Outbreak The Beginning (The Outbreak Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Outbreak The Beginning (The Outbreak Series Book 1)
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Looking over at him I just shake my head. He walks out the door grinning ……

“UGH!” I fall back on the bed. What just happened???

Chapter 19




My alarm goes off. Stretching I look at the clock it’s 5 am, nothing like getting an hour and a half of sleep. I flip the alarm off and turn over, just laying there. I can’t believe I let Sal kiss me last night. What was I thinking? I won’t deny that there’s an attraction there, because there is. But I don’t know him at all. This can’t happen again. That’s for sure. 

Groaning, I throw the blankets back and walk into the bathroom and flip on the light. Damn that’s too bright. Reaching into the shower I turn the water on. And start taking off my clothes. I can take a shower because Sal put a waterproof dressing on my shoulder. Stepping into the hot water it feels amazing. I let it run down my shoulder for a while trying to work the stiffness out. Making it feel a little bit better I start to wash my hair.

I hurry up shaving my legs and everywhere else that needs it. Turning off the water I open the shower and grab the two towels I have hanging. Wrapping my hair up in one, I start drying off with the other.

Walking out to my room I go to the closet and grab jeans and a tank top. I go for the black undies and bra this time. They are really cute lace and black stones. I really don’t need anything fancy.

Getting dressed I sit on the bed to put my boots on. I put my belt on with my hip holster. Checking my 9mm I giggle to myself. Hey it matches my pink tank top! Hopping up I grab my backpack and throw an extra set of clothes and a hoodie. I always get cold. Walking over to my nightstand I grab two extra clips and a box of ammo. Sticking them in the back pack I head for the door.

Yelling for the dogs they come running. We head out the bedroom closing the door softly we make our way out to the dining room. Nate and Tomas are up and eating bowls of cereal. Looking into the living room its dark, TV’s off. There’s really no use for it to be on, everything’s on a loop now.

“Hey mom, how’s the shoulder?” Nate says.

“It’s just road rash really, Nate I’m fine. Tomas has been through this many times huh Tomas?” I say smiling and indicating my shoulder.

“Yep sure have Aunt Egypt. Hurts like hell though.” Tomas says grinning.

“The mouth Tomas! I’ve been slack on telling you guys about it.” Laughing, I set my boots by the glass doors and let the raging mutts out. They run out of the house and dart to the yard.

Walking into the kitchen I make myself a cup of coffee. When it’s done I wrap my hands around it. Sipping it mmmm!! Just the way I like it! Walking over to the boys I look at them for a minute.

“Nate you know what you have to do today?”

“Yep Mom! Everything will be fine here. I know what to do and not to do. The house and everyone in it will be fine. Mom be careful out there. You stay safe no matter what. Mom you know I don’t like this ….”

He doesn’t finish what he’s saying because in walks Hank and Sal. I look at him and he just shakes his head.

Looking at Hank, I say. “Hey guys there’s coffee over there.”  Sal’s got a stupid but sexy grin on his face.

Shaking my head I walk out the glass doors and sit on the steps. Looking out over the back yard, I sip my coffee. Stretching my legs out in front of me I look at my toes. It’s still dark out but from the light on in the house I can make out their pink. Well a woman can still be a woman, even at the end of the world. I hear a noise behind me and know someone walked out.

Looking behind me I see its Sal and Hank. They sit at the table. Looking back out to the yard I see Mack coming out of the RV. I stand up and walk out to the dogs. These guys along with my kids are my life. Dropping down to my knees, they run over to me. I start petting them. “Hey guys I’m going to be away overnight. You listen to Nate while I’m gone,” I say, petting them. I’m really going to miss them and the silly things they do.

“Morning Egypt,” Mack says.

“Morning Mack, hope you slept well last night?” I ask.

Bending down, he starts petting Rufus. “Slept like a log. How’d you sleep? I see Sal took care of your shoulder?”

Looking over my shoulder at Sal, he’s really staring at us. “It’s good, just stiff but I guess that’s to be expected. And for the hour and a half I got, I slept great thank you.” Looking up at Mack I hand him my cup of coffee. Smiling at me, he takes it and winks.

