Out of Control (9 page)

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Authors: Roy Glenn

BOOK: Out of Control
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“He said to drop by when you get back to New York. He’s got something for you.” Travis gave Black the customary twenty percent and promised to give Monika thirty percent, which still netted him more then three hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. Travis was quickly finding out that this was a whole lot easier and a whole lot more profitable than walking in a bank with a gun. He was able to make that money sitting in his living room in his bathrobe.

“When’s the last time you been to New York?” Monika asked.

“It’s been a minute,” Black said and continued looking over the documents.

“Maybe you should think about payin’ a visit. You know, see how things are going.” Monika had heard some things and didn’t like what she was hearing.

“I have confidence in Nick. He’s got to handle things for himself. Besides,” Black said barely looking up from the documents. “I got too much going on down here with the expansion and Cee being sick all the damn time.”

Monika had known Black long enough to know that she should drop it. “So, what’s Bernadette cooking?”

“I don’t know. Copy these to a flash drive and we’ll go see.”

Early the next morning Black rang the bell at the bungalow he rented for Meka. “It’s Mike.”

“Just a minute.”

It wasn’t long before Meka opened the door, dressed only in a big tee shirt. Over the last few months that they’d been working together, Black and Meka had gotten very comfortable working together. She too was a frequent visitor to the Yellow Rose and just like Monika, Meka loved Bernadette’s cooking. She had dinner with Black, CeCe and Michelle many times. Her and CeCe had become good friends and shopping buddies. Michelle even called her Auntie Meka.

“Kind of early for you, ain’t it?”

Black stepped inside and smelled something he hadn’t smelled in years. “Are you smokin’ weed, Meka?”

Meka looked at Black like he was her father and had just caught her with the blunt in her mouth. “Yes.”

“I didn’t know you smoked. All this time and you never mentioned it.”

“I heard though the grapevine that drugs are a big Mike Black no, no. The word is that you can’t be involved in drugs and work for you.”

“I got a problem with selling cocaine,” Black said and thought for a second. “Which made it ironic that I fell in love with and eventually married a cocaine dealer. But anyway, I consider smokin’ weed a harmless vice. I used to smoke. Used to smoke a lot.”

Meka went in the kitchen, opened the oven and took out the ash tray with the blunt. She hid it there when the doorbell rang. She came back in the living room and lit up. “Wanna hit?”

“I haven’t smoked in years, but you go ahead,” Black said since she had fired up the blunt already. “Anyway, I got something I want you to look at. If it’s what I think it is, I think we can make some money with it,” Black said and handed Meka the travel drive that Monika copied the stolen documents on. Meka put the drive in one of the four laptops she had set up in the dinning room and looked at the documents. Her smile got bigger as she looked over each one.

“Where did you get these?”

“That’s a need to know.”

“You’ve got the EU Industrial Orders Report, Belgium Business Climate Report and the Germany Business Climate Report. These are due out next week. This is like gold.” Meka got up and headed for the door. “You got to go,” she said excitedly. “I need to study these and form a plan to capitalize on this information. Call me or come by tomorrow,” she said and rushed him out the door.

The following afternoon, Black returned to Meka’s bungalow. She let him in and rushed right back to her laptops. He came and sat down at the table with her. Meka was still wearing the same big tee shirt she had on the last time he saw her and her eyes were red. “Been blazin’ weed all day, Meka?”

“No—well—yes, but that’s not why my eyes are red. I’ve been up all night. I had to read over all those reports you dropped in my lap. I had to research some things and come up with the correct strategy to capitalize. Then I started trading on the Tokyo and Shanghai exchanges the minute they opened. The Nikkei and the SSE are both up,” Meka said referring to the Japanese and Chinese stock markets. “By the time the markets opened in Europe I was well on my way to us having our best day ever!” Meka shouted.

“What does that mean in dollars?”

Meka looked up at Black. “We are on track to make over a million dollars today,” she said and smiled. Meka had another reason to be smiling. Her work today had officially made her a millionaire. “That, and I’ve picked up some long term investments that will strengthen our portfolio.”

“That’s cause for a little celebration,” Black said and got up to make himself a drink.

“Make one for me,” Meka said and went back to work. For the rest of the day they celebrated, drank, watched the markets and made money. Then Meka lit up the blunt. “Let me hit that,” Black said and Meka passed it over and got busy rolling another one. Two blunts and five shots of Remy later, Black said, “I ain’t been this kind of high in a long time.”

When the markets closed they had made 1.7 million dollars. Meka got up from the table and began to dance. She picked up her drink and drained it, then she turned up the music. “Get up and dance with me,” Meka said and danced her way closer to Black. “We’re celebrating! I’m a millionaire!”

Black got up slowly and began dancing with Meka. She moved her hips in a circle, arching her back, and then she bent over in front of him. “You shouldn’t bend over like that in front of me, Meka.”

Meka laughed. “Why not,” she and did it again.

“Keep it up and I might have to show you.”

Meka stood up straight and continued dancing closer and closer to Black. He always thought Meka was attractive, tall and fine and at one point he had thought about pursuing her, but CeCe came along and changed everything for him.

Meka stood in front of him and began moving her body slowly. Black stepped a little closer and began to move with her. Meka put her arm around his neck and the two stopped dancing. They looked at each other and then their lips met. Meka turned around and Black put his arms around her waist. He kissed the back of her neck, Meka eyes closed and her head went back as he ran his hand slowly over her chest and put his hand between her thighs.
Meka’s body shook a little when he ran one finger down from her clit and along her lips.

Meka spread her legs and bent over as Black unbuckled his pants and eased inside her. “Ooooh—noooo,” Meka said softly as Black ran his hands over her ass and then up and down her back. It didn’t last long, but it was intense. Then suddenly Meka ran in the bathroom and closed the door.

