Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2) (41 page)

BOOK: Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2)
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Seconds ticked on to minutes.

Screams from the distance grew louder.


I could hear my heart thumping, the sound of my blood pumping in my ears.



I paced through the cave.

Cade’s heartbeat was slowing.

Slower, until it nearly came to a complete stop.


I stooped down in front of the pool, no sign of my Gemini.

The black water on the surface was still.


The Seventh was wearing on me.

“Cade, where are you?” I raised my voice, waiting for an answer. I got to my knees, speaking to the water, waiting for it to talk back. “Answer me, damn it.”

His voice whispered in my head.



My head began to pound, like a vision was coming.

The heat in the cave swelled, and my breaths became short.

“It’s been too long, Eli.” I gasped, gulping in air.

Without a second thought, I dove into the pool and swam down. It was hard wading through the thick, sticky tar. The pool was dark and nearly impossible to see through.

A distant light further down drew my attention. I propelled myself as best I could as the light grew brighter, drawing me closer.

A body came into view.


He was floating.


I panicked, accidentally sucking in a mouthful of sludge, frantically trying to reach my Gemini.

He held the silver dagger in his grip, eyes closed.


I gulped in another mouthful of tar, the heat from the sludge burning my chest, sticking to my lungs.

My body wouldn’t budge. I was frozen.

My own consciousness was slipping away fast.

Reaching out, I managed to grab the tips of Cade’s hand and pulled him to me, wrapping my arms around his waist.

Holding on for dear life.

I couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe.

My head was slipping, and I was out of energy.

I settled my forehead into his neck and closed my eyes, accepting my fate. “I’m sorry Cade. I failed you.”

“Wake up, Zoe.”
Eli’s voice stirred me. Just enough.

I opened my eyes and tugged at Cade.

Finally, he moved. His eyes opened, staring into me, his incredible blue eyes.

“Cade.” My eyes fell shut.

I had nothing left in me. My life force was slipping away. I couldn’t resist it any longer. My heartbeat slowed, and my eyelids fell shut.

“Ti amo, Cade.”

Something or someone grabbed my shoulders and dragged me by my tank top up through the tar pit and onto the shore.

I flipped over and threw up black tar water that had been stuck in my stomach.

“Zoe. Wake up.”

My eyes peeled open, and we we’re both back in the desert. Cade was passed out beside me, dagger tight in his grip.

I flipped over, dragging my exhausted body beside Cade’s.

“Cade, wake up.” I shook his shoulders. “Please.”

His body twitched.

“Come on, blue eyes, we need to go.”

I pushed on his chest, and he flipped over, coughing up dirt and sand and blood.

“Cade, are you okay?” I grabbed him around his stomach, whispering into his ear. Focusing on converging out the best I could. “Come on, babe. You gotta wake up. Help me out here. Please.”

He pushed the dagger to me. “Take us home,” he whispered.

I closed my eyes, breathing steady, trying desperately to keep it together to get us home.

I focused on Cade’s breathing. The steady pulse of his slowing heart.




“You made it.” Eli stooped down beside me.

I fell to the floor beside Cade, taking heavy breaths, trying to clear my lungs of the tar and blood filling them.

Though they were empty.

It was all an illusion.

Cade crawled over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, his breaths slowing. “Chayah.”

One breath, one heartbeat at a time, our bodies returned to a normal state.

We lay there forever, though not long enough.

“You’re okay, love. We’re safe.”

“You’re out of time, Chayah.” Raz walked in our door. “You need to go now.”

I nodded, blowing out a breath. “Yeah, I just need a second.”


I glanced up at Raz.

“I’m sorry, Chayah. I should have listened to you. Our minds were breached the second you opened yours to me. They know who Phoebe is, and they’re coming for her. You have to go now.”


Chapter Forty-Six




After braving the Seventh and barely making it out with our souls intact, Zoe and I had one more mission.

Save Phoebe.

There was no time for rest.

Zoe’s secret—who or what Phoebe was—had been revealed to the enemy, though how, I didn’t know.

Her secret hadn’t even been revealed to me.

Regardless, an ambush was planned, and there was no time to spare.

Having barely survived the Seventh, one would think surviving the Sixth would be simple.

Though Zoe and I both knew it would be anything but simple.

