One of the Guys (32 page)

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Authors: Dawn Doyle

BOOK: One of the Guys
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Yeah. I felt a hand go through my
hair, and I turned round to see Logan pulling his hand

What’s his game?” Poppy asked,
looking angry.

I don’t know, but he’s obviously
changed tactics for getting my attention.”

Yeah, he sure
got your attention
time.” Charlotte said, shaking her

I don’t care what he’s trying, but
he needs to stop.” I said.

He’ll have us to deal with, honey.
We’re all on your side.”

Thanks Pops.”

Going to our class, I knew I didn’t
have any more with Logan that day, making me feel safer, for






I could still feel the silkiness of
Chase’s hair on my fingers. I don’t know how I’d gotten the courage
to just go for it, but I sure as hell was glad I did.

The blackcurrant scent wafting in
my face as I brushed my fingers through the length of the

Standing in front of her, watching
her as we were so close; almost touching, I wanted to just lean in.
Just to see…


Logan!” I heard an angry female
call my name, dragging me out of my daydream.

I suddenly found myself face to
face with an angry Carly. Her cotton candy hair swaying behind her
as she hobbled on her crutches.


What the fuck do you think you’re
playing at?”

I don’t know what you mean.” I
said, and I really didn’t.

You know what I mean, dick head.
Leave Chase alone. She’s put up with you enough. Stop it with your
attention seeking immaturity and let her get over you.”


Sorry, what?

You know what I’m talking about,
Loogie…” Oh the insults just kept coming. “…Stop playing with her.
She doesn’t need it. She might have wanted you before, but now she
doesn’t. Leave her alone.”

She really wanted me? God! I’ve
been such a stupid fucking douche bag of an asshole!
I thought, hurtling insults at

Carly had every right to tear me a
new one, I thoroughly deserved it, but I couldn’t help smiling when
she’d confirmed what Matt had suggested.

Chase liked me.

Ok, so Carly was saying she didn’t
want me anymore, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me. Not at
all. It only spurred me on further.

Ok.” I said, with a smile. “If she
doesn’t want me, then I’ll stop.”


Carly turned, and I almost laughed
when I saw her attempt at storming away, with her leg in plaster,
on crutches.


I couldn’t believe my luck when I
spotted Chase at her locker, alone, after next period.

I could see some guys staring in
her direction, particularly her fantastic ass, but I was the only
one allowed near it; I was going to make sure of that.

As she fumbled in her bag, I stood
behind her, my chest almost touching her back. Her scent all around

She stopped and looked over her
shoulder. Her eyes widening before narrowing at me.

Slowly turning round, her chest was
so close to touching mine, and I had to fight with myself from
stepping completely into her space, closing the gap between


Move.” She growled, but I wasn’t
going anywhere.

Make me, Chase.” I said quietly,
hopefully with a little seductive tone to my voice.

I said, move!” She yelled, pushing
my chest with her hands and quickly slamming her locker

The heat I felt from her hands on
me was no joke. Seriously. It shot straight to my pants, and if I
hadn’t been sporting a boner, I would’ve gone after her.

I had to keep my cool if I were to
see this thing through.


I met the guys for lunch, and
walking to our table with Pike, I saw Chase on her phone. The other
girls were all sat down, but Chase was stood by the wall, in the

Guys, I’ll just be a sec.” I said,
moving quickly, but quietly, and keeping close to the building so
she wouldn’t spot me.

As chase looked down to put her
phone in her pocket, I moved.

She gasped as I stepped in front of

What!” She snapped.

I had about ten seconds before I
was going to get knocked on my ass. I could see it in her amazing

Chase.” I whispered, lifting my
hand, running the back of my fingers down her cheek.

Why are you doing that?” She asked
without flinching.

Isn’t this what you want? To be
noticed? To be touched?” I asked, seeing that Chase was getting
angry with me instead.

Trying to intimidate me isn’t
going to work, Logan. I dealt with your asshole brother for almost
three years. You’re no different.”

I heard her words, and she was
right, but watching her full lips as she spoke… I craved to taste
them. Licking my own, I felt my pulse race as I moved closer to

Leave me alone. You don’t get to
touch me anymore.” Chased pushed against me again, walking away
from me.

But I do, Chase. I really


What the fuck was that?” Stu asked
when I sat back at the table.

Just letting her know I’m not
giving up.” I smiled.

By getting in her face?” Asked
Pike, like I was insane.

I have my reasons, Pike. It’s the
only way Chase will listen to me.”

That didn’t look like she was
listening, dude.” Lex chuckled. “More like pushing you

Just trust me. I know what I’m

I hope.





I didn’t know what Logan was
playing at, getting up close like that, and I felt confused. The
truth was, I’d wanted Logan to do that in the past. Not caring who
was around and treat me like he wanted to touch me. Now he had, I
wasn’t sure how I felt.

I felt as though I were back in
that place where he would be touchy with me, but this was more.
Getting so close to me, not innocent like before, this was
deliberate and predetermined.

I couldn’t help the heat that
rushed through me as I attempted to remain calm as his fingers ran
down my face, scorching my skin as they went.


