Outbreak The Beginning (The Outbreak Series Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Outbreak The Beginning (The Outbreak Series Book 1)
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Taking my hands I run them down his chest to where his jeans are. Unbuckling his belt slowly I slide my hand further down. Finding the very thing that I want I slide my hand around his cock. I feel him jerk at the contact, slowly I rub his length. He’s huge in my hands. He looks up to my eyes. I bend up for more kissing. As it deepens his hand glides down my stomach to my panties. Hooking his thumb through them slowly he slides them down.

I hear something but I’m too caught up in the moment. He stops kissing me and jerks his head up. Listening turning his head I feel him tense up on me.  Jumping up he runs over to the windows. I can tell something’s going on. Sitting up I try and find my jeans.

“Egypt, honey you don’t have time to get dressed. Get your gun NOW!!” he says.

Jumping up I look at myself I’m in my pink bra and undies this is just great. Sal throws me his button down and I put it on.

“Egypt, make sure you have extra ammo,” he says.

Grabbing my gun I shove my feet into my boots quickly tying them so I don’t trip. Running to the window I see what’s got him in a frenzy, my family is here and they are surrounded by hundreds of zombies. Where the hell did they all come from? There wasn’t that many last night.

“Ok listen we got to clear them zombies out of there. Egypt they are going to flip those trucks. They need to get out and get away. They will be trapped and then there’s nothing we can do. We need to bring some of them to us!” Sal goes and opens the doors and we head out.

It’s a very warm day out here this morning. All you hear are the trucks and the zombies moaning. This is my worst nightmare coming true and I need to get to my son. I make a run straight at them and Sal grabs me by the arm.

“I know Egypt he’s out there but Mack is out there with him. Mack will do whatever he has to keep that boy safe! The best way you can help him the most is get them to come to us.”

Looking at him I nod. This is the scariest moment in my life. My son is out there with a horde of zombies.

“HEY, HEY YOU UGLY ASSHOLE’S COME ON COME OVER HERE. COME AND TRY TO EAT ME!!” I yell. I see Sal looking at me grinning. I’m more ready to kill them now than I have ever been. They are coming up on us fast. Pulling the slide back I take aim.

The wind starts to pick up a bit. Sal’s shirt is blowing gently behind me. I know I must look a sight. Looking over at Sal he’s staring at me, he’s checking me out I know that look anywhere. 

“Really Sal?” I ask smiling.

“What, I’m a guy Egypt. You’re sexy as hell standing there in your bra and undies. With my shirt on blowing in the breeze a gun and with combat boots no less,” he says grinning “That’s any man’s dream come true, and you can bet every guy here is looking.”

Rolling my eyes at him, I’ll show him a dream come true. I don’t get to finish my way of thinking because the zombies are now on us.

Taking my eyes off Sal I aim and shoot. They start going down one after the other. Shit I have to run in a different direction now they are getting too close. Running into the middle of the parking lot a few break away and give chase. When I think I’m far enough away from them I turn and start shooting. Taking a few more down I look over at the trucks, they are getting back into them. They are going to drive to the bookstore doors.  Making a run for it I lead some more, further out. I see Sal yelling at me but I can’t make out what he’s saying. I throw my hands up then to my ears. Telling him I can’t hear him. Turning my head, I aim and fire taking out six more. Shit time to reload. Dropping the spent clip I slam the new one in place. Sliding it back I’m ready to shoot some more. I have one clip left in my boot. I’m going to have to get up close and personal with these zombie boys.

Chapter 25




I rush at the first zombie and kick him in his chest. Almost gagging it’s so soft my foot just about went right through it! Knocking it down I stomp on its head over and over. Blood sprays up my leg.  Shit that’s gross. One comes up behind me grabbing me by the arms. Shit, throwing my head back I hear a crack. It lets me go and I turn and grab it by the head and twist as hard as I can. I hear what I’m listening for. I’ve broken its neck. Falling to the ground he is still trying to get to me. You got to be kidding me! Stomping on his head I hear the crunching sound of his skull breaking under my foot. Shit, took too long on this one, I have three coming right at me at a full out run. Aiming my gun I take out the two on the left. That leaves me with just one. I hear something running behind me.

Quickly looking over my shoulder I see it’s Sal and man does he looked pissed. He throws me a knife. Catching it I turn and stab the zombie in the head, blood squirts out of him running down the front of me. Twisting it a little it finally falls down. Looking over at Sal he is shaking his head.

“Damn it Egypt, don’t run away from me like that, you could have been hurt.” Turning me around he looks me over to see if I’m hurt.

“I’m fine Sal. The reason why I ran was too many were coming at me at one time. Plus I was leading them away.”

Hugging me, he turns back to the bookstore, “Come on we got to get them back there and get inside,” he says.

Jogging to keep up with him, I see we did put a dent in them. Most now are following the trucks. Getting to the store front we fire at the zombies to keep them away.

The trucks pull up and they all jump out walking backwards, firing. I drop another zombie. I see Liam and he’s firing just like the others are doing. Watching him for a second, man am I proud of him or what?