We projected into the Sixth, opened a portal, and materialized.

Zoe led us down a path to the chamber holding Phoebe hostage.

As we got closer, Phoebe’s screams grew torturous.

“No, please. Don’t touch me. Leave me alone.” Phoebe cried. Sobbed. Her frantic screams echoed through the Sixth.

My chest tightened. I could feel her pain as my own.

Like Zoe’s.

I’d never felt other’s pain before, none except my Gemini’s.

I didn’t understand what was happening, but feeling Phoebe’s anguish pulsing through my chest was unbearable. I couldn’t tell if it was the mind warping of the Sixth, or if it was actually Phoebe’s pain.

“Let me in.”
Remie’s voice pushed through my psyche.
“I can feel her. I need to save her, please.”

Zoe turned to me and nodded.

“Bring him down,” I whispered.

A moment later, Eli opened a portal, and he and Remie came through.

“Where is she?” Remie asked.

Phoebe screamed from down the corridor. “No, I won’t. Stop.”

Remie took off running.

Zoe, Elijah, and I followed close behind.

Zoe carried the silver dagger in her hand as she ran.

We made it to the chamber, but it was frozen shut with the cold and ice of the Sixth.

Remie punched at the stone door, one hit after another, until he began yelling. “Phoebe, I’m here, baby. Hold on.”

We all three pushed on the door, but it was froze shut. Wouldn’t budge.

“I can’t get in. Help me.” Remie begged.

We all pushed hard, as hard as we could.

Zoe closed her eyes, hands over the door. “It’s spelled shut.” She opened her eyes, setting her hands on her hips. “We’re not getting in this way. Eli, you and I need to project in, and we’ll get them in that way.”

Eli nodded.

“I’ll be right here.” I promised.

Zoe blew me a kiss then closing her eyes, created a portal and disappeared into the air.

It was quiet on the other side.

Not a sound.

Minutes passed.

Screams from throughout the Sixth plane rung in our ears, whispers at first, then louder.


No wonder Phoebe was losing her mind having been here so long.

The chamber door began to push forward, just enough, Remie and I were able to wedge our hands in and pull while Elijah pushed from the other side. The door came open, and we rushed in.

Phoebe sat huddled in the corner, knees to her chest.

She had scars up and down her arms, covering her face, her legs.

Her clothes were dirty and torn, covered in blood.

The room smelled of death.

A growl escaped my throat, no intention of my own. Something about this situation instantly shoved a knot into my chest, and I clenched my fists.

Phoebe had been cut, beaten, and nearly left for dead. Just like Zoe when she was a little girl.

Every nerve in me grew enraged just considering what these girls had endured.

Zoe crouched beside Phoebe, handing her the dagger we’d retrieved from the Seventh.

Phoebe stared at the weapon, running her fingers over the blade.

Remie stood back, watching.

Waiting for his cue from Zoe.

She glanced over and nodded, whispering into Phoebe’s ear.

What are they doing?

Phoebe stared at the blade, not saying a word, but more settled now than before.

“Phoebe?” Remie was a mess. He approached her slowly, measured steps.

She stared up, eyes red from crying. “No, stay back.” Phoebe pulled herself into a ball as Remie crept closer. “Don’t touch me. Please, don’t let him touch me.”

“Baby, its me.” He took a tentative step closer. “It’s Remie.”

“No. No, no, no. Stay away. Don’t touch me,” she cried.

Zoe leaned in, whispering into Phoebe’s ear. She closed her eyes and laid her hands on Phoebe’s shoulder, then ran her fingers through Phoebe’s hair to relax her nerves.

Zoe had the calming gift with me, though I’d never seen her use it on anyone else.

Phoebe’s eyes fell shut, and her body relaxed.

“Remie.” Zoe gestured. “She’ll be okay. Come sit with her.”

Remie stepped forward, moving to sit beside Phoebe. She began mumbling under her breath, chanting indistinguishable words, over and over.

Remie gently pulled Phoebe into his arms, rocking her slowly as she settled into his chest.

“It’s okay, baby. I’m here. You’re okay, now. I’m so sorry. For everything.”

Everyone took a step back, catching our breaths as Phoebe relaxed into her Gemini’s arms. Where she needed to be.

