One for the Gods (The Peter & Charlie Trilogy) (40 page)

BOOK: One for the Gods (The Peter & Charlie Trilogy)
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“Can you wait? My glorious lover. Go on as long as you can. I’ve never had anything like it. There’s so much of you inside. me. All you. I can never get enough of you.” She spoke between gasps as she worked him all through her. Her hands roamed over him. He lifted his head to watch her body working. The simplicity of their coupling delighted him. Male and female, like a plug in a socket. He was plugged into her, but the current would flow from him. His loins felt heavy with it. She lowered herself and grasped the base of his shaft and rotated her hips around the portion that was still within her. She gripped him hard, using him, while her other hand fondled his testicles. She uttered a series of ecstatic cries.

“Oh, yes, sweetheart. Do that,” he urged. “You look as if you were stirring the soup.”

She laughed wildly. “Oh, God, I’m going to come. Almost. Soon.” She redoubled the efforts of her writhing body. Her hands felt his taut abdomen and moved up over his chest. She flung her arms around him and held her body to him while her hips strained up to take all of him into her. She dropped back and gripped his sex again and stirred it into her. He nuzzled her breasts, making them leap and quiver under his lips. She was moaning and crying out rhythmically now as her body writhed under him.

“Now!” she cried. “Take me! Do it. Come with me.” Her legs dropped from him. He took a grip on her shoulders and drew back and began to drive into her. She gripped his buttocks and pulled him in hard at the end of each long stroke. His breath was coming fast. She shouted and laughed and sobbed and he felt all her body dissolving under him. He drove into her and drove again and came shouting after her as he felt himself burst and rush pounding into her.

They lay together trembling as their excitement subsided and their breathing became normal.

“Well,” he said finally. His head was turned from her, his chin against her shoulder. “There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re really not going to wash me out of you?”

“No, never. It wouldn’t do any good anyway. You’re so far up inside me.”

“Then let’s stay like this for a while. You made me feel so damn potent just now. If we play our cards right, we can do it again just to make sure.”

“I want to stay like this forever. You still feel huge.” Her hands began to stray over his back and shoulders.

“Why haven’t you had a baby with Jack?” He lifted his head and propped himself on his elbows so he could look into her face. It was so prettily put together. Her smooth brown skin had wonderful peachy highlights.

“We’ve had all the tests. He’s sterile. We usually do it with our mouths.”

“You’re wonderful at that. But you like it this way?”

“Oh, God, with you. I’ve never known anything like it.”

“How do you mean?”

“A man inside me, making me come. It’s never happened before.”

“That’s not possible.”

“I told you, with Jack it’s usually with the mouth. There haven’t been many others, except long ago when it didn’t count. I don’t even know if men are generally built like you.”

“You mean my cock? You can say it.”

“Yes, your beautiful great cock.”

He laughed. “Feel that? I guess it likes attention.”

“Doesn’t it get plenty? Are many men so big?” She ran her hands down over his buttocks and pressed him to her.

“It’s bigger than average, but it’s not all that unique.” Thoughts were fitting together again. He had been preparing Peter for something. His grand design was grander than he had realized. He needed more time to sort it out. He went on, “Peter’s is almost as big and
beautiful. Haven’t you noticed?”

“I suppose I should say no, but yes, I have. He’s lovely-looking, but you’re such a man. I can’t imagine why I thought you’d want me to do it with my mouth.”

“Because I’m a faggot?”

“You’re not a faggot.”

He smiled into her eyes. “You’ve got to learn to say that without making it sound like a dread disease. Sex is fabulous with you, but I’ve always known it would be with a girl I felt really in touch with. You mustn’t let that confuse you. When you say I’m yours, it just can’t be. I’m a taker. Goodness, this is turning into very conversational sex. I like it. Sex between a man and a women is more a sharing, I guess, giving and taking. You share everything with another man much more than you could with a woman, but I guess the sex part is more solitary. Selfish, probably. It’s more masculine really, if you look at it that way. I’m a very butch faggot, but a faggot all the same.” He laughed.

