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Authors: Roy Glenn

Out of Control (10 page)

BOOK: Out of Control
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Rain rolled away from Nick. “I need to feel that dick inside me,” she said and put her hands on his shoulders and rolled on top of him. She grabbed his dick, and lowered herself slowly onto him. Nick laid on his back and watched Rain move her body up and down on him violently, grinding her hips into him with each stroke. Nick twisted her nipples.

The feeling of finally having Nick inside her after thinking about it and wanting to feel him so intensely like she had all day was indescribable. He slid his hands from her nipples, down her back and then gripped her ass. Rain leaned forward and kissed Nick. He began to push back furiously. “Shit! You’re gonna make me cum again!” Rain yelled and sat straight up on him. “Fuck me, Nick!”

When they were done, Nick got up and took a shower, while Rain laid there curled in the fetal position. Nick got dressed and kissed Rain goodbye. When he walked out Rain got out of bed and watched from the window as Nick drove off.

Rain took a quick shower and then she called a cab. The cab arrived shortly after she was finished dressing. She grabbed her little used blonde wig from the mannequin on her dresser put it in her bag and headed out the door.

Her destination was Clay’s Garage. After Monika assassinated Bo Freeman for being a disloyal son-of-a-bitch, Nick put a man they called Chance in charge of the garage. Since the incident with Bo, Nick put people that he knew he could trust in key positions. Clay’s garage was one of those places. “What’s up, Chance?” Rain said when she entered the office.

“I’m good, Rain. What brings you out tonight?”

“I need a car for a while. Nothing fancy, it just need to get me where I’m goin’ and Nick don’t need to know nothing about this.”

Chance looked at Rain sideways.

“And before you start thinkin’ something stupid, I ain’t steppin’ out on my man, but there’s something goin’ on in them streets and I need to get on top of it.”

Chance got up from his desk and took a set of keys off the board on the wall. “Follow me.” He led her to a 2000 Nissan Altima and handed her the keys. “You know, now that you mention it, something funny happened the other day. At the time, I didn’t think much of it. But now—”

“What’s that?”

“Grant came by here out of the blue.”

“What he want?”

“That’s just it, he didn’t want anything. He just wandered around for a while then he came in the office and shot the shit for a while. But before he left, Grant said, you know at the end of the day, we all work for Mike Black and it’s him we got to stay loyal to.”

“What you say?”

“I said, yeah, not being loyal to Black will get you killed. Then he got up and left.”

“Them niggas is plannin’ something. He was here feelin’ you out.”

“Who you think is in it with him?”

“I don’t know yet but I’m gonna find out.”

Rain got in the car and drove off, once she got outside the garage, she put on her wig. She spent the rest of the night riding by some of the places that were run by people that were with Grant. Then she did the same with Cynt’s people. At each of those spots she saw a lot of new faces. She was surprised when she rode by Doc’s spot and saw the same thing there. “Not you too, Doc.”

Meanwhile, Chris Toney was being entertained at Grants. When he arrived at the spot, some one immediately ran and told Grant. “One of Rain’s men just came in.”

“Rain with him?”

“No, he’s by himself.” Grant came out of the office and stood off to the side while Chris Toney ordered drinks and watched the dancers. “He just here to watch some pussy,” Grant said and started to go back to his office. “But keep an eye on him. If Rain or the rest of them niggas show up let me know.”

The dancer went by the name Cashmere. He sat and watched her but he did notice that there were more than a few people watching him. Some of them he hadn’t seen before. She danced and Chris Toney made it rain on her for over an hour before he let her sit down, but all the while she danced he bought her drinks. He knew that she liked to talk and would tell everything she knew if she was a little tipsy.

“So what’s been goin’ on up in this bitch?”

“Everything is lovely,” Cashmere said and sipped her drink. “I been makin’ crazy money up in here lately.” Cashmere laughed. “And not just from you.” she kissed him. “You know you always take good care of me.”

“What’s up with that?”