Sal yells for me to go inside. I fire one more time and head in. The others follow behind me and slam the first set of doors shut locking them. They are thick doors they should hold. Walking through the next set I rush over and hug Liam.

“Ah Mom really, I’m glad you are safe too. Man Mom you were killing them left and right. You are one bad ass Mother,” he says with a grin.

“Geezs thanks babe.” Kissing his head I walk over to the guys. Mack is staring at me. Looking me up and down smiling. Shit looking at myself I see what he’s smiling about I’m covered in blood and only half dressed, so much for the imagination.

Sal walks over and closes his shirt giving Mack a dirty look. I quickly button it up but everyone’s had an eye-full. They might even try to guess what was going on before they came. I know my cheeks are red.

“Hey Egypt, man you were a hot Goddess out there,” Mack says grinning. “That was really something watching you fight them zombies.

I walk over to the other guys. “Hey Pete,” I say, hugging him. I walk to Jim and give him a big hug. “Hey mighty Cousin of mine, how are you?”

“We’re good Egypt. Thank you for letting us stay at your house it’s really crazy out there,” he says.

“Yeah it is.” Looking over I see Renee his wife’s sister with him. She is such a mean and nasty woman, I can’t stand her. She’s the type that nothing is ever good enough, oh and she knows it all. Biting my tongue I put a smile on my face.

Walking over to her I say, “Hey Renee, so glad you made it here.” I started to give her a hug as well.

Putting her hand up she says, “Yeah no hug you look and smell disgusting.”

Why that stupid bitch, I just saved her ass. Stepping closer I was about to tell her off but Pete came up and grabbed my arm.

“Hey Egypt I need to talk to you really fast,” he says.

Giving Renee one last look I walk a ways with Pete.

“Egypt, she’s not worth it. She saw how you were fighting out there when she couldn’t hit a broad side of a barn. She’s been giving everyone shit. I know you will have to put her in her place but right now might not be the time.”

“Yeah I know. Hey I’m going to go get, ahhh, cleaned up and dressed,” I say blushing.

“Yeah think ya should. You got Sal giving everyone dirty looks for checking you out. Even our new friends here,” he says laughing.

“Shit! OK hey what are the new guys doing here? Are they with us?

“No not at this point, they are just looting like we are. You know safety in numbers and all that. We can talk about it more when you get back.” 

Nodding I walk over and grab my backpack and head to the back of the store. Walking through the sections of books I finally get to the restrooms. UGH there’s no lock on the door. Oh well, walking to the sinks I plug them up with paper towels and let them fill up. Walking back to the stalls I do my business and start taking off the bloody clothes. Stuffing them in the trash I start to wash up. The water runs red then pink getting all this blood off. Wrapping my hair in my little towel I grab my clean clothes and start to put them on slipping into my undies and adjusting my bra I hear a noise at the door.

Looking over my shoulder Sal comes bursting through the door with a fountain drink in his hand. He stops dead in his tracks. Looking me up and down a slow grin spreads across his face. Why try and hide my lady bits. Not like he hasn’t seen them. Or pretty close to it. He sets the pop on the counter and slowly walks over to me.

I look up into his eyes and he slowly grabs my hips and lifts me to sit on the sink. He takes my hair out of the towel and runs his fingers through it moving a strand out of my face. He gently cups his hands around my face. Slowly he brings his lips to mine and sparks fly. Wrapping my arms around him I stretch up to him and deepen his kiss. Our tongues do a wrestling match. He tastes of coffee. He breaks off the kiss looking at me.

“Listen Egypt that just about killed me to see you fighting hand to hand with them zombies.”

“Sal, I didn’t get hurt but you’re right this is who I am now, I don’t have a choice. This is what this world has now made me become.”

Grabbing his shirt I pull him in for a kiss. Pushing him back a little I slide off the sink. Grabbing my clothes I wiggle into some jeans and a tank top and my boots. I lace them up. Putting my holster on I tie the hip strap. Pulling back the slide I check my 9mm, shoving it in place I look at Sal.

“You know you’re really hot like that too,” he says, grinning.  Pulling me for a quick kiss he bends down and whispers in my ear, “This morning we were rudely interrupted it’s not over sweetheart.”

Laughing I break away and grab my backpack off the floor. Walking to the door I turn. “I sure hope not Sal.”

Sal follows me out. “Hey did you get the books you wanted,” he asks.

“Yeah, I have them in the back next to the door. You get anything?”

“Yep sure did I, packed a bunch of DVD’s for the kids to watch,” he says.

Smiling, I say, “Aww you’re a big softy aren’t ya.”

We meet up with the others. They are sitting around the tables in the coffee shop. Sal walks over to Mack and the new guys.

Watching him for a minute I turn and Liam is motioning for me to come sit with him. I sit down and look at what he’s eating, a bunch of cookies from the display case.

“Really Liam! That’s all you could find to eat?” I say laughing.

“Naw they just looked good. I ate at the house, Mimi made us all breakfast this morning.”

