Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2) (42 page)

BOOK: Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2)
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Phoebe’s human life was no more.

Zoe Eternalized her.


Chapter Forty-Seven




Phoebe was dead.

I had to Eternalize her.

I didn’t have a choice.

It was a plan set in motion hundreds of years before Phoebe was ever born.

Before her soul chose this duty.

Before my Tree chose Phoebe’s soul to be its last.

This moment was bittersweet.

I could finally take Phoebe home to Aravot. Where she belonged.

“Remie? Cade?” I peered up at them through blurry eyes. “Help me. We need to take her home before she wakes.” I nodded to them. “Let him go. Come here, Rem. Take your Gemini.”

Tears streamed down Remie’s red cheeks as he took slow steps toward me.

“She’s going to be okay. But we need to get her body out of here, so I can match you once she wakes. I don’t want that happening here.”

“You mean?” Remie wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Of course. I never would have done this otherwise.”

Remie came over and bent down, gently taking Phoebe’s lifeless body from my arms.

I stood and opened up a bridge wind to take us home to Aravot. “Let’s go.”

Lilith stood in the corner with Lahnie and Micah.

“Ladies, I’ll be in touch. Micah, please. Come home. We need to talk.”

He nodded. “Okay.”

“What’s going on, Zoe?” Cade came beside me, taking my hand.

“I owe you an explanation, I know. All of you.” I glanced around the room. “And I’ll tell you everything. Let’s just go home, get Phoebe settled in first.”

Cade squeezed my hand.

We moved through a bridge wind to the Eternal realm, landing just outside my bedroom door.

“Bring her to my guest room.” I directed Remie to the spare room adjacent to mine and Cade’s.

Remie gently set down Phoebe’s body. He crawled in alongside her, settling into a pillow, and ran his hand down her hair, which had begun to lighten even more.

Gabrielle came in with washcloths and towels so we could clean Phoebe up.

All the Firstborns filed into the room. They’d apparently learned of our return and wanted answers.

“Newborns, go with Cade.” I sat on the other side of Phoebe. “I’ll explain soon enough. She’ll be all right.”

Everyone left except for Gabrielle, Remie, and me.

Gabrielle and I got right to work, removing Phoebe’s bloodstained clothes, cleaning and treating her wounds, and changing her into a white linen dress.

“Why isn’t she waking?” Remie glanced up.

“She will return when her soul is ready, Remliel.” Gabrielle set her hand on his shoulder, easing his tension. “She’s with her Origin. Phoebe needs to make peace with her soul. She will return to you when she has. I swear.”

“I don’t understand any of this. Why did you do it, Chayah?”

“Sometimes we need to do things we don’t like. Phoebe was chosen for this, Rem. Not by me. By her Origin. Her soul. It was destined for this duty, just as yours was. It’s her journey. Yours. All of ours. I’ll explain everything soon, but for now, just know it’s all going to be okay. When Phoebe’s ready to return to you, she will. And now, you won’t have to be apart ever again.”

“She shouldn’t have had to go through this.” His gaze wandered over Phoebe’s body, inspecting the cuts and bruises that covered her.

“You’re right. She shouldn’t have. Neither should any of us, but it’s who we are. It’s in our blood. We’re Genesis. We fight for the light, and in the end, Phoebe had a choice. She understood if she didn’t Eternalize herself, Azriel would have done it. Then he would have had her, just as he planned. She wasn’t about to let that happen any more than you or I would have.”

“I get it, but still.”

I walked around and set my hand on his shoulder.

“I know that was probably one of the worst things you’ve ever had to watch. And I’m so sorry, but Azriel had to believe Phoebe was dead now that he knew her secret. He had to watch her die. You had to believe it. Everyone had to. Had there been another way, I would have found it, but there wasn’t. Phoebe’s human life had to end like this. She had to die in the dark realm to become who she really is.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Phoebe’s an extraordinary soul. Deep down, I think you’ve known it all along. We all have.”

“So what is she?”

Cade came into the room, disrupting my train of thought.