“They been bringin’ a lot of new niggas up in here to see Grant. Then them niggas hang around here all day, and they be spending crazy money. All the girls gettin’ phat in here now.”

“They don’t do nothing, they just hang out here droppin’ money?”

“And get drunk,” Cashmere told Chris Toney.

“Well don’t spend all that money you makin’ on stupid shit,” Chris Toney said and got up.

“Oh, hell, no. I be buyin’ me some diamonds and shit. You know they a bitch best friend,” Cashmere said as Chris Toney headed for the door. By that time, Grant was out of the office and watching them again. When Chris Toney was outside he told one of his men to bring Cashmere to the office.

Grant was leaning on the desk when Cashmere came in the office.

“What that nigga want?” Grant asked.

“To see me dance, what you think he wanted.”

Grant slapped her. “Don’t get smart with me. Tell me what you told that nigga?” Grant asked and slapped her again.

“I didn’t tell him nothin’, shit I don’t know nothin’ to tell him,” Cashmere said as the tears fell from her eyes.

“All right get out of here,” Grant said and turned away.

Once Chris Toney was outside he called Rain. “What’s up, Chris Toney?”

“You was right. Something’s goin’ on at Grant’s,”

“Yeah, I know and it ain’t just Grant. Round up the crew and meet me at Cynt’s.”

“On my way.”

As soon as Rain and her crew walked in Cynt’s and sat down at a table, Dwayne, Cynt’s right hand man, rushed to tell her. When Mercedes saw Rain and her men, she quickly separated herself from the man she was dancing for. She went to the back and took out her cell phone.

“They’re here,” Dwayne said excitedly when he came into Cynt’s office.

“Who?” Cynt asked.


“I’ll be right out,” Cynt said and picked up the phone.


“Wanda, it’s Cynt. Rain and her men are here. And I’m not ready for them yet.”

“What does she want?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t been out there yet.”

“She didn’t come straight to your office?” Wanda asked.

“No, Dwayne just came and told me she was here.”

“Then she’s not there for the money.” Wanda thought for a minute.
What would Mike do?
She asked herself. “Just play it by ear, Cynt. If you have to give up the money, go ahead and do it. But call me first.”

“Okay,” Cynt said and ended the call. She got up from her desk and went out to the floor. Dwayne was watching Rain. “What are they doing?”

“They ordered drinks.”

When the waitress brought them their drinks and asked for the money, Rain looked at her like she was stupid. Then she looked over and saw Cynt standing there with Dwayne. “Ain’t no check for this table. You tell Cynt that Rain Robinson is drinkin’ on the house tonight. Now go on and get outta here.”

“And send some women over here,” Memphis said.

The waitress walked away from the table and went straight to Cynt to deliver Rain’s message. Cynt told the waitress it was all right. For the next two hours they got drunk on Cynt’s liquor and Rain’s men enjoyed being entertained by the dancers and ordering drinks for the other men who were sitting nearby.

By that time, Cynt had had enough. She called Dwayne over. “Get some men and go over there and see what she wants.” Dwayne got four of his men and went to the table.

“Here they come,” Donavan said to Rain as they approached.

“Get rid of the women,” Rain said and eased her weapon out of her purse.

Donavan stood up and took a roll of money out of his pocket. “Okay, ladies. That’s enough,” he said and started passing out the money to each of the dancers that were gathered around the table.

Once all of the women were gone, Rain’s men stood up as Dwayne and his men walked up. “Can I help you, gentlemen?” Brandon asked and unbuttoned his jacket so they could see that Brandon was carrying two guns.

“Just came to see what y’all was doin’ here?” Dwayne asked and kept his eyes on Rain.

“What it look like we was doin’, nigga. We was havin’ a good time watchin’ these ho’s ’til your bitch ass showed up,” Memphis said and got in Dwayne’s face.

Dwayne took a step back. “You need to back up off me.”

Memphis took a step closer and got back in Dwayne’s face. “What you gonna do if I don’t?”

