Odd Coupling (18 page)

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Authors: Jaylee Davis

Tags: #romance, #science fiction, #erotic romance

BOOK: Odd Coupling
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The pain won’t last very
long,” he said with a snarl. “I should’ve warned you before we
coupled. I wanted to.” He groaned, and to her surprise his
expression changed from anger to guilt. “Please try to forgive me.
I couldn’t fight the instinct to mark you.”

Bethany reached up to touch the base
of her neck, right where his teeth had punctured the skin. She
didn’t have a clue as to what he meant.

Mark me? Why?”

I wanted to explain so
many things before we…” He looked at her and heaved a great sigh.
“Do you remember what we were about to do before your friend
arrived at your home?”


If she hadn’t interrupted,
I would’ve marked you then. You’re my mate, Bethany. I don’t know
if you can understand how important you are to me. I wanted to
protect you, but I failed.”

No! You didn’t fail. You
saved my life, and almost died doing it.” She grabbed his hand and
held tight. “I don’t know about being your mate, but if it means we
belong together then I’m happy. Just try to explain.”

He nodded. “Then we should definitely
leave the coupling bench.”

He rose and brought her with him. She
took a moment to slip on her robe before they walked hand in hand
across his living room. A side door on the far wall slid open, and
he led her inside.

This is the sleeping
area,” he said and pointed to something that looked more

Your bed?” Bethany
couldn’t help but gawk at the oversized mattress. It wasn’t
supported by a frame, and it looked large enough to accommodate six
people of Vren’s size. “It’s so…big.”

He chuckled. “There’s a good reason
for that, but I’ve never slept here.”


My species is very social.
We don’t like sleeping alone. Since I became captain of
I’ve always
slept with the crew.”

Bethany’s mind stopped functioning.
She couldn’t even think of a question.

You seemed upset about me
and Salla sleeping together, but there’s no reason to be concerned.
I’ve slept with my brothers and sisters since birth. D’Lyrians
aren’t like many of the other species, yours included. There are a
few cultural differences, Bethany. We don’t couple or even think
about such activity when we sleep.”

I see,” she answered
automatically. She wanted to understand, but the idea seemed so
foreign to the way she thought.

He went to a control panel on the side
wall and pressed a few buttons. “Sleep chamber one, deck two,” he
ordered. A view screen came to life, showing the interior of a
dimly lit room and its occupants.

Bethany stared at the image in
silence. She couldn’t have spoken if she’d tried. There were at
least ten D’Lyrians, males and females, cuddled up to each other as
they slept. Although they were scantily dressed, there was nothing
about the scene that suggested anything else other than peaceful
slumber. Vren tapped a different button and a familiar sound filled
the room. They were purring, or at least the males in the room
were. In a sudden flash of understanding, she turned to

You made that same sound
that night!”

He grinned. “I told you I could make
you sleep.”

She anchored her fists on her hips.
“Why isn’t it making me sleepy now?”

He huffed softly. “The effects can’t
be duplicated by mechanical means. You have to be

That’s amazing.” She did a
double-take between him and the screen. “So you’ve never brought
anyone here to sleep with you?” He shook his head, but his
expression turned wary as soon as she pointed toward the open
doorway. “Have you used that bench thing before?”

Not that one.”

You’ve used

Of course. I’m D’Lyrian. I
learned to use the coupling bench as soon as I matured. How else
would we find our mates?

She wandered to the bed and
flopped down onto her butt.
How else

I’ve attended many formal
gatherings and diplomatic functions on your world, and I’ve
discovered that our ways are quite different when it comes to
selecting a mate. Unlike humans, unmated D’Lyrians couple often,
and with as many different partners as possible. Normally, a male
mounts a female from behind. There’s no kissing or tasting
involved. The main purpose for the coupling bench is for intimate
pleasure. A couple will use it if they believe their scents might
be capable of blending. If it happens, the male will instinctively
bite his female to mark her. For him, the taste of her blood seals
the mate bond.”

You’ve tried that with
other women, or females?”

A few, but none took my
scent. It’s not a common occurrence. Once we find the right one,
it’s a cause for celebration. Even though we’re from separate
species my crew is happy for us, Bethany.” He sat beside her and
placed a hesitant hand on her thigh.

It trembled.
He’s as nervous as a…cat.
She touched her bite marks. They weren’t as sore as they had
been, but their significance confused her.

You bit me so that means
we’re mated now. Isn’t that what you’re telling me?”

Yes, Bethany. You’re mine.
I love you,” he added.

He’d said the three magic
words again, the ones she desperately wanted to repeat despite her
insecurities. Was the meaning the same for him? The whole idea
seemed absurd. She waged an inner battle with herself. To her way
of thinking, instant love wasn’t possible. She’d had an abusive,
cheating ex-fiancé that proved how ridiculous it was to think
people fell for each other at first sight.
It’s only greed or lust.
On the other
hand, Vren was an alien, not human. There wasn’t a single thing she
could think of that he might want from her, except maybe her. Their
differences shouldn’t come between them. There had to be some
common ground. She lifted her gaze to his hopeful one.

I love you too, but I’m
afraid you’re going to break my heart by coupling with some other
female. I can’t be with you if you’re going to—”

Never!” he interrupted.
“You’re mine, Bethany, my mate. I’ve searched for you my entire
adult life. Please try to understand. I’m overjoyed and relieved to
finally find you. I’ll never couple with another female. It’s
physically impossible, but I wouldn’t even if I could. There’s no
need. I only want you.” He seemed more than sincere, almost frantic
in his insistence that she believe him. “Stay with me,” he urged
and embraced her. “We can be together on my ship or I can resign
from the fleet and live with you on your planet.”