The dogs take off across the yard. So I stand up. All of a sudden I get a big old bear hug from behind! Laughing I know who it is. He always picks me up and hugs me.

“Morning Pete, can ya put me down already?” I say laughing.

“Nope can’t do that Egypt!” Pete says. “Hey Mack she’s not even the weight of a fire hose.”

And he hands me off to Mack. Grinning Mack twirls me around and just holds me in his arms. OK I can deal this. I lay my head against his shoulder. “Mack,” I say wiggling in his arms, “You’re so comfortable I could sleep here all night.”

Laughing he starts walking me to his RV he gets there really fast. Opening the door he walks in and goes to the back where the bed is.

“Mack, what are you doing?” I don’t get to finish because he falls to the bed with me pinned under him. Slowly he puts all his weight on me. All I really see is his chest. Man that shirt fits like a glove. “Mack wha…” He grabs my chin and lifts my face up.

Looking into his eyes I know what he’s going to do. Groaning I grab him by the hair and lower his lips to mine!! He’s not gentle kissing me and I don’t want him to be. Our lips are crushing each other. Roughly his tongue goes into my mouth. I wrap my arms around him with my hands, pulling him even closer. My hips have a mind of their own and start to grind against his. I can feel that he’s hard!! Pulling away I look at him.

“Mack what the hell are we doing?” I try and push him off me but he is too heavy and honestly I don’t want him off. 

Mack slowly lifts his weight off me. “Egypt, you want this as much as I do and you know it. I’m a patient man and I can wait until you realize I’m the one for you, not Sal!!” He gets up and walks to the front of the RV and out the door.

Sitting up, I take my hand to my lips. What the hell was I doing? And what did he mean Sal’s not the one? Getting up I make my way to the door of the RV and jump out. Hearing a scraping noise we all look over at the deck to see Sal giving Mack and Pete a dirty look. And he heads into the house.

Both the guys laugh as I make my way over to them. We all head into the house. “What’s wrong with him?” I ask.

“Well I know that he’s taken by you so I would assume he doesn’t like us messing around with you,” Mack says laughing. 

“He does not!” I say. “And besides, he’s sure not my boyfriend.” Looking over at Mack I give him a dirty look.

They both laugh again and we step into the dining room. The boys are still eating.  And now Liam is with them.

Smiling and shaking my head I say, “Hey Mack you better put more cereal on that list of yours. These boys are going to eat us out of house and home.”

“Already on the list Little Hose!” he says.

Looking at him like he’s crazy. “Little hose really Mack?” I say looking dead serious. All of a sudden Mack and Pete burst out laughing.

“OMG you guys are messed up.” Walking up really slowly to Mack I grab his shirt and pull him down to me and whisper in his ear. “Maybe you have a LITTLE HOSE?” I feel his chest jerking and I know he’s laughing.

Bending down he whispers in my ear, “Egypt you felt it!! Is it little?”

Blushing, moving away, I’ve said what I needed and grab my boots heading to the garage. Taking the steps two at a time I head up on the roof. “Hey John how’s it going?”

“Just a few zombies going by. They stopped in front of the house for about 10 minutes but then moved on,” he says.

“OK, hey I’ll stay up here you go and get something to eat.” Sitting down I start to put on my boots when I hear someone coming up the stairs. Maybe John forgot something. Looking up, I see its Sal. He comes over and sits across from me and just looks at me.

“Morning Sal,” I say.

“Morning Egypt. How’s the shoulder?” he asks.

“Its fine just a bit stiff but my medic did say it would be,” I say grinning.

Smiling at me he hands me a cup of coffee. “You left yours downstairs.” 

Taking the hot steaming cup of coffee I take a sip and my eyes open wide. How did he know? “How did you know how I like it?” I ask.

“Your son made it for you. I don’t think he likes me that much,” he says.

“Really, why do you think that?”

“Well the dirty looks for one,” he says smiling.

“Well he’s a teenager so I’m sure that’s normal,” I say smiling into my cup of coffee.

