Obsession (Forbidden #2) (3 page)

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Authors: Michelle Betham

BOOK: Obsession (Forbidden #2)
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‘She’s your fantasy, Neal. One you can’t give up, but you will. Because whatever she is to you, that’ll fade. You’ll start to see her for who she really is, and everything you think you’re feeling right now, that
fade. So end it now. Before she hurts you. Before it gets out of hand.’

I shake my head and turn away, walking back towards the office. Back to Kira.

‘Come on. We’re getting out of here.’

She looks slightly startled as I barge in, so I quickly soften my expression and reach out to her, pulling her against me.

‘Everything OK?’ she asks, and I notice she’s opened the blinds so I’m guessing she saw that exchange between Barry and me. Although, she wouldn’t have been able to hear anything.

‘Everything’s fine. Barry’s just being an asshole.’

‘He doesn’t really like me, huh?’

‘He doesn’t know you, Kira. And we need to change that, but right now I haven’t got time to worry about him. Come on.’

‘Where are we going? I thought you had appointments today? Weren’t we supposed to be having lunch with…?’

‘Barry’s got it covered. We’ve got some place else we need to be.’






She hasn’t said a word since we walked into the club. But she hasn’t let go of my hand, either, so I’m taking that as a good sign.

‘Why are we here?’ she ask as she looks around the empty space.

I can’t answer her question straightaway. My mouth’s suddenly gone dry, and I can’t get the words out. When I thought about this; when the idea first hit me it seemed like the greatest idea in the world. My dream come true, my ultimate fantasy – but only since the day I’d met Kira. Before that I wasn’t even sure I’d
a fantasy. Even the sex I’d indulged in with all those escorts over all those sad and empty years since Lisa’s death – even that had been mundane and mechanical. Just something to rid me of the frustration and anger and guilt I was feeling. Until I’d fucked Kira. Then my whole world changed. And it brought me here. To this. To where we are now. To where I want us to be; what I want us to become. But saying the words out loud…


I sit down on the edge of a table and pull her between my legs, resting my hands lightly on her hips. ‘I’m tired, Kira. Of being the person I was before.’

She frowns, and I don’t blame her for feeling confused. I’m not really making this easy. But it all sounds kinda crazy now. And I really don’t know how she’s gonna react.

‘I want us to be together, doing the things we love doing…’ I bow my head, because I just can’t find a way of making this sound anything
than crazy. ‘Jesus, Kira, what you do to me, baby…’

‘You know you’re making no sense whatsoever right now, don’t you?’

But everything
makes sense. Somewhere in my messed-up head it all really does make sense. She just doesn’t know what I’ve done, how I’ve worked this out. How it’s all gonna happen.

‘Listen, Kira…’

‘You really are kind of freaking me out now, Neal. What
this place. And why are we here?’

She steps out of my arms and walks across the floor, towards the large stage at the back of the room.

‘It’s ours, Kira. This place. It’s ours. Well, we own half of it, anyway.’

She stops dead in her tracks and turns back around to face me, her expression still confused, and I still can’t blame her. I’ve just dropped this on her, from out of nowhere. She couldn’t possibly have seen it coming. How could she? When I hadn’t seen it coming myself, until a couple of weeks ago, when I finally knew exactly what I wanted; how I needed to spend my time with her, because she changed me, Kira Blu. She changed me, and I don’t ever want to go back, so I did this. I bought this place and we’re gonna be those people we became when we met; when we turned each others’ worlds upside down. We’re gonna be those people, every day, every night, and I am gonna live my freaking fantasy, for real.

‘Ours? I don’t understand, you… we
this place?’

‘We do now.’ I stand up, dig my hands into my pockets and walk over to her. ‘I bought it. Got the keys yesterday. It’s ours, Kira. To do with as we please.’

‘I’m confused, Neal. I mean, you’re an art dealer, that’s what you do. You don’t run clubs, that’s Joey’s…’ She stops talking, and I can see it in her eyes – she knows now. She’s putting two and two together and she’s coming up with all the right answers. ‘You said we own
of… Has Joey got something to do with this?’

I briefly bow my head and take a real big deep breath, because this could so easily go bad. If she doesn’t understand. ‘Joey and Benni, they’re our business partners now. They’re coming over here, to Manhattan, and they’re gonna run this part of the club. They’re gonna run Bam-Bams, New York. Joey Princess is going global.’

I smile, to try and ease the fact both Joey and I have gone behind her back to plan this, because she could hate the whole idea, and us, for just taking it upon ourselves to do something she might not want to do.

‘I’m sorry. This still isn’t making any sense. You, and Joey… You planned all of this? Without talking to me first? And… and Joey – he’s coming
? Jesus, Neal, I can’t get my head around this…’

‘Baby, I’m sorry, I know I… Maybe I
have spoken to you first…’

‘I just don’t understand why you suddenly want to get into the club business. Why you want to become a part of Joey’s empire…’

‘I don’t. I mean, yeah, I do, because he is incredibly good at what he does, but… that’s only a part of it. It isn’t just Bam-Bams I’m investing in here.’

I move a little closer. Her mood isn’t exactly frost-free but she’s not yelling at me, either. So I figure I’m safe.

‘There’s another level, Kira. Another floor.’

‘Another…?’ She’s still frowning, she’s still confused, and I’m beginning to think I could have handled this a hell of a lot better.

‘There’s a whole other floor underneath this place. And while Joey runs Bam-Bams here, upstairs, with Benni, we’ll be downstairs, running our own club.’

Her expression just grows more confused, and I don’t think I’m even close to making this any clearer for her. I think I’m making it worse.

