Of Another Dimension (33 page)

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Authors: Jeanette Lynn

Tags: #Romance, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Of Another Dimension
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"Are you done yet? I want my woman back!" Sieren bellowed
, startling me.

"Come back tomorrow!" Teivel called, "She's all mine for the night!"

"That's not fair!" Sieren growled as he pounded on the door. "I don't get my own nights, damn it!"

It got really quiet and I waited, listening for my big sweet mate, knowing he hadn't given up yet.

And like clockwork...

"Chomcharra?" Sieren called softly, but loud enough for his voice to carry through the door.

Teivel rolled me and tucked me up against him, putting his hand over my mouth, laughing against my back when I bit him.

"I c
an't sleep without you, my little mate," Sieren grumbled. "I

I struggled
against Tievel’s hold at the disheartened tone of his voice, grunting as I tried to get free and soothe my big mate.

"She's already asleep
, Sieren," Teivel taunted, "I wore her out!"

, shit!" Sieren huffed, disappointed, not sounding the least bit like he had moments ago, dropping the kicked puppy act all of the sudden.

I froze, eyes narrowing at the door.

That stinker!

He totally had one over one me!

I huffed and slapped at Teivel's hand.

He released me and I grabbed the blankets, tossing them over us.

"You aren't going to go soothe your big baby?" Teivel teased, whispering softly, wrapping his whole body around mine, his tail wrapping around my upper thigh.

"No," I whispered indignantly, "He can have a sleepless night, the turd!"

Teivel hummed happily and trailed little kisses along my neck.

"Shall I string him up by his ankle for insulting my mate?" he asked sweetly.

"Nah." I waved my hand around airily. "Just fart on his pillow or something and I'll be happy."

"You want me to
he spluttered incredulously and I burst out into a fit of giggles.

Oh, the look on his face was soooo worth it!

Let's just hope he doesn't take me literally and actually do it.

And if he does... well
… I'll just play stupid.

Hey, works for me.






"When do I get a turn?" Sieren grumbled as he glared at his plate at breakfast.

Kieve coughed to cover up a laugh and I smiled over the rim of my cup.

Teivel came into the room, whistling an old fifties tune I'd had on the other day and plucked me up from Kieve's lap, plopping us both down into his seat,
setting me in his lap as I tried not to spill my drink.

"Hey," Kieve glared at Teivel, "You had her all night
, you stingy bastard, breakfast and mornings are mine."

I smiled as Kieve called Teivel a bastard, silently pleased.

Someone’s been picking up more of my ‘fun’ words….

I think I’m rubbing off on them…. Just a little…

"Says who?" Teivel taunted, kissing at my neck.

I squirmed and slapped at his chest.

"Quit messing with your brothers. You
have to share me."

He sighed heavily and plucked my cup up, taking a long swig from it.

"Must I?" he grumbled seriously, eyes twinkling mischievously as he gave me a dimpled smile.

"Yup," I said
, making it pop.

He shifted and his shirt moved, exposing his neck.

"Hey." I leaned close to examine his exposed skin. "How come your mating mark isn't there?" I asked worriedly, getting upset.

What does it mean if it doesn't stay?
I fretted.

Are we still considered mated?

"Mate mark or no mate mark, you're still mine," he growled possessively and gave my bum a squeeze. "Deny it and I'll spank your pretty little ass, miquatka."

He got the desired effect he was going for and I laughed, my upset over it momentarily forgotten.

We were half way through our meal before anyone else spoke again.

oo," I said casually, too full to eat another bite, glancing around, "Did you guys kill it?"

"Yep," Kieve grinned, "It was pretty big too. A female."

"I'm surprised it wasn't traveling in a pack since it didn't have a mate. Gwarthacks are usually pretty funny that way," Sieren added thoughtfully.

"What's a g
arfunkel?" I asked curiously.

t sounded like gartnack, the slow beastie thing, but I knew they weren’t the same.

Teivel laughed at me and I elbowed him, smiling when he grunted and rubbed his chest.

"A gwarthack is a large predator with four legs, razor sharp claws, a round face, large eyes and orange and brown stripes all over its body. Its ears protrude from its head, sticking straight up and out and it has a big, long nose with four nostrils. They have an excellent sense of smell," Kieve explained between bites.

"Oh, sounds dange
rous. I'm glad that's over with." I let out a breath, relieved.

"Are you going to come to the fields with me today?" Kieve asked, smiling at me secretively.

Someone wants to go have a little roll in the grass.

"She can't," Sieren rumbled, "She's going to teach me more of her food today."

And before I could argue that fact, he added, "You promised."

"You keep throwing that in my face
, big boy, and hot blonde or not, I'm going to kick your ass!"

Kieve and Teivel burst out laughing and Sieren quirked a brow at me.

"Is that so, chomcharra?"

"Yes," I shrugged
, "And if that doesn't work, then I'll give the mating mark on your arse a good slap and run like hell."

Kieve choked out another laugh and Teivel eyed Sieren's neck.

"She marked you on your ass?"

Sieren flushed blue, marched around the table and snatched me out of Teivel's arms as he laughed at Sieren's expense.

He slung me over his shoulder, marching determinedly into the laundry room.

"What are you doing
, blondie? Gonna wash my mouth out with soap?"