Chapter 20




“No I think he knows I like his mom and he’s not happy about it,” he says grinning.

Tabitha comes up the steps.

“Hey honey everything alright?” I ask. I walk over to her.

“Yeah Mom I’m good. The baby is just kicking a lot.”

“Well sweetie you better get used to it,” I say smiling.

“Mom be careful out there I know you can take care of yourself but it’s going to be very bad out there. And we all need you here.”

I look at her and she’s starting to cry. Putting my arms around her I say, “Honey listen to me…” Looking behind her I notice Mack and Pete have come up here. “Nothing is going to happen to me. I will be fine and no matter where I am I will always come back to you guys. And besides, these guys will make sure of that honey.” 

Tabby looks over at the guys and they are nodding to her. She walks right up to Sal and says, “You better watch out for my mom.”

“I would die to protect your mom. I will not let anything happen to her. Mack and Pete won’t either. If you’d seen her out there yesterday you really wouldn’t worry about your mom, Tabitha,” Sal says.

Tabby turns around and heads back downstairs. Rubbing my hands down my face I look at them standing there. I don’t want to lose any of them.

Shaking my head, I say, “I know it’s hard for the kids to see me go. But that can’t stop me. This has to be done and I’m not going to sit here while everyone else goes and risks their lives. How could I live with myself if I ever did that?”

“I for one want you with us,” Mack says. “You are one of the best, we got to go out and do this, don’t let them make you feel bad Egypt.”

“We follow you Egypt. What you say goes,” Pete says.

Looking over at Sal he just stands there with a stone face and says nothing. I know what that means and it really pisses me off.

“Well ok guys we need to get ready to head out. I have to take care of some last minute stuff.” We all walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I walk over to where Nate and Hank are talking.

“Hey guys, Nate you know what to do once Uncle Tommy and his family get here … no one goes out. If they don’t like it they can leave. You might have some trouble with Renee she can be a real bitch. If it gets bad, call me I will deal with her. The only reason she’s coming at all is because of your, Uncle Jim. You have any questions before we head out?” I ask.

“Nope we’re all good here Mom.”

I see him look over my shoulder.

“Just be safe out there,” he says.

Looking behind me I see Pete, Sal and Mack. Whatever they are talking about, it’s getting heated. “Ok Liam, you ready, you’re riding with G-Dad ok?” I say. He smiles and leaves with him.

Putting my backpack down, I look up at Sal.  “Come on you’re riding with me,” I say. He grins and from the corner of my eye I can see Mack giving him a dirty look. He grabs his backpack and then reaches for mine. I hug Pete and tell him to be careful.

He picks me up off the floor and whispers in my ear, “If all hell breaks loose stay close to either Mack or Sal.” 

Putting my pack down, I just look at him. Nodding I look at Mack. “Hey be careful little hose,” I say grinning.

He comes over and gently hugs me. “I got your back Egypt and your front, just yell,” he says, grinning.

Pushing away from Mack I start to walk faster to catch up with Sal. I fall into step with him. We walk out to the driveway. He’s looking at the trucks.

“Oh we’re taking my son’s,” I say throwing him the keys. “Here you drive.”

He catches them and smiles. He walks around the truck whistling low. “This is a great truck,” he says.

“Yeah and it better stay that way too!” Nate says walking up to us.

“Nate?” I look at him. “Forget something?”

“Nope Mom.” He walks up and kisses my cheek and heads around the truck to where Sal is putting our stuff in.

I see them talking, Nate looks pissed, but Sal is just nodding and not talking. Wow that must be a first. All of a sudden I see Sal answering Nate. Nate nods and shakes his hand and walks to the gate to watch when we leave. Walking around to the other side of the truck Sal opens the door and I hop in. He walks around to the other side and gets in. He starts the truck and we put our seat belts on. I grab my walkie and turn it on. I plug the charger in so it’s full when we get where we’re going.

“So are we in the lead?” Sal asks.

“Yep, I’ll tell ya where to go. We’re going to Walmart in Salem first and then to a few other stores over in Boardman.” I grab the walkie. “OK guys everyone ready we’re heading to Walmart fist. If anyone gets hung up we meet there.” 

