Any Hazards you encounter must be obeyed.
If a player lands on a wind rosethey must face the ever-changing Arctic gusts that make this race so dangerous. Spin the Wind using the wind compass to decide in which direction you and your balloon will be blown.
Move one space in the direction shown by the spinner.
Race officials do not allow two balloons to occupy the same air space. If you land on a space that is occupied by another player's balloon, that player must move on the same number of spaces that you have just thrown. Any Hazards encountered because of this must be obeyed.
For example, if player A throws a four and lands on the same space as player B, player B must move forward four spaces.
The last six spaces before the Pole are within the Vortex Zone. This is an area of eerie calm, yet extreme danger. When a player lands on one of the red Vortex spaces, they are safe and do not need to move again until they throw the exact number of spaces required to reach the Pole.
For example, if a player is three spaces from the Pole and rolls a six, they can rest on their current space and wait for their next throw.
Should you be unfortunate enough to reach the Pole, your balloon and everything in it will be crushed by the swirling ice and deadly ocean currents that wait there.
The last balloon in the air wins the race!
* It is important that you take a great deal of care when constructing your wind compass. Any inaccuracies could see you and your balloon blown hundreds of miles off course and disqualified from the competition. Follow the instructions and have a brave race.
If your compass is not functioning with enough precision, use a die to determine wind direction. Rolling one, two, or three will send you north, towards the Pole. Rolling four will send you south, five will send you east, and six will send you west.