Our Lovely Baby Bump (5 page)

Read Our Lovely Baby Bump Online

Authors: Dahlia Rose

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #90 Minutes (44-64 Pages), #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Our Lovely Baby Bump
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“Barbara said they’re small yet, and nothing we do will hurt them in the least. She’ll let us know when the loving should stop,” Charlie said.

“The loving,” John said huskily and pulled her close to kiss her lips. “I like how you say that, so proper, but I know you can be a very, very naughty woman.”

“Only for you.” She caressed his chest.

“Damn straight,” he practically growled.  It made her shiver in delight.

He sampled her mouth, and she succumbed to the haze of pleasure he created. He tasted like the sweet pineapple and strawberries he’d put in their smoothies. She made a sound of delight in her throat while his hands ran up her sides to cup her breasts and gently bring the beaded nipples to hardness through her blouse.  In one fluid motion John removed the fabric that covered her skin and exposed her full breasts to his lips. He pulled the soft brown areolas between his lips while his hands caressed the smooth expanse of her skin.

Charlie arched against his seeking mouth and held his head to her breasts. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

“If the earth shook right now I still wasn’t moving,” he murmured against her flesh. “I can’t get enough of you.”

“All I feel is the heat you make me feel,” Charlie said breathlessly. “I want more of you.”

“The things you say, so innocently sexy,” John said with a groan. “Let’s get the rest of these clothes off, sweetheart. I may need to start keeping scissors in the bedside table.”

“You are not cutting up my clothes,” she said with a laugh.

They got her out of her sleep shorts set with the Fantastic Four all over them. Then she watched John try to escape his sleep pants over the hard bulge of his arousal. Charlie was on the bed on her knees when he was done and took his cock in her hand. He groaned as she stroked his thick flesh. She watched as his hands clenched at his side when she swirled her tongue over the head of his cock. He flexed his hips, pushing himself further between her lips, and Charlie gave him what he desired, sucking him deeply into her mouth.

“Oh God baby, you do that and my bones turn to butter,” he groaned out between clenched teeth. “Now it’s my turn.”

John pulled her up against his chest and with her knees still pressed into the soft mattress he kissed her senseless. Charlie sank deeper into desire while they both strained to touch and tease each other. She moaned under the onslaught of his lips. It felt like she couldn’t be satisfied with just one touch from him. She whimpered as he kissed his way from her lips to her neck, biting softly before sucking at the sensitive flesh. He knew exactly each sweet spot on her body that drove her wild.

Charlie pulled him down to the bed and wrapped her legs around his waist, coaxing him silently to take her. John was not about to be denied. He didn’t lean his weight on her and she missed that. But she knew even in the midst of passion John was thinking about her pregnancy. He moved his lips down her body, tasting her skin until he came to her center. With one slow, delectable lick he tantalized and pulled a cry from her lips. He delved his tongue between the moist folds of flesh of her pussy, and Charlie’s hips rose to meet his sneaking mouth. She caressed the low hair at his scalp and tried to pull him closer. The ache he created was almost too much to bear, but she didn’t want it to ever stop.

“Oh John, please,” she gasped out breathlessly.

“Baby, I want you too, so much.”

 He pressed soft kisses against her stomach on his way back up her body. When he settled between her thighs, she could feel his cock poised at the entrance of her sex. Charlie watched his eyes turn to a smoky blue desire as he entered her slowly. The sensations of his cock sliding against the folds of her sex almost sent her headlong into her release. He buried himself to the hilt before he started the slow movement that sent her swirling in the midst of pleasure. Charlie’s body held him like a velvet glove each time he thrust into her, and she ached for more when he retreated. She moved beneath him, fluidly catching his rhythm, and he moaned as they kissed. With each deep thrust he drove them higher and higher till she cried out as her orgasm built. An overwhelming need to taste him filled her, and she slid her tongue deep into his mouth. Their tongues mated with feverish excitement while their pace to completion increased.

“John, I’m coming…” Her words broke off in a small cry.

She could feel the sweet band of her release tightening within her and his cock throb inside the wet depth of her sex.  She could tell he was ready to follow her into the pleasure of release.

“God, yes now,” he said in a guttural whisper against her ear.