“Roger that,” Liam says.

“See you there,” Mack says.

We pull out of the drive turning right. I wave at Nate and he smiles and waves back. I know things are going to be fine here while we’re gone.  Nate’s a smart young man. He will handle anything that comes their way and if not I know he will call.

“Nate seems to really have his head on straight,” Sal says.

“Yeah he was signed up for the Marines when he was done with school,” I say.

“The Marines are the best. They make a man strong of body and mind. He would have been good there,” Sal says.

Nodding I turn around in the seat and grab two Dr Peppers out of the cooler. Four left.

“You want one?” I ask.

“Sure, this is your favorite pop isn’t it?”

“Yep it’s the best! Hey you want to take a right up there. I haven’t been this way since all this started so I have no clue how the roads are going to be,” I say.

“Well we have a 4x4 we should be fine. All of us do,” Sal says winking at me.

Shaking my head I watch as the houses pass by. Some are boarded up and others don’t even look touched. The things you think about when everything is normal. I used to day dream about this, and now that it’s here, I dream of a normal world.

“So what did you do before all this happened?” Sal asked.

“I was a stay at home mom. I’ve been a single parent for five years now. We’ve done very well though. What about you Sal?”

“Single my whole life. I’ve dated but never the right one and a Fire Fighter for five years,” he says.

He really didn’t seem like he wanted to talk about himself. So I let it drop. Sal moves his arm over my chest. I hear the sound of squealing brakes. “What the hell is going on?” Looking up I see two cars in the road.

Sal moves his arm from across me. “Sorry Egypt. Old things die hard.”

Taking off my seat belt I hop out of the truck.  Sal does the same. I grab my gun. Not taking any chances we walk slowly to the cars.

“Egypt be careful,” I hear Sal say. He walks up behind me. The others are getting out of their trucks. Slowly I make my way up to the cars. I look into the first one and I see baby stuff in it and it’s empty. I see Hank and Pete looking around the other one. Liam and Mack are keeping watch.

“I wonder where they went,” I say seeing blood on the ground.

“I don’t know Egypt,” Hank says.

Sal bends down and looks at the blood on the ground. He looks around the cars. And seems to find what he was looking for. He comes back to me and grabs my arm pulling me slowly back to the truck.

“Wait, stop what’s going on? Why are we going back to the truck?” I ask

“Guys go back to your trucks. Now!! This was no accident. There’s a strip of nails across the road. It’s a trap. We need to go around and get out of here NOW!” Sal says.

Everyone gets back into their trucks. Sal puts my seat belt on and starts to drive around the cars.

We have to go into the farm field to get around it. So we don’t go over the nails. There’s a couple of farms on the right and a few houses set way back on the left.

“Sal we need to check them houses those people could need help,” I say.

“Egypt we can’t, besides they are most likely dead by now.”

“You don’t know that Sal … please.” I see a look of pain on his face.

“Egypt there was seven or eight of them and only a woman and kids in the cars. They took the women forcefully and I shouldn’t have to tell you what’s happened to them if it’s not still going on,” he says.  “And I’m not going to put you in that kind of danger, think about it. YOUR son is here. You don’t want him caught up in that?”

Thinking, I shake my head no! “Why would they do that to those women?” I start to say.

“Think about it. There’s no more law, Egypt, anything goes. And guys like that think it’s a good way to pass the time. All we can hope is that they are dead.”

As he continues to drive down the road I just can’t believe people would be like that. I know that you see that kind of stuff in the movies but this isn’t the movies.

“Make a left at the light.” He slows down, runs the red light and makes the turn.

There’s no reason now to obey the traffic lights! Who’s going to pull you over, almost everyone’s gone. I look behind us and see everyone’s still following us. At least we haven’t been split up. I scope the area to get my bearings so I don’t take us out of the way.

“Sal make another right and we’re going to be coming into town. Should we keep going this way or try back streets?” I ask.

He grabs for the walkie. “Hey Hank should we try going through town or go around it? He asks.

“Go through,” he says. “It’s not a huge town like Akron.”

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