Of A Darker Nature (10 page)

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Authors: Michelle Clay

BOOK: Of A Darker Nature
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He gripped her arm. “Run the other way.”

Emily wrenched the car door open and considered her friend’s words of warning. “Why’d he fight Trent and Pete off the night they attacked me? And why’d he protect me at the park? He can’t be that bad, Beau.”

Emily dropped into her car and put it in reverse. Leaving Beau standing in her swirling road dust was not something a friend should do. A twinge of guilt stabbed through her. Surely he could understand that she just needed time to think.


A loud crash followed by the sound of shattered glass resounded from the living room. Someone’s heavy tread creaked across the wooden floor. 

Emily threw the tangled blankets off her legs and slipped out of bed. Tiptoeing across the bedroom, she peeked into the dark hallway.

The door across from hers jerked open, spilling light into the dark hall. Brenda stood in an oversized nightshirt with frogs printed on it. Her hair was wild with tangles, and she was still half asleep. The current lover of the week stood shirtless behind her with sleepy eyes and jeans half zipped.

Brenda pushed the hair out of her face. “What’s going on?”

Emily pressed a finger to her lips and pointed toward the front of the house. “I think someone broke in.”

“I'll check it out,” the man whispered. “Call the police.”

Brenda slipped past him to cross the hall. Fear flickered in her dark brown eyes.

“Don’t.” Emily shot an urgent glance toward the front of the house.

“I’ll be okay.” He went back into Brenda’s bedroom.

Emily pushed her door shut, save an inch to peek through.

She glanced over at her friend. “Hurry, open the window.”

“Get away from the door,” Brenda’s whisper was shrill, her eyes wide with fear. “They’ll see you.”

Emily pressed a cheek against the doorframe to keep an eye on the hallway. Trent rushed past, and she shrank back to avoid discovery.

“Check these other rooms, Pete. She’s gotta be in one of ‘em.” He opened the linen closet in the hallway. “I can’t wait to see the look on her face.”

Brenda’s new boyfriend chose that moment to venture into the hallway. He’d taken the time to put on shoes of all things. He didn’t have the opportunity to ask what the intruders wanted. Instead, Trent grabbed him by the throat and smashed his head against the wall.

Brenda’s boyfriend slid to the floor. He settled against the wall with lifeless eyes. He left a long smear of blood behind on the cream colored paint.

Emily clapped a hand over her mouth and stifled a scream. She snatched the cordless phone from its base. There was no dial tone. She glanced around the room then realized she’d left her cell phone in the living room. Shit!

Brenda hadn't moved. She huddled against the wall instead.

Emily fell to her knees next to the window and fumbled with the lock. The rusty latch refused to open.

The rattling thump of the lover's heels drummed against the floorboards like a macabre drum beat. Someone laughed at his gurgled plea for mercy. What followed was a silence that was worse than any scream.

“Hurry,” Brenda begged as Emily struggled to disengage the lock.

“I’ll have to break it.” Emily moved toward the closet with a sense of purpose. Brenda followed close on her heels.

Emily shoved her into the closet, and she sank to the floor. Hangers snarled in Brenda's hair and the toes of Emily's favorite tennis shoes pressed against her spine.

“They'll hear you.” Brenda wrapped her arms around her knees. Her hands trembled, and her eyes were huge and liquid. “They'll hear you and come in here.” 

“Yes, they will,” Emily agreed with grim certainty. “Maybe I can distract them while you climb out the window.”

Brenda grabbed her arm. Her grip was painful, but Emily didn’t shake her loose. “Stay with me, they’ll kill you.”

The sound of breaking glass and crashing furniture resumed.

Emily imagined they’d finished feeding. She wiped her friend’s face on one of the dresses hanging above her head. “Promise you'll make a run for it?”

The bathroom door down the hall banged open. The shower curtain ripped from its rod. Someone yelled, “Gotcha!”

Emily cast a glance at her friend. “Get ready.”

Brenda nodded in acceptance. 

She turned and struck the window. Pain shot up her elbow all the way to her shoulder. A spider web fracture ran through the glass. She’d have to hit it again.

The bedroom door banged against the wall and shuddered to a stop. Pete stepped into the room and snapped on the light. A slow smile spread across his grimy face. “Now I got you.” 

Emily screamed, and he threw her aside. Her shoulder glanced off of the wall and shook the window. She lay dazed for a moment, expecting the worst.

Instead, Pete jerked the closet open only to get a face full of plastic hangers. He jerked Brenda out by the hair.

Emily gripped his filthy coat. “Let her go!”

Pete picked Brenda up and moved toward the hall. Brenda screamed and flailed against the creature. Without much grace, he threw her into the hallway. “Here’s the roommate, boss!”

Emily pressed her hands against the clutter beneath the bed in search of a weapon. Her fingers brushed across a stray shoe, an empty shopping bag, hangers, and a belt. Finally, they closed around the handle of an aluminum softball bat. With renewed determination, she scrambled to her feet.

Brenda let loose a scream that curdled Emily's blood.

Emily hoisted the bat up. “Come get me, Dirt Bag.”

Pete turned with a grin on his stubble covered face. “What do you think you’re gonna do with that?”

“Come find out.”

Pete’s smile wavered. Emily sidestepped the hand that grabbed at her and swung the bat. The aluminum made contact with his shoulder. She darted to his left and swung it against his ribs.

He continued to snatch at her. This time, it connected with the side of his head. The vampire stumbled and crashed onto one knee. He cradled his head and glared up at her. Blood ran from his sliced lip, and fat drops of saliva dribbled from his goatee. He spit and showered the floor with a scarlet mist.

“Had enough yet?” Emily edged a little closer and gripped the bat with sweaty palms.