This time her cry was of pure fulfillment as she went spiraling off the edge of ecstasy. With a long, deep groan he followed her into the pleasurable abyss. Charlie knew what it felt to be hurt and feel unwanted. For the longest time she made sure she had a strong financial foundation so she would never have to ask anyone for anything. She used that as a shield when relationships didn’t work out. She’d tell herself she can do it alone, and she didn’t need any man to feel complete. But then there was John with his sweet ways and his boyish smile. The way he panicked if she even hiccupped now that she was pregnant. He showed her what it was to be truly loved as a friend, as a lover, and now as the mother of his children. She knew regardless of if it was a good day or if they argued, she’d never have to doubt how he felt about her and the life they were building together.

Chapter Four


The Pyramid was its usual hot spot on a Friday night. John and the second bartender were mixing drinks like a blur. As soon as one order was filled another came in.
We’re going to need to hire another server and bartender,
John thought.  It wasn’t a bad thing—it meant they were turning a profit. For the first year after they opened they all wondered if they’d survive and be in the black.

Caleb was working the floor helping out the best he could. He wasn’t wearing leather pants, thank God, but John knew if anyone came in making trouble Caleb could handle it. The man may have been a lawyer, but he had some linebacker moves. Angel was at home with Lucas but they already had a plan in place for the club. Especially now, since Charlie was pregnant with twins. It still floored him each time he thought of his children. A higher risk pregnancy, but so far so good. Even so John wanted her off her feet, working from home on the books if necessary.  John grinned and threw Caleb a quick wave when their eyes met.  The club was so packed he didn’t notice Charlie until she was across the bar right in front of him.

“Hey guy, buy a girl a drink?” she said with a smile

“Only milk or juice for you.” John stopped cleaning down the bar and waved the second bartender over to finish up. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to get the books I wanted to start a spreadsheet at home tonight. I needed my external hard drive with the information,” Charlie explained.

John looked around. “It’s a mad house in here. I don’t want you hurt or shoved around. Go get that hard drive and I’ll walk you out to the car.”

“Okay.” Charlie smiled and headed up the stairs.

He watched her walk up the stairs and behind the curtains that blocked the office from the eyes of the patrons. He knew she pressed the key code to go into the office by the small billowing of the curtain. It meant the door was open and the cool air from the office escaped.  He made drinks and took cash or credit cards and swiped them quickly for payment. Any tips left on the bar he stuffed in the jar next to the registers. The rule of The Pyramid was, all tips were divided equally among staff.  It was only fair and no one ever complained because at the end of the night they all walked out with at least one hundred dollars in their pockets.  They were one of the few clubs that paid out a paycheck and didn’t make staff work for just tips. They were all good people, he, Charlie and Angel treated their staff well.  He saw Charlie come downstairs and make her way carefully back over to the bar.

“Ready?” John asked with a smile.

Before she could answer a man slid up to the bar and wrapped his arm around Charlie’s shoulder.

“Let me buy you a drink, no need to schmooze the bartender.” His voice was slurred. “You’re too pretty to beg bar staff. I can buy you anything…”

Charlie moved away. “I’m not drinking.”

“Step back buddy, the lady is not interested,” John snapped.

“So, she’s too good for my drinks?” He was tall and built like a football player. His ebony face was sheened with sweat. “I know girls like her. I can look at her and see she ain’t white, she’s one of those high colored girls that like to play white. Because a black dick is too much for her. So now she got her a white dude, going to play at being sophisticated.”

“Walk away,” John warned.

“Why?” The man stood up his full height. “If I go up to her right now and press her up against this wall, bartender, what can you do, huh? I got the paper.” He threw a handful of bills at Charlie. “I can pay for shit, I can pay for her pretend ass. Pick it up, bitch.”

“John, no!”

He barely heard Charlie cry out nor did he notice the second bartender calling over security from the door. He didn’t notice Caleb pushing his way through the crowd, all he had was the asshole in his cross hairs. The one who dared insult the mother of his children, the woman he loved.  He came over the bar, not caring that he knocked over glasses and drinks in the process.  He had a moment of intense satisfaction as the man’s eyes widened and he stepped back. There was no escaping him because John had his neck under his grasp and squeezed as he pushed him back into the wall.  The music stopped suddenly, and the crowd surged away from the fray.

“Apologize to the lady.” John’s voice was deadly.

“Let me get my money, and I’m outta this punk ass place,” the man managed to croak defiantly and tried to swing.