“I’m taking you home.” Remie began to stand, but Zoe stopped him as Azriel and Lilith entered the chamber.

“Well, look what we have here,” Azriel sneered. “Trying to steal my plaything?”

Remie grew livid, visibly fuming.
Zoe took Phoebe, and Remie got to his feet, pulling out his dagger.

Lilith smirked, leaning back against a wall, propping up her foot. “This should be good.”

“You did this?” Remie lunged for Azriel, and an Eternal battle broke out.

As Remie and Azriel began fighting, Micah entered the chamber.

Micah gasped at Phoebe, rocking in the corner. He looked at Lilith and pulled out his dagger.

“You promised you wouldn’t hurt her.” He growled, lunging for Lilith who pulled out her dagger and began pacing in circles.

Nobody knew whose side anyone was on, especially when Micah’s Fallen Gemini came in and immediately intervened in the match between Lilith and Micah.

I ran to Zoe’s side. “What are you waiting for? Get Phoebe out of here.”

Zoe pursed her lips. “I can’t move her yet. She’s not ready. I need to take care of Azriel first.”

“Fine.” I got to my feet. Pulling out my dagger, I lunged into combat with Azriel and Remie.

“I can handle this,” Remie grunted, kicking up at Azriel.

“Go see to your Gemini, Remie. Leave me to this Fallen,” I argued, dagger ready to thrust. “Besides, I have a score of my own to settle.”

“Like hell,” Remie said. “He’s mine.”

“Oh, I’ve had plenty of fun with your angel.” Azriel dodged Remie’s foot, laughing. “I can see why you keep her.”

Remie growled, shoving me to the side, attacking Azriel with full force.

A portal opened behind me, and three demons came in, going straight for Zoe and Phoebe.

Zoe jumped to her feet before I could reach her, quickly disarming two demons as their bodies crumbled to the floor.

I ran to her side and beat down the third.

It was total chaos.

One Fallen, one demon after another rushed in, and one evil immortal at a time, was disarmed and banished to the dark realm.

The Eternals were wearing down.

Portals stopped opening, and all that was left were Remie and I fighting Azriel while Micah’s Fallen got between him and Lilith.

“You know this is only the beginning, right?” Azriel laughed. “After all, we have your secret weapon now. Bravo, Zoe. You never cease to amaze me.”

“You can’t have her, Azriel.” Zoe growled. “She’s mine.”

“Too late. The dark has taken her soul. Look at her aura.”

Zoe rose to her feet, smirking.

“You never had Phoebe. Or me.” Zoe took the unclaimed Eternal Dagger from Phoebe’s hand and waved it in the air. “I’ve been a step ahead of you from the start. And I always will be.”

Zoe rushed at Azriel, stabbing him in the chest with the silver dagger, then pulled back and retreated in a full-on sprint across the room, back to Phoebe.

Azriel howled, barreling for them both.

Elijah, Remie and I all charged after Azriel, but as each of us got a hold of him, the Fallen somehow managed to break free.

He was out for blood.

Just a few feet away, Azriel aimed his dagger at Phoebe’s chest. “You’re mine, bitch.”

“You can’t have me,” Phoebe cried, tears spilling down her face. “Help me, Chayah.”

Zoe crouched down in front of Phoebe, bloodstained dagger in her hand, aiming at Phoebe’s chest.

“I belong to the light now,” Phoebe declared.

Not a pace before Azriel reached them, Phoebe wrapped her hands around Zoe’s and together, staring into each other’s eyes, tears slipping down both their cheeks, they plunged the Eternal Dagger deep into Phoebe’s chest.

“Phoebe!” Remie bellowed, leaping forward.

I grabbed his left arm and Elijah got his right, taking us both to hold him back.

Azriel stopped mid-step, recalculating his moves.

Phoebe cried out in agony, for a moment, until her eyelids began to flutter, then close. Her pure white aura faded into the frigid air of the Sixth realm, and her limp form collapsed into Zoe’s arms.

The room was still.

Azriel took his cue, jumping a bridge wind out of the Sixth, while the rest of us stood in silence, shocked. No idea what just took place or why.

Crying, Zoe held Phoebe’s lifeless body protectively in her arms, close to her chest, mumbling under her breath.

“I’m so sorry, angel. I didn’t have a choice. Please. Forgive me.”

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