Only Enchanting (29 page)

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Authors: Mary Balogh

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His expression was mocking as he cut into his beef again.

“Ah, but I do care, Mother,” he said. “I always have.”

“We came to London immediately after our nuptials, Mother,” Agnes said, “so that I might learn something of what my new status will demand of me. New clothes, I understand, are the mere beginning. And though I was upset earlier to discover that you had come here too before having a chance to learn of our marriage and accustom yourself to the knowledge, now I am glad you are here. For in many ways my mother-in-law and, I hope, my sister-in-law can do far more to help me fit into my new life than Flavian alone can do. I am perfectly willing to do all that is proper and necessary.”

She hoped she did not sound obsequious. She was actually perfectly sincere. She really had not given enough thought before her marriage to the fact that, as well as being Flavian’s wife, she was also going to be his
. Though in truth, of course, she had not given enough thought to

Flavian smiled at her with sleepy eyes. The dowager gave her a hard look, in which there were perhaps the stirrings of approval.

And life became a whirlwind, something so far beyond Agnes’s experiences that she might as well have been snatched away into a different universe.

She spent much of her first morning and all the afternoon at the Bond Street salon of Madame Martin—pronounced the French way, though Agnes suspected the petite modiste, with her eloquently waving hands and heavy accent, had been born and bred no more than a few miles from her shop. There Agnes was fitted for a dizzying array of garments for every occasion under the sun. And there she was shown book after book of fashion plates, bolt after bolt of cloth, and so many different trims and buttons and ribbons and sashes that she ended up feeling rather like a sponge long since saturated with water.

Flavian escorted her there, but it was his mother who stayed the whole time while he wandered off after ten minutes or so to destinations unknown and did not reappear for more than five hours.
And even then they were not quite ready to go with him. It was his mother who suggested and advised and had her own way more and more as the hours ticked by, even though it was soon obvious that her tastes differed in some significant ways from her daughter-in-law’s. But how could Agnes fight against the combined expertise of a lady who had moved all her life in the world of the
and of one of London’s leading modistes, who was not shy about proclaiming the fact that she dressed

It was all very bewildering and rather depressing when perhaps it ought to have been exciting. Or perhaps it was merely exhausting.

Agnes gave up thinking of the money that was being lavished upon her, especially when, on the second day, she and her mother-in-law and Marianne began a round of other shops on Bond Street and Oxford Street in search of bonnets and fans, reticules and parasols, stockings and undergarments, perfumes and colognes and vinaigrettes, slippers and boots, and goodness knew what else, all of them deemed the very barest of necessities for a lady of quality.

For that was what she now, was by the simple fact that Flavian had married her. But if she was a lady
of quality
now, she asked herself ruefully, what had she been before her second marriage? Did
of quality
have an opposite? It would be very lowering if it did.

On that second day, after she had returned home exhausted and dispirited, the butler informed her that three candidates for the position of her personal maid were in the housekeeper’s parlor awaiting her pleasure. For once in her life Agnes understood that she was going
to need a maid, and she had also quickly learned that Pamela, the chambermaid who had been assigned to her temporarily, had neither the aptitude nor the ambition for the promotion. But must she see the candidates
? She probably must, if she did not want someone else choosing for her.

“Let them come to me one at a time in the morning room, Mr. Biggs,” she said, handing him her bonnet and gloves, and feeling thankful that her mother-in-law had stopped off at Marianne’s house to see her grandchildren. Agnes had professed herself too weary to accompany her.

She decided against the first candidate. The woman came highly recommended by Lady Somebody-or-other, a friend of the dowager’s, but she addressed Agnes as
in tones of such superior condescension that Agnes felt diminished to half her size. And she rejected the second, who sniffed wetly throughout her interview and spoke in a nasal monotone, but denied having a cold when asked—she even looked rather surprised at the question.

The third candidate, a thin, rather scrawny-looking girl sent by an agency, told Agnes her name was Madeline.

“Though Maddy will do nicely, my lady, if you prefer, since Madeline sounds a bit uppity for a maid, doesn’t it?” she said. “My dad give us all big names. If there couldn’t be nothing else grand in our lives, he always said, God rest his soul, at least we had our names.”

