Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2)
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Man, I missed him already.

His heated stare burned into me, a smile tugging at his lips.

“What is it?” I asked again.

Cade pulled a dress off a hanger in the closet and held it out to me.

I narrowed my eyes, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

A minute ago, I was waiting for Cade to take his clothes off, not have me put mine back on.

I pulled the dress over my head.

He held out my leather jacket and slid it on over my arms.

In a second, Cade created a portal and grabbed my hands, tugging me through a bridge wind.

We were outside in a heartbeat, walking along a beach I didn’t recognize. Moonlight reflecting off the water sent shadows dancing along the surface.

“Where are we?”

Cade tightened his grip, swiftly pulling us along the beach, waves rolling up onto the shore.

“Shh. You’ll see.”

He led us another fifty feet along rocky banks until we reached a waterfall. Cade raised his hand, momentarily stopping the flow.

I smirked at his magic trick as he pulled me through to a huge rock hiding behind the waterfall. A second later, the water began to pour down behind us.

“You’ll fit.” He ushered ahead toward a crack in the rocks. “Go ahead.”

Bending down, I wiggled my way through the small entrance, climbing through to a hidden cave.

“Careful, love.” Cade followed in behind me.

I got inside the room and stood tall, sucking in a breath.

Cade’s secret cave was mesmerizing.

I wandered through the unexpectedly large room hidden deep within the hills of Italy and stepped up to a wall beside another waterfall flowing inside the cave.

The walls shimmered like diamonds. They were made with some type of stone, quartz maybe? I wasn’t sure.

Lights skipped through the room creating iridescent prisms, shining down on a large, steamy pool. The blue-green coloring of the water was glowing, as if it had its own source of lighting from below.

Steam rose from the surface. It was warm, heating up the hidden room.

Or was it me staring at my Gemini standing bare chested in his sexy jeans?

Cade must’ve sensed the rise in my body temperature, because he pulled off my jacket, setting it down on the sand.

My eyes adjusted easily to the darkness with the moonlight shining down. The sheer beauty of the cave forced goose bumps racing through to my chest.

This place was like nothing I’d ever seen.


And it wasn’t in Aravot, it was right here on earth.

Water trickling down along the shiny walls splashed onto the sand, and the sound of the droplets landing in the pool echoed a steady cadence.

“How did you find this place?”

Cade took my hand and led me to the edge of the pool, the water gently rolling up over our bare feet.

“It’s warm,” I said, surprised.

“Look up.” He pointed, and my gaze followed his finger above our heads.

A break in the cave above us gave moonlight its entrance.A full moon peeked through the cracked ceiling, as did hundreds of bright stars.

So beautiful.

My gaze followed the beams of light shining down onto the pool reflecting off the water and bouncing onto the walls giving the room it’s iridescent prisms of light.

Cade’s swift movement immediately stole my focus.

He was no longer standing in front of me, but down on one knee in the sand.


My Gemini stared up, eyes full of something—different. A longing I’d not seen before. He glanced at his hands clasped together, closed his eyes for a moment and whispered words beneath his breath, then his gaze returned to mine.

“Chayah. For over five thousand years, you have stood by my side. You’ve trusted me. Loved me. Each millennia, you’re reborn, and you always return to me, keeping the promise you made thousands of years ago. Tonight, I will make you a promise. Not as your Twin Soul, but as your lover and best friend. To trust you. To cherish you. To adore you until the end of time. Zoe Adams, will you do me the honor of marrying me on the Summer Solstice?”

Eyes wide, my heart literally skipped a beat.

In a million years, I never expected a marriage proposal.

Cade opened his hand, and two indigo butterflies spread their wings. He held his palm toward me as the butterflies lifted up and flew into the air, revealing a platinum diamond ring beneath them.

“For thousands of years, you’ve been my Gemini. From this life forward, I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me, Zoe?”

A single tear slid down my cheek as chills coursed through to my heart.

“Yes,” I whispered. “A thousand times, yes.”

Cade picked up my right hand, since the Ring of Chayah took up residence on the left, and slipped on the ring.

“But why?” I stared down through teary eyes, touching his cheeks with my palms.

