Orfeo (45 page)

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Authors: Richard Powers

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In the background of the photo grins a fearless girl. She’s in the kitchen now, making tea with an electric kettle and tea bags taken from an elegant roundel. Two vanilla wafers for each of you. She comes back into the dining room where you sit, her brows a single mound of worry in the middle of her forehead.

You think: My only decent composition.

Other photos on the sideboard tell the truer story: preteen and her fledgling half-sister, at the foot of a bumper Christmas tree. Mother, stepfather, and happy grad, her mortarboard caught in midair. Young woman and her feckless man in front of Half Dome, their walking sticks raised in a mock-joust. All the dense, long years of daily being, the real heft of it, not the mere soundtrack you imagine. You know nothing of her causes, the pulls on her compass, what she does all day to pay the mortgage on this trim place. In her life, you were mostly an itinerant sower of pain. And still she came and found you out in your self-made wilderness, kept you phone company every week when you had none, bought you a dog.

She sits and pours. First the tea, then a cookie go into her mouth like she’s blowing on a pitch pipe.

Please tell me you didn’t write those things.

The ones that proliferate like living things, all over the Net. You’d like to tell her that. You almost could. It’s almost true.

You shrug, and the shrug makes her curse you. The pent-up stress of forty years. More profanity, and she starts to cry. You take her hands, but she flicks yours away and pulls hers to her neck. She closes her eyes, bows her head, pinches the bridge of her nose. You see wild gray strands in her hair. You, who never see anything.

Her voice wavers like a student violin.
I don’t
you. What are you trying to do?

But music doesn’t do. It is. Dust in the wheat, sand among the sands.

So many noises abroad tonight, it’s hard to add a thing. The air fills with trivial ecstasies. And here, at last, it’s enough to attend, to keep still and add nothing to the mix. The spring wind takes the metal blinds and scrapes them against the window casement. There are sirens, miles away. Fire or violence, someone’s life ending. A trickle of radio from a passing car. The chirping of gadgets. The chime of a glockenspiel broadcast from an ice-cream truck three blocks and sixty-six years away. The television of neighbors through the townhouse walls, tuned to the eternal national talent show. The hum of air conditioners, like frogs in the trees. A cheering crowd, an echoing PA. A cloud of buzzing insects and the silent pings of bats that hunt them in crazy knots across the sky. The coursing of blood in the capillaries of your ears. No place is greater than where you lived.

I wanted to make you proud.

She shakes her head, incredulous. Proud?
I thought you were God.

Until I left.

She shakes her head, denying the denial.

The phone rings. She finds the offending device and kills it. But not before you hear the ringtone three times. It’s as familiar as breathing, but you can’t place it. Then you can.

What is that? Where did you . . .?

She doesn’t answer you—you, the one person on Earth who doesn’t need that ringtone identified. Instead, she rises and whisks the tea service away before you can finish. No lingering, this one. There are problems to solve, systems to work, old nightmares to keep from reprising.

You can stay here. I’ll hide you. We’ll call that lawyer tomorrow, the one I told you about. He’ll figure out something.

You hear the first van pull up and a door open. She looks at you, thick with hope, ready to believe that even now, every misguided public confession might still be called back. Then her face clouds over again with pain.
You really did that?

You squint: Did what? There’s much to plead guilty to. But you want to be sure.

She can’t stop looking, scrutinizing you for evidence. Her eyes say: You turned a living cell into a music box? A CD? Something in the look could almost pass for excitement.

Somebody says they’ve isolated it already. Somebody uploaded . . .

you say.
Not possible.

The rattle and thump of another van, on the other side of the house. Boots hitting pavement. You can’t make out how many. Then your daughter asks what she hasn’t asked since childhood.

What does it sound like?

Her eyes shoot toward the piano. A shy request: Play it for me, this thing that the world will only ever be able to guess at. Once, on another coast, you told a terrified eight-year-old,
Nothing is going to change. We’ll still be like we always were
. Now your frightened forty-two-year-old triathlete data miner needs another lie.

A cordon assembles around the house. The pound of boots, the sawtooth whine of something electronic.

It’s a fine piano, better than any you’ve ever owned. You try out a few chords. They ring like the brightest future. Your fingers say: Love, let’s not give sadness any more ground. They remember something, your digits, a song you wrote for her mother, way back when, on a dare. After a few stumbles, it comes back. Resurrected.

She laughs in surprise.
Oh, no! You didn’t. You didn’t use that.

No; you smile, a little puckish. No, you’re right. It seems important to be as far out of the house as possible when they reach you, as free and clear as you can get. You say,
I can’t believe you remember that one.

On the far side of the music rack is a bud vase filled with fresh-cut lily of the valley. It’s ready-made, if a little theatrical. Useful to have something in your hand, and the bud vase will look much like lab glassware in the dark. You pick it up and hold it to you.

You’d be surprised,
she says.

You look down at the keys, those twelve repeating black and white prison bars. There’s something in there that you’d still love to jailbreak, even here, even this late, tonight. You will not find the key in this life. But the still-unfolding sounds, the music you felt and lost, the combinations you just missed finding, the dangerous songs still waiting to be made:
y así como no tuvo nacimiento no tiene muerte
. No birth, and so no death. That river of remembered futures will go on without you, changing nothing but its course, its lips. This love, Love: this love has no end.

you say.
Hear that?

She goes to the window and lifts the curtain. A cry tears out of her.
Oh, shit.
Her body retreats from the glass and her arms fend off the fact.
Her eyes dull and dilate. Her face goes gray.
she pleads
. No. Oh, please, no.

you say. Safe though all safety’s lost.
Sar? Let’s make something.

She shakes her head, sick with terror. Her eyes search yours: Make what?

Something good. Good loud. Good lively. A rose no one knows.

When she nods, even a little, you’ll head to the door and through it. Run out into a place fresh and green and alert again to whole new dangers. You’ll keep moving, vivace, as far as you can get, your bud vial high, like a conductor readying his baton to cue something luckier than anyone supposes. Downbeat of a little infinity. And at last you will hear how this piece goes.



For my account of the creation and premiere of Olivier Messiaen’s
Quatuor pour la fin du temps
, I am indebted to Rebecca Rischin’s excellent book
For the End of Time



Copyright © 2014 by Richard Powers

All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

First Edition

For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book,
write to Permissions, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.,
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Manufacturing by Courier Westford

Book design by Chris Welch

Production manager: Anna Oler

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Powers, Richard, 1957–

Orfeo : a novel / Richard Powers. — First Edition.

pages cm

ISBN 978-0-393-24082-5 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-0-393-24268-3 (e-book)

1. Composers—Fiction. 2. Time travel—Fiction. 3. Music—Quotations,
maxims, etc.—Fiction. 4. Musical fiction. I. Title.

PS3566.O92O74 2014



W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110


W. W. Norton & Company Ltd.

Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT



Generosity: An Enhancement

The Echo Maker

The Time of Our Singing

Plowing the Dark


Galatea 2.2

Operation Wandering Soul

The Gold Bug Variations

Prisoner’s Dilemma

Three Farmers on Their Way to a Dance

Table of Contents


Title Page




Also by Richard Powers

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