Outbreak The Beginning (The Outbreak Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Outbreak The Beginning (The Outbreak Series Book 1)
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Walking back to Renee, I say, “Hey Mack can you help me move her? We just can’t leave her here.”

Mack helps me carry her to the shallow grave that I dug. Laying her in it I shovel the dirt on her. Finishing up I put big rocks on top.

Walking back to the truck I grab my cigarettes and a pop out of the cooler. Hopping on the back of the truck I sit and wait for the others to come out. Looking over at Mack, I wonder what he thinks about all this.

Wiping my eyes I start crying. I haven’t cried this much in my life. Mack walks over and wraps his arms around me. I cry into his chest for a while.

“Egypt, you are the strongest woman I know. To do what you did you are made of steel. You were made to lead,” he whispers.

Wiping my eyes I look up at him and say, “I never asked for this. Never wanted to live this way but at the end of the day I will protect my family.”

Hearing a noise behind me I turn and see the guys coming out with carts. It’s time to load up. Sal and Liam push their carts to our truck.

I start to help load the stuff, guns, ammo and camping things. Finishing up I look over to where Jim is looking at where Renee was. Running my hands down my face, I got to take care of this.

Walking over I put my hand on his shoulder. “Jim I buried her, I couldn’t leave her just laying there.” Looking at him he’s trying to hold it in.

“Thank you Egypt,” he says. 

“Hey Jim what did she want at the toy store? I’ll run in with Sal.”

He lets out a long breath. “She wanted some toys for the kids. We really didn’t get to bring much with us.”

Squeezing his arm I walk away, looking around for Sal. He is over by Pete and the new guys, I head over there.

They stop talking when I walk up. “Hey Sal, will you run into the toy store with me? I need to grab a few things before we leave.”

Sal doesn’t ask any questions. He starts walking over to the toy store. The others follow behind us.

“What do we need?” he asks.

“We need some toys for the kids,” I say.

Smiling he grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. We walk to the store hand in hand. Getting to the front of the store I drop his hand and pull my gun. Sal walks in first then me and Liam watches our six.

“Ok guys, Liam you get board games, two of each, whatever you think everyone will play. Sal go to the Legos, you do know what they are right?” Laughing, I say, “And I’ll head to the girls’ stuff.”

Walking away from them I head to the section that has girl toys. Grabbing everything I can think of. Filling the cart until I can’t put any more into it. Getting done I push my cart to the front of the store and wait for the guys. It’s kinda funny really. No zombies in the toy store. Looking around the darkened store I realize this will never be open again. We will have to come back. We will still celebrate Christmas and the kids will need presents.

Sal and Liam come up with filled carts. I have no clue where we’re going to put all this but we will find a way.

Walking back out to the truck I look at all of the stuff we took.  “Liam, start putting this stuff in the back of the cab. I’m so glad that Nate got the extended cab. Once that’s filled go to G-dad’s truck and do the same.”

Liam and Sal start packing the trucks up. I walk over to the group. “Ok guys were going to head home. Pete wants to stop at the drug store on our way back home. Let’s make sure everything is tarped up so it doesn’t get wet. It’s going to storm.” 

Pete walks over and we talk for a while. “Egypt I think we really need to stay at the bookstore tonight. This storm looks like it’s going to get really bad, and fast too,” he says.

Looking around at the others I can see that they feel the same way. I really just wanted to get home but the stuff we just got would be ruined. Running my hands through my hair, I look up at the sky. It is going to get nasty, the wind is already starting to pick up.

Looking back at the guys, I say, “Ok, let’s head back to the bookstore. Sal are we all going to head into the service drive in the back?”

Looking over to where he is talking to Mack. They always seem to be fighting about something. “Yeah, I think it would be the safest way to go in. We will do a drive by first and see how bad it is around there,” Sal says.

Looking around at the others I don’t want to lose any more people. “Ok let’s get going before we get rained on. Make sure everything is covered up good and tight!” I say.

