Obsession (Forbidden #2) (2 page)

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Authors: Michelle Betham

BOOK: Obsession (Forbidden #2)
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I’m leaning against Neal’s desk in his Manhattan office, flicking through his diary when Barry walks in.

I look up, and my eyes immediately lock with those of Neal’s younger brother, and although he hasn’t yet said anything out loud, his expression gives so much away. Probably more than he realises. He’s wary of me, and that’s understandable. Joey was wary of Neal, in the beginning. So I can’t blame Barry for feeling that way. I’m a stranger to him, he knows very little about me, bar whatever Neal’s told him. I haven’t really had a chance to talk to him myself, not properly. Not yet.

‘Where’s Neal?’ he asks, leaning back against the desk beside me and folding his arms. A defensive stance I don’t miss.

‘He’s taking a call, in the back office.’

I steal another glance at Barry but his gaze has dropped to the floor. He’s nowhere near as handsome as Neal. I mean, he isn’t
looking, he just doesn’t have Neal’s piercing blue eyes or strong jaw. His mouth isn’t perfect. He isn’t a beautiful man. Neal is.

‘You settling in OK?’

He doesn’t raise his gaze as he asks me that question. ‘Are we really still doing small talk, Barry?’

He finally looks up, but I can’t read his expression this time.

‘I don’t agree with what my brother’s doing.’

‘You don’t like the fact he’s brought his escort home with him, is that it?’

He laughs, but there isn’t a great deal of humour in there. ‘You must be giving him some unbelievable sex. For him to risk everything like this.’

I keep my eyes locked with his. He doesn’t rattle me. He can throw as many insults at me as he likes, I’ve heard them all, from those who’ve judged me before.

‘What I do – what I’ve
doesn’t make me who I am, Barry.’

He says nothing for a second, he just continues to stare at me. ‘Like I said, you must be fucking him real good.’

I smile slowly, not shifting my gaze. I’m not reacting to him, not in the way he wants me to, anyway. ‘Your brother paid for the best.’

He doesn’t quite know how to take me, I can see it in his face, he’s confused.

‘I’ve used girls like you before, Kira.’

It’s all coming out now. Everything he’s quite obviously kept bottled up, he’s letting it all spill out, but he won’t get to me. Shit like this, it’s like water on glass. ‘Then you’ll know we don’t come cheap.’

Our eyes are still locked, but he doesn’t have time to say anything because Neal’s back in the room, all hot-as-hell swagger and I swear I can feel my thighs crying out for him to lie between them.

I turn away from Barry, my eyes meeting Neal’s, and it’s happening again, it’s there, that painfully strong connection that shows no sign of waning. I ache for this man so bad it physically hurts.

He jerks his head back, keeping his eyes fixed on mine, and I walk over to him. It’s like I’m being pulled by some invisible cord that I have no control over. He’s working me, and I like that. I like it. I shouldn’t, given what I’ve been through. But I do. Whatever he wants, he can have it. I’d give this man anything, follow him anywhere, I’m in that deep.

He catches my waist and presses me against him, his mouth touching mine, gently at first. So softly I barely feel him. And then he’s kissing me, really kissing me; I’m kissing him, and I don’t know if Barry’s still in the room but I’m too lost in this moment to care. He can stay, he can watch, he can see just how crazy his brother makes me, I really don’t care.

I bury my fingers in his hair as the kiss deepens, becomes more urgent, his hands sliding up my dress and I feel his cock hard against my thigh. We’re going to fuck, and nothing’s going to stop us.

‘You need to go, Barry,’ he says, but he’s looking at me, and I can barely breathe I’m so desperate for him. And these feelings unnerve me sometimes, their intensity is terrifying. But as long as he’s with me I can cope. I can deal with them, as long as he’s here.

‘You’re unbelievable.’

I hear Barry’s voice, hear him close the door behind him and the second we’re alone it’s like the rest of the world’s dissolved around us. It’s just me and him now, and it scares me how much I like that feeling. Just me and him. That’s how I wish it could be all the time. I’m not hugely keen on the outside world intruding anymore.

He pushes me back against his desk, sending papers and pens flying, magazines and books crashing to the floor as he roughly yanks my dress up over my thighs, his hands holding firmly on to my hips. And he throws me the hottest smile before sinking to his haunches, and I close my eyes and throw back my head as I get ready to take him, however he wants me.

His warm breath hits my stomach and I sigh quietly as it dips and dives, his thumbs stroking my hip bone as he moves his head lower. And then I feel him take hold of the top of my knickers, dragging them down with his teeth, and I laugh, but that laugh soon turns into a deep, guttural groan as his head moves back up and his mouth brushes my inner thigh.

I bite down on my lip, waiting for him to touch me again, and then he’s back up beside me, his hand cupping my cheek as he pulls me in for a kiss so deep and so long I almost forget to breathe.

I’m up on the desk, my legs wrapped around him and we’re still kissing, even as he pushes inside me we’re kissing. And I’m so hot; my skin feels like it’s on fire, every thrust of his cock burns me, but it’s a beautiful pain, I crave it.

He takes hold of my legs and unwraps them from his hips, pushing them up and spreading them wide and my fingers clench in his hair as he thrusts harder, keeping tight hold of my ankles, not allowing my legs to close even an inch.