“Stop calling yourself that.”

“You started it. No. I’m sorry. You said ‘queer’.”

“Please don’t. I’m in love with you. You know that.”

“Yes. That’s something nobody can ever do anything about, but I’m sorry. I don’t want you to be hurt. I’m in love with Peter. I always have been and always will be. Till madness do us part.”


“I sometimes think I may be losing my mind,” he said thoughtfully. “Some pretty mad thoughts are racing around in my head right now.”

“Tell me.”

“Not yet. I’m not being a tease. There’s a lot I don’t understand yet about this.”

“I don’t mind waiting, my precious.” She slipped her hand down and found his testicles and cradled them. She felt more intimate with him than she ever had with any other being. Even while he was defining the limits of his response to her, she could feel love and goodness flowing from him. Perhaps he felt more for her than he realized. She could wait indefinitely while she helped him free himself from Peter’s hold.

Her hand tickled his balls and his body jerked in response. “Go on, do that some more. I’m getting a whopping great hard-on again. Can you feel it?”

“It’s felt as if you had a hard-on all along. I can feel it moving. It’s heavenly.”

“God, yes. It’s fascinating getting a hard-on and talking and thinking about giving you another baby all at the same time. I love giving you babies. We’ll make it twins. If it really happens, what’s Jack supposed to think?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’d better let him do it properly in the next week or two. He’ll think it’s a miracle.”

“No. Don’t do that yet. Give me some time. We’ll talk about it. I don’t want him to fuck you while this is going on. Do you understand?”

She looked into his eyes with gratitude. “Yes, my precious lover.”

“I mean it. Maybe Jack should know I’m the father. You want me to make you pregnant. You’re in love with me. Let’s wait and see how it should be for all of us. It’s pretty tremendous. We’ve got to know what’s good for the baby, too.”

“Who wants to decide anything now? All I can think about is your great cock. Oh, God. The invading army.”

“Mmmm. Everything is really operating now.” He propped himself up with his knees and withdrew slowly to the edge of her entrance and thrust purposefully into her. She cried out and her body shuddered under him. He looked into her eyes and saw the passion lighting up in them. He swallowed hard. “Christ, don’t you think I’d like to love you and have children with you?” he cried with sudden unexpected anguish.

“Fuck me, my great lover,” she soothed him. “That’s all I want. Yes. Oh, yes. Make me come again. Oh, God, you’re the only one.”

They were waiting in the cockpit, dressed and having drinks when they saw Jack and Peter appear late in the afternoon over the low ridge that enclosed the cove. They went forward and waved as the two ashore carried the dinghy down to the still water and launched it from the arc of beach.

“I feel as if it must show all over me,” Martha murmured, as the dinghy approached. “I’m so blissfully happy.”

“Just don’t try to hide it by being off-hand with me,” Charlie warned. “That would be the biggest giveaway of all.”

Jack and Peter were talking at once when they came aboard, telling about the ancient ruined city, the mosaics, the fragments of statuary and carved stone lying about in the open, the remains of the Apollonian cult, including a monumental marble phallus, complete with balls.

“We saw only one guard the entire time we were there,” Peter said. “It’s fantastic, like a great outdoor museum. I could make a fortune if most of it weren’t too heavy to lift. Still, I’ve got my eye on a couple of things. You’ve both got to come tomorrow. This is the most exciting place yet.”

“The seas are bigger than ever,” Jack said. “It’s lucky we put in here. We couldn’t have found a better place to sit it out.”

They talked about Delos during the evening and got out guidebooks to read up on it. When Jack and Martha went to bed, Charlie and Peter lingered a while on deck, drinking wine and talking.

“It’s mad. Cocks in every direction.” Peter laughed. “I can’t wait for you to see it. Aside from all that, it’s so beautiful, the way the hill goes down to the sea. There’s a magnificent view of the islands.”