‘When I met you, Kira, you knocked me fucking sideways, you know that, don’t you? You turned everything I ever knew on its head and things are never going back to how they used to be. I don’t want them to. I don’t want that world anymore, I want this new one, the one that
created.’ I move just a little bit closer, reaching out to touch her cheek with the back of my hand, my eyes locking with hers. And she’s listening, she’s trying to understand what I’m saying, but it’s probably gonna take some time for her to take in what’s really going on. ‘I promised you a whole new life, remember?’

‘And that’s what I’ve got, Neal.’

I shake my head, still touching her cheek, her skin warm and soft and even that’s enough to make me want her. That one, small touch is enough. ‘I want more, Kira. Of you. Of that fantasy we
live, we can do that. Don’t you want that too?’

‘I don’t understand.’

She takes my hand and pulls it away from her face, and a small frisson of panic cuts across me. But I push it aside. I just need to get to the point and stop making her nervous.

‘I want Kira Blu, all of the time.’

She stares up into my eyes and I’m not sure if she’s angry at what I’ve just said, or if I’m scaring her, I can’t read her expression.

‘I want her, day
night, baby. I need Kira Blu to come alive and live that fantasy with me.’

‘I still don’t know what you’re asking me to do here, Neal.’

‘When we fuck, nothing else matters, Kira. Nothing. And I just want to feel that way all the freaking time, darlin’. I want us to wake up in the morning and know we’re living a fucking dream.’

She narrows her eyes, and I see a spark of fear in there and that terrifies me. I didn’t want to scare her, and I must sound like some crazy person now, I know that, but I’m not. I’m serious. I’m deadly fucking serious.

‘What do we do after dark, Kira? Where do we go?’

I gently pull her towards me, my hand barely touching her hip but she responds, moving closer to me and I slide my hand down to her ass, cupping it as her body finally touches mine.

‘Where do we go, darlin?’

My mouth rests against hers and I feel her tiny sighs seep through into me, her breath warm on my lips. ‘We go to the playroom,’ she breathes, and once more she’s like a submissive rag doll in my arms, just the way I like her.

‘And what do we do in there, baby?’

‘We play games,’ she whispers, and I feel her shiver.

‘Yeah. We play games. We play dark, dangerous games. We push boundaries. We take risks. We play with pain to create our own pleasure.’ I take hold of her wrist and turn it upwards, bringing it to my lips and kissing the pale yellow bruising that’s just beginning to show. ‘Did I hurt you last night?’

She shakes her head and I kiss her slowly, our fingers threading together as she presses against me, stirring my aching cock.

‘I want us to play all the time, Kira. At home. Here. I want us to help others find what
have. Give those who understand what
both need a place to come where they can be themselves; find that part of themselves they need to set free. I want us to create a fantasy for everyone who wants what we do. I want to create a playroom for everyone.’

Because I can.
can. We can fucking do that. And I’m sure as hell gonna make it happen.





I’m trying to take in what he’s telling me here, but it’s like he’s pulled me into a world even more warped and surreal than the one we’re already living in. But, at the same time, I understand what he means. I can’t do without him. I can’t do without being close to him. I need to be near him constantly, and maybe that isn’t healthy; maybe obsession isn’t something you should build a life around, but there are parts of what he’s saying to me that make perfect sense. I think…

‘I’m not talking anything illegal here, Kira. You understand that, don’t you? Everything I want us to do – consenting adults only. We’ll provide private rooms, hidden corners where people can express themselves however they want… baby, we can do this. And it might not make much sense right now but I promise you, Kira, it will. We can do this. And you get Joey back. He’ll be up here making a success of Bam-Bams New York, and we’ll be downstairs, living our fantasies, night after night, giving those who want it a whole other place to come and set themselves free. Just like we’ve done.’

I can see it in his eyes, the excitement in them is almost contagious. I’m just struggling to take it all in, I mean, this has come from straight out of left field. But it kind of excites me, too.

‘So… hidden corners, huh?’ I smile and grind my hips against his. ‘Is that so people can fuck, in public?’ I feel his cock push harder against me. ‘Can
fuck, in public?’ I kiss him, slowly, gently tugging at his bottom lip with my teeth, and I laugh quietly, his cock rigid as it cries out to be set free. ‘Oh, hang on...
know what we could do...’ I’m getting into this now. I’ve spent over a decade working in the sex industry, I know how this shit works. ‘We could put on shows. Live sex shows. I mean, it’s not like I’m a stranger to public fucking, is it? It’s not like
strangers to fucking in front of others. Kandi-Ann saw it all, didn’t she? She saw
. So, one person, three people, three hundred… what does it matter? I don’t care who watches. Besides, I think people could learn a lot, from you and me. Because I think we look hot-as-hell, when we’re fucking.’

His groans vibrate right through me, and I’m growing wetter by the second, I know I am, I can feel it.

‘Maybe we could get her to come over, huh? Kandi-Ann. Maybe me and her could resurrect our girl-on-girl act every now and again – on stage, and for you. In private.’

He groans again and throws back his head and I lean in to rest my lips at the base of his throat, my hand on his neck, and suddenly this crazy idea of his makes complete sense. Even Joey coming over here, to New York, that makes sense, too, because without him I’m like one half of a whole that should never have been separated. All of it, it’s crazy, out-of-the-blue, but it makes sense. I’ve missed Joey so much, and to think he could be here, too, with Benni, starting a new life, just like I’m doing… Our family could be together again, and that in itself is a dream come true for me – to have my boys back.

‘I think Kandi-Ann could be an asset, Neal. Don’t you? I mean, we’re gonna need girls. We’re gonna need all kinds of people to help us run this place; to make it into the club I think you want it to be.’

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