Heading over to the truck, Liam is making sure everything is covered and tied down. Opening the truck door I hop in and wait for the others. Liam and Sal get in at the same time. Shivering it’s starting to get colder outside because of the rain moving in.

“Can we turn the heat up a bit,” I say.

They both look at me like I’m crazy. Sal turns the heat on low.

Chapter 27




As we head back over to the bookstore I notice that there are more zombies than we left. I just wanted to go home but I don’t want all the stuff we just got to be ruined. Looking around I see some of the stores have been broken into.

“Sal, are you seeing this? Some of these stores are broken into and they were not that way before we left.”

Sal is really looking at the stores. “Someone is doing this now. I can see a couple of people in the store now. We are going to have to be really careful, they may be dangerous,” he says. Sal grabs the walkie. “Mack, are you seeing what I’m seeing? We’re going to have to have two on watch tonight, over!”

Looking over to the bookstore I don’t see anyone around that’s alive!

“Roger that Sal, this could get nasty, over,” Mack says.

Heading into the parking lot it has been overrun by zombies. Sal heads around to the back of the buildings.

“Hey Sal, look there’s an overhang by the doors over there, I bet if we back up we can get the back of the trucks under them,” Liam says.

“I think you might be right Liam,” Sal says. He whips the truck around and backs up until he hits the building. Turning off the truck we all start to get out.

I grab my gun and look around. It seems to be quiet back here but I know that won’t last because the zombies have seen us come this way. “Come on let’s get inside.”

Walking over to the door I wait for Sal to unlock it. He walks around me brushing against me. He slowly opens the door and turns on the lights in the back and looks around.

“It looks clear, be careful everyone,” he says.

I’m the second one to go in and it looks the same to me. Everyone else follows us in. Mack is the last to come in and slams the door shut bolting it closed.

“I’ll keep watch on the trucks,” Jim says.

Looking behind me I see him and Pete talking. Liam grabs my arm and moves me forward. Walking into the bookstore I go right to the bathrooms and check to make sure no one’s in them. They look how we left them. Walking out the bathroom the others are checking out everything else. I walk up to the coffee shop and sit at a table. I look outside at the swarms of zombies. Some are walking right next to the windows. I don’t think they can see in unless they really look close because of the reflections. They have that glare on them. It still freaks me out to see them so close.

Mack walks over to me and hands me a bag. “Here Egypt, go clean up,” he says.

Looking into the bag there is a tank top, hoodie, socks and a pair of jeans. “Thank you Mack.”

Getting up I make my way to the restrooms and go about getting cleaned up. Taking off my dirty clothes, I put them in the trash can. Washing my hair first I get the blood out then I wash off my body. That done I grab the new clothes and get dressed. The clothes are a perfect fit. I wonder how Mack knew!

The door opens up and I look over my shoulder. It’s Sal. He walks over to the sink and leans against it. I grab the tank top and pull it over my head. I finish my new look with the hoodie.

“What’s up?” I ask.

He looks at me for a while and reaches his hands out to me. Walking over to him I wrap my arms around his waist. And just relax there.

“Egypt, stay close tonight, I know I’ve said this before but I don’t trust them other guys. Plus we know there are others close by. Mack will keep an eye on Liam,” he says.

Taking a deep breath, I ask, “Ok, can I ask you something?”

He pushes me away from him a little to look at me. “What’s up Egypt?”

Grinning, I say, “Well ah can I sleep with you tonight?” I know I’m turning red, I mean damn I just asked if I could sleep with him!!! Looking up at Sal I already know that he’s going to have that sexy-as-hell grin on his face.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way Egypt. Besides we have something to finish,” he says laughing.

Laughing, I look up at him. “Oh really Sal? There’s a bunch of GUYS with us.”

Yanking my hand he leads me out of the restroom. “Egypt, I took care of that and put our sleeping bags somewhere off by themselves.”

Looking straight ahead I keep walking, he really thinks things through. “Ok where did you put us?” I ask.

