Read One Reckless Night Online

Authors: Stephanie Morris

One Reckless Night (11 page)

BOOK: One Reckless Night
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was allergic to oranges, he hated yellow vegetables, and he liked taking drives at night when he

couldn’t sleep.

When he paid for their dinner, she realized she wasn’t ready for the evening to end. Dane

took her hand in his as they walked to his car. When he pulled out of the parking lot, she sighed. He

looked over at her when he stopped at a red light.

“What’s wrong?”

The corners of her mouth curled upward. “I’m not ready for the night to be over.”

His gazed roamed over her face, but it was hard to read his thoughts. She didn’t have to wait

long to find out what they were.

“It doesn’t have to be. We can go to the square.”

Bayleigh felt brazen for what she was about to suggest, but she wanted more time with him

and she knew how she wanted to spend it.

“Actually, I hoped we could go back to your place. Maybe watch a movie or something.”

The light turned green and he slowly accelerated.

“Are you sure?”

Bayleigh smiled at his hesitance. “We have watched movies at your place before. Several

times I might add.”

He chuckled. “Yes, but now I can’t promise I’ll be able to keep my hands off of you while

we watch it.”

Bayleigh grinned. “Who says you have to?”

His eyes darkened with heat and she shivered in response. The decision had been made. The

rest of the drive to his house was in silence. It was a good thing because she would probably end up

in more trouble than she already was. Stepping inside of Dane’s home, she realized it was going to

get worse.

His home was spacious, decorated with elegance. His furniture luxurious, everything she

could want in a home. She smiled when she spotted the lamps she bought him for a housewarming

gift when he purchased his home a year ago. Dane asked her help during the entire process. Bayleigh

went on so many house walkthrough’s, it felt like she was buying the house too. Even Dane’s real

estate agent thought they were dating. Little had she known she would be standing here in that

capacity a year later.

“I’ll be right back.” Dane placed a kiss on her temple.” Make yourself comfortable.”

Bayleigh nodded, watching as he walked toward the back of the house. She went into the

living room, beckoned by the bay windows, overlooking his backyard. This was one her favorite

features of his home.

Her eyes went to his pool. Tonight was a good night for a swim. It might be exactly what

she needed to cool down her heated thoughts. She still felt achy, sensitive all over from earlier. Dane

didn’t have to touch her to turn her on, his words were enough.

Still, getting to know him on an intimate level scared her. Intimacy could generate the kind

of feelings she was looking for, but afraid of. A simple touch, a look, his presence could bring them

to the surface. At the sound of his footsteps behind her, she turned. Her eyes widened. Dane had

taken the small reprieve to get
comfortable. He stood before her in a pair of blue jersey shorts,

nothing else. Her gaze traveled over the vast amount of skin revealed to her. His body was tone in

all the places he needed to be. All of the areas she wanted him to be.

Dane smiled. “You were supposed to get comfortable.”

Bayleigh slipped out of her shoes and he chuckled in response. He looked over her shoulder.

“You enjoying the view?”

“Which one?”

His eyebrows rose gracefully. “You’re bad, Bayleigh.”

She gave a small shrug. “Just when you’re around.”

He stepped closer to her. “Strange. I never noticed that before now.”

Bayleigh shivered with sexual awareness. Dane was so potent that he frightened her, made

her want to take a couple of steps back.

“Are you having second thoughts?”

Looking up at him, she wondered how he read her so well. It was unnerving.

“I will respect you if you change your mind,” he whispered. “I have a guest room you can

sleep in.”

His words calmed her. However, they were unnecessary. She’d imagined this moment since

straddling him at Club Onyx a week ago. She wanted this night with him, bad case of nerves or not.

“I haven’t changed my mind.”

Reaching out, she touched his shoulders. Her hands slid down to his chest and his muscles

flexed at her touch. “Just promise me one thing.”

Heat simmered in his gaze. “Anything.”

Stepping closer to him, she titled her head to the side. “Try not to jam my zipper this time.”

His eyes filled with humor. “I will do my best,” he murmured.

His hands came up to rest on her shoulders. Bayleigh allowed him to turn her away from

him. Her heart beat rapidly when his hands began unzipping her dress. The tint on the glass in front

of them allowed them to see out without letting anyone outside see in.

It also provided the perfect reflective surface for her to watch everything he was doing.

His lips found the soft spot on her neck, causing her to gasp.

He slid the straps down her shoulders trapping her arms to her sides.

She moaned when he cupped her breast in his hands. Even through the bra his touch singed

her. She sagged against him as his thumbs fondled her aching nipples.

“My dress,” she moaned.

“Is beautiful,” he teased in a raspy tone.

If her body could cooperate, she would have hit him. Dane hadn’t finished unzipping her

dress so she was trapped.

“It would be more beautiful completely off,” she growled.

“It will be,” he whispered against her ear.

Instead of doing as she suggested, his hands moved toward the hem and raised her dress

upward, exposing her thighs an inch at a time. Bayleigh quivered with the anticipation of his touch.

His hands slid inside her panties, causing her to inhale deeply, tensing when he began lowering


“Step out of them,” he demanded, once they pooled around her ankles. A strong wave of

arousal surged through her leaving her uncertain if she could get her legs to cooperate. After what

felt like an eternity, she lifted one leg then the other.

“Good sweetheart. Now I explore what I’ve uncovered.”

He drew her back into him, his hard sex making it presence known against her bottom.

Making her tremble at the thought of how easy it would be for him to take her right there. Like this.

“I can see you,” he whispered near her ear while he inched her legs apart.