I was never more relieved to see my Gemini.

It wasn’t right to tell anybody my secret before Cade.

I took a breath, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I’m here, love,” he whispered into my ear, holding me in his arms. “You’re all right.”

I nodded, trying to settle my heart. He must have felt it racing from the other side of our home. Times like this, I truly appreciated Cade being able to read my emotions.

“Chayah?” Remie looked up through tears.

I pulled back, gazing into Cade’s icy blue eyes as a tear slid down my face.

“Phoebe is the Genesis hybrid.” I inhaled a breath. “And—she’s our daughter.”

Cade’s eyes grew wide, and his lips parted, but he didn’t say a word.

“I wanted to tell you, so badly, but I couldn’t. Not until Phoebe was safe.”

My heart pulsed erratically, waiting for Cade to speak.

To react.

With contentment or dejection.

Even indignation.

Anything except silence.

Fear forced heat from my belly to my aching chest. I never wanted to keep this from him, but I didn’t have a choice. He couldn’t know until Phoebe was Eternal.

“Cade, please. Say something? Anything. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you. Please.” I begged, clutching his arms, tears streaming down my cheeks. “Please. Forgive me.”

Cade blew out a breath, the shock finally fading from his expression as he nudged closer. Setting his hands on my cheeks, he leaned in and dropped a light kiss to my lips.

“I’m so sorry you had to bear this burden alone,” he whispered. “I wish you could have told me, but I understand why you couldn’t. Of course, I forgive you.”

I wrapped my arms around him, burying my head into his neck, holding him so tight, I could hardly breathe.

“You always lead with love. And for that, my love, I will always forgive you.”

He pulled back and tilted my chin with his fingers, staring into my eyes.

“You are sacred to me, Chayah.” He ran his thumb along my bottom lip. “Your heart. Your soul. I will never forsake our love.”

I let out a sigh of relief.

Closing my eyes, I took slow breaths, relaxing into Cade’s chest, the steady beat of his heart soothing my soul.

Years of carrying this burden was set free.

“Just so you know, your solo mission days are gone.” His chest rattled as I rested against it, but I wasn’t going to move. I never felt closer to him in five thousand years. “I’m never leaving your side again.”

“I won’t let you,” I whispered back. “I’m all in.”

“You and me, love.” He lifted my chin to gaze into my eyes. “For Eternity.”

“How’s our girl?” Michael asked, walking into the room, the rest of the Elder Council in tow.

“Making peace with her Origin,” Gabrielle said.

“How are you holding up, Cade?” Michael asked.

Cade nodded. “Tell me about the prophecy. So I can understand how this relates to us. And to Phoebe.” He cleared his throat, staring into my eyes. “Our daughter.”

My heart warmed at his admission.

Cade held my hand and walked me over to the bed, gesturing for me to sit next to Phoebe then he kneeled on the floor beside us.

“It was written in the Genesis of time,” Michael said. “A Trueborn Daughter of the Genesis Origin would either be the end of humanity or a new beginning.” Michael set his hand on Remie’s shoulder. “Until the war is won, there’s no way to know which it shall be. But one thing is certain. The old way of life is no more.”

Cade inched closer and leaned onto the bed, staring at Phoebe’s still body lying beside me. He pressed his lips tighter, inspecting the cuts that had begun to fade.

His thoughts were stirring loudly in my head, but I chose to tune them out, allowing him time to process this on his own, without my intrusion.

He deserved that much—space with his mind to make peace with the realization that he had a daughter he knew nothing about. One he didn’t know, a child he’d seen put through hell the past year, but wasn’t there to protect.

Cade’s defining virtue was his protective nature for his family. Had he known Phoebe was his child, he would have behaved much differently with her during this incarnation, and I could already tell he had deep regrets. Which was the last thing I wanted for him, but that was a worry for another day.

For today, his daughter—our daughter—was safe.

Home, where she belonged.

And that was all that mattered.

The rest of the Elders came in, and we quietly stood watch over Phoebe’s still body, waiting for her to return.

For hours.