Sitting side-by-side, with Peter’s arm around his shoulder, Charlie longed to tell him what had happened, but he knew he must wait until they could get away from the boat for a day or two. The atmosphere was dense enough without Peter being involved. And he would be involved. He wanted him to be involved. There were already things he had resolved to speak to Martha about. He leaned to Peter’s mouth and nibbled his lips gently with teeth and tongue.

“The way you kiss me these days,” Peter said with a giggle. “You may yet seduce me.”

Charlie had never loved him so tenderly nor been so stirred by him as thoughts of possible developments ran through his head. He put his hand on his golden hair. “Better go to bed, baby. I really have to catch up on my sleep.”

When Peter came to wake him in the morning, he had been aware of all their comings and goings for some time. He pretended to be asleep and groaned when Peter tugged his foot. “So soon?”

“It’s after eight. We’re ready to go. Come on, Champ.”

“You all go ahead. I need another hour. I’ll swim ashore and join you.”

“OK. When you go up the beach, you’ll find a path. Just stay on it till you get to the site. A little farther along you’ll see some walls with two huge statues sticking out of them. You can’t miss it. I’ll wait for you around there somewhere. Just call.”

Charlie lay in his bunk, listening to the sounds of departure. He was sure Martha would find an excuse to stay on board. He heard the dinghy bumping against the side. He heard the splash of oars. He waited a few moments and then leaped up and shed his shorts and performed his morning toilet. He poured himself a cup of coffee from the pot that was still hot on the stove and mounted the companionway naked. He looked around him. The wind was still blowing. The dinghy was beached. There was nobody in sight on shore. He moved out onto the deck and looked up along it. She was lying out naked, with towels and cushions around her, her hands covering her nipples. He carried his cup forward and joined her. She sat up and grabbed at a towel and slowly pushed it aside as she gazed up at him.

“The birthplace of Apollo. How gorgeous of you to come to me naked. I was afraid I’d dreamed we’re lovers. Was sleeping just an excuse?”

He nodded. “I thought you’d stay. What did you say?”

“I said if you were going to join them, somebody should stay with the boat. Jack always goes for that.” Her eyes strayed over him and returned to his sex. “I can really look at you, at last. Even like that, you can tell it must get enormous. I’ve dreamed so often of your being naked with me in the sun so that I could see all of you.”

“Isn’t it marvelous? It feels wonderful being like this together. I’m ready to get enormous for you.” He put the cup down on the cabin roof. She was immediately crouched before him, arousing him with her mouth. He laughed as he lifted and hardened. When he was fully erect, she sat back on her haunches and looked up at him.

“How it soars. It’s sublime from this angle. So powerful. It must make you feel so proud. That monumental phallus they were talking about. What do we want with a statue?”

He dropped to his knees in front of her and she held his sex upright against himself while he stroked her breasts with the tips of his fingers. They were lost for a rapt moment in contemplation of each other’s bodies.

“I’m trying to decide what to do next,” he said with a grin. “Come on. Sit down.” He sat with his legs out in front of him around her. He lifted her legs over his thighs and moved in close to her. He ran his hands up her thighs and over the full curve of her belly.

“That’s where I’m supposed to lose five pounds,” she said.

“I like it. It’s a bit Rubens, but not too much.” She held his testicles in both hands and exerted a slight pressure so that his sex stood straight between them, swaying slightly. “Well, what shall we do with it?”

“Like this.” She lay her fingers along it lightly and pulled it down to her. “It’s so hard. Does it hurt for me to force it down like this?”

“It feels marvelous. Go ahead.”

They both watched as she tipped forward, lifting herself on his thighs, and inserted the head and gripped the shaft and moved it around within her. They took quick simultaneous breaths.

“You’re stirring the soup again.” They laughed together.

“That’s where it makes me come.”

“You mean, there’s all that left-over cock doing nobody any good?”

“Oh, no. I’m just discovering all it’s good for. It’s for holding like this and for coming way up inside me. I feel sorry for women who haven’t had anything like this.”

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