Open World (3 page)

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Authors: Casey Moss

BOOK: Open World
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Den was a fine specimen of a man, dressed in his tropical print
short sleeved shirt and tan cargo shorts. The first three buttons of his top
were undone. She imagined teasing the exposed expanse of skin with her
fingertips and then licking the area she’d touched. Actually, it was what she
planned to do once they ditched her family, she mused with a delightful

Alden grinned and winked as if he had read her thoughts and agreed
with the idea.

“Well, now, that’s something different,” Cass stated, picking at a
burger on her plate.
“A broker feigning interest in his
client’s family.
Interesting, very interesting.”

“For the love of all
that’s holy.
Young ladies, your behavior today has been deplorable. The disrespect…
The sarcasm’s not needed.” James pointedly stared at Cassandra. He ran a hand
over his face while shaking his head. “Good Lord. You’d think you’d have some
decorum at a work function.”

Hope stared at her boyfriend, silently imploring him to intervene
before a family war broke out and ruined the picnic.

Den offered a slight nod. He cleared his throat.

James turned.
“Ah, afternoon, Mr.
Have you been introduced to one of I-D-8’s investors? Mr. Corbet Jenkins, Mr.
Alden Mochrie, one of the level designers.”

“Have we met before?” Cor narrowed his eyes and raised a brow as
he shook
’s hand.

“Not formally. You’ve probably just seen me around the office
building,” Alden replied.

“Come, gentlemen,” James requested, his tone and mood much lighter
when speaking to Alden and Cor. “I want to introduce Mr. Jenkins to some other
families and I’d like your assistance
Alden.” He slapped the men on their backs, as if they’d
been best buddies for years instead of months and weeks, and led them away.

Hope’s gaze traveled from her father’s back to Cor’s then landed
on Alden’s ass. She loved the tight muscle structure of his body.

“Hope, honey, don’t pick at your food. If you’re done, toss out
your plate.”

“Yes, mother.” With a frozen smile, she rose and took care of her
Soon I’ll be done with college.
Hopefully Den’s and my relationship will go to the next level
. She turned
to go back to the table but stopped her approach. Her mother fussed over
Cassandra and Faith, attempting to fix their hair and straighten the lines of
their shirts. Sighing, she shook her head. It was great how her mother cared so
much about her family, but she wasn’t six anymore. Neither were Cassandra and
Faith, who finally escaped her scrutiny and hurried off in separate directions.

Perhaps it’s time for
me and Den to find our own place

Next to another pavilion, a portable radio loudly played a popular
country tune. Alden sauntered over to her, his movement fluid and in time with
the song. A wolfish half smile adorned his face and his gaze smoldered. When he
stopped in front of her, her breath and pulse quickened from the virile
magnetism crackling in the air around him.

“Perhaps it is.” He picked up her hand and placed a light kiss on
the back of it.

“What is?”
Had I spoken
She mentally shook her head.
wasn’t near me when I thought about moving out

“Whatever it is that’s brought that look into your beautiful hazel
eyes.” Den played with a lock of her hair at her shoulder.

Completely enthralled with the man—his commanding stature, his
mannerisms, his speech—she smiled. His strong, warrior looks, which seemed out
of place in the touristy outfit he wore, entranced her as well. But even with
his square jaw covered in a dark five o’clock shadow, his shoulder length
golden brown hair pulled back into a small tail and his deep green eyes, he
pulled off the ensemble somehow.

“Ah, I see Corbet and your father have returned.”

Alden’s whispered words refocused her attention to the table.
Compared to Den, the investor appeared too put together—used-car salesman
slick—in his white dress shirt and black pants with his brown hair slicked
back. He’d removed his suit jacket, revealing simple accessories, a gray belt,
silver watch and a black leather necklace. A silver star within a matching
circle pendant dangled from the band.

A chill encased her as her gaze stayed glued to the symbol.
Goosebumps broke out on her arms. She needed to point out the piece of jewelry
to Cassandra, who happened to be a practicing Wiccan. If anyone would know what
the necklace meant, it’d be her, and she’d be able verify whether they should
be worried or not about the man.

You okay? You’re
shivering.” Den wrapped an arm around her and rubbed her bicep.

I’m good. Just…” How
could she describe how she felt and articulate the thoughts running through her
mind without coming off sounding daft? Her father’s interest in Mr. Jenkins
perplexed her. Something seemed amiss when it came to the investor. He gave her
the willies. Her instincts screamed formidable foe. If she could detect all
that, why couldn’t her dad?

“Hope,” Alden said in his sultry, deep voice, squeezing and
massaging her arm. “Your brow is furrowed. Come dance with me. Forget what’s
troubling your mind.”

He led her into the mix of dancers and brought her body close to
his with their upper thighs and torsos touching. With confidence, he led her
into the flow of the two-step. She followed smoothly. He was a divine dancer
and moving around with him was like floating on water. Den spun her a few
times. Joyous laughter erupted from her, and when she landed against his body
after the last twirl, she snuck a lick of his chest as she had wanted to do
Salt and musk, totally male.
She wanted more.

“Do you think we could sneak away without my parents noticing we
took off?” she asked quietly.

“I’m sure we could.” He maneuvered them to
the edges of the group of dancers.

Hope scanned the gathering and, finding everyone to be otherwise
engaged, took his hand. She hurried with him to
the other side of the

“I think you’re the prettiest girl at the picnic,” he commented,
pulling her close when they were out of sight of the crowd. Den trailed a long
finger down the side of her face, picked up some of her hair and let the locks
sift over his hand.