"No," he growled, "I'm going to fuck you until you forget how to speak and I won't have to worry about you announcing to the world that you claimed my ass!"

"I like that," I cackled gleefully. "I
your ass, baby!!" I crowed.

The door slammed with a thud and the loc
k clicked in place, ensuring our privacy.

There was a hard crack and a husky moan.

Kieve and Teivel guffawed loudly from the kitchen.

"It's not that funny
, damn it! And Leave my ass alone!" Sieren bellowed.

His bellows were soon replaced with husky murmurs, gasps and moans. Then we had the wall thudding and thumping as he pushed me against it and pounded into me, his horns banging against the wall loudly as he sent us both over.

Oh, what a way to start my day!






"Kieve?" I called, hoping I hadn't taken too long and missed him before he circled back to come home for lunch.

There was a rustling in the bushes and I looked around, waiting for him to pop up.

A large cat like beast loped out of the bushes and I froze, food container tightly clutched in my hands.

The beast eyed me and sniffed the air.

Oh, god! Didn't Kieve say they traveled in pairs?

Looks like I found the missing mate.

I gulped as my hands trembled and I backed away slowly, bumping into the tree behind me.

The gwarfa whatever, growled menacingly and licked its lips. Its large tongue making me sweat bullets as it ran over its extremely long, ridiculously scary sharp teeth.

It had long wide ears that stuck straight out of its head and its long snout had a purple nose with the four nostrils they'd mentioned, confirming it was the same kind of beast.

Oh, I am so fucked right now,
I thought and screamed when the animal let out a ferocious roar, making me clench my bladder muscles tightly so I didn't piss myself.

I screamed again and tossed the food container at it, smacking it in one of its big red eyes.

Unsure of whether or not it climbed much or not, I took my chances and scaled the tree, thankful for all those years at summer camp.

Who knew climbing
trees to hide from the kids who lobbed fat jokes at me like poisoned darts would come in handy.

The creature yowled and used its paw to bat at its injured eye, glaring at me balefully as it tried to shake off the sting from the hit.

I debated on whether or not it would have just been smarter to try and run from it, but my gut was telling me I'd have been lunch meat.

A familiar angry snarl ripped across the field and I watched as my sweet Sir Chub charged the much larger creature and tore a chunk out of its hide, snarling and snapping at it viciously as it herded the dangerous predator away from me.

Not to be torn away from its prize, it snarled and snapped right back, trying to dodge the perilous jaws of my ferocious little chomcharra as it struggled to keep me in its sights.

I fingered the knife at my leg, pulling it out to clutch it in my hand, using the other hand to grip the tree, making sure I didn't fall and make it too easy on the beastie if it got a shot at me.

The gwartha thingy used one of its powerful paws, catching Chub off guard, sending him flying across the field, his body slamming into a small boulder.

I shouted as he hit, watching as he slumped down and didn't move.

Oh, Chub!

I was so busy concentrating on Chub, waiting for him to get up, that when the giant cat beast snarled right beneath me, I jumped, dropping my knife in the process.

The giant creature swiped a paw at me, slicing at my leg, its nails digging in to rake down my calf as I cried out in pain.

The orange and brown striped menace howled out in pain and whipped around, unprepared for Chub's attack, yowling out in pain as Chub lunged for its neck and latched on.

His little claws came out and he tore at the animal’s neck and chest with a vengeance, ripping at its throat with his sharp teeth.

Chub's grip slipped and the cat beast swiped a paw across him, slicing him across his neck and chest.

Chub hauled his little body up, blood seeping out from his open wounds and glanced up at me.

I w
anted to cry at the look in his eyes.

He’s in pain! So much pain!

My poor Chub!

huffed for a minute, steadying himself, then looked back at the creature, seizing up his opponent.

Chub’s hackles raised at the beast’s warning growl
and he snarled in return, charging it again, limping determinedly towards it on his uninjured legs.

No! What are you doing?!


You’re hurt!

I wanted to shout out at him, warn him off, but I didn’t want to distract him.

I knew
if I did that there was a possibility it could cost him his life.

Panicked for my little protector, I didn't think about it as I hopped down, scooped up my knife and ran up behind the beast, gritting my teeth through the pain as my leg throbbed.

Gripping the hair on its back, I hauled myself up and stabbed at its neck, trying to keep it away from my little buddy.

The beast roared angrily and tried to bat at me, but its arms where to
o short to move like that, impeding its range of motion, and it couldn't reach me.

I pulled my knife out, the blade making a grotesque sucking noise as I yanked it out and sunk it back in, stabbing at it wildly.

I had no idea what I was doing.

I just knew that my sweet little Chub was injured badly and needed me right now.

I lost my grip and flew off, the beast’s last thrash sending me sprawling, the knife still clutched tightly in my hand.

The beast started to wheeze and gurgle, making me want to gag as it stumbled and br
eathed its last breathes, slumping heavily to the ground as it closed its eyes for the last time.

Stumbling over to Chub, I dropped my knife beside me and cried out as I saw all of the damage that had been done to him.

His breathing was labored and his chest didn't look right, ribs at odd angles. The slash on his throat and chest were really deep, bleeding profusely.

He whined at me in pain and I gently rubbed his head, sniffing back my tears as I ripped my shirt sleeve off and used it as a bandage, hoping to staunch the bleeding.

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