One Heart to Win (5 page)

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Authors: Johanna Lindsey

BOOK: One Heart to Win
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consciousness before the train reached the next town. Tiffany was beside herself with worry because one of the train attendants who was attempting to treat the wounded passengers told her the marshal might not make it. She didn’t know him well, he’d barely spoken with her, but he’d guarded her life admirably today. She would feel horrible if he didn’t recover. His critical condition made the loss of all but one of her trunks in that robbery seem inconsequential.

With the help of the stronger male passengers, the three wounded men were carried straight to the local doctor. The marshal’s wound was the most serious, so he was treated first. Tiffany and Anna waited anxiously to hear the doctor’s verdict. They paced up and down the entrance hall of the doctor’s home office for almost half an hour before the doctor approached them and said, “He’s starting to come to, so you can see Mr. Gibbons now, but only for a few minutes. I’m sorry if this isn’t your final destination because Mr. Gibbons isn’t going
anywhere for a while. I’m confident he’ll recover, but he won’t be on his feet anytime soon.”

“Are we going to stay and wait for him?” Anna asked after the doctor walked back into the ward.

“We can’t when we don’t know how long that will be,” Tiffany replied. “But we’ll be fine. This is the last stop in the Dakota Territory. We’ll be in Nashart tomorrow. I’ll visit with the marshal while you go find out how much time we have before the train pulls out.”

Anna didn’t budge and gave her a pointed look. “Are you
you want to go on alone?”

Tiffany tsked. “What are the odds of another train robbery happening?”

“Probably higher than we’d like.”


Anna hesitated another moment before she nodded and left the building. If they hadn’t been so close to their destination, Tiffany knew Anna would never have given in.

Tiffany found Thomas with his eyes open and on her as she approached his cot in the doctor’s one-room ward. “You’re a hero,” she said softly as she sat in the chair beside him. “Thanks to you and a few other brave men, those farmers can go on to their promised land and still afford to start their farms. The doctor says you’ll be fine, but you won’t be leaving this bed for a while.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Warren. I know your father is expecting you on time and will raise hell if you—”

“I’ve already telegraphed him,” she said, interrupting Thomas. “He has a friend in town who will escort me the rest of the way. So you can rest easy.”

Thank God Anna wasn’t there to hear that lie, Tiffany
thought, but still she couldn’t help blushing. She didn’t make a habit of lying, yet this was the second time she’d lied to the good marshal. The first time had been when the farmers boarded the train and the conductor had told them that because of the unusual circumstances and the train’s going express to Montana, they’d actually arrive at her destination three days early. Thomas had suggested she telegraph her father to let him know. She’d told him she would, but she hadn’t informed her father. She had blushed then, too.

She might have agreed to two months of purgatory in the wilds of the West, but she knew the worst part of it wasn’t going to be being courted by a man she didn’t know, it was going to be living under her father’s roof. She didn’t want him to meet her at the train depot, where she was afraid she might cause a scene. She honestly didn’t know if she’d start screaming at him for not visiting her while she was growing up . . . or cry and hug him. Considering the resentment that had built up in her over the years, it was likely to be the former. But either way, she’d prefer not to meet her father in public, so she was glad he didn’t know that she’d be arriving early.

And Marshal Gibbons didn’t seem to suspect her of lying this time either. He said with a sigh, “I had a feeling there’d be trouble after the farmers boarded. It was just too convenient, that many people crowded in one place, most of them bringing their life savings with them to buy the materials they’d need to start their farms. This land giveaway has been big news in the territory. Figured it might draw outlaws out of their holes to take advantage of it.”

Tiffany nodded and patted the marshal’s hand, glad the ordeal was over. Now she knew firsthand how dangerous the West really was. Had she
told her mother that she would view
this trip as a holiday? She’d hated every minute of it since she’d parted from Rose. She just wanted to go home!

Tiffany stayed with Marshal Gibbons until Anna returned and told her they had to leave now or else they would miss the train. Tiffany had thought there would be a longer delay, considering what had happened. But the dead outlaws had been removed from the train, the wounded had been taken to the local doctor, the train’s engineer and head conductor had informed the local sheriff of the robbery, and now the train was ready to go on its way.

Tiffany hesitated over leaving the marshal’s bedside. She felt so guilty about his painful injuries, which she was responsible for since he wouldn’t have been on that train if not for her. She almost decided to remain there to nurse him back to health. Almost. But saner thoughts prevailed, mainly that she didn’t know much about nursing, so how much good could she do? And she couldn’t bear staying in this primitive territory a day longer than she had to. She might get stuck in this tiny town if more express trains that wouldn’t take on new passengers were going to come through.

Sixty days and no more she’d promised her mother, then she could return to the civilized part of the world. Well, she’d promised to be open-minded about Hunter Callahan, too, but really, how long would that take? Mere minutes, she didn’t doubt.

She and Anna rushed back to the depot and got there with moments to spare. But they nearly missed the train anyway because of the Warrens’ new housekeeper. Anna had already stepped on board. Tiffany had one foot on the step herself when Jennifer yelled at her to wait as she ran toward her and shoved a piece of paper in Tiffany’s hand.

Tiffany didn’t try to read it, there wasn’t time, so she just asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Give that to your father, please,” Jennifer said anxiously, her expression full of misery—or was it guilt? “Tell him I’m sorry!”

The whistle blew, the train started to move, and Tiffany got her other foot off the ground before she was left behind. Jennifer was waving good-bye to her, but the housekeeper looked relieved now. Tiffany wondered why and glanced at the note before she took the last step up to join Anna.

“What was that about?” the maid asked.

