ever measure up to the one man who didn't want me.

You're not him,
I told the mirage.

But it was the things that hadn't changed that threatened to make me a liar. His light brown eyes were the same. His firm jawline and his nose that was always a little too cute for his face; those were the same too.

I had been holding back tears for the whole stupid, beautiful ceremony. I didn't want to be the sister that fell to pieces when her brother tied the knot. Months of preparation that led to the two people I loved most coming together forever brought me right up to the edge of blubbering uncontrollably. My face was tingly, sinuses suddenly full and my eyes were floating, but I did

It was the smile across the room that did it. The slight flash of teeth as the man in the doorway turned to leave that sent a quiver through my lower abdomen. It was the smile of a phantom from my past that made my whole world pause.

“Holy shit.” The thunderstorm behind my eyes finally broke. Tears rolled down my cheeks in rivers.

Mal was back.

“Language!” My great aunt whispered angrily at me from the first row. Brendan and Mariela had started walking back down the aisle together. It took a moment for me to register that I even cursed, let alone that it was out loud.

I mouthed the word back to her. Ugh, sometimes I felt like I had so much practice extracting my foot from my mouth that I should list it as a skill on my resume.

I blotted my face with the tissues I had tucked away. I'd figured I'd probably cry at some point during the ceremony, but I couldn't have predicted this. When I looked up again, Mal was gone.

Or rather, a man who looked like Mal was gone.

It was him, right? I was so sure! Wasn't I? It couldn't have been. My brain went into rapid fire mode to explain the impossible. It wouldn't be the first time I thought I saw him. I mean, it'd been
eight years.

Maybe I just
to see him. Especially today.

Nerves. That was it. It had to be. Either that or I was finally going insane. Both of those would better explain why my first and most painful heartbreak would show up at my brother's wedding unannounced after disappearing for almost a decade.

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