“My turn.” John squeezed and punched the man in the ribs and was delighted to see him double over. He slammed him up to the wall again. “I said apologize to the lady. One, she is my woman, the mother of my children, and you will respect her as such. She is the partial owner of this bar and classier than any of the whores who ever let your ass lay with them. I don’t care how much paper you have, you’ll apologize.”

“I’m sorry.” The gasp was a strangled one, and John knew it wasn’t just sweat rolling down the man’s cheeks.

“You’re banned from here,” John said calmly. “I have your face ingrained in my memory, and if I ever see you again, I won’t be so nice. Nod that you understand.”

The man nodded and John smiled coldly. “Good, and that paper you just threw down now goes into the jar for our wonderful waitstaff and bartender.”

Caleb finally managed to get through the crowd and put his hand on John’s shoulder.  “Hey John, he can’t breathe. You may want to let him go.”

“Sure.” John finally let go and left the man coughing. He called security over. “Get him out of here.”

“This ain’t over, man.” The man gasped and his friends flanked him.

John surged at him angrily. “You want more? I will take you and these motherfuckers on!”

“You are all banned from this club,” Caleb said loudly.  “The security footage of this is heading to the police station, and trust me, if anyone tried anything we know what you all look like.”

They were escorted out and the crowd was still silent.  Caleb looked around and smiled widely. “It’s all over ladies and gents, a round of shots on the house for everyone. DJ, get that music back up.”

The crowd cheered, and the music started up once again.  Caleb and John moved toward Charlie who was still in the corner. Her eyes were wide and definitely hurt. John hated seeing that look on her face.

“You guys head home, I can take over,” Caleb said.

“You’ve never mixed drinks before,” John pointed out.

“We’ll manage,” Caleb said. “Seriously, head out and cool off. Charlie take him home.”

“Okay.”  Charlie’s voice sounded weak.

John noticed she was trembling and wrapped his arms around her. “We’ll take my car, I’ll get yours tomorrow.”

She just nodded, and John led her out the door.  He looked back to see Caleb’s worried face and gave him a quick nod.  John felt like the biggest idiot in the world. He should’ve handled it better and now she was afraid of him.  They were silent as they drove toward her townhouse. When they got there, instead of letting her walk to the door, he lifted her in his arms.

“John, put me down,” she said softly. “I can walk.”

“I know, but I want to carry you,” John answered. He only put her down to unlock the door and then carried her inside and put her gently on the couch. “I’ll make you a cup of hot tea.”

He went into the kitchen and she could see him but still he braced himself against the counter close to the stove and took a deep breath.
I’m such a jerk
, he thought, hating the fact that she trembled because of him and not for the right reason. He made her tea and took the cup out to her on the sofa.

“Charlie, I’m sorry,” he said huskily and rested the cup on the coffee table. “I’m sorry you’re scared of me. I’m a big jerk and I don’t know my own strength at times.”

Charlie looked at him in surprise. “Why would you think that?”

John cupped her cheek and caressed the soft skin. “Because I was this big, horrible brute, and I could’ve beat the shit out of that idiot. He insulted you and I just saw red, son of a bitch should never have talked to you like that. How could he sound so fucking racist against anyone.”

“That’s why I was trembling,” Charlie said gently and covered his hand with her own. “Honey, I’ve lived with people doing this to me for years on every side of the spectrum.  I let myself forget that it still went on. How he acted just sent me right back to high school and the way I was treated for not having darker ebony skin. I’ve been called everything from yellow baby to albino pony.”

“They are wrong, and I want to punch anyone who thinks that about anyone. Who can still think that way,” John said. “I never wanted you to see me be so brutal.”

Charlie laughed. “Honey, I’ve seen you take down dicks at that club before. It’s kinda hot that you did it for me.”

He smiled. “Really, that did it for you?”

Charlie called him forward with the crook of her finger and kissed him. “You always do it for me. Even making me a cup of tea is sexy.”

“You’re amazing, my goddess, regardless of what anyone in this stupid town thinks,” John said suddenly. “We can leave this dumb town if you want.”

Charlie shook her head. “No honey, this is our home. Our babies will be able to grow up with their cousin Lucas and have barbeques and birthday parties. Our family is here and no one is going to chase me away. They’ll have to stare and comment all they want. Not everyone is like that and we’ll make sure our kids know that.  Fixing this kind of stereotype starts with parents, and we’ll be the ones to show them everyone is beautiful.”

“This is why I love you.”

She grinned. “That’s the first time you’ve ever said it, that you loved me.”