He snarled to reveal stained teeth and a missing left fang. “You’re gonna die for that, bitch.”

She struck him again before he could get up. His head whipped to the side, and he howled in pain. She hit him once more for good measure. This time, his skull dented and blood sprayed across the edge of the bedspread. His jaw fell open, and he dropped to the floor. His left leg twitched, but he did not rise.

“What’s taking so long?” Trent called.

Brenda’s screams had died away. Emily ventured into the hallway, still clutching the bat. The shirtless man was no longer against the wall. 

She pushed Brenda’s door open with the end of the bat. Her horrified eyes refused to make sense of what lay on the bed. Blood glistened on Brenda’s exposed body. Blood pooled around her and her ravaged throat.

Emily moved toward the bed. The bat dragged across the carpet and made a hollow, tinny noise. “Please don’t be dead.”

“They’re no fun if they’re helpless like that. It’s exhilarating when they kick and scream or plead for their life.”

She whipped around to find Trent leaned against the wall. A cigarette clamped between his thin lips. The front of his shirt and chin were stained crimson.

“I see you’ve been busy.” He tipped his head toward the bloodied bat. There was no remorse in his voice for his fallen companion. “Killing feels good, doesn't it? It gives you a sense of supremacy, of freedom. It’s a fucking rush.”

Emily’s gaze flicked toward the hall. Brenda’s lover looked disoriented and weak, but she nearly cried out in joy as he stumbled past. A cell phone pressed against his ear.

“I saw what you did to Pete.” Trent’s eerie smile gave her the willies. “You gonna beat my head in too? Do you think you can?”

He stepped away from the doorway and a jolt of fear and despair tore through her. She wanted to lunge at him, pulverize his face with the bat, but she had to be intelligent about this. She didn’t know why Pete had been so easy to defeat, but she wasn’t taking any chances this time.

“The witch wants me to bring you to her. Be a good little girl and come along, so I don’t have to hurt you too much.” A malevolent expression twisted his face. “It’ll be my turn when Starr’s done with you. I can’t wait to finish what we started the other night.”

The vampire lunged to the left. She fell for his trick, swung the bat, and left herself open. He grabbed her wrist and squeezed. The weapon fell from her hand and rolled toward the foot of the bed.

Emily kicked at him and used her free hand to scratch his face. 

“Stupid bitch!” Trent shoved her away. 

She landed on the bed and fell across Brenda. Cooled blood soaked the back of her shirt. 

The vampire advanced, and she was unable to get to her feet. He reached for her, a determined grimace on his face. She let loose a war cry and kicked him in the gut.

“Bitch!” He caught her leg in his iron grip. She was dragged off the bed and across the floor for several feet.

Marcus suddenly appeared in the doorway. Trent’s eyes widened, and his mouth formed a surprised circle. He dropped Emily’s leg, whirled and threw a punch. 

Marcus sidestepped it with ease.

Emily grabbed the bat and got to her feet. She raised it high, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Trent lost interest in her and focused on Marcus instead. “You’ve been following me again?”

“The witch isn’t here to protect you.”

“I can handle you on my own.” Trent bared his fangs.

The bat wavered, but Emily didn’t lower it. She eased toward the door.

Marcus grabbed Trent by the back of the shirt and threw him against the wall. Trent curled his body and rolled. He didn’t gain much ground.

Marcus grasped his collar and yanked him upward. Trent managed to squirm away, his fist slammed into Marcus's knee and caused him to stumble. Trent sprang to his feet. Emily swung the bat, missing by mere inches.

Trent bolted past, palmed her face and shoved her into the wall. Her head struck hard enough to crack the plaster. Dark spots floated across Emily’s vision, and the room spun. Marcus hurried after him.

To run in the opposite direction would be the smartest thing, but she staggered behind them instead. The sound of breaking glass quickened her step.

By the time she crossed the hall, only one vampire was in her room. He was leaning out the window, searching the darkness. Emily swung the bat while his attention was on the window. The aluminum connected with the creature’s forearm with an audible crack.

It was Marcus who turned from the shattered window. His eyes squinted with pain, and he cradled his injured arm. “What the hell?”

Relief coursed through her, followed closely by regret. Shit, she’d hurt him. She wanted to run to him, hold him close and soothe his pain. Instead, she hoisted the bat up. “Everyone keeps warning me about you. Should I be afraid?”

“Have I given you a reason to fear me?” He stepped closer.

She tipped her head back to stare up at him. Caution mingled with awareness. “All this good guy stuff could be a trick.”

“I don't want to hurt you.” God, the way he said that…was he trying to seduce her?

The vampire reached a hand toward her. For just a moment, she almost allowed him to cup her cheek, but she came to her senses and stepped back. “You can’t just show up, act all cloak and dagger, and expect me to play along.”

Marcus narrowed his gaze. He’d already taken the bat from her, and she hadn’t even noticed. He tossed the crushed weapon onto the bed. “Then I should make my intentions clear.”

He pulled her against him, and her body melted into his. So much for running in the other direction. She tilted her head back to stare up at him through lowered lashes. “So what are your intentions exactly?”

Marcus claimed her mouth, tasting her deeply and thoroughly.

One of his hands skimmed beneath her shirt to touch her ribs. Fingers tickled upward to touch her through the lace of her bra.

Heat rocketed through her, sending a zing of awareness between her legs. Her body throbbed, and her nerves tingled. If just a kiss or touch could make her feel this way, she was in deep trouble.

His lips traced the curve of her ear. “You smell good enough to eat.”

Emily stroked fingertips across his cheek and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. She nuzzled the hollow of his shoulder and breathed his scent in. He smelled delicious, a mixture of soap and his natural male scent. The bed was just a few steps behind them.

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