Looking over at Jim and Renee I ask, “So how’s things going at the house? Where’s your wife at?”

He takes a few seconds to answer. “Well there’s tons of people there. They are unpacking their stuff. And some are putting all the stuff you guys got from Walmart in the garage. Nate is having a fit. The stuff is piled everywhere. But I know you need to go through everything.” He stops and thinks for a minute. “Oh and the baby stuff is in your room so you can go through it.”

Wow they really have a lot to do at the house. It’s not very big it’s going to be fun taking more there. You won’t be able to walk around.

“And Jen is at your house with the girls,” Jim says.

Looking around I see everyone relaxing. Talking with whoever they are sitting with. 

“Hey Mom want something to eat?” Liam asks.

Smiling I say, “Yeah, I would love a blueberry muffin please.” I take a drink as Liam makes his way to the counter. He stops and talks to everyone.

Someone sits next to me and says, “I just wanted to say I can’t believe how amazing you were out there earlier.” 

Looking over at him, he must be one of the new guys because I don’t know him. He’s really good looking and built too. Got a buzz cut sandy blond hair. He looks to be about six feet.

“And you are?” I ask looking at him.

“Oh I’m sorry, Jake,” he says, sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I really shouldn’t be rude. Smiling I shake his hand. “I’m Egypt. Thanks for helping out back there. Please excuse me for just a second.”  Standing up I say, “Hey guys how about we push some of these tables closer. We need to talk about what we’re doing today.”

Sal gets the chairs. After he’s done getting the chairs he comes over and sits next to me.

Everyone else does the same. After getting drinks and something to eat they all settle down. Looking over at Sal I stand up. “We need to decide what stores we’re going to hit today. I think we need to go to Sam’s Club for sure and then the Sports store and we need to stick together. As we’ve seen today there’s hundreds even thousands of them out there. What do you all think?” I say.

Looking around I watch their faces and low and behold the bitch stands up.

“Why do you get to make the decisions on where we go and what we do? Jim and I need to go to a few different stores,” she says.

Ok now’s the time to put this witch in her place. Looking right at her I say, “First it’s my house you’re staying at. My food you’re eating and drinking. If you don’t like the way I run things go back to the house and pack your shit and get out. But I warn you, take only what is yours. Renee you might be used to being in charge but not at my house. I just asked for everyone’s opinion. I WONT have a power struggle with you period,” I say. 

I can see her turning red jumping up she starts at me. She comes up to smack me across the face. Not playing with her I punch her right in the nose. Blood starts pouring out but I don’t stop there. I grab her arm and twist it behind her slamming her face down on the table. Whispering, “I won’t tell you again, I don’t like you, never have. The only reason you’re even here is because of my cousin and your sister Jen. You ever come at me again I will kill you.”

Letting go I back away and she gets up and walks to the back of the store.

Looking over to the new guys I say, “I’m not trying to tell you guys what to do. You can come with us or go out on your own.”

Pete speaks up grinning and shaking his head, “We leave in 20 min’s, be ready, Sam’s club it is.” 

Everyone murmurs something. I grab my pop off the table and head into the bookstore. I need to go cool off. That woman just pisses me off like there’s no tomorrow. Someone comes up behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder. It’s Jim.

Looking at him I say, “Hey I’m sorry I just don’t really like her and she’s not taking charge Jim.”

“Egypt don’t apologize, it’s the first time anyone put her in her place. She’s always so fake and nasty to my mom.”

Hugging me I pull away from him a bit. “Hey I said she would have to leave not you, Jen and the girls. If that time comes I just wanted you to know.” Looking behind him I see Sal waiting by one of the bookshelves.

“I know that Egypt,” he says.

He walks away from me to go talk to Pete. Looking over where Sal is standing I head over that way. Walking between the stacks he’s leaning against the last one. I wrap my arms around his waist. Resting my head on his chest he wraps his arms around me and we stay like that for a while. Finally he pushes me back a bit with his hands on my hips.

“Listen, please stay close today, I don’t completely trust those new guys and neither does Mack and Pete,” he says.

“I’ll need your help watching Liam. Ask Mack to as well.”

Nodding he looks at my shoulder then gives me a quick kiss on the lips. I push off him smiling and start walking back to the others so that I can pack my gear up. I don’t have any clothes left to wear. I’ll have to grab something at one of the stores. Mack walks over and bends down.

“Hey we’re going to bunk here so you can leave the sleeping bags,” he says. “It’s going to take some time to get to the stores with all the zombies out there. It would be better to spend the night and head home first thing in the morning.”

He might be right. It wouldn’t do any good getting stuck out there at night trying to get home, only to have to try and find a place to stay. “Ok good idea. Let the others know,” I say smiling.

Grabbing my pack I go over to the others waiting for everyone to get ready. Looking around at our group, my family, I wonder what lay ahead of us. Who will make it and who won’t? And how that will impact the group?

Seeing that everyone is ready I say, “Ok guys, does everyone know who they are riding with? We don’t need to get out there and have no clue what’s going on. It will be crazy out there getting to the trucks.”

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