“We’re up on the other side of the registers. Pete and Jim are towards the back. The new guys are where we used to be and Mack and Liam are in the middle. That way if anyone comes in we are spaced out,” he says.

Shaking my head we make to where the others are. They have a full course dinner waiting on us. I sit at the head of the tables they pushed together.

“Oh we just grabbed what we could at the store,” Pete says, smiling.

I start to pass the food around and everyone takes what they want. “Well I must say this all looks good so I’m not going to complain.”

No one really talks, we’re all too hungry. I think I ate until I honestly couldn’t put one more bite in my mouth!! Getting up I throw my stuff away and go to the counter to grab a drink.

Looking over at the guys they are making small talk. I think everyone is just too tired and sad from the loss of Renee. I have no clue how Jim is going to tell his wife Jen. That’s going to be the hardest thing he has ever done. Looking over at the new guys, I wonder what their story is. Do they have a group of people back where they came from? Or is it just the two of them. Shaking my head I see that Liam is walking over to me.

“Hey Mom, Mack and I are going to hit the hay. I guess we’re going to leave first light in the morning,” he says.

Looking over to where Mack is I see that he’s waiting for Liam. “Ok babe, I’ll see ya in the morning. Love you.”

Liam rolls his eyes and says, “Love ya too Mom.”

Watching him walk away to Mack I have to laugh. Since when is it bad to say I love you. They walk away to wherever they are sleeping.

Looking over to Sal I know what he wants to do. I see that it’s just the new guys and him at the table. Grinning I walk over to where they are. Sliding my arms around Sal’s neck, I slide into his lap.

Leaning in close to his neck I whisper “Wanna go to bed?” I hear the other guys saying something low and Sal stiffens up. I squeeze his waist telling him not to worry about it.

“Well guys I think I need to be going,” he says.

He wraps me in his arms and gets up holding me. “Oh Sal I think I can walk,” I say laughing.

Leaning close to me, he says, “NO you can’t Egypt, you started a fire and only you can put it out. I don’t need the guys to see my hard on, so you’re staying right where you are, little one.”

I know I’m blushing to high hell now. I snuggle in closer to him and he holds me tighter.

Walking by the registers he goes in the workers’ door. Closing the little half door he walks a little bit further and we are at our sleeping bags. Going down on his knees, he gently lays me down. Looking up at him he slowly takes his shirt off. Sitting up I take off my hoodie, just leaving my tank top on. I go to undo his pants but he stops me.

Laying down next to me, he says, “Egypt, when we make love the first time, it’s not going to be in the bookstore. I want it in a real bed, where we don’t have to get up early in the morning. I want to take my time with your body. I want to lick every inch of you.”

Reaching up for him, I wind my hands in his hair and pull him down on me. His lips crash to mine and I get that electric buzz again. Moaning I deepen the kiss. He doesn’t hesitate his tongue goes deep into my mouth. Taking my hands I run them along the sides of him. He feels so good on me.

Breaking off the kiss, I look up at him. “I understand and would love to have a bed under us as well but I’m going to be honest Sal, you make it hard to wait.”

He pulls me close to his side so that I can lay my head on his chest. “We’ll be home sooner than you think, Egypt.” He laughs. “Get some sleep it’s going to be an early morning.”


I must have slept like a log. Opening my eyes Sal is still next to me. I don’t think we could be any closer than what we are. I hear something. Looking over to the little half door I see one of the guys looking at us. I think his name is Jake. 

“Shh I know he’s been there for a while,” Sal says.

I snuggle in closer.

“Need something Jake?” Sal says. Sal sits up tucking the sleeping bag around me.

“Naw man, was just checking what sleeping beauty was doing. I thought maybe she could come and keep me warm,” Jake says.

Sal got up so fast that I couldn’t stop him if I wanted to. Shit this isn’t going to be good. Sal had him pinned up against the wall before I could stand up. SHIT!! Running over I grab Sal’s arm.

“Don’t you fucking ever talk about her that way. Don’t fucking even look at her man, or I’ll kill you. You understand,” Sal shouts.