“Because I adore you.” He covered my hands with his. “And I don’t want you to ever forget what it means to be human. Your love for humanity is the most precious thing about you. And you deserve everything your human heart desires.”


Butterflies fluttered straight to my heart.

He laid his cheek on my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I tugged my Gemini close, one hand on his head, the other on his shoulder. His breathing slowed. His heartbeat steadied as I held him, protecting his heart and guarding his soul.

Gazing down on Cade’s beautiful form kneeling before me. Loving me. In that moment, I knew.

My heart and soul would always belong to Cade Adams.

No measure of time or Eternity loving him would ever be enough.

“Il mio bel ragazzo,” I whispered, running my hands through his hair. “I am so in love with you.”

Cade slowly tipped his head up.

Gazing hungrily, he rose to his feet. Palms to my cheek, he inched closer in slow motion until his lips skimmed across mine.


Soft and gentle.

Drawn out. Measured.

No kiss had ever said so much.

“Zoe Adams.” He breathed, low. “My Eve.”

His gaze became heated, burning into me, telling a story no words ever could.

“Eyes on me, love.” Cade’s command was gentle, yet powerful. Raw.

He’d never sounded so—primal.

I liked it.

“You belong to me just as I belong to you.” He brushed his thumb across my lips, never shifting his gaze from mine. “You were
gift. Created
me. And for that, il mio amore, I will always hold your body and soul as sacred.”

There was something about his words. His admission—it stirred something primal inside of me, too.

A craving.

A desire.

A need to please Adam.

I closed my eyes, falling into his palm that held my cheek. I tilted my neck further, focusing on the feel of his lips as they swept across my jaw.

“And tonight,” he whispered, low. “I want to make love to your body and Converge with your soul.”

Cade traced over my shoulders and down my arms. Barely grazing along my breasts and my belly, his hands ventured to my hips.

Thread by thread, Cade pushed my dress up my thighs.

Inch by inch, his fingertips slid between them, tiptoeing to my core that ached for him to explore.

A firestorm erupted, and I couldn’t wait any longer.

I had to feel him. Touch him.

I grabbed his hips, forcing him against me, grinding on his waist. I lightly skimmed my teeth across his neck, up to his ear.

“Adam.” I begged. “Please. I want you.”

His breathing became heavy, and our hearts picked up their pace.

Damn, he felt so good, but it wasn’t enough.

I wanted more.

I needed all of him.

“I wish to spend the entire night giving you more pleasure than your body has ever known. I hope to explore every inch with my fingers. With my body. My tongue.” He leaned in, breathing across my cheek. “Not one millimeter will go untouched. Feel unloved or unwanted.”

Holy hell.

My knees were so weak, Cade had to hold me up.

“All you need to do.” He blew softly into my ear, sending shivers racing through my veins. “Is say yes.”

Cade held my cheeks.

“Open your eyes, Eve. Look at me.”

I opened my eyes, inhaling in a breath.

“Tell me,” he whispered. “What do you want?”

I swallowed, releasing my breath, imploring with my eyes. “I need you, Adam. Please.”

“Your body.” He leaned in, tilting my neck, kissing along my jaw. “It calls to me.”

His mouth covered mine, his tongue surveying every inch while his fingers explored beneath my dress.

Between my thighs.

Uncovering secrets created only for him.

“I want to pleasure you, love. All you have to do,” he whispered between kisses. “Is say yes.”

“Yes,” I cried out, inhaling a breath. My body trembled, aching for him to complete. “Yes.” I groaned. “Please, Adam. Take me home.”

“As you wish, my love.”

He picked me up, quickly creating a portal, taking us home to Aravot.

From that moment on, Adam’s commands became my ecstasy.

Chapter Twenty-One




“Zoe, love. Wake up.”

“Cade. Phoebe. Azriel. Micah. Lilith. Elahna. Samael.”

“Zoe.” I ran my fingers through her ebony locks, but she wouldn’t wake, just continued repeating her list of names.

I sat beside her as she chanted several more times.

She was deep in a vision, and I was unsure whether to pull her from it or leave her to it.