His words compelled her to look at their images in the window. In the reflection, she looked

wanton waiting for his touch, his hand splayed against her stomach sliding toward her heat. The first

stroke of her slick flesh made her cry out with pleasure. Her head fell back onto his chest and he

pressed forward sliding deep into her. Seeking something to grab onto, she moaned.

“I love the way you feel in my hands, Bayleigh.”

Gasping, she watched his hand pluck her like an instrument. His touch was driving her

higher. Dane shifted against her causing his touch to delve deeper.

Oh my God, Dane,
” she moaned.

“That’s it, Bayleigh. Come for me.”

The strong contractions began and she had no choice but to comply. His name fell from her

lips on a high-pitched cry. She was grateful for his close hold on her, or she would have slipped to

the floor.

“Beautiful, so beautiful,” he whispered, removing his fingers from her. His hands went

around to the back of her dress, undoing the zipper the rest of the way, freeing her arms. Bayleigh

was too drained to speak. Dane swept her up into his arms and she wrapped her arms around his


Dane carried her through the door into his massive bedroom. Bayleigh took in his huge bed,

memories of their last encounter flashing through her mind. The soft lamplight seemed less

obtrusive, now that she expected it. He stood her on her feet, turned her to face the bed. A second

later she felt the dress being slipped over her hips. The dress pooled at her feet and she followed his

instructions to step out of it. After he turned her back around, Dane scooped her up into his arms

again. Bayleigh smiled as he placed her gently on the bed. When he stepped back instead of joining

her, she looked at him in confusion.


Reaching into a drawer of the nightstand, he pulled out a box, then tossed to her. It was

unopened. He’d had plenty the last time she had been here. Why the need for a new box? Dane

laughed when he saw her expression.

“After the last time you were here, I had to restock. We went through my entire supply.”

Staring at the box, recalling the pile of empty condoms wrappers she saw the last time she

was here. Her eyebrows rose as she read the box. “A variety pack?”

“It’s better that way. Pick one.”

Glancing down again, she saw there were plenty to choose from. Flavored, textured, and

extra lubricated. Fortunately, she didn’t care which one they used first. Dane’s expression told her

they would end up using all of the condoms before it was over with. Bayleigh opened the box and

reached for the first packet she touched. Placing the box aside, she turned her attention back to him.

His gaze traveled across her body, seeming to take in every feminine curve. Last time neither

of them had taken the time to explore each other’s body visually. She realized she was at a

disadvantage. His jersey shorts obstructed her view. Getting onto her knees, she crawled toward


Bayleigh slipped her hands into the waistband of his shorts, pushing them down until they

landed at his feet. He kicked them aside. She smiled when he bent to pick her dress up, laying it on

the ottoman at the foot of the bed. When he came back to her, he was long, hard, and fully aroused.

Dane took the packet out of her hand. When he tore open the foil package she laughed at the

expression that appeared on his face. It smelled as though they walked into a strawberry orchid.

She watched as he sheathed himself in the sung latex. The temptation to taste him was hard

to resist. Fortunately the bed’s height kept her from having to bend over too far to reach her goal.

Her tongue barely touched him before he pulled away. His mouth was drawn into a tight line.

“Later,” he rasped.

As he eased her back onto the bed, capturing her mouth in a delicious kiss, she didn’t

protest. Her fingers found their way into his hair. The soft strands slid through her fingers with ease.

His mouth left hers, sliding moist kisses along her jaw, down her throat. A moan erupted from her

when he lavished attention on her breasts before moving lower. He opened her knees, settling her

legs over his arms. Bayleigh gasped. The position left her open, vulnerable in a way she hadn’t been


Reaching out, she stopped Dane.

“Dane, I’m not sure about this…I’ve never…”

Her voice trailed off and he lifted his head. His expression told her he understood. He took

her hands in his.

to taste you. I
to. I didn’t get a chance the last time we were together, but if you

are uncomfortable at any time, I will stop.”

His gaze remained on her until she relaxed, then he lowered his head again, his mouth

finding her in an open mouth caress. Her body shuddered at the long, slow stroke of his tongue.

Dane suckled and licked until she was left panting. His tongue thrust deep before withdrawing. She

felt empty until his tongue flicked, tasting her as if he couldn’t get enough.

—I can’t—
” she moaned.

Her hand tightened around his. Heat seared through her leaving her mindless. Sharp

pleasure spiraled through her sending her over the edge. Tumbling helplessly, she cried out. Her

body arched as she exploded. Dane came up over her before the orgasm receded. He flexed his hips

burying himself to the hilt. His breath hitched then released in a groan of pleasure. Grasping her

hips in his hands, he lifted her to meet his deep thrust. Bayleigh cried out and he paused looking

down at her.

“Did I hurt you?”

Shaking her head, she fought to keep her emotions at bay.

His tenderness touched her. “I’m fine.”

He brought his lips down on hers before he began to move. His thrusts, strong and

powerful, stole her breath. She wrapped her legs around his waist, rocking against him, pushing her

higher with the friction he created. The pleasure was exquisite and he pitched her over the brink


Dane threw his head back, growling as she pulled him into his own release. When he

collapsed on her, she gasped, trying to catch her breath. What they just shared hadn’t been a fluke. It

was just as explosive as the first time, if not more. He lifted his head, seeking her mouth for a deep,

tender kiss. When he pulled back she smiled. The man was hot as hell, gorgeous, and he was hers.

She was frightened by the latter thought, but she didn’t want to give him up. And she wasn’t going

to share.

* * * *

Bayleigh came awake slowly, a smile on her lips before she opened her eyes. She rolled onto

her back giving a slow stretch. It hadn’t been her intention to stay the entire night, but Dane’s tight

BOOK: One Reckless Night
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