I fall forward, and he finally lets go of my ankles and holds me as he reaches his climax, and it’s all I can do not to cry out as he comes. But I’m not there yet. And I know he won’t be satisfied until I’ve come, too.

Nothing happens for a couple of beats. He just holds me, and I stay lying against him, my eyes closed, my fingers clinging on to his shirt, the only sound our breathing and the heavy beating of our hearts. And he’s still inside me, and I like that he’s stayed there, just for a little while longer.

But then he pulls out and tilts my face up so our eyes meet, and still we say nothing; we don’t need to. And our eyes stay locked as he gently rests the heel of his hand against me, moving it in slow, circular motions across my clit and it feels so unbelievably good, but I remember where we are, and I bite down on my lip to stop myself from crying out.

I close my eyes but he touches my face and I know he wants me to open them, to look at him. He likes me to look at him when I come, I’ve learned that much in the short time we’ve been together.

He presses harder against me, his fingers sinking into me and I moan quietly, my eyes burning into his. The atmosphere in the room is heady, the electricity sparking between us dangerously real. He’s about to push me over that precipice I’m constantly on the edge of when we’re together and I watch as he grits his teeth and rubs me hard and I come, wave after wave of pure pleasure washes over me – crazy, beautiful sex. I’m so used to it now. I need it to get me through the day, it’s my necessary fix. And then night falls and the game changes and the sex becomes darker and more dangerous. A different drug, but one I’m just as addicted to. Probably more so. Every time he fucks me he shoots another dose of his beautiful toxin into me and I know I can’t go even one day without him inside me.

I wrap my legs back around him and stroke his cheek with my fingertips as I look at him. I love looking at him, because I still can’t believe how beautiful he really is. Every day he takes my breath away and it terrifies me to think there might come a day when I don’t feel that anymore.

‘That wasn’t very professional, Mr Cannon.’

His face breaks into a smile, and we laugh, and I’m struggling to think of a life without him in it now. He’s done such a good job of erasing all the crap I spent so long – too long – running from.

‘Come on,’ he whispers, disentangling himself from between my legs and stepping back, zipping himself up. ‘I’ve got something I want to show you.’

I frown slightly as I stand up and pull my dress back down around my thighs. ‘Am I going to like it?’

He smirks as he throws me my knickers and I catch them, walk back over to him and slide my hand around to tuck them into the back pocket of his pants, leaning in to whisper in his ear.

‘You keep them, handsome.’ I smile, gently nipping his earlobe with my teeth. ‘I don’t feel much like putting them back on.’

He once more catches my waist and holds me against him and my heart picks up that familiar heavy, faster rhythm. ‘Now who’s being unprofessional, Ms Blu?’

‘Uh, uh.’ I shake my head and step back from him. ‘I’m still Ms Hardy, remember? Ms Blu doesn’t come out to play for a few more hours yet.’

He leans back against the wall, one hand in his pocket,
his eyes locked with mine. ‘You’re OK with the playroom, aren’t you, Kira?’

I frown again, sitting down on the edge of his desk. ‘I don’t… Neal? Where are you…?’’

‘Wait here. I’ll be five minutes.’

He’s out the door before I have the chance to say anything else. And I’m guessing he’s gone to talk to Barry, so I go over to the tall glass window that looks out over the small gallery floor that’s used to showcase pieces for clients, and open the blinds Neal had closed when he’d come back into the office. Yeah, he’s talking to Barry. And by the look on Barry’s face I don’t think he’s liking what his brother’s telling him…





I want Kira Blu more than I already have her. I don’t want her in shifts – after dark, and only after dark. I don’t want that. I was OK with it, y’know? At least, I thought I was. But something clicked just then, as I was fucking her on my desk; taking her hard and hearing her cry out the deeper I pushed. Something clicked. I want Kira Blu. All of the time.

‘I need you to take over my appointments today, Barry.’

I fish my keys from my pocket, quickly checking they’re the right set before I hand them over.

‘I’m going out.’

Barry looks at me, his face a mask of barely concealed frustration. ‘What are you doing, Neal?’

‘I told you. I’m going out.’

‘With Kira?’

‘Yeah. With Kira. Talk to Summer, OK? She’s got my online diary. She’ll tell you where you need to be. I think I’m supposed to be having lunch with Diana Telford, but I can’t remember where, exactly… Like I said, talk to Summer.’

‘Hey. Slow down, alright?’

He takes hold of my arm and I slowly drop my gaze, watching as his fingers grasp my elbow tighter.

‘This is crazy, Neal. You’ve got to sort this out, because it’s starting to affect things here. Your head, it’s all over the fucking place.’

I wrench my arm free of his grip. ‘I’ll be back tomorrow.’

‘Seriously, Neal. Get her out of your fucking system and let’s get back to normal, OK?’

I narrow my eyes. ‘Normal?’

‘She isn’t good for you, bro. You’re still caught up in this fantasy you’ve brought back with you. It
isn’t real, and I’m worried, alright? Worried that this is just dragging you back down…’

‘What was dragging me down, Barry, was not being able to see past the life I was living before. I’d accepted that as my future, and that wasn’t right. Kira pulled me out of that crap and she…’

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