After a while, Black went to door and knocked. “You okay?”

“I’m all right,” Meka said quietly. She felt bad about what they had just done. “Look—ah—why don’t you just go.”


“I’ll call you, okay.”

“Okay.” Black went in the other bathroom, cleaned up and then he left.

New York City

Rain and Chris Toney made their way through the crowd at JR’s on the way to her office. She had a lot on her mind. Rain had begun hearing rumors and she didn’t like what she was hearing. The word was that Wanda is planning to force Nick out. They were just about to go in the back of the club when Rain felt a hand on her shoulder. She reached for her gun and Chris Toney stopped and turned around quickly. By the time Rain recognized who it was, Chris Toney already had his gun in the man’s face. Rain held up one hand and Chris Toney moved his gun away. “What’s up, Ronnie? When you get out?”

“A couple of days ago,” he said and tried to hug Rain but she held him off. Ronnie was Ronald King, the son of Robert King. After Black killed
Hammond and Jamaica killed Cazzie Riley,
Jimmy Knowles, Charlie Rock, and Vincent Martin attempted to kill Black, which started a war between Black and what remained of André's and Cazzie Riley's organizations. Once Black was successful in eliminating his enemies, Chilly took over what was left of André’s drug operation, and Robert King took over Cazzie Riley’s operation.
In those days, Robert was good friends with Rain’s father JR. Rain had known Ronnie as long as she could remember. They even dated for a while before he went to jail for possession. “Oh, it’s like that?” Ronnie asked Rain as Chris Toney moved a step closer.

“You been gone a long time. A lot has changed,” Rain said.



“Is your pops in? I’d like to say hello,” Ronnie said.

“My father is dead. Me and my man run this place now.”

“I didn’t know.”

“I guess not,” Rain said and gave him attitude.

“I’m sorry. Him and my father were close.”

“So close that he forgot to show up for his funeral or send flowers.”

“He’s been sick. Maybe he didn’t hear about JR passing.”

“Bullshit. There were more than two thousand people at my daddy’s funeral. I’m pretty sure somebody that worked for your father knew.”

Ronnie looked at Rain for a while without speaking. Rain was about to walk off when he finally said. “So when can we get together?”

Rain laughed. “I told you, I got a man. We run this place.”

“So you got a man. What that mean to me?”

“It means something to me,” Rain said.

“So where is this man of yours?” Ronnie asked. “What’s his name?”

“His name is Nick Simmons and he’s in the office.”

“Nick Simmons, used to run with Mike Black, Nick Simmons?”

“Nick Simmons, that still run with Mike Black, Nick Simmons,” Rain said proudly.

“So you with them now?”

Rain took a deep breath; she wasn’t in the mood for this. “Look Ronnie, it was good seeing you. It really was. But right now, I got a lot goin’ on and I don’t really have time to stand here and get reacquainted. Now that you out, I’m sure I’ll see you around,” Rain said and walked off leaving Ronnie standing by himself.

“You’ll see me again,” Ronnie said and watched Rain and Chris Toney go in the back of the club. “Next time you see me, I’ll be back on top.”

Rain sat in what was once her brother Miles’ office at JR’s. When Nick began operating from there, Rain gave him the bigger office because he was her king. She thought about Ronnie King and the way she just treated him. Jay Easy crossed her mind.
You disrespected him and he started robbin’ your ass and tried to have you killed,
Rain thought and hoped she hadn’t made the same mistake with Ronnie; at least he seemed to take it a little better. But she couldn’t worry about that now. Right now, that bitch Wanda was on her mind. “I want you to do something for me,” she said to Chris Toney.

“Whatever you need is done. You know that.”

“You still messin’ with that little trick a Grant’s?”

“Sometimes. Why?”

“I want you to go see her.” Rain took a stack of bills out of the drawer, counted some off and handed them to Chris Toney. “Drop some money on her, see what she talkin’ ’bout.”

Chris Toney nodded is head and put away the money. “What you want me to ask her?”

“I don’t want you to ask her shit. I want to know what’s goin’ on over there. If something’s goin’ on, she’ll tell it.”

“You want me to take the crew with me?”

“No. You go by yourself,” Rain said and got up. She walked with Chris as he left to carry out her orders. “Call me when you’re done,” she said as she got to Nick’s office.

“You got it,” Chris Toney said and left Rain standing at the door. When she heard the buzzer, Rain opened the door and went in.

“I ain’t feelin’ good,” she said. “I’ma catch a cab and go home.”

Nick got up. “That’s all right. I’ll drive you.”

“You don’t have to do that, I’ll be all right.”

“No. I brought you here, I’ll take you home,” Nick said and armed himself.

“Now you know, if you take me home I’ma want some of that dick.”

“Thought you wasn’t feelin’ good?”

“I ain’t ever that sick that I don’t want some of that dick,” Rain said and followed her king out of the office. When they got to Rain’s apartment, neither said a word. They went straight in her bedroom and got undressed.

As soon as he was naked, Rain clasped her fingers together, placed them around his dick and moved them up and down. She felt his dick swelling in her hand. Rain let go his of dick and took him in her mouth.

After a while, Nick laid down on the bed and propped a pillow behind his head. He watched as her tongue slid up and down his dick. Then she began to run circles around his head with her tongue. Nick reached for Rain and pulled her on top of him.

Rain turned her body around and positioned herself to ride his face. She ran her tongue over her lips and sucked his head.

Nick spread her lips and held it while he licked his finger and began to gently massage her clit. His tongue slithered along her lips and then made tight circles around her clit while he moved his finger in and out of Rain’s dripping wet pussy. “Oh, shit nigga, that shit feels so fuckin’ good.”

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