Days, maybe.

In human terms, it probably was.

Phoebe was making peace with her Origin. Preparing for her new existence, one that would change everything.

After what felt like forever, Phoebe finally began to flinch, drawing our attention.

We all stared in anticipation.



Her eyes fluttered open, and she drew in a harsh breath. Her aura came to life, turning from pure white to a light purple. Orchid, maybe? A beautiful mixture of purple and pink, not sure how to describe. It drifted and joined with Remie’s, his own color changing to match his Gemini’s.

Fireworks rose above their bodies as Phoebe sat up, glancing around the room.

“Zoe?” Phoebe stared at me, confused.

“You’re okay, baby girl.” I leaned over, running my hand though her hair, now pure white. “You’re home.”

Purple wisps circled Phoebe’s once amber irises, filling in the color and replacing it with the same shade of orchid as her aura.

Our daughter was Eternal now.


The Eternal realm’s Angel of Mercy.

Michael stepped up to Phoebe. He gently lifted her chin with his fingers and narrowed his gaze, staring into her eyes.

“The war.” Michael took in a slow breath then exhaled. “It has begun.”


The Eternal Sacrifice Saga

Coming January, 2017




The Conclusion of Zoe and Cade Adam’s Story


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About the Author


Since sneak reading her first big girl romance at the age of eleven, Dylan's been addicted to Happily Ever Afters. Playing pretend with swoon-worthy book boyfriends and their strong leading ladies often keeps Dylan sleep deprived, though she seldom complains about dreaming in dialogue.


With juxtaposed interests, Dylan writes it all Character driven romance in NA, YA and adult, from sticky sweet to taboo heat Urban Fantasy to Contemporary Romance and Romantic Suspense. Nothing's off limits.


When she's not writing guilty pleasures, Dylan plays stage mom to her daydreamer offspring in the Midwest. This Music fangirl goes nowhere without her beats and playlists. She has an affinity for Moscato and chocolate-covered strawberries. Dreams of singing on the Voice with Adam and Christina, and fantasizes about getting trapped in Mystic Falls with Damon Salvatore.


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My Firstborn

Jesse Anthony, you didn’t interrupt my dreams of stardom 22 years ago, you gave me a new dream. This book, our life - none of it would be possible without your help at home, your humor to make me laugh, your patience when I get all Italian mom on you, and your love. You have made this book and every project I take on possible. I love you more than words can say, dude. You’re my creative muse. Get to writing those damn screen plays, it’s time we both see our dreams become a reality. Love you.


My Newborns

Delanie, Ashlyne, and Rhette... I love you. And thank you. Our house is crazy busy, but you’ve always been my biggest fans. You are MY reason. One of these days, this journey is going to pay off. *wink* I love you all—for Eternity.


My Chayah and Genesis


My Eternal Besties

KC Comarda, your life is (almost) busier than mine, but you still take time to check in and encourage my crazy writing dreams, help bash the whale, *wink* and make me laugh about my disastrous life. Thank you. Danny LeDuc for being my spiritual guru and my Eternal cheerleader. You totally get me and see

through all the metaphors in my fictional writing.


My Beta Readers

#BetaLove to Lorna Richmond and Heather Brandt, my ST Bende buddies... #LokiRulz and to my newbie betas, Lisa Mackell and Amber Garcia.


My FB Friends and Writerly Yodas

#AuthorLove to the ladies of the FB group, Romance Writers Unite. I bow to you all. Especially Diana Peterfreund and Stephanie J. Pajonas. Thanks to Xandra James, Georgeann Swiger, Cassandra Giovanni and Molli Moran, my writerly friends who happily share the Origin love. Special thanks to Susan Kaye Quinn and her For Love or Money FB group for the amazing publishing advice my career can’t live without. And to my fab FB besties... you keep a smile on my face! Love to my soul sisters, Crystal Swann Sexton and Lorna Richmond, and my lovely friend Keith Abramovitz who’s always checking up on me.

BOOK: Origin (Eternal Sacrifice Saga Book 2)
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