On China (81 page)

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Authors: Henry Kissinger

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Ming Dynasty:
aloofness of
and border threats
naval expeditions of
Mitchell, George J.
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Mondale, Walter “Fritz,”
Mongol Dynasty, collapse of
quasi-autonomy of
Russian designs on
Mongolian People’s Republic
Mongol tribes:
and Qing Dynasty
and Tibet
Most Favored Nation status:
in China trade
and Jackson-Vanik Amendment
in U.S. trade
U.S. values promoted by
Nakasone, Yasuhiro
Nanjing, Treaty of
Napier, Lord
Napoleonic Wars
Nariakira, Shimazu
Nathan, Andrew J.
Nationalist Party:
Chiang as leader of;
see also
Chiang Kai-shek
Chinese Communists vs.
and Stalin
and Taiwan;
see also
and U.S. policies
Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939)
Nehru, Jawaharlal
New China
Nie Rongzhen
Ningbo, as treaty port
Nixon, Richard M.:
foreign policy principles of
inaugural address of
interest in China
and Mao
and reconciliation,
U.S.–China reconciliation
and Shanghai Communiqué
and Vietnam War
visit to China (1972)
and Watergate
Nixon administration, Kissinger’s roles in
Non-Aligned nations:
Chinese influence on
Mao’s “Three Worlds” vision
and nuclear weapons
and Soviet threat
North Korea:
creation of
isolation of
Korean War
nuclear weapons of
see also
North Vietnam,
Vietnam; Vietnam War
Novotny, Antonin
Obama, Barack
Obama administration
Ohira, Masayoshi
Olympic Games
Opium War
repercussions of
Outer Mongolia
Outlaws of the Marsh
Pacific Community, in twenty-first century
as intermediary
and nuclear capability
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Lord
and Elgin expedition
and Opium War
Panikkar, K. M.
Paris Peace Accords
peaceful rise, concept of
Pelosi, Nancy
Peng Dehuai
Peng Zhen
People’s Liberation Army (PLA):
and Cultural Revolution
Deng protected by
and Korean War
marshals as Mao’s advisors
and Taiwan Strait
and Third Vietnam War
People’s Republic of China (PRC)
establishment of
and one China
and two Chinas
U.S. relations with
world role of
see also
China; Chinese Communist Party
Perry, Matthew
Pescadores Islands
Peter the Great
Peyrefitte, Alain
Pham Van Dong
Phomvihane, Kaysone
Ping-Pong diplomacy
Pol Pot
Pottinger, Sir Henry
Pye, Lucian
Qian Qichen:
on China’s sovereignty
and China’s world role
and Fang Lizhi package deal
Kissinger’s meetings with
and Soviet collapse
and U.S.–China relations
Qiao Guanhua
Qin Dynasty
Qing Dynasty:
barbarian threat in
and Boxer Uprising
collapse of
decline of
and diplomacy
domestic upheavals in
establishment of
and opium trade
and territorial expansion
and Tibet
Qin Shihuang
Qishan, Viceroy of Zhili
Quesnay, François
RAND Corporation
Rather, Dan
Ready, Jack
Reagan, Ronald
visit to China (1984)
Reagan administration:
and Cambodia
Strategic Defense Initiative
and Taiwan arms sales
and Third Communiqué
and U.S. rearmament
Red Guards
Republic of China,
Chinese Republic; Taiwan
Reynolds, Joshua
Rhee, Syngman
Richardson, Elliot
Rise of Great Powers, The
River Elegy
Rogers, William
Romance of the Three Kingdoms, The
end of Communism in
as intermediary
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rumsfeld, Donald H.
Rusk, Dean
and Boxer Uprising
and Cold War,
Soviet Union
foreign mission in China
and Japan
and Korea
pre–World War I
in Six Party Talks
territorial aims of
and Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russian Revolution
Russo-Japanese War
Ryukyu Islands
Sadat, Anwar
Sainteny, Jean
Samphan, Khieu
Sasser, James
Schlesinger, James R.
Scott, Hugh
Scowcroft, Brent
and Deng
and Kissinger’s visit to China
and Soviet decline
and Tiananmen crisis
SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization)
September 11 attacks
Shambaugh, David
Shang Dynasty
Shanghai, as treaty port
Shanghai Communiqué
Shanghai Democracy Forum
Shen Zhihua
Shevardnadze, Eduard
concept of
Shi Zhe
Shultz, George P.
Sihanouk, Norodom
Silk Road
and Communism
economic growth in
unrest in
Sino-Indian War (1962)
Sino-Vietnam War (1979)
Six Assurances
Six Party Talks
Smyser, Dick
Snow, Edgar:
Mao interviews
Red Star Over China
Song Dynasty
Song Xiaojun
South Korea,
South Tibet
South Yemen
Soviet Union:
and Acheson’s White Paper
and Afghanistan
and Africa
before and after Cold War,
and Chinese Communist Party
as Cold War adversary
as Cold War ally to China
collapse of
containment of
decline of
dominance in Communist world
economic policies of
and horizontal line
industrialization of
and Korean War
Mao’s travels to
Nazi-Soviet pact
and nuclear weapons
power-oriented diplomacy of
reforms in
sphere of influence in Asia
Sputnik launch by
Treaty of Friendship with China
and triangular diplomacy
troops on Chinese borders
and United Nations
and Ussuri River
and Vietnam
and Warsaw Pact
Special Economic Zones
Spring and Autumn period (770–476 B.C.)
Stalin, Joseph:
and Acheson’s White Paper
and China’s economy
death of
and Hitler
Khrushchev’s denunciation of
and Korean War
Mao’s 70-30 rating of
meeting of Mao and
and Nationalist China
purges by
at Yalta
statesmanship, role of
Stoessel, Walter
Sun Tzu
The Art of War
on interconnectedness
Sun Wu
Sun Yat-sen
Suslov, Mikhail
Taiping Rebellion
arms sales to
considered part of China/one China
and diplomatic talks
economy of
elections in
and five principles
and Japan
Kissinger’s discussions on
Nationalist Chinese on
and offshore islands
planned conquest of
and Shanghai Communiqué
Six Assurances with
and Third Communiqué
and two Chinas
and United Nations
U.S. policies toward
Taiwan Relations Act (1979)
Taiwan Strait:
crises (1954–58)
first crisis
second crisis
third crisis (1995)
U.S. ships in
Tanaka, Kakuei
Tang, Nancy
Tang Dynasty
Tang Longbin
September 11 attacks
weapons of mass destruction
Third Communiqué (1982)
Third World (Non-Aligned):
Chinese influence in
Mao’s “Three Worlds” vision
and Soviet threat
Thirty Years’ War
Thompson, Llewellyn
Three Kingdoms Period (A.D. 220–280)
Three Represents
Three Worlds
Tiananmen Incident (1976)
Tiananmen Square crisis (1989)
aftermath of
antigovernment protests in
and Deng
and Fang Lizhi controversy
and Gorbachev’s visit
Hu Yaobang’s death
Jiang’s reflections on
12- and 24-character statements
U.S. dilemmas in
Tianjin, Treaty of
and border dispute
Dalai Lama’s flight from
unrest in
Tito, Josip Broz
Trans-Siberian Railway
Trotsky, Leon
Truman, Harry S.
Truman administration:
and Korean War
and Taiwan
“24 Dynastic Histories,”
twenty-first century
China’s global role in
China’s leadership in
Dai Bingguo’s statement of policy
differences in perspective
economic issues
national destiny debate
Pacific Community in
strategic opportunity in
terrorist attacks
U.S.–China “co-evolution” in
U.S. responsibility in
weapons of mass destruction
Two Whatevers
Tyler, John
unequal treaties
United Nations:
anniversary of
China’s seat in
and economic development
and international security
and Korean War
on living standard
Security Council members
and Taiwan
and Three Worlds
and war on terrorism
United States:
Acheson White Paper
and Boxer Uprising
changes of administration in
and Chinese Nationalists
Chinese suspicions about
and Cold War,
Cold War; Soviet Union
current and future,
twenty-first century
debate about who “lost” China
embassy relocated to Beijing
and human rights issue
and Korean War
and Most Favored Nation (MFN)
NSC-48/2 document
and nuclear weapons
Open Door policy of
and Pacific Community
Perry’s “black ships” from
proposed role in Asia
relations with China;
see also
U.S.–China reconciliation;
specific U.S. administrations
in Six Party Talks
spreading values of
as superpower
and Taiwan,
and Tiananmen crisis
and triangular diplomacy
and United Nations
and Vietnam,
Vietnam; Vietnam War
U.S.–China reconciliation
aftermath of
Chinese strategy in
conceptual discussions in
final meetings with Mao
and friendship
and Geneva/Warsaw talks
and horizontal line
intermediaries in
Kissinger’s role in
Kissinger’s second visit
Kissinger’s secret visit
Kissinger’s subsequent visits
and Nixon’s visit
normalization of relations
Ping-Pong diplomacy
preparations for summit
as quasi-alliance
and Shanghai Communiqué
Snow interviews
and Soviet Union
Third Communiqué
U.S. strategy in
and Ussuri River clash
U.S. technology to China
and Vietnam
U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue
Ussuri River
Vance, Cyrus
Victoria, Queen of England

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