The wispy ends of her hair tickled her neck. She quivered from his
light touch.

“I love your big, beautiful hazel eyes and how they look at me so
intently,” he continued. “I love how your rich, brown hair glints with shades
of red in the sun. I appreciate your intelligence and sense of humor. I don’t
ever want to let you go, see sadness in your eyes or to find harm come your

He feathered his lips over hers. She trembled against him. Wanting
him against her, she dislodged another button so she could bare more skin and
rest her cheek against it.

“I know you’re finishing college shortly, and you’re planning on finding
a job on the strip.”

She nodded, deciding to unbutton the rest of the fastenings of his
shirt, and stroked her hands along his chest.

“I want us to take our relationship to the next level,” he stated
in a shaky breath. “I’d like to speak to your father about marrying you.”

She raked her
fingernails across his nipples and watched them peak. “That would be wonderful.
The last performance of my play is next Sunday afternoon. You can come to
dinner with me and my family afterwards. That should present a good opportunity
to talk to him.” Hope traced a path on his chest with her tongue.

“You keep this
we might find
ourselves in a state of disarray. And what would happen if someone were to come
by? If your father were to find out that you’re not exactly the good girl
everyone thinks you to be?” Den stepped back, holding her at arm’s length. A
shadow fell over them. He glanced up at the sky. A dark cloud had formed
overhead and several more appeared to be blowing into their area.

“You’re right. But you don’t know how much I want you right now. I
want to feel you against me, your hot slick body sliding against mine.” To
bring the point home, she stepped forward and laid her hand on the bulge in his
pants. Just as she expected, it was hard.

He detached her hand from him and held it. “You know we can’t do
anything right now. Not with the LAN party about to get underway.”

Hope frowned and batted her eyelashes. “Can’t I have even a little

As she desired, Den yanked her against his body, cupping a breast
in his hand, and claimed her mouth. With a happy sigh, s
he relaxed and molded into him. His mouth sensuously moved upon
hers and
when it parted
she followed suit, allowing
his tongue access to search
and conquer. Hungrily, wanting him more
than ever, she matched his movements, undoing his ponytail and running her
fingers through his long, soft hair, reveling in its silkiness. She moved her
hand down to the front of his pants where she’d been before. Again she cradled
him and massaged his cock through his shorts. His tongue delved deeper into her
mouth. His fingers tweaked the growing nipple beneath her shirt and bra.

Happiness, combined with a feeling of
forbidden pleasure, created a stormy sea of sensation within her. She was lost
and found in his kiss. With him she truly believed she was safe, secure…cherished.
When he pulled away and looked down upon her, she knew she had found her prince
charming, her proverbial knight in shining armor.

Den clasped her in his arms. She nuzzled
her cheek along his chest again and, as she gazed upon the community’s pool
area, movement caught her attention. She could have sworn she saw Mr. Jenkins
duck behind the corner of the building.


Chapter Three


Den didn’t want to let go of his girl, he knew the LAN party would be starting
inside soon. Plus, he still had to figure out what the deal was with the weird
stuff he’d daydreamed about earlier. That was something he couldn’t do if Hope
kept distracting him. He detached himself from her grasp. “I have to go in and
check on how the set-up is going.”

you have to? Aren’t there people already in there taking care of all that?
You’re a level designer, not a networker.”

true, but we’re all part of the same team. I want to help. The more I learn
about the company and its inner workings the better it’ll be for me…for us in
the long run.” He clasped her hands, brought them to his lips and lightly
kissed the backs of them.

“All right.
I know you’re right. It’s just
that you’ve been working such long hours. I feel like I rarely get to see you

sorry, babe. It won’t be much longer now. The project will be done. You’ll be
done with school. I promise we’ll take a trip together. Go somewhere quiet and
private where we can fully enjoy each other every moment of the day and night.
But for now I have to get to work. I’ll see you inside.”

Hope pulled her hands out of his and crossed her arms.

hated hearing the sadness in her voice but couldn’t do anything about it at the
moment or even make up for his absence in the next few weeks. He kissed her
forehead, then strolled around to the front of the community building and
entered by the front door.

conditioned air blasted over him, lowering his skin temperature. He hadn’t
realized how hot he’d been outdoors. Den took a moment to breathe and relax
before the chaos of gaming began.

gathering area, which when empty reminded him of a great room in someone’s
house, had been rearranged. Two black leather couches and a matching recliner
had been pushed against the far wall blocking a pair of sliding glass doors. A brick
façade fireplace lay bare since there was no need for supplemental heat. Opposite
the hearth and in the far corner area was the kitchen. A breakfast bar counter divided
the great area from the food space and was laden with cans of soda, bottles of
water and various snacks.

the most important part spread out in front of him. Three rows of long folding
tables spanned the room. Two more near the kitchen were pushed up against the
three making the whole configuration look like a squared off M on its side. Keyboards,
monitors, switches and small pyramid crystals filled the table tops, and wires
cascaded down in colorful streams to computer towers and power strips. Enough
room on top of and under the table surrounded each chair and work space.

woman with light brown hair pulled into a pony tail popped up from beneath the
middle table. Scratching her head, she stared down at a monitor.

Beth,” Den called out to her as he strolled into the room. “Need a hand?”

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