Oracle Bones (82 page)

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Authors: Peter Hessler

BOOK: Oracle Bones
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Drew, Nancy (author’s former student)

author’s visits with Willy and
pregnancy of
relationship with, and marriage to “Willy”
teaching jobs held by
visits to Sichuan hometown

Duan Fang (oracle bone collector and Qing diplomat)


Eastern Zhou dynasty

East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM).
See also
Uighurs (ethnic group)

East Turkestan Republic.
See also
Uighurs (ethnic group)

Educating Talents School, Yueqing, Zhejiang province

education, Chinese

economic reforms and rural
private schools

Egyptian hieroglyphic writing


author as witness of, in Chinese village of Xituogu
in Taiwan (2001)

Eliot, T. S.

Elphinston, Bob (IOC inspector)

Elvin, Mark

Emily (author’s former student)

boyfriend Anry
boyfriend Zhu Yunfeng
changes career to work with disabled children
employment conditions
as fan of Hu Xiaomei’s radio program
isolation and alienation of
letter to Country Music Association from
migration of, to Shenzhen
parents and brother of
response of, to author’s article about her
response of, to Miao Yong novel
Shenzhen social issues and
on sister’s decision to migrate
visits with author

English language

Chinese government plan for study of
development of individuality and self-confidence through study of
reform of written
Special English
VOA broadcasts in China

English-language instruction

corruption in examination system related to
private schools for

Esperanto language

East Turkestan Islamic Movement

Export Processing Zones


Falun Gong (Falun Dafa)

government ban on
human rights abuses against
origin and principles of
Tiananmen Square demonstrations organized by

famine in China, early 1960s


The Fifth Great Civilization
(Xu Chaolong)

film industry, Chinese

author’s interviews with actor and director Jiang Wen
author’s visit to Xinjiang movie set
film directed by Jiang Wen,
Devils on the Doorstep
in Reform and Opening era
Uighurs and Kazaks as actors in


importance of, to American culture
of Reform and Opening era
videos and DVDs of 9/11 terrorist attacks


Flaming Mountains

Flying Horse of Wuwei

former students, author’s

Nancy Drew [
Drew, Nancy (author’s former student)]
Willy [
Foster, William Jefferson “Willy” (author’s former student)]


Forney, Matt

Foster, William Jefferson “Willy” (author’s former student)

adjustment problems of, as migrant
author observes English class taught
author’s visits with Nancy and
birth of
birth of daughter Dai Yuecan
on corruption, crime, and cheating on exams
education of
English study, and notebook entries
exposure of local English-exam corruption by
family and Sichuan home village of
letters to author from
listens to Voice of America
migration by, to east coast
on prejudice against migrant workers
relationship with, and marriage to “Nancy Drew”
his students’ performance and exam leaks
teaching jobs held by, in Zhejiang province
on terrorist attacks against U.S.
visits home to Sichuan by
wins English-teaching contest

free-market reforms.
Reform and Opening policies

Fujian province, emigration from

Fuling Teachers College, Sichuan province


Galambos, Imre (scholar)

his Web site sales of Chinese characters to Westerners
on importance of movies to American culture
on importance of written language to Chinese culture
on relationship of language to perceived reality
work as curator of Dunhuang manuscripts at British Library

games, Chinese

GANEFO (Games of the Newly Emerging Forces)

Gansu province

film industry in

Gao Xingjian (writer)

Gates, Bill

passage on English exam about

Gates, Melinda

General Tao Chicken

geography, Chinese history and significance of


Gobi Desert

Gong Bangxing (dove keeper)

Gong Li (actor)

Gore, Al (U.S. vice president)

Great Leap Forward economic policies

Great Wall

author’s camping trip to, and subsequent police detention

Greece, concept of hero in ancient

Guang’an, Sichuan province

(within and beyond the gates)

Guo, Xiansheng (engineer)

Kuomintang government

Guo Moruo (poet), rediscovery of Flying Horse figure and


Hainan Island

Han Chinese (ethnic group)

migration of, into Xinjiang

Han dynasty (202
. 220)

Han Jingdi (Han emperor)

Hanyu Da Cidian
, index for

Hao, Lady, tomb of

Heaney, Seamus

Hebei province, film
Devils on the Doorstep
set in

He Huixian (executive)

Helms, Jesse, as ally of Uighurs

He Ping (film director)


hero concept in Western and Chinese cultures

Hessler, Peter (author)

Boston Globe
camping trip to Great Wall and police detention of
on Chinese and American cultural similarities
criticism of Western media by
former students of (
former students, author’s)
homes in Beijing
job at
Wall Street Journal
Beijing bureau
legal status of
press role of, accompanying Olympics inspection committee
publication of first book
teaching at Fuling Teachers College held by
on teaching versus writing
on U.S. after 9/11 terrorist attacks
on work as journalist
writing assignment on cornstarch industry

Historical Records
(Sima Qian)

history, Chinese view of

oracle bones and

Hong Kong SAR

telecasts from

Hong Kong Standard


in Chinese art
in Chinese culture
problems with, on Chinese movie set
Yin Binyong on, as most important animal in Chinese culture

Hou Chia Chuang (The Ying-Shang Cemetery Site at Anyang, Honan), Volume X

Huang Xu (husband of former student Shirley)

Huang Zhe (wife of Zhao Jingxin)

Huan River

Hu Jintao (Chinese vice president)

Hundred Flowers Campaign (1957)

Hundred Talents High School, Yuhuan, Zhejiang province

hunting in China

neighborhoods, Beijing

Hu Xiaomei (radio host)

author’s interview with
Emily’s phone call to


industry in China, labor-intensive light

Institute of Archaeology, Chinese

Institute of History and Philology, Taiwan

International Olympic Committee (IOC)

organization and history of
site inspections in Beijing

In the Heat of the Sun




Jackson, Jesse


Chinese film on World War II occupation by
Manchukuo puppet state established by
occupation of Beijing by
occupation of Nanjing, and atrocities committed by
political control of Taiwan by
removal of oracle bones to Taiwan during war with

Japanese people and language

Jeldres, Julio A.

Jenks, Jeremiah W.

Jesuits in China


See also
counterfeit goods and services (

Jiang Wen (actor, film director)

author’s interviews with
Devils on the Doorstep
film directed by
on Xinjiang movie set

Jiang Zemin (Chinese president)

George W. Bush state visit to China and

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