Yep. Frantic. There was no doubt in
her mind that he meant every word he said. His blatant desperation
melted her heart. She leaned toward him to bring their lips
together. His response shouldn’t have surprised her, but it did. He
released her and scooted away. For her, it was the perfect moment
for a passionate kiss, but he obviously didn’t agree. No sex, no
kissing, absolutely no intimate encounters were allowed in

He jumped to his feet and stepped away
from it before he turned to look back at her. Bethany immediately
bowed her head in embarrassment and folded her arms at her

I’m sorry. I only wanted
to kiss you, but I forgot,” she muttered.

Bethany, I want that too.
Please come here.”

She glanced up in time to see him
extend his hand. She took it, and he pulled her toward him—away
from the off-limits bed. Once again he embraced her, and their lips
met. At first, his kiss was tender, but it turned heated in
seconds. She wanted it to go on forever, but he ended it with a
reluctant-sounding growl.

I have a confession to
make. It’s not something I’m proud of, and I hope you’ll forgive me
and never speak of it to anyone.” He let her go and took a step

What is it?”

That night in your bed
when you asked to see my sex—”

Bethany groaned. “I’m so sorry,” she
blurted. “I shouldn’t have forced you to do that. I didn’t
understand.” Would her humiliation never end? She’d all but
forgotten about the “penis” incident.

I know you didn’t, but I
shouldn’t have been able to relax that way. What I did was
shameful.” He lowered his gaze to stare at the floor. “You affect
me in ways I don’t understand.”

Well, maybe that’s good.
We could compromise on some things.”

His shoulders drooped as he shook his
head. “Not on this. Sexual acts aren’t allowed in a sleeping area.
It’s a perversion, and offenders can be punished.”

You’re not a

I hope not.” He sighed.
“There are many ways for us to compromise, but not on

It’s okay. There’s always
the bench or the floor.”

He looked at her and grinned. “The
floor? You’re an amazing female.”

She batted her eyes. “Naturally. I’m
you’re mate,” she declared before she turned and ran out of the

A sexy growl told her he followed
close behind. She stripped out of the robe in time to toss it at
him before he caught her. It hit him square in the face. The sound
of ripping fabric was cut short by a deep voice that seemed to come
out of nowhere.

Captain, you have an
urgent message from Commandant Tram. Please

Vren dropped the robe and rushed to
his office. Bethany followed close behind. He leaned over his desk
and punched a button.

Go ahead,

It’s private. I’ve already
sent it to your terminal.”

Vren took a seat in front of the view
screen before he looked at her. “This is a live communication. Stay
where you are or Tram will see you.” He smiled, but it looked more
dangerous than pleasant. “I don’t share,” he added and then tapped
a button on his desk.

Oh yes. Dangerous. Bethany pretended
to be a statue as she listened.

Commandant! It’s good to
hear from you.”

I doubt your sincerity,
but I’m glad you’ve recovered. I feared the worst.”

Vren shrugged. “I’m relieved to be
back. I was told you had an urgent message.”

Yes, but first I want to
congratulate you on your mating. I’m looking forward to meeting

Thank you, sir.” He
glanced at her. “I’m sure she’ll be honored.”

Bethany raised her brows
and mouthed a silent,
He smirked and looked back at the

Vren, I know you’re only
cleared for light duty, but there’s an important meeting taking
place in a few hours at the NASA spaceport. All the high-ranking
Alliance ambassadors and Earth’s government leaders will be in
attendance. They’re expecting us to be there.”

Why would they want me to
attend? I just woke from hibernation, and haven’t reviewed all the

Because they know you’ve
recovered, and I insist that you go.”

Vren snarled. “You told them I was

Of course. You’re a hero.
Our ambassadors believe it might boost public opinion if the humans
could see you, and Earth’s leaders want to shake your hand. You and
your mate are celebrities. Is she feeling well enough to accompany

No!” Vren shot her a quick
look, and she shook her head. “She’s still weak,” he lied. Bethany
stifled a laugh and almost choked.

That’s a

Does the entire planet
know of our mating?” Vren looked as if he might explode.

No. Settle down. No one
knows, not even our ambassadors. Everyone thinks she’s on your ship
to recover in safety. They understand how dangerous it’d be for her
right now on the planet. However, NASA security has interrogated
the human prisoners. It won’t be long before the leader of their
group is captured. Once it’s safe for your mate to return to the
surface, I’m sure the NWG will make a formal request. Earth is our
newest member. They’re still suspicious of our motives, and they
want to know if she’s being held against her will. You should

I have an idea that might
help,” Vren said thoughtfully.

Good! We don’t have much
time. Meet me at the spaceport in an hour, planet time.”

Yes, sir.” Vren touched a
button on his desk, then slammed his fist down right beside it. He
stared at her for a few seconds before he reached for a different
control pad near the screen. “Thoren, send Nouri to my quarters.
Tell her to bring the supplies I requested and wait in my

Yes, sir.”

Vren, I don’t need a
babysitter. I can stay here until you come back.” She hated that he
had to leave so soon. They hadn’t had much time together, and there
were so many things they needed to discuss.

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