“What a lovely thought, Madeline,” Agnes said.

The girl did not wait to be interviewed. She launched into speech.

“They said you was going to have your hair cut tomorrow,” she said.
, Agnes guessed, was the housekeeper. “I can see it must be very long, my lady, and it would be a good idea to have it neatened up if you
haven’t done so for a while. But don’t let them chop off too much. Some ladies look fine enough all crimped and curled, but you can do better than that, if you’ll pardon me for telling you so when you haven’t asked. You can look
and turn heads wherever you go.”

“And you can style it elegantly, can you, Madeline?” Agnes asked, beginning to relax despite her sore feet.

“Oh, I can, my lady,” the girl assured her, “even though I don’t look as hoity-toity as
down below, who thinks herself good enough to dress a duchess.” Ah, Finchley, her mother-in-law’s dresser, must have shown herself in the housekeeper’s room too, Agnes thought. “I got six sisters as well as my mum, and I love nothing in the world more than doing their hair. And they are all different. That’s the whole secret, really, isn’t it? To do someone’s hair to suit their faces and figures and ages and hair type, not just to make them look like everyone else, whether they ought to or not.”

“If I were to employ you, Madeline,” Agnes said, “there would be more for you to do than just style my hair.”

“You were out at the dressmaker’s all of yesterday,” Madeline said, “and other places today for all the things to go with the dresses. They told us so when we got here.”

“Oh, dear,” Agnes said. “Were you kept waiting long, Madeline? I am so sorry.”

The girl looked shocked and then laughed merrily.

“You are a right one,” she said. “I can see that. No wonder they was sniffing downstairs—well,
anyway—and saying as how you come from the country and don’t know nothing about nothing. I hope you didn’t let no one talk you into having lots of frills and flounces.”

Agnes feared she had probably done just that, though in truth she could scarcely recall what she had ended up agreeing to.

“I ought to avoid them?” she asked. “I must confess, Madeline, that I have never thought of myself as a frilly sort of person.”

“Nor you aren’t,” the girl said.

“But dullness is not permitted by the
, it would seem.” Agnes smiled ruefully.

Madeline looked shocked again.

“Dull?” she said. “You? You could knock them all into a tall hat, my lady, with the right clothes and the right hair. But not by outcrimping and outfrilling them. You ought to look
. Not in an old-lady sort of way, I don’t mean. How old

Agnes was hard put not to laugh out loud.

“Twenty-six,” she said.

“Just what I thought,” Madeline said. “Ten years older than me. But not
even so. Not a girl either, though, and I bet they have all been trying to get you to look like all those young things that will be flocking here soon to look for rich nobs to marry. If I had the dressing of you, my lady, I would tell you what to wear, and I wouldn’t let you wear the wrong things. Not that I ought to speak so freely when everyone tells me I’m wasting my time coming here and ought to think myself lucky if I can get a scullery maid’s job. I’m talking too much, aren’t I? I do that when I want something terrible bad.”

“And you want to dress me terribly badly,” Agnes said, smiling at her, “and my hair.”

“Yes, my lady, I do,” Madeline said, suddenly looking all big eyed and anxious. “Especially after seeing you. You are lovely. Oh, not in that pretty-pretty way of some, but you got
. Don’t you love that word? I learned it new a few weeks ago, and I been looking for a suitable chance to use it.”

“I think, Madeline,” Agnes said, “you had better move your things here tomorrow and get yourself properly
outfitted for the position of personal dresser to Viscountess Ponsonby. No scullery maid’s job for you. Your talents would be wasted on a scrubbed floor, I suspect. I will give instructions. And the day after tomorrow you will accompany me to Madame Martin’s shop on Bond Street. I will need to make some minor changes to the instructions I left for the clothes she is making for me. There is no point in having them made and delivered if you will not allow me to wear them, is there?”

“I got the job?” Madeline looked afraid to believe the evidence of her own ears.

“You have the job,” Agnes said and smiled. “I hope I will not disappoint you.”