Sal doesn’t wait and punches the guy in the mouth. Blood spurts from his mouth and nose.

Laughing, Jake wipes the blood from his face. “Dude you can’t protect her all the time. The first time you slip I’ll be there and show her how a real man will fuck her!!! I will have her!!”

Sal starts hitting him, really messing him up. Looking around me I see Mack running up to us. He grabs me and gets me out of the way.

“Mack you have to stop this now! Please,” I say. Looking over at the two fighting I wonder where his partner is. Mack walks over and grabs Sal while Pete grabs Jake.

“Let me the fuck go Mack, I’m going to kill him!” Sal says.

“Sal let it go. Let Pete take him out of the store. His friend is waiting for him,” Mack says. 

“Let me go Mack I’m fine,” Sal says.

Running over to Sal I wrap my arms around his waist and Mack let’s go. Mack and Pete take Jake out the back. Looking up at Sal I see that he’s bleeding from his lip and there’s a cut over his left eye. “Hey come on let’s go get those cleaned up,” I say.

Heading to the back of the store I grab my backpack. We get to the restrooms and I sit him down in the chair and I grab some paper towels. Getting them wet I start to clean his face.

“Sal why did you do that, they were just words,” I say.

  Sal grabs me by the hips “There’s something off with him, Egypt.”

The restroom door opens up and Mack comes in. “Egypt, Sal had every right to do what he did. They planned to kidnap you and take you with them. Do I need to say what was going to happen to you?” he says.

“So you’re saying the only reason they were even with us was to get to me,” I say.

At that moment Pete walks into the room. You have got to be kidding me it’s a girl’s restroom.

“Yes that’s right what Mack is saying Egypt. They saw you at Walmart and I think they followed us back to the house,” Pete says.

“Fuck we have to go now, they could attack the house!” I say. Finishing up on Sal I grab my bag to leave.

“Egypt, stop I sent out Jim and Liam to follow them, to make sure they didn’t go to the house,” Pete says.

I whirl around and push him to the wall. “Pete you fucking let my son go out there along with Jim?”

Sal grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me back. “Let me go Sal,” I say hotly. “My son is out there, my 15 year old son.”

Sal motions for the guys to leave. As the door closes behind them I lose it. Crying, for this can’t be happening.

“Egypt stop, Liam will be fine he’s with Jim. He’s not going to let anything happen to him and you know it,” Sal says.

Looking up at him I know he’s right but it still scares the shit out of me. He gently brushes away some of my hair that has fallen into my face. Bending down he kisses me. 

“Come on let’s go pack up our stuff and get something to eat so we can head out,” he says.

Grabbing hold of his hand we head out of the restroom and back to the coffee shop. Letting go of Sal’s hand I walk over to Pete.

Pete grabs hold of me in a big bear hug. “He’ll be fine Egypt.”

Pushing away I nod. Grabbing my hoodie that someone picked up for me, I put it on. 5am in the morning can sure be chilly. Sitting down I eat what’s in front of me. “So what’s the plan to get home? Do we still need to stop at a drug store?” I ask. 

Pete walks over and sits down. “Yes we still need to stop. Jim and Liam will meet us there,” he says.

Taking a drink of my pop, I throw my stuff away.

“Everyone ready to head out?” Sal asks.

Looking around, everyone has packed up so we move out. Heading to the back of the store Sal is in the lead. Unbolting the door he opens it a little to look outside.

“Ok it’s, all clear,” Sal says.

Heading outside we get into the trucks. Sal looks over to me and reaches for my hand. He laces our fingers together and starts the truck.   

Driving out of the parking lot we turn the trucks towards home. I know it’s been only a few days since I’d left but I miss it. Looking up at the sky it starts to rain. Ahead I see the wreckage out in front of us. Sal weaves his way through it all. We’ve been driving for 20 min’s and the drug store is right up on the left. Pulling in we all back up to it.  Opening the door I grab my gun so I’m ready.

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