Read Our Lovely Baby Bump Online
Authors: Dahlia Rose
Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #90 Minutes (44-64 Pages), #Multicultural & Interracial
Her body began to shake. ”Come with me, oh John, please baby.”
“God, yes,” John groaned.
John’s guttural groan mixed with her cry of ecstasy as they went over into the bliss of their orgasm. Charlie fell against his massive chest and his arms automatically wrapped around her as he pressed a kiss on the top of her head. Time passed, and she didn’t care. She felt safe and secure while he traced lazy patterns on her thigh.
“You know, statistics say that it’s very unlikely that I get pregnant the first time,” Charlie murmured. She wanted to stretch and purr languidly like a satisfied cat.
“Luckily I have no problem doing this over and over again as many times as we need to and beyond.” John’s voice rumbled in his chest. “How many days do you ovulate?”
“The ovulation thing said five,” Charlie said.
John rolled over and took her with him. She loved the feel his body pressing her into the bed.
‘Then we’d better hunker down for the next few days and do this right,” John murmured and pressed a kiss on her lips.
“I like your idea.” Charlie wrapped her arms around his neck.
She sank into the pleasure he created when he touched her. She’d never felt anything like this before in her life. John was her perfect fit, the one that was tailor made just for her. Nothing felt as right as being in his arms. Maybe they created a baby that very same night or not. But she loved that the formula was Charlie and John equals baby.
They all sat around the dining room table at Angel and Caleb’s home. Charlie remembered how adamant Angel was when picking the house and when she was going through the nesting period of trying to make everything perfect before the baby came. She pressed her hand against her stomach and rubbed it, as the three minutes that needed to tick by seemed to take forever. A pregnancy test sat on the counter in the bathroom, and they were silent as if speaking would somehow taint the test. The only sound came from Lucas who sat in a bouncy thing hanging from the ceiling beam. His chubby legs made it bounce as he babbled and chewed on a teething toy.
Charlie looked over at him. The front of his shirt was covered in drool, and she smiled. Angel said he hated bibs, but he was teething so he was drooling like the alien from the Sigourney Weaver movies. She wanted her baby so badly that it ached on the inside. She would be so disappointed if she wasn’t. Charlie felt tears threaten at the thought. She wanted to hold her baby, clean up drool, and nurse. She wanted it with every fiber in her being, and she wanted to share it all with John. The timer went off and they looked at each other, no one moving, but she could feel the tension from them all.
Angel reached over and took her hand. “If you’re not, there’s next month, and I bet then you’ll get your wish.”
“Don’t be the pessimist, she’s pregnant,” John said firmly.
Angel nodded. “You’re right, okay.”
Charlie stood. “I’m going to get the test.”
John kissed her hand, and both Caleb and Angel held up crossed fingers. She walked into the bathroom, closed the door, and leaned her head on the cool surface before taking a deep breath.
Please, please, please
, she begged silently and took up the text. The one she bought said it was supposed to be the best, especially before her cycle was due. The digital read out blinked pregnant over and over again, and she stared at it, letting the answer sink in. She was so overwhelmed tears began to fall and she couldn’t stop them. She was pregnant—she and John were going to be parents. Charlie stepped out of the bathroom toward her friends, and John jumped up as soon as he saw her.
“Baby, don’t cry, we’ll keep trying,” he said.
“I’m pregnant.” She swiped at the tears on her cheek. “I’m pregnant.”
John lifted her off her feet and twirled her around. Soon he had to put her down because both Caleb and Angel came over and they were in a foursome embrace. Angel was crying, too, and as Caleb clapped John on the back, they shared a gaze, one that only women would understand.
“Holy shit, I’m going to be a dad,” John said, grinning, and then his complextion changed. Charlie saw the color leave his face and then he became unsteady on his feet. “I’m going to be a dad.”
“Whoa there, big guy, he’s going down.” Caleb moved and struggled to get John to a chair. There he put his head between his knees. “Big, deep breaths before you pass out.”
“A baby, it will need a college fund and things, lots of things like a bed and stuff.” His voice was muffled by his position. “God, what do I mean bed, the baby will be too small for a bed, a crib, that’s what we need, a crib. Diapers—we can get them in bulk at Costco…”
Baby Lucas laughed, and Charlie smiled as she crouched down in front of John. “Hey, hey honey, look at me.” John looked up and she cupped his face before pressing a soft kiss on his mouth. “We’ve got this covered, me and you, we got this, okay?”
He took a deep breath. “Okay, sorry. I had a moment there.”
“One of many, I’m assuming,” Caleb murmured. “Remember when Angel had Lucas? I thought he’d fracture mentally.”