“Well I do, head over heels and never want to go back,” John admitted. “I’ve loved you for so long I’ve forgotten when it first hit me.”

“I love you, too. I was just too scared. I want to be the type of woman you’d want. The model chick and the news reporter and all those sophisticated types. Then the whack job that was independently wealthy. That’s not me—I’m the comic loving nerd, the wall flower.”

“I love the woman you are, and trust me, I don’t want to ever relive any of those past relationships.” John sighed and lifted her into his arm before walking to the bedroom. “Nothing existed before you.”

“You forgot my tea.” Charlie nibbled on his ear and his temperature shot up a few notches.

“I’ll make you some more later,” he growled. “You just got my sweet spot.”

“I know,” she whispered in his ear.

When he set her on her feet it was to take her lips in a kiss that shook him to his core. Her lips were sweet and her body supple as he molded her to him. He was so very careful with her, she carried precious cargo, and no matter how much he wanted to devour her, John wanted to please her and keep her safe.

 She looked into his eyes. “I will never be afraid of you John, don’t ever think that.”

“Guys like him don’t scare me,” he told her.

“But they scare me,” Charlie caressed his cheek. “They’ll hype each other up to do something stupid, and I don’t want to ever lose you.”

“You won’t and I promise to be careful.” He kissed her gently. “I’ll think before I react.”

“How about we stop thinking for a little bit?”

When she pulled his head down for another kiss, John went willingly.  He was completely relieved that he didn’t scare her. John never wanted to see fear in her eyes. Her hands roamed over the muscles of his biceps with tender caresses. Her touch inflamed him each and every time—she was like fire in his blood.

She took his hand and led him back to their bedroom. There the kiss turned hot and for John there was nothing in the world but her. He gathered up the ends of her maternity dress, a soft, gauzy material that felt fragile under his hands. John pulled it over her head and freed her from the confines of the material. He filled his hands with the full globes of her breasts, noticing how much fuller they were now that she was pregnant. It turned him on to see her arch into his palms from the pleasure of his touch, and he watched as she arched into his hands.

“You like how my hands feel on you,” he murmured with certainty and pleasure in his voice. “You’re so beautiful, getting round with my babies nestled inside you. Can I kiss your breasts, baby?”

“Oh God, yes,” she moaned.

John was much taller than Charlie, so to kiss her breasts he got to his knees. With her standing in front of him, her upturned breasts within reach of his lips, John felt like she was his goddess and the only way to worship her body was with his mouth. He laved the first nipple and felt her body tremble. He turned his attention to the second pert bug and pulled it deep into his mouth. Her soft cry made his cock jump in his pants. He repeated the process until she shuddered and pulled at his shoulders frantically, a silent plea for him to stand.

John stood, and his eyes widened in surprise as she pushed him back against the soft sheets on the bed.  Charlie flashed him a quick. wicked smile before she swept his jeans and boxer shorts down his legs. His aching hard cock throbbed when she settled herself on her knees between his legs.

“Honey, you’re pregnant,” John said huskily.

“I know that, John Greyward, I’m bigger but I can still please my man,” Charlie laughed. “I won’t be doing this when I’m eight months pregnant, but for now let me taste you.”

John nodded and swallowed thickly as he watched her. She ran her hand down his torso and teased a trail down to his cock. He ached to be inside her, and his cock throbbed in anticipation. He groaned when she took his cock in her grasp and fondled the heavy sacks of his ball. John felt the tension in the muscles of his thighs each time she stroked his hard length. Charlie looked up and their eyes connected. She released a slow whimper as she expelled a breath.  He knew she was watching pleasure on his face and it turned her on.  She wrapped her lips around the sensitive tip of his cock, and John closed his eyes and groaned. Her mouth was hot and the soft suction as she took him deeper drove him wild.

“Enough.” He heard the desire in his voice.

The need to bury his cock deep inside her went beyond reason, beyond sanity. As Charlie straddled his thick thighs, John pulled her down on his waiting shaft. The feeling of her hot, slick pussy enclosing his engorged cock wrung a guttural groan from his lips. The sheer pleasure of it almost sent him over the edge, and he gritted his teeth, striving for control.  She began to move, and John’s heart raced in his chest as need pulsed through his veins. His hands were on her ass, pulling her down onto his cock. He reveled in the sensations of the wetness of her sex, soaking his length and dripping down the sacks of his balls.

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