Tiffany handed the note to her. “See for yourself. Meeting up with Western outlaws was too much for her. She’s running back to her fiancé.”

“Why do you look like you envy her?”

“Maybe because I wish I had the option of turning tail like that,” Tiffany grumbled.

“The time to refuse to go to Montana was before you agreed to do it, not now when we’re almost there.”

Tiffany sighed. “I know. You just should have seen how relieved Jennifer looked, probably because she anticipated that I’d try to talk her out of going home and I didn’t.”

“Would you have?”

Tiffany’s lack of options suddenly overwhelmed her. “No!” she said vehemently. “
the lucky one right now. I don’t blame her one little bit for going home when I don’t want to be visiting this part of the country either. Even if my father had succeeded in hiring a housekeeper for me, I’m going to hate visiting him anyway.”

“Then let’s go home!” Anna said, sounding exasperated.

Tiffany looked at the maid. Of course Anna wanted to go
back East. She wasn’t obligated to stay.
hadn’t promised she would!

Stiffly Tiffany said, “You can, I can’t. Honestly, Anna, I wouldn’t blame you for going back where

Anna actually turned a little indignant over the offer. “I won’t deny I thought about it while those bullets were flying. But the robbery is over and it is probably the worst thing we’ll encounter. I’m staying—if you are.”

Tiffany would have hugged the maid if Anna wouldn’t have gotten all stiff and huffy about it. Instead she laughed and shook her head. “I hate to think of what type of servants they have out here if the good ones have to be hired from back East—and quit before they even arrive!”

Chapter Six

the only passengers who disembarked in Nashart, Montana Territory, and they were still arguing when they stepped off the train. Tiffany’s stubbornness had kicked in, and although she knew deep down that Anna was right, she was in the grip of the emotions that were clamoring inside her—fear, resentment, even anger—all because she was supposed to come face-to-face with her father, Franklin Warren, today.

But early that morning an idea had occurred to her of how she might put off that reunion a little longer. The dream she woke up to gave her the idea. In it she’d been standing in front of a door that was slowly opening to her, seeing a man on the other side of it who didn’t actually have a face since she had no idea what he looked like. But she knew it was her father, and she started screaming until Jennifer was suddenly there, urging Tiffany to escape with her. Then she was running away from him with Jennifer beside her, holding her hand. They ran all the way back to New York, which was impossible, silly even,
but it was just a dream, after all. Yet her fears had come to the surface in that dream, and before it started to fade from her mind, she realized she now had the means to avoid facing those fears—for a few days more.

She just needed her maid to go along with her plan because it wasn’t going to work if Anna didn’t agree to help her. She wasn’t really asking for much, just a day or two of anonymity when she could talk to her father and observe him without his knowing who she was. They were three days early, so he wasn’t even expecting her yet! It wasn’t as if she weren’t going to show up at the Warren ranch or intended to hide in town for three days. But Anna had balked and was proving to be quite stubborn about it.

“This will give me some time to talk to my brothers first before I introduce myself to Papa,” Tiffany explained. “It’s been five years since I saw Roy, longer since Sam and Carl visited. They were all still boys then. They’re men now. I want to know how they feel about Papa, now that they’re grown.”

“You could ask them that in private, without pretending to be the housekeeper they are expecting.”

Trust Anna to be forthright
logical. “Damnit, I’m not ready to be Frank Warren’s daughter when I don’t know anything about him and don’t even know why Mama left him. I thought she would tell me the truth when I came of age, but she didn’t. She gave me a bunch of excuses instead. I know she wouldn’t have let me come here no matter the reason if she believed he was a bad man. But he must have done something bad to make her leave him, and I’m not as forgiving as she is. I don’t know if I can reunite with him without accusing him of all sorts of things that might not even be true, and that’s a horrible way for us to get acquainted, isn’t it?”

Anna pursed her lips. “You haven’t thought this through. He’ll know you. He’ll know—”

Finally sensing victory, Tiffany cut in, “But he won’t! He hasn’t seen me since I was three years old. He sent the boys to New York, but not once in all these years did he ever come with them to see me. And I don’t really look enough like Mama—do I?—for him to think I’m his daughter. This
work. My brothers might recognize me, but I’ll convince them to play along. Two days, that’s all I’m asking for.”

“You didn’t let me finish,” Anna admonished. “It’s your hair he’ll recognize. There’s no way anyone can forget the color of hair like yours.”

“Then we’ll—”

Tiffany paused as a porter carried a few crates off the train and set them down next to them, forcing them to move out of the way. Her only remaining trunk was set down, too. She hadn’t cried when she’d been told that most of her belongings had been stolen by the train robbers. They could be replaced. It was just one more thing to add to the list of complaints she was going to send off to her mother as soon as she had a chance to write her. Anna had been luckier. Her luggage, which she’d borrowed from her family, was so old and tattered that the robbers had ignored it.

Tiffany responded to Anna’s remark about her hair, saying, “Then we’ll dye it.”

Anna was horrified. “No . . . we . . . will . . . not!”

“If you won’t help, I’ll do it myself. With black hair, my brothers might not even recognize me, but my father certainly won’t. Black hair will throw him off completely, so no suspicion will enter his mind. Please, Anna. I don’t know him at all, and he’s disappointed me most of my life by refusing to be a part
of it. I would as soon stay in town for this courtship I’m not interested in and not lay eyes on my father at all. But since my mama shot that idea down, I’d like a few days at least to find out what he’s really like.”

Anna tried a different tack to talk Tiffany out of her scheme. “You won’t find hair dye in a town this small. Look over there, there’s only one general store on the street and, by the looks of it, only one street!”

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