“He has months to get over that.” Angel scowled and slapped him on the shoulder. “Leave him alone.”
“All I’m saying is he can crack a skull and the thought of a baby makes him weak as a kitten,” Caleb said.
Charlie felt nothing but happiness and amusement. “He’ll be fine. The problem is how you’ll do standing in for me at the club, Caleb.”
“What?” Caleb’s mouth dropped.
“Well, now that I’m pregnant someone has to be there to help John.” Charlie winked. “Eye candy for the customers and all that.”
“That’s not me, Angel. Tell her I’m not doing it.” Caleb turned to his wife. “Go ahead, tell her.”
Angel looked him up and down. “Hmm, in some leather pants…”
“You’re joking, right?” Caleb looked horrified.
Angel plucked Lucas from his bouncer because he began to fuss. “Of course I’m kidding. Hold your son so I can get him some of his yummies.”
Caleb took the baby. “Thank God for that.”
“But you will have to help out with the accounting and watching Lucas at nights,” Angel added. “I’m going to have to go back to work. Just like Charlie and John took over for me we need to do the same for them.”
Caleb nodded. “Of course, like that was even a question. The whole leather pants threw me.”
“They are really comfortable though,” John pointed out, and everyone stopped and stared at him “What? I own a pair… Or two.”
“Note to self, have a look in John’s closet,” Charlie said.
“Are you guys really happy about this?” Angel asked suddenly.
John stood and stood behind Charlie. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his hand on her belly. The warmth of his hand seeped through her T-shirt, and nothing felt more right.
“We’re ecstatic, or at least I am,” Charlie said.
John kissed her neck. “I’m terrified but happy. I may not be steady on my feet all the time in certain birthing situations, but for you I’ll be solid. I’ll sit in a chair and breathe into a bag if I have to. But I’ll be ready.”
“I know you will.” Charlie covered his hand with her own.
“I call girl,” Caleb said suddenly.
The conversation turned to the baby’s sex while Angel fed Lucas oatmeal cereal mixed with pureed peaches. The usual bets were made over lunch and as they ate, Charlie kept touching her belly, rubbing the flat surface knowing that life had begun inside her and in a few months she’d feel it grow. She never expected to be pregnant on the first try. . She never really believed girls from high school who got pregnant the night of the prom and swore it was the only time they’d ever had sex. She always thought they were fooling around way before they admitted. She had set herself up for a long fight to get what she wanted. Her whole life had been one struggle or another, except for this. This was her blessing, and it came so easily that now she was terrified something would go wrong.
* * * *
Her first doctor’s visit was with her long-time doctor and confidant Barbara Monroe. Charlie went in right after the positive test result, and Barbara confirmed with a blood test that she was pregnant.
“My, my, you do work quickly,” Barbara teased.
“I took the bull by the horns,” Charlie answered with a smile.
“This big guy being the bull, I assume,” Barbara said with dry amusement.
The meaning of her words made Charlie blush.
“It’s too early to tell you anything much. We need a few weeks to see a heartbeat and the likes. Going from your last period, you’re only three to four weeks along. We need twelve weeks, so we’ll set you appointment for then,” Barbara said with a smile.
That was nine weeks ago, and now in the middle of May she was lying on the table waiting with anticipation to see her baby’s heartbeat. What better time than this? The chill was leaving the city, and she and John now lived together in her town house—well, kind of. Him bypassing his own apartment to her house each night and most of his cloths in her closet could be considered them living together. Her stomach was a round little bun at the bottom, the only sign of her being pregnant. Even so, wearing jeans had become uncomfortable, but she found amazing maternity clothes online that suited her style. Today she was wearing a long sleeve tunic with Wonder Woman on the front. She did feel a bit like the heroine of the comic books. She’d had very little morning sickness and low energy, and even Angel said she was disgustingly glowing.
“So, are you ready to see what’s going on in there?” Barbara asked.
“Yes, we are.” John rubbed his hands gleefully. “We’ve been on a good, healthy diet, but unfortunately she’s been sneaking moon pies and ice cream at night.”
Charlie rolled her eyes. “You are a tattletale.”
“The doctor needs to know everything, sweetheart,” he said calmly.
“Luckily for her she can eat healthy and sneak some treats as well.” Barbara laughed. She squeezed some of the ultrasound gel on Charlie’s belly. “Now, let’s see what we have here…. oh…. ohhh.”
The last “oh” made Charlie look at John and then Barbara in alarm. “What, oh my God, what’s wrong?”
John grabbed her hand. “Don’t worry baby, whatever it is, we’ll deal with it, together.”