Madeline jumped to her feet, and for one startled moment Agnes thought the girl was going to hug her. Instead she clasped her hands very tightly to her bosom and bobbed a curtsy.

“You won’t be sorry, my lady,” she said. “Oh, you won’t, honest. You’ll see. I’ll make you all the rage. Oh,
till I tell Mum and the girls. They won’t

Agnes had two inches taken off her hair the following day, just enough to tidy the ends. Mr. Johnston, the hairdresser to whom she was taken, was not happy with her. Neither was her mother-in-law. But Flavian approved and said so when he came to her that night and saw her hair down.

“I expected to f-find a shorn lamb at the d-dinner table earlier,” he told her. “But instead I found Agnes with shining, elegant t-tresses. Is that what the hairdresser d-did for you?”

“He merely trimmed it,” she told him. “Madeline dressed it—my new maid.”

“That little s-slip of a thing in her new uniform that looks s-stiff enough to stand up without her in it?” he asked. “The one who f-frowned at me when she passed
me outside your d-door, as though she did not think me worthy to kiss as much as your little toenail?”

“Oh, dear,” she said, “she seems to like me. She persuaded me to leave my hair long and to aim for elegance instead of youthful prettiness in my appearance. I have
, it seems, and I am not
, though I am ten years her senior and therefore tottering on the brink. I really ought not to try competing with all the young girls who will be making their come-out this year, though.”

“She is someone to be f-feared despite appearances, then, is she?” he said. “Especially by a m-mere husband? I shall look h-humble the next time I see her. Perhaps she will stop frowning at me and allow me to keep c-coming to your room.”

Agnes laughed, and he twined his fingers in her hair and drew her to him by the nape of her neck.

“Thank heaven for M-Madeline,” he said against her mouth. “I hope I am paying her a decent wage. I like your hair l-long, Agnes. And you already are elegant. All those young g-girls would be well advised not to try c-competing with you.”

“Absurd.” She laughed again.

And then she abandoned herself to passion.

She could believe in impossible dreams when he made love to her—and when she made love to him. It was always mutual. Who would have expected that a wife could make love to her husband?

And why should dreams be impossible just because they
dreams? Didn’t dreams sometimes come true?

*   *   *

Agnes did indeed return to Madame Martin’s the next morning. After three days of unrelenting shopping, her mother-in-law had announced her intention of lying abed until a decent hour of the morning or early afternoon, and it was easy to slip out of the house alone with
just Madeline walking decently—and proudly—beside her. Flavian had gone off after breakfast to indulge in some masculine pursuits that included various clubs, and a boxing and fencing saloon, and Tattersall’s.

Adjustments—most of them minor, a few rather more major—were made to the massive order Agnes had left with the modiste two days before. Two of the designs—one for a ball gown, the other for a walking dress—were tossed out altogether and replaced with simpler, more classic designs. Flounces were sacrificed quite ruthlessly and replaced with delicate embroideries and laces and scallops. Madame Martin, who had looked askance at Madeline at the start and suggested tactfully that perhaps “my lady” ought to bring the dowager viscountess back with her to discuss any proposed changes, ended up regarding the maid with something like respect.

“My sister-in-law mentioned yesterday,” Agnes said as they were leaving the salon, “that I really ought to take out a subscription at Hookham’s Library. I have taken a look in the book room at home, but the volumes there all seem very ancient and dry of topic. They lean heavily toward sermons and moral treatises.”

They had surely been purchased by a former viscount.

“Well, I ask you, my lady,” Madeline commented in some disgust. “Why bother learning your letters if you can’t find something more cheerful to read than sermons? It’s bad enough that you have to sit on them hard pews at church and listen to them once a week. And don’t some vicars go on and on and on?”

They found the library without any trouble, and Agnes paid her subscription and spent some time happily browsing among the shelves. There were books of poetry here, and novels and plays, and the main problem was going to be choosing just one or two to take with her. Though she could come back anytime, of course, to exchange them for
other books. What a wonderful invention a library was. There was a positive wealth of knowledge and entertainment here.

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