Dwayne glanced at Cynt and she nodded her head. With that Dwayne pushed Memphis off him. Chris Toney stepped up quickly. He grabbed Dwayne, picked him up and threw him down on a table. The table broke on impact. Everybody drew their weapons and the customers scattered. Mercedes dropped to the floor, took out her phone and made another call.

Rain laughed and held up her hands. She got up and looked down at Dwayne, laying there on the floor with Memphis’s gun pointed at his head. She walked up to Cynt. “You tell that bitch Wanda that I know what she up to,” Rain said calmly and headed for the door.

Her men followed her out with their weapons still pointed at Cynt’s men.


Nick didn’t go back to JR’s after he dropped Rain off at her apartment. Instead, he decided that he needed to go around to see some people. If what he heard was true and Wanda was getting ready to move against him, something that he still didn’t want to believe, then he needed to see who was with him. His first spot was to see Howard Owens. He was a bookie and a loan shark. Howard had been with Black since the days when Black first separated from André. He was a good earner and more importantly, Howard controlled or had influence over the type of people Nick would need. The collectors, the leg breakers, the people you didn’t want to see if you owed money and couldn’t pay.

Nick was there for Howard when a man named Charles Watson borrowed fifty thousand dollars to expand his construction business and had been ducking him for two months. Then he sent a man named Clay Barksdale to kidnap and beat Howard’s brother and then tried to kill Howard.

Nick and Rain went to Watson’s house and forced his wife to lure Watson and Barksdale to the house. Rain tied up both men and then Nick beat Barksdale and burned him with acid until he passed out. “Wake him up,” Nick ordered and Rain backhanded Barksdale. His head snapped back and his eyes jerked open.

“Now kill him.”

When Rain put the gun to his head, you could see the fear in his eyes and terror in the Watsons’. She fired once. The impact knocked the chair over. “Do you know who I am?” Nick asked Watson.


“My name is Nick Simmons. Howard Owens works for me.”

“I was goin’ to pay him his money. I just need a little more time.”

“You had your chance to pay Howard. You had your chance to pay the two gentlemen I sent to talk to you last week, but you ducked out on them and then you sent that asshole to rough-up Howard’s brother and take a shot at him. That’s why he’s layin’ there dead now. You don’t owe that money to Howard anymore. Now you owe me. So here’s what’s gonna happen. I own ten percent of your business. Tomorrow morning I’m gonna send the same two men around to your office at ten o’clock and you’re gonna be there to meet them. You’re gonna give them the money you owe, including the interest and they’re gonna give you some papers to sign. Sign them. The next morning another man will be there. He is my representative, he’ll explain how things are gonna work. The good news is you still run the company, but you don’t do shit unless you talk to him first. Do we have a deal or do I have to kill your wife?”

“We have a deal,” Watson said and dropped his head.

“Smart man. Do what I say and you’ll live a lot longer and you’ll make a lot more money,” Nick said and got up. “By the way, if you even think about callin’ the cops and sayin’ anything about our deal, I promise you that you will get to watch me kill your wife and those two kids, before I cut your head off. Do we have an understanding?”

Now Nick needed Howard to be there for him.

Howard operated out of a dry cleaning store, but at night he could be found at home with his family. When he got to Howard’s house, his wife, Evelyn let Nick in and told him that he could find Howard in the living room watching TV.
“Hello, Howard.”

Howard was startled by Nick’s sudden appearance in his living room. Then he thought quickly if he owed Nick something and had forgotten to repay it. He looked around for Rain. Not seeing her or anybody else, Howard relaxed a little. Still, he wished that his gun wasn’t in the bedroom.

Nick saw the look on Howard’s face. “Relax Howard. I ain’t here to kill you,” he said and sat down.

Evelyn brought out a bottle of scotch and two glasses, and Nick told Howard the reason for his unexpected visit. “And you think Wanda is behind them?”

BOOK: Out of Control
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