She appeared to be in agony.

“Samael. Lilith.” She inhaled a deep breath. “Help him. How?” She inhaled again. “I’m awake. Lilith. Azriel. Phoebe?” She turned over. “Micah. Elahna. Angels will fall. Cade. No, please. Not Cade.”


She’d been under long enough.

I’d never seen her so distraught in a vision. I shook her shoulders gently, laid my hand against her cheek, and she gradually stopped thrashing.

“Gemini. Break their fall.” Zoe released a slow breath, and her eyes opened, fixed to the ceiling above us.

“Zoe, are you all right?”

“Let them fall,” she said.


Her eyes fell shut, and her body relaxed. A moment later, her body began to tremble. “Cade.”

“Zoe?” I reached for her, pulling her into my arms.

Her eyes opened, welling with tears.

“Are you all right?”

“What just happened?” She glanced at me, wiping under her eyes.

“Do you recall?”

Her gaze fixed to the open door leading to the terrace outside our bedroom.

“Let them fall. What does that mean?”

“I don’t know. But it’s over, and you did beautifully. I’m so proud of you, love.”

“What else did I say?” She peered up at me.

“You just rambled off a list.”

“What names?” She wiped sweat from her forehead.

“One minute.” I went to the bathroom, bringing back a cool washcloth and laid it on her forehead. “You don’t remember?”

Her gaze fell.

She remembered.

“I just wanted to be sure I was right. Did I say Phoebe and Micah? And you?”

I nodded.

She closed her eyes and leaned into my chest. “We can’t interfere.” She lifted her head, letting the washcloth fall to the floor, then turned over and laid back onto her pillow.

“What do you mean?” I narrowed my gaze.

“I understand.” She exhaled. “I have to let them go.”

“It’s true, you like to control things in your own way, but you cannot control everything. This may be one of those things you must work though as we go. We’re home now, we can speak with Raz.”

“I’m outside when you’re ready.”
Raz’s voice rung in my head.

“Was that him?” Zoe turned over.

“You heard him as well?” I smiled.

She nodded, sitting up.

I pulled her into my arms, and she buried into my chest.

“You’re gifts are growing.” I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “It will be all right, love. I swear.”

She began to fidget in my arms.

“Damn it.” She pulled away, scraping at her wrist. “What the hell?” She stared at her Gemini mark. “Cade?”

“What’s wrong?”

“Look.” She pushed out her palm. “What is this?”

I held her hand, inspecting her Gemini Seal. It had changed. “When did this happen?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “It started burning again this morning when…” She stared blankly at the wall.

“When what?”

“My vision.” She inhaled sharply.

Raz knocked on the French doors. “May I come in?”

Zoe peered over and nodded.

Raz took his cue and entered our bedroom.

We had returned from Capri late last night after my proposal. Zoe said she wanted to come home, make love in Aravot, in our own bed. That was perfectly acceptable to me.

My surprise proposal was executed flawlessly.

I’d meant every word. Zoe always gave up so much, if a human wedding could put her Origin at peace, who was I to deny her all she deserved?

I wanted nothing more than to give her everything her heart desired.

She’d earned it.

After our night together making love for hours, we’d soul projected for what felt like days. Once we returned, she’d fallen into a deep sleep, seemingly awakening her visions. And now some strange change in her mark.

“How are you feeling, Chayah?” Raz stepped over and sat in a chair beside our bed.

“Not too hot.” She pushed out her palm toward Raz. “Look.”

Raz leaned over, inspecting her wrist. “When did this happen?”

“Just now, I guess. I don’t know.”

“She had a vision.” I stood. “A telling one.”


“Names. And a directive.” Zoe closed her eyes tightly, and her body tensed. “They must fall before they rise.” She exhaled. “Let them fall.”

“And the names?”

“Samael, Lilith, Azriel, Phoebe, Micah, and Elahna? I don’t know that one. And Cade.” She glanced to me and sighed. “I won’t let you fall.”

“I know.” I laid my palm on her cheek.

Raz pursed his lips. “What about your mark, Cade?”

I inspected mine, but it was the same. No change, not like Zoe’s.

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