Pushing him away, by his hard
chest, I walked to our table and sat.

Jesus, Chase! What was all that
about?” Poppy asked.

I told that idiot to leave you
alone.” Carly said, sending daggers towards Logan.

Excuse me, what?” I asked. “You
told him to leave me alone?”

Carly’s face flamed and she
admitted what she’d said to Logan after I’d told Poppy and
Charlotte what he’d done in math class. I’d assumed the others
would know about it too.

Sorry! I was concerned.” Carly
apologized. “He had no right doing that.”

It’s ok. From what I’d said after
the game, I may as well have just told him myself.”

I glanced over to Logan, and he was
smiling at me. The look on his face sending familiar shivers down
my spine.

No problem, all I had to think
about was

Done. No more tingles, shivers, or
naughty thoughts. Not when I knew where he’d been.



For most of the week, Logan had
gotten up close to me more often. So much that I’d asked Mr.
Garrett if I could switch seats. Logan didn’t look happy when he
walked in, and Sam was in my place.

Tough shit, asshole.

Turning to look at me, I smiled,
letting him know he couldn’t touch me during this class anymore.
Stroking my arm before he sat; running his hand through my hair.
Even if I wore it in a ponytail, he would touch it.

During biology, he’d even managed
to walk behind me, letting his fingertips run up my arm and over
the back of my shoulders. I’d had to change my station so that
Charlotte and I sat near the far corner, so he couldn’t walk past
us to get to his desk. Again, he wasn’t happy.

Neither was I.

The constant touching and brushing
past were driving me crazy.

I hadn’t seen Cassie outside his
house anymore, so I assumed he’d gotten bored and was just trying
it on with me.

Not happening.

As much as I’d desperately wanted
him to before, I couldn’t stand the thought of him doing that to
Cassie too.


Should we wait until he leaves?”
Charlotte whispered next to me.

No. I think he may wait it out
with us.” I replied.

What’s he playing at? I mean, you
told us you liked him before, but he never liked you that way. From
the way he’s been acting, I’m guessing he really does.”

Yeah, it may look that way,
Charlie, but I think he’s just messing with me. I told him he
doesn’t get to touch me again, so I think he’s trying to prove that
he can. I swear I think Matt has been giving him

His brother?” She asked,

He’s an ass.
Always called me names, trying to stop me hanging out with him. He
said I was stopping Logan from getting girls.” I shook my head
remembering the way Matt would try to bully me. “Logan doesn’t
problem, does he?” My voice squeaked near the end, showing
that I was still hurting over him.

Charlotte looked over to Logan, as
he was in her line of sight. If I had turned, he would’ve known we
were talking about him.

Shit.” She whispered.


He’s looking right at us. I think
he’s planning something.”

What am I going to do Charlie? I
can’t keep doing this. Seriously, I may have to resort to violence,
and I don’t want to get suspended.”

I have an idea. He won’t get near
you if he tries.”

I nodded, trusting Charlotte to do
whatever she had planned.


The bell sounded for the end of the
lesson. Picking up our bags, we began to head out. Logan hung back,
making a beeline for me, when Charlotte made a quick

Oh, sorry!” She said, purposely
bumping into Logan so hard, it sent him back a few steps, allowing
me to hurry out of the class.

I walked down the hall, trying to
exit the building as quickly as I could, when I felt a hand round
my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

I turned, ready to strike the
person who had gripped me, thinking it was Logan.

Whoa!” Said Charlotte. “I just
wanted to catch up with you!” She laughed.

You could have called my

I did.” She said, releasing my
arm. “Logan wasn’t happy I stopped him. I’m telling you Chase, all
this… whatever he’s doing… he’s got something else planned. I could
see it in his eyes. He wasn’t angry that I stopped him, he looked…

Sad? Why would
he be sad? The dick wad has been messing with me all week. What
would possibly make


Hey Chase.” I heard from a guy
coming towards us.

Hey Stu.” I replied.

So, um, how are you?” He asked,

I wondered what he was doing,
starting a conversation with me, it wasn’t like him.

I’m good. How are you?” I

Uh… yeah, I’m good.”

I saw Stu glance to the side of me,
his eyes moving down as if watching something. Curious, I


I turned back, and Stu’s face was
beet red. I’m not kidding; he looked as though he’d been caught
with his hand in the cookie jar. Kind of the same when I saw the
exchange between Sian and Kate.

So, Stu had a thing for Liam
Walters? My, my, my. Now, it all made sense.

I gave a knowing smile to

I gotta go.” He said, rushing past


What was that about?” Charlotte

I have no idea. Stu’s ok though.
He’s harmless.” I said, meaning a lot more than I was going to
explain to Charlotte. It wasn’t my place to share my theory, and I
wasn’t about to out Stu like that.

Well, ok. Let’s go.”

Walking outside, I got into my car
and waited for Poppy to appear. She understood my need to get out
and had told me to get away when I could. Drumming my thumbs
against the steering wheel, I saw Logan standing next to his car,
talking to Stu who was shaking his head.

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