Barbara continued to move the ultrasound wand over her stomach and reassured them. “It’s nothing bad. The baby is fine, or should I say babies.”
“You’re kidding!” Charlie gasped.
“Holy shit,” John murmured. “Two? There’s two in there?”
Barbara turned the screen so they could see. “Yes, two very strong heartbeats and two babies in one sac.”
“Oh my God,” Charlie said in amazement. “John, are you okay? Babe, put your head between your legs.”
A very pale John did as she requested, and the doctor turned back to the screen.
“Let me get the rest of the measurements done and then we can talk,” Barbara said.
They were quiet as she continued her work, both for the same reason. They were completely in shock at the news.
“Okay,” Barbara said as she turned the ultrasound machine off and used a warm towel to wipe Charlie’s tummy. “You are going to have twins, and they are called mono amniotic twins, which means they share the same sac. That also means they share the same placenta but have two separate umbilical cords.”
“Twins,” John said in a shell-shocked tone. “Oh, crap.”
“Don’t pass out, honey,” Charlie begged and apologized. “He’s been hyperventilating, um, a bit.”
“Big guy like him?” Barbara said in amusement. “It’s always the large daddies who drop like a stone.”
“Twins,” he mumbled.
“They’re going to be identical. That means the egg split but we won’t know the sex for a little bit.” Barbara took a breath and continued. “There is also a chance for complications. With this kind of pregnancy, when they start moving they could get tangled in each other’s cords and cut off each other’s source of nutrition and oxygen. Yes, that can cause death.”
Charlie heard the other shoe of foreboding drop, and it made her heart lurch. “Okay, so what happens now?”
Barbara smiled. “Nothing. We watch your pregnancy carefully as the babies get bigger, and if we see any signs of complications we deal with it. But right now they are both strong and healthy. There is no reason to expect anything but a safe pregnancy.”
“What are the percentages for one of them getting tangled and all you said?” John asked.
“It’s uncertain, it all depends on how active the babies are as they grow,” Barbara explained. “We’ll monitor them carefully, but there won’t be any prolonged labor. Charlie, when your water breaks we have to deliver via C-section.”
“Why?” Charlie tried not to be scared for her babies.
“If you deliver one baby you run the possibility of delivering the cord of the second baby before he or she comes out, and that cuts off their oxygen,” Barbara explained.
“Okay, I understand.” Charlie chewed the corner of her lip worriedly.
Barbara looked between her and John. “Don’t worry, we’ve got this. I’ll be seeing you every two weeks as soon as you hit the twenty-five week mark with ultra-sounds. If we see any signs of trouble we can take them early, but we want them in there as long as possible.”
John nodded. “And the earliest you can take them is around thirty-two weeks?”
“Actually as early as twenty seven but the longer they are in utero the better chance for them to survive.” Barbara stood, turned, and helped Charlie sit up. “These are all variables we don’t have to deal with right now. You can have a full term pregnancy without any complications, so we’re going to be positive.”
Charlie nodded. “Yes, we are.”
After they made another four-week appointment they left and John took her to lunch. They talked about the club, about the weather, anything but what they were both thinking. It wasn’t until later that night in bed as he slowly ran his hand across her baby bump that she finally asked.
“Are you scared?”
John pressed a kiss to her temple. “Terrified, but not for the reasons you think.”
Charlie looked up at him and smiled. “College fund again?”
“That,” he admitted. “Preschools, do you know for any good ones we’re supposed to sign them up now? How is that possible—we don’t even know if they’re boys or girls yet.”
Charlie laughed. “Honey, how about we pick a good, well-rounded preschool when they’re like three or four?”
“I don’t know if I can stand them cutting you open,” he said quietly.
“Women go through this every day.” She kissed his chin. “I’ll be fine. Barbara is the best.”
“Okay.” He moved down to her stomach and kissed it, and the sweet action made her smile. “Hey you in there, well two of you, be good to each other, no squabbling or fighting. There’s enough room for both of you.”
“Tell them we love them.” Charlie’s heart ached with love for him and their unborn babies.
“Did you hear that? Mom said to tell you we love you, and we do so very much,” John repeated. “I won’t stick you in a pretentious preschool. We’re a down-to-earth family.”
“Come up here and kiss their mom,” Charlie encouraged him.
She’d never felt so free with any man in her life. With John, everything came naturally, and he made her feel so light sometimes it felt like she was floating. She wasn’t a flowery kind of woman, but he brought her flowers or a graphic novel because he saw it and thought of her. Charlie felt cherished and understood that the right man made a woman feel that way without trying.
“I shouldn’t. When I kiss you I think about other things, sexual things, and